SemiShira oneshots

بواسطة cantsoell

66.6K 1.5K 1.9K

Yes It's what the title says- I'm taking request just to keep this book alivish so I can at least attempt to... المزيد

Yandree Semi is kinda hot
Better (aka fuck Semi)
Short sad thing :)
Lol stupid short fluff cause im posting a really long angst tmr-
You Broke Our Promise
Spooky Dreams :(
Okay better expect fuck Shirabu this time 😩
You're you and I'm just me...
Gay panic
Vent cause i cant talk to people
I'll hump you
Shirabu gay panic this time
I love you
Literally the best fkuff ive ever writen
Hanahaki is so fun
Are you sure your smarter Shirabu?
I'm Tired
Lol sorry bave this
We love a drunk Shirabu
Theyre literally this vine
Piss kink
This is shitty
Christmas Mistletoe
Two Birds
Whats your type
21 hours
I'm really sorry Semi
Semishria make everyone feel pathetic
Semishira being cute and giving each other hickeys
Brutus inspired
Valentines Special
He's fine as fuck
HE IS FINE ASF but pt 2
Hes fine asf part 3
Guys i crave this
Seggs (note)
He is fine asf part 4
He isnt fine but flattering
I thought this qas crazy
Not Him
7 mintues in heaven but its wholesome

Semi dies for a day lmao

563 16 13
بواسطة cantsoell

Alright alright, hear me out, the idea was separation anxiety and I don't know if I nailed or not tbh

So don't make fun of me

Anyway Trigger Warning(?)
Separation Anx!3ty
Mention of n@!l b!t!ng
St@bb!ng/kn!f3 u$3

Shirabu tried not to bite his nails, after he had gone for so long not doing the bad habit he didn't want to go back to his old ways.

Yet, he still couldn't help but feel anxious. The longer Semi took, the more he started to worry.

Semi was supposed to come an hour ago. Semi was usually late to things, it's just how he was, the complete opposite of Shirabu. He didn't mind though, he gotten used to it after being with him so long.

Yet, after the 30 minute mark, panic started settling in. He tried calling him serval times, but every time it went to voice mail.

He sent more texts then he did calls and started pacing back and forth in his room. He took a glance at his nails and that's when he really realized something was wrong.

There had to be.

Semi promised he would be with Shirabu today. It was unexpected. at first Shirabu planned to be with some of his friends, but after the two had a fight Shirabu wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to talk to Semi about it, so he promised he would come over.

But the longer Shirabu waited, the more he stressed.

"Mmmm h-he would be here by now....I k-know he would. What if something happened?! Like he got d-drugged? Or...or or, his parents fought again? And he g-got cau-caught up in it again?!"

Shirabu sent more texts to Semi, and he stared for a minute or two, hoping for a response.


More thoughts flooded into his head and when tears started to form he decided he couldn't wait to figure out what was happening.

He grabbed his shoes, a coat, and walked out the door. He looked at his phone hoping that he would receive a call or at least a text from Semi.

Still nothing.

That's when more thoughts started to come in his head, some that he knew weren't true. But what if?

"Maybe h-he's just...tired...of me..?" He mumbled out, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. Shirabu's hands started shaking and he decided to attempt to block out the thoughts.


It was a terrible attempt. He continued walking to Semi's house, but more thoughts that were impossible kept flying into his head.

What if he hates me?
What if he's tired of me?
What if I fucked up?
Am I being annoying?
Am I overreacting?
I'm being clingy aren't I?
I seem needy right?

Still he continued walking, and when's Semi's house came into view he couldn't help but start running. He ringed the doorbell, a little more then he needed to, but he didn't care.

"What do you want?" Semi's mom.

This was the first time Shirabu ever met her, but he could already tell everything Semi told him was true.

"W-Where's Semi? Or- I-I mean Eita?!"

She shrugged his shoulders and tried to close the door but Shirabu moved his foot in the way.

"W-Wait...are you s-serious?!"

"Yes? He's old enough to care of himself."

"He's still your fucking son!!"

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that?! Eita is fine, and even if he's not, why should I care? That's his problem not mine."

Shirabu stared in disbelief, and in a fit anger he flicked her off and ran away tears in his eyes.

"YOUR TERRIBLE!!! YOU DONT DESERVE EITA!!" He shouted running...nowhere really. He just wanted to find Semi.

He needed to find Semi.

