17♡Boss Sitter?!-WonMina-✔

By JeonMina_05

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He's not my son but he need a mother love. Lots of ladies I met just for that kid, but end up they hate him... More

1》New Job
2》I Got It
3》Deal With A Jeon Nikki
4》Going Hard
5》Our Telematch
6》Be A Friend
7》Wont Let You Go
8》Let The Past Go
9》Funfair With You
10》That Moody Guy
11》H.JSIA's Owner
12》Nikki's Tragedy
13》I'm With You
14》Make My Mind Crazy
15》Your Pillow Tears
16》What Are We Actually?
17》Big Dinner
18》Be At Reunion
19》How Could He
20》We Are More
21》S & J Wedding
22》Annoying Flirty
23》Jeju-do Trip
25》Propose Love
27》Few Decisions
28》I'm Lucky
30》Warm Of Joy
31》Insultens Of Pain
32》A Replacement Scars
33》Disturbance Raging
34》A Fair Of Victory
35》I Understanding You
36》Save Us
37》Spreading The Butterflies
38》Another Hardships
39》Twice Joys
40》Final Page For Us

24》Feel The Pain Again

365 26 0
By JeonMina_05


The next day~

Wonwoo wake up only to find an empty side on his right. He get up and yawn while trying to looking for someone who should have been by his side since last night.


He thought she would be inside bathroom but he heard nothing; silence.

So he took his phone and dial her number before putting it on his ear. Hoping she will pick up as the clock was quite early before everyone fully awake.


Finally she pick up his call and he exhale a relief when he get to hear her voice.

"Where are you?"

"Im on the beach, waiting for sunrise."

"You should have told me. I thought you were gone and leave me."

Mina laughed make Wonwoo twitch his lips.

"Im sorry, you look so tired last night. I feel guilty to wake you up, so I let you rest more before breakfast."

"Stay where you are, Im coming."

He hang up and quickly took a short shower before wearing a coat jacket. He then get out from their room to looking for Mina who told him she on the beach.

He sure Sunghoon and Nikki still sleeping as those two boys were playing so much until midnight.

While their friends probably resting or maybe already woke up but choose to stay inside their room. Even his parents still didnt get out from their room.

As soon he arrive at restaurant, he can hear how loud sounds of waves and the view was little dark as sky starting to light up the day. Wonwoo roam surround him, trying to find a woman that he looking for.

There she is, sitting on sand while wearing a soft pastel cardigen and had eyes staring the sea.

Alone but he can appreciate the side of her face that bring calm and peace on his heart.

"You left me alone."

She raise her head as she found him standing beside her before he took a sit on the sand.

Mina grin before bravely lean her head on his shoulder as her hands fidgeting her cardigen. The wind bring a soft breeze to her skin.

"Mianhae, I just want to see the sunrise."

Wonwoo bring his hand wrapping around her arm and cares her skin, hoping he can warm her.

"I have one wish to do after we get married."

He said made Mina move her head to look at him. And he was trying to lock their gaze together.

"Did you agree if I decided to had Nikki as my adopted son?"

Mina were surprise to hear that and quickly straight her posture, breaking his arm around her.

Now she was sitting facing him and hold his both palms.

"Did you really ready for it?"

"He is my niece and I'm his uncle. But I dont want him to feel he is really an orphans boy. He deserves a father figure in his life, and I wanted to replace Wonhyuk's position as Nikki's father."

His voice sounds so serious and she were proud of him. Finally, he made a decision that he was suppose to do four years ago; after his brother passed away.

Mina bring her hands to hold his face.

"I wanted him to be my adopted son."

He repeated again and Mina shake her head make him frown.

She suddenly chuckles and pinch his cheeks.

"You mean 'our' adopted son. He is my adopted son too, and I wanted to be in his mother positions too."

Wonwoo laughed lightly before pull Mina head to peck her forehead.

Mina then rest her head again to his shoulder and he hold her shoulder. The sun started show itself making Mina and Wonwoo focus on staring the reflection of sea.

And the skies started to paint an orange art as they saw a half circle appear behind mountain.

