Wish List

By for_enhaaaaaaa

3.7K 288 8

"Thank you for making it happen." The time is ticking. He doesn't have much time anymore. But Sunghoon still... More

Start + Notes
1-New Hospital
2-Meet Again
4-A Year; First Wish
6-Second Wish
7-Hug; Third Wish
9-Someone From The Past
10-Fourth Wish
12-Fifth Wish
13-Sixth Wish
14-Final Wish

5-His Offer

193 19 0
By for_enhaaaaaaa


The following days passed as if nothing happened. Sunghoon didn't actually care about the fact that he's really dying for real.

He just continued to get used on the boring routine of his. But somehow, there's one thing that he can't just get used to yet.

Jake's presence.

True to his words, Jake never left his presence ever since he collapsed. Even if he is already informed about this, he still gets surprised whenever he woke up with the sleeping nurse beside him.

He and Jay are taking turns in staying on his room. Jay sometimes never leaves too. His protectiveness shows again.

At first, it was just an accident, then it became a little hobby of Sunghoon.

He makes sure to wake up earlier than Jake just to stare at his nurse's face.

Sunghoon admired it. How peaceful Jake looks. How he looks calm and as if he's also like that when he's awake.

Sunghoon didn't know. But he just loves to look at him. Jake is doing a great job in taking care of him.

"Do you need assistance?"

Sunghoon blushed and shook his head.

"I'll change quickly...."

Jake just nodded but still stood in front of the door.

"If you're not coming out after five minutes, I'll barge in. You know I'm not kidding."

Sunghoon can't help but to smile.

"Stop worrying about me too much Jake. I'm fine look—"

"I'm not worrying!!"

If there's something that Sunghoon also finds interesting is that Jake loves denying when the truth is already plastered on his face.


Sunghoon moved closer to him. He lowered himself to match Jake's height.

"Are you sure about that nurse Jake?"

Another thing. A major thing in fact. Jake looks adorable when he blushes. Sunghoon just can't get enough. Especially if he's the reason behind it.

"Just change already stupid!"

"Calling your patient stupid is not a ni—"

Sunghoon can't finish his sentence when Jake shoved him inside the bathroom. He chuckled.


Sunghoon opened his eyes and looked around. He didn't even realize that he already fell asleep. His eyes scanned the room. Seeing Jay asleep on the couch, glasses still on his nose.

He was about to go to him when a hand stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

It's not like he didn't expect his nurse beside him. But still, it surprised Sunghoon.

"It will be uncomfortable if he sleeps with his glasses. I just want to remove it."

Jake nodded.

"I'll do it."

Sunghoon watches Jake walk to the sleeping Jay. Jake carefully placed his glasses in the table in front of him. He went back on his chair beside Sunghoon.

"How are you feeling?"

"When did I fell asleep?"

"You can't remember?"

Sunghoon yawned and shook his head.

"Not really.... When did he arrived?"

"A few minutes ago. I told him you're sleeping so he went to the couch and laid there... He just fell asleep now."

Sunghoon nodded. He didn't want to disturb him yet. Jay has been exhausted and he knows it.


It was a calming silence. That's only on Sunghoon's side though. He turned to Jake and furrowed his eyebrows.

Jake is fiddling with his fingers.

"You got to say something nurse Jake?"

Jake looked surprised for a moment before he nodded.

"About your wish list."

"Yeah? What about it?"

"I will do it."

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

Jake looked at him, this time, more confidently.

"I'll help you fulfill them."

Looking straight into his eyes, Jake made sure that Sunghoon will feel his sincerity. Whatever things was written there, Jake will do it.

As if giving back a favor that Sunghoon didn't even asked, Jake find his own way to enter Sunghoon's plans.

And little did he knew, Sunghoon is already looking forward for it.

Jake is actually thinking about it seriously. The pros and cons if he will help Sunghoon with the wishes that he had shown him way back.

Jake just didn't know how did he come up with the conclusion to just tell it too abruptly to Sunghoon.

But remembering how Sunghoon's eyes shined for a moment, Jake felt like he did the right thing.

"How is he?"

He looked at Dr. Sunoo.


"Why are you here anyway?"

"Jay is inside so I gave them time..."

The younger nodded.



"I haven't asked you about it really..."


"Why did you just agree like that?"

Jake stopped.

"I actually considered you agreeing but not that fast... Why hyung?"

"I don't know..."

Dr. Sunoo looked down.

"You're over it already right?"

Jake looked at him.


"Hyung when that happened, you didn't hear any single word from me and from Heeseung hyung. But now that you seemed to be opening up too much, too fast, again, I'm here to remind you."

The usual cheerful smile on the younger's face is not there. Dr. Sunoo looked at Jake so seriously.

"I care for you hyung. I don't want you to get hurt..."

"It doesn't mean that I don't know the reason why I agreed, I'm already thinking about that."

"What happened that time is already done. I already forgot about it..."

"And please don't think that it will happen again. Sunghoon is different anyway..."

Dr. Sunoo just looked at him. If only Jake focused, he can see how Sunoo looked at him with sadness and pity for a moment.

'Hyung he sure is different... And it's even worse that way....'

Jake slumped himself on the couch.

"Hey Jake."

He just hummed.

"Where did you go?"

He opened one of his eyes, peeping at his patient on his bed.


"Nothing... You've been missing for the last hours."

"I fell asleep in Sunoo's office."

Sunghoon looked at him.

"Jake I'm bored..."

The nurse layed properly.

"You're not allowed to move too much."

"Jake I'm bored."

"What's said is said. Follow it Sunghoon."

"Jake I'm bore—"


Jake sat up and rushed to Sunghoon's bed. He climbed on it and caged Sunghoon below him.

"What now?!?"

But he stopped when he met Sunghoon's eyes. He doesn't looked surprised at all. It seems like it was Jake who is.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sunghoon didn't speak.


Jake stopped again when Sunghoon reached to cup his face. Jake can't find any of his strength to move away.

Sunghoon just stared at him as he caressed his cheek. There was only silence. Neither of them haven't moved yet.

When Jake finally realized that he's in a wrong position. He cleared his throat and moved away. Only for Sunghoon to grab his wrist and pull him back on the bed.



Jake can feel the blush on his cheeks as he struggled to maintain the eye contact.


Sunghoon just stared at him.

"I want to go to the garden..."

Jake tried to pull his hand back.

"We can't go there obviously."

"But that's my second wish."

Jake now regrets agreeing.

"Seriously?! Garden?!"

Sunghoon smiles.

"Why not? So can we?"

He squeezed Jake's wrist, looking at him with expectant eyes.

"Can we?"

Jake didn't know when did he started to get soft. He just found himself replying before he could even think about it.

"I'll tell you when."

Sunghoon's eyes lit up again. He smiled wider before releasing Jake's wrist.


Jake sighs as he went back on the couch.

'What did I even agree to....'

Sunghoon can't stop his smiles. He got Jake to agree with his second wish. But what really strucks him is the image that is already saved in his mind.

Jake looked unbelievably gorgeous up close. Sunghoon was lost for words. He can still feel how Jake stopped when he reached for his cheek.

He loved the feeling of Jake's wrist on his hand. After thinking, he thought that maybe, there will also be a time when he will hold something else instead.

'I wonder if your hand will also fit perfectly on mine....'

-Sorry for the late update! I burned my hand and I can't move my thumb and index finger right now hehe. But we're getting there so I hope you're still there~

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