Something was wrong, and he just wanted to make sure Semi was okay.

That he was fine, he was happy, and him and Shirabu could do what they always do.

Laugh while cuddling, making fun of other people, embarrassing each other, making Shirabus brothers wanna throw up.

be a couple. Be together.

"God damnit Eita..." Shirabu cried finally pausing to catch his breath.

He couldn't hold back his tears anymore, and they started falling like a rainstorm.

One after another, they fell to the floor and he checked his phone.

2 hours since Semi was supposed to arrive at Shirabu's house.

Semi planned to head over to Shirabu's house after he got home and get there at 5:15.

Now it was 7:15.

It was starting to get dark and although Shirabu didn't want to stop looking he knew if he was still out there when nothing but street lamps would light up the streets it wouldn't be the safest thing.

He took a longer way home, and walked slow like people in the hallways who pissed him off. He didn't care right now though. He looked to see if Semi was anywhere to be seen. Maybe he tried to take a new way to Shirabu's house and got lost. He would've answered the phone though wouldn't he?

When Shirabu's phone started ringing, he quickly clutched it in his hand but let out a curse when it was his mother.

He still answered despite being disappointed.

"Kenjirou? Did you leave the house earlier?"

"I can't find Semi..." he mumbled and his mother seemed to partly understand.

"He hasn't texted you?"


"I'm sure it's nothing big dear."

"But what if-"

"Just come home. Let's talk about it then okay? Dinner is getting cold."

"But..." Shirabu stopped himself knowing there wasn't much else he could do. He agreed and hung up. He stared at his phone before looking back at some of the text messages he had sent.

Late like always
15 minutes?
30 minutes Semi...
Are you alright?
Is something wrong?
I can go to your place instead
Is it ur parents?
Semi it's been 45 minutes
Please just text me back
Are you okay??
I'm really worried Semi.
Please answer...
Semi please
Did I do something?
Please forgive me.
I just want to make sure you're okay.

There was more but Shirabu couldn't read them clearly anymore due to the tears in his eyes. He sighed and sent one last text, then started making his way back home.

I love you Eita


"Shirabu im sure it's fine. It can't be-"

"Just go away Kawanishi. I don't wanna talk to you anymore."


"I just want Eita!!" He tried to yell, but his voice was hoarse from crying.

Kawanishi had never seen Shirabu this bad. The bags under his eyes showed that he clearly had no sleep last night, and his eyes were red and puffy from all the tears that had been falling throughout the night and day.

More texts were sent but still nothing. Shirabu tried to report him missing, but they wouldn't let him unless it had been 48 hours.

Shirabu didn't care if everyone else thought it was no big deal.

He knew something was wrong.

Semi wouldn't just disappear.

"Unless...he just...h-hates me now? D-Did I get annoying?! Or-"

"Dude....youre not annoying."

"I thought I told you to leave!!"

"I'm not leaving until I know your okay Shirabu. I may not like you the way Semi does, but your still my friend I want to make sure your gonna be okay."

Shirabh froze and for the first time since yesterday he smiled.

"Kawanishi....t-thank you." He mumbled and Kawanishi nodded his head and opened his arms for a hug.

Shirabu stared puzzled. Kawanishi doesn't like hugs, everyone knows that.

So Shirabu tried to hold himself back, until Kawanishi said, "I know you need it."

Shirabu broke into more tears and instantly clutched onto Kawanishi. He sobbed on Kawanishi chest while he patted Shirabu's back and rubbed it in a circle motion.

"I-I'm s-so scared. I don't w-want be hurt.." his voice was so broken and it made Kawanishi wanna cry seeing him like this.

"You wanna go look for him again?"

Shirabu nodded and slowly tried to collect himself. After a few minutes he pulled away and rubbed at his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Thank you Taichi."

"No problem. Let's go-"

Shirabu's phone started ringing and he scrambled around to grab it, just to see Tendou calling him.

He brought the phone to his ear and asked, "What is it Tendou? Hurry I have something extremely-"

"Semi's at the hospital."

Shirabu paused before quickly grabbing his shoes and running to his mother.

"We need to go to the hospital! E-Eita is there!" He cried out and his mom, who knew this was urgent, still took some of her time sitting up grabbing her shoes and her keys.

"W-What happened?!" Shirabu asked Tendou instead since he was annoyed with his mom.