It was a peace sunrise they had today and no one can denied; that spending this hours together was meaningful to them. Its like a dream; Wonwoo and Mina still cant believe from a relationship between workers to a love relationship.

No one ever thought, a strict boss and a sassy secertary would end up together as lovers.


They look down to look at Mina's phone. There is notification from Mingyu so she open it while Wonwoo watching her chatting her cousin.

—Wake Sunghoon and Nikki, we will had breakfast at outside hotel.—

Mina send an 'ok' emoji before move her head away from Wonwoo shoulder.

"Let's go to their room."

She stand up and pull his hand to pull him get up. She help him checking his behind leg to make sure his parents arent dirty.

They both then walking back inside the hotel and on their way to wake Sunghoon and Nikki.

For sure, everyone were preparing themself to breakfast right now.


Nikki being cranky for a whole half an hour after he were forced woke up early.

And he have been sulking on his seat without looking at his around.

Wonwoo and Mina sit between him and trying to cheer him but Nikki still sulking as he dont have a mood to joke together.

"Nikki, what do you want to eat?"

Seulgi asked him as she sat infront him but all Nikki do was resting his head on table.

Only he the one who behaving bad mood and keep scratching his head.

"Did you want french toast or toast bread?"

Chae Won offered him but Nikki keep quitely whining and messing his hair.

"He's still sleepy. Let him absorb his energy."

Wonwoo told them as everyone was watching Nikki. That boy then move himself to rest his head on Mina lap. Now he was lay down on chair under the table.

And no one wanted to stop him because they knew Nikki wont listen to them.

Mina choose to let Nikki laying his head on her lap and continue order their foods including Nikki's toast bread.

Everyone was talking each other until their orders come.

As Mina try to make Nikki get up from her lap, he end up sitting on her lap and hugging her neck to hide her face. He was probably really not in the good mood and being cranky boy.

"Nikki, you need to eat your breakfast."

Mina convince him but he keep whining and shake his head.

That makes everyone worried and concern as Nikki in bad mood. He even hide his face from looking at everyone.

"I wanna sleep."

He whining again and grip his hands tight on her neck.

They dont have choice so Wonwoo decided to take Nikki away from Mina. He lift Nikki into his arms and walk away from their table. No one wanted to know what he will do to Nikki, but they sure he wanted to make Nikki listen to him.

So they continue eat their breakfast for several minutes until Wonwoo come back. He putted Nikki back on his chair and pull it closer to their table.

Mina help Nikki tore the toast bread so it ease him to eat it.

"Where are we going after this?"

Hoshi asked to Wonwoo's parents as they almost finish their breakfast.

"We will go to Yangpyeong for rail bike and then visit folk village."

Everyone nodded after heard what Joon Gi told them. They then continue finishing their breakfast and Mina have to feed Nikki so they wont waste more time.

He actually not being cranky anymore, he just trying to absorb more energy on his body to stay awake.

As soon everyone done and even Joon Gi already payed, they started to take a van and go to Yangpyeong. It take half an hour so they make some conversations inside the van and joking each other.

But for sure, Nikki take a short nap for a while.

30 minutes later~

Everyone gathered at counter to wait for Joon Gi buy their tickets for playing rail bike.

Mingyu and Tzuyu have brought their camera like true photographer and traveller. As everyone notice, Dahyun and Vernon look getting closer more than they expected.

For sure Vernon and Dahyun had some similar thing to share. But Momo and Hoshi still wont stop flirting anywhere.

While Jimin and Seulgi are really true husband and wife, clingy each other and keep taking pictures together. Sunghoon have been a smart guy to lighten Nikki's mood.

Nikki now look more active than being moody ago. Wonwoo and Mina relieve to see him being hyper again.

"I've got the tickets for everyone."

Joon Gi give the tickets to everyone and make sure no one were left behind.

As they were gathering to take their bike, Chae Won started to speak.

"We had four bike, so we need to spread into four people for each bike."

Chae Won roam her eyes to them and clasp her hands as she have decided.

"Mingyu, Tzuyu, Momo and Hoshi can take a first bike."

Four of them walk towards the bike started to sit on their seat before wear their seatbelt.

"Wonwoo, Mina, Vernon and Dahyun can take a second bike."

Again four of them go towards the bike behind the first one and prepare themself.

"Sunghoon, Nikki, Jimin and Seulgi are on the third bike. Make sure Nikki safe with you."

She pinch her eyes to Seulgi and Jimin. They both nodded and rush putted Nikki on behind seat. Seulgi then sit beside Nikki and make sure Sunghoon and Jimin are ready on front of her seat.

Looks like; Sunghoon, Jimin, Wonwoo, Vernon, Hoshi and Mingyu will pedaling the bike while the girls will pedal for behind wheels.

And the fourth bike was just only Wonwoo's parents; Joon Gi and Chae Won.

With that, the rail bike started for predetermined period of time.


"Im tired!"

Momo grunted as soon she flopped her body on her seat.

Mingyu then interrupted her.

"You? Tired? Yah, we the one who the most tired because we paddled the front wheels! You two just took selfies nonstop!"

He scolded while pointing his finger to Tzuyu and Momo. He was panting hard like Hoshi and they keep changing the aircond position.

Wonwoo and Vernon silence, none of them wanted to argue about the rail bike ago.

It was tiring yet fun.

Mina and Dahyun also padled too and didnt complain how slow Vernon and Wonwoo padled on front them.

Nikki was laughing when Jimin were teasing him while Seulgi and Sunghoon buying everyone's drinks before their next trio to folk village.

Everyone probably tired and thirsty.

And they have another place to visit; folk village.

The journey begin with full of noises as Mingyu and Momo cant stop bickering, Hoshi fall asleep, Vernon talking with Tzuyu while Dahyun listening some music.

Nikki having so much fun when he sat with Seulgi and Jimin. Both of them didnt plan to had a child yet, since they still new in marriege world.

Mina appreaciating the view outside the van while Wonwoo already fall asleep.

She didnt intend to wake him or disturb him. Instead, she choose to stay quite and doing nothing.


Sunghoon called her as he sitting on front of her. He turn around and facing her who already looking at him.

"Can I have your permission?"

Mina tilt her head.

"For what?"

"I wanna be a trainer at Hoshi hyung's dance studio, can I?"

She silence for a while. Half of her were so proud of him but at same time she feels quite hard to agree it.

Its not like she didnt approve him, but she just worried about his condition. He once sacrificed himself to donate his side kidney for her, and she would never forget it.

"Did you already think it many times before you decided?"

Mina asked him so he maybe can pull back his decision to be dance trainer.

But Sunghoon confidently nodded.

"I want to continue our dreams as dancer. I will be a ski-ballet again until I make you proud of me."

She grin and firmly smile. Mina then bring her hand to stroke Sunghoon's head.

"If that so, you may continue what you loves to do."

Sunghoon widen his smile and pinch his eyes when Mina pressed his cheeks lightly.

He was relieve that Mina allowed him to join Hoshi dance studio as trainer.

As soon he facing back, Mina take a deep breath. She then look at outside to avoid her mind getting disturb again. But there is something heavy landing on her shoulder.

So she turn to see Wonwoo rest his head on her shoulder.

"Won, we almost there."

He hummed and didnt budge to move his head.

"Are you too tired?"


He gave a short reply as he cross his hands on his chest.

"Your head are so heavy."

Mina complain make Wonwoo have yo raise his head and glare her make her chuckles.

"If you're not my girlfriend, I will poke your eyes."

She laughed and ruffle his hair until it look little mess.

"Do it if you dare."

Wonwoo glare her again and hug her side body until he rest his head on her shoulder again. But this time, Mina let him be and enjoy the view while everyone inside the van still having fun each other.


Everyone walking through the way around folk village. A place where everything was about traditional living including house and stuffs.

They split in many way so they can look around folk village until Mina and Wonwoo was left both alone. Its reliefe Nikki and Sunghoon are with his parents so they were safe wherever they are now.

Mina and Wonwoo walking through peoples who going against their way and keep looking surround them.

"Its nice whoever lives here."

She said but earn a soft groan from Wonwoo.

"Yeah but line connection here is sick."