"I don't know. It was on the news and it was just, it said teen found beaten up. It was him and god Shirabu he looked-"

"I don't wanna know. Tendou thank you. So fucking much.."

"I knew you were worried."

"I am."

"Kenjirou you ready?"

Shirabu nodded quickly and ran out the door and slammed the door shut to the car.

"Thank you Tendou. R-Really." Tendou laughed on the other side and Shirabu hung up. Kawanishi tapped on Shirabu's window as his mother started getting in the car, and Shirabu rolled his window down.

"Am I coming along for this?"

"If you want to..." Shirabu mumbled and Kawanishi shrugged his shoulders.

"I know you just want to see him. I'll see you later Shirabu."

Shirbau nodded as Kawanishi stepped out of the way. The car backed out and Shirabu took a deep breath and looked at his nails.

"I held out for you..." he said with a small smile.


"W-Where's Semi? Semi Eita??"

"You want to visit him?"


"How are you related to him?"

"I'm his boyfriend. Please just let me see him!" Shirabu begged tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Give me a minute.." the lady said, looking at a sheet of paper, and then grabbing the phone to call someone.

"I have someone here to see Semi. They're dating....I see, but it should be fine to send him there yes? Alright. Okay he'll be there soon. Bye bye."

She smiled and looked back down at her paper.

"He's on the 6th floor, room 612."

"Thank you so fucking much." Shirabu said before speed walking to the elevators. He looked back at his mom who gave a simple nod and he knew what that meant.

He closed his eyes hoping that would make the elevator ride faster. When he was on the 6th floor he dashed out the elevator and searched for room 612.

When he finally found it, he had no hesitation knocking on the door. A doctor opened it and Shirabu almost pushed him out of the way.

"Semi- he's here r-right?!"


The doctor moved out of the way just in time. Shirabu was ready to shove him out of the way, but instead he walked in and when he saw Semi tears began to flood his eyes.

His face was bruised and lip was clearly busted. He seemed extremely worn out, but that didn't stop a small smile from forming.

Shirabu tried to be careful, but the urge to hug him could no longer be held back and he sobbed into Semi's chest.

"Eita. I-I was so w-worried. H-How bad is it...?"

"Um...kinda.....bad." He answered slowly and with an exhausted voice.

Shirabu just held him tighter and searched for Semi's hand. When he found it, he squeezed it tight in his and a small chuckle fell from Semi.

"Oh god...Eita."

"Missed you. Ken..."

Shirabu rolled his eyes before muttering, "missed you too."

The doctor tapped Shirabu's shoulder and he looked up with tears in his eyes expecting explanation.

Instead the doctor asked him to step outside the room.

He took another look at Semi who looked a little upset to see him leaving, but Shirabu mouthed to him, "I'll be back."

Outside the room the doctor sighed before looking back at Shirabu.

"You guys are dating correct? By any chance can you get ahold of his parents. I'm sure they worried and-"

"Um...his parents they..." Shirabu looked at his nail and sighed frustrated.


"His parents don't give a fuck. They're...ugh they're fucking terrible. If you need an adult my mom is here. She DOESNT know about his parents though..."

"What are you talking about?"

"I's better to explain when he's better..."

The doctor raised an eyebrow but said nothing and nodded instead.

"Welll then, you seem to care about him yes?"

"Yes! Is he gonna be okay?!"

"We don't know what happened really. The call was from a witness who found him late last night. He was in ally way, and when we first arrived he was in a terrible condition. It seemed he had been beaten earlier that day and whoever was responsible for it, must've came back and attempted to kill him. To keep it brief he was stabbed in the back twice before the witness had stopped the attacker and called the police. Thanks to that we were able to arrive in time to make sure he was alright. His leg is broken though, which we assume was from the beat up earlier."

Shirabu was quiet and the doctor patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry kid, we'll make sure he's alright. You can go talk to him, but he's pretty exhausted from last night. We had to do a few operations to ensure his health."

"I could tell." Shirabu mumbled, stepping back into the room and seeing Semi's small smile return.


"Oh Eita..."


"I love you too Eita. Get some rest....I want you to feel better." Shirabu said holding Semi's head and giving him a kiss.

"Well...okay. Just....stay here." He spoke slowly and Shirabu chuckled before nodding.

"Of course." Shirabu took Semi's hand and held it in his own.

"Love you..."

"I love you too Eita."

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