He glare his phone screen when he notice there is no line around here which means they cant text anyone.

"We should go more deep inside this village."

Mina pull his hand from keep standing at crowded place until they arrive at houses area, where everything was built with woods and so into traditional.

They even greeted some kids who play around the way and some old peoples rest at outside house for fresh house.

Everything surround them really different from what they have at city and they amazed that peoples here can live without much technology.

*ring ring*

They turn to Wonwoo's pocket, his phone is ringing.

He show who calling him to Mina; Mingyu, so he walk little far from her to pick up the call. While Mina was observing the wall house she walked without complain he have to talk with Mingyu for a while.


She turn around when a ball hit her back. As soon she pick up the ball, she notice there is little girl who look like age five years old.

"Aunty, can you give me back my ball?"

The little girl gesture her both hands up with polite way.

Mina smile and give it back to her.

"Hello, sweety. What is your name?"

"My name is Jung Subin. Im five years old, what is your name?"

She smile and bend down to get near to Subin.

"My name is Mina. Where is your parents? Its dangerous to play here alone, Subin."

Subin suddenly run inside her house and after few seconds, she come back with huge grinning on her face.

"There they are!"

Mina stand up to greet her parents. As soon she raise her eyes to where Subin pointed, her smile faded.

Its impossible.

There they are.

It was them.

No wonder she felt so familiar.

It was really them.

That girl is their daughter.

And they were staring her in disbeliefe, so was her. And her eyes shaking with hands full of trembling.

Her nightmares come back.


Her lips trembling to call the latters name. And they were stone on their spot, they scared to get near her.

Suddenly Wonwoo show up and hold her shoulder.

"Hey, Mina. What's wrong?"

Mina didnt look at him or even respond him. Wonwoo frown, so he look where Mina staring and was curious why there is two people standing infront of them that make Mina speechless.

Her eyes were teary and her hands cold.


Wonwoo sure he wasn't misheard with what just she said. The realisation hits him, a man who standing infront of them is Jaehyuk.

Jung Jaehyuk and his wife, a person who crushed her dreams and that make sense why Wonwoo saw Mina's expressions was too shocked.

Even Subin right now already went away as she more focus into what she played, leaving the oldest standing like nothing to talk about. But actually, there is something to talk about.

An apologize and explaination.

An forgiveness and acceptence.

"M-Mina, I didnt expect we will meet again; h-here."

She look down as her tears couldnt hold on anymore.

"Five years....its been five years."

Wonwoo remain silence but it dont make a reason he cant hold her shoulder. He trying to calm her by pressing her arms softly.

Jaehyuk nodded his head and look at his wife, looking for courage to say what he supposed to say. And his wife send a gaze to say sorry.

So Jaehyuk take a deep breath and look at Wonwoo and Mina.

"Mina, I apologize f-for what happend f-five years ago. I know everything w-was my fault and I re-regretted it so much. I-Im sorry."

She sniff a little and try to strength herself to look at Jaehyun eventhough her eyes were red now.

"Its already be a past for our matters, I dont want to hear any apologize from you."

Jaehyuk sighed and nodded his head again, understand how hurt for her to accept him back.

"I know Im a jerk who destroyed your dreams. I know Im a stupid for wasting you. I know Im an idiot for leaving you on our day we supposed to get married. I know Im a freaking dumb for being a bad guy for you."

Mina try so hard to not make her voices stutter or make everyone heard how her sobbing getting loud.

She bite her bottom lips, try to prevent any sounds get hear.

"I was so useless, for having a woman who pregnant my child before we get married. I was a fool for being a drugger without your knowing and keep using you to cover my sins. And everything happend to you, is all my fault."

His wife cares his arms as how she sense a hard breath Jaehyuk inhale. Its hard and his wife know its her fault too.

So his wife clear his throat to talk.

"Its my fault too, for came into his life and claimed his responsiblity to our daughter."

Mina glance to Subin, who played behind them.

So that kid are the baby that his wife carried when she and Jaehyuk supposed to get married.

It was the baby that was inside his wife body where she attended their wedding.

"Everything has passed, I already let this matters go. I dont wanna hear any explaination from you, its enough for me."

Jaehyuk take a step forward, hoping Mina will look at him.

"I'm truely sorry, Mina. Forgive us."

She take a deep breath and wipe her tears. Her eyes show emotionless to Jaehyuk and to his wife too.

She had enough, she cant stand with the conversation they had now.

"Its easy for me to forgive you, but its hard for me to forget everything."

Her words might not rude for everyone who heard it, but her words was so hurt to understand it.

She look at Subin who playing with two kids with her, and everything is clear.

Five years passed, and Jaehyuk finally had three childrens inside his life like how Mina dreams she have a family with him.

But everything have changed, those kids is not hers but his and his wife childrens.

"Have a good life, Jaehyuk. Goodbye."

She turn around and rush away from them. Jaehyuk and his wife wish to chase her but what points they have.

Everything happend is unexpected.

No one expected that Jaehyuk lives here, at folk village on Jeju where they had vacation now.

And Jaehyuk also wasn't expected a woman that Subin called ago would be his ex-fiancee'. Everything are surprising them.

Wonwoo clear his throat.

"I have nothing to say, but I hope we can meet again; in peace."

As he was about to go, Jaehyuk say something.

"Make her happy, sir. She deserve what she have to had five years."

Wonwoo grin and nod before he really run away to chase Mina. Jaehyuk watching him go until Wonwoo faded from his sight. He then sigh and look down before a hand hold his arm.

"She forgave us, Jaehyuk."

He sighed and hug his wife.

"She is, but forgeting the past was hard, Aerum."


She running to wherever her feet lead her. She cant understand what just happend to her.

Out of nowhere, why must she met a guy that she didnt wish to see five years ago. She was hurting by the past and all happend was pain on her heart.


She ignore the voice calling her. All she wanted to let her tears out and faded the pain inside her chest.

But her legs are slowly get tired from keep running.

So she stop on empty alley and hold her chest to stop crying. It was so hurt to endure the pain and she cant stop the tears from flowing down on her cheeks.

A sudden pair of hands suddenly hold her shoulders make her lean against the wall.

Its relieve they didnt facing people who walking past the road.

They were hiding behind the wall of alley where no one could find them. And no one would know there is person who crying right now.

"You dont have to run so far just to get away from them."

She didnt respond him and keep crying hard until he worried people might heard her.

Wonwoo pull her into his embrace and stroke her back softly.

She needs time, so he give her space to calm herself. He know in this situation, she needs to let out what she kept inside herself.

"Its hurt, Wonwoo. Its hard to accept the truth."

He understand her, because he also once on her shoes too. He have a hard time to accept the truth that Kyulkyung cheated on him, Jinho betrayed him and Wonhyuk death.

Too much pain to endure can destroyed someone lifes. And she face it like how he faces it too.

Wonwoo hide his face on her hairs and let his ear listen her voice.

He didnt force her or rush her to stop crying, he give time she wanted until he think its time to stop. Even the others didnt call him yet to go back to their hotel.

"Wanna go back to our hotel?"

She sniff and try to talk.

"I wanna go far from here."

Wonwoo take a deep breath and pull away from the hug.

He bend down and wipe her tears with his sleeves then cares her cheeks. She look more fine now, so he relieve they can go back to their van.

"I wont tell the others about this, only two of us know."

Mina look at him and hold her nose, it was red and warm. For sure she dont want anyone notice how red her nose are.

Wonwoo realise that, so he wonder his eyes around the village.

"Let's eat something that can heal your heart."

She slowly grin before nodded her head.

He patted her hair.

"Promise me dont cry again about him."

Wonwoo raise his pinky finger to her make her look at his eyes. It was a promise that she have to do it, and she know why he make the promise.

He dont want her to get hurt again.

"Promise me dont be mad at her again."

She make another promise that related to Kyulkyung, and Wonwoo aware of that. Its equal, they trying to stable the promise between them.

Wonwoo nodded his head, believe himself that he can fulfill her promise and so was her.

They both link their fingers before hug for a little moments.

"Be happy with me, Mina."

She lightly grin and nodded her head on his chest.

Her heart getting warm again.

"You too, Wonwoo."


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