Azur Lane: The Abnormality

By MatthiasWrites

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Mental Cubes: The very material that Ship-girls began to appear after alien-like creatures called Sirens had... More

Chapter Prologue: "The Disclosure of the Unnatural"
Chapter One: "The Attack on the Alliance - Part 1"
Chapter Two: "The Attack on the Alliance - Part 2"
Chapter Three: "The Injured Hornet and the Downed Pandora"
Chapter Four: "The Premonition of Enterprise's Humanity"
Chapter Five: "The Genesis of Remodeling Psyches"
Chapter Six: "The Flight from the Truth"
Chapter Seven: "Retrofitium Elcos, et Mutatio Chronologiae"
Chapter Extra One: "Bios 1"
Chapter Eight: "The Dimmed Star of Pandora, and Enterprise's Revelation"
Chapter 7.5: "To Test Our Limits!"
Chapter Nine: "Profunda Cordis"
Chapter Ten: "To Adjust to the New Era!"
Chapter Eleven: "The Pieces in the Board"
Chapter Twelve: "The Battle Against the Orochi - Part One"
Chapter Thirteen: "The Battle Against the Orochi - Part Two"
Chapter Fourteen: "A Weakened, Achieved Dream"

Chapter Fifteen: "The Peaceful Reunion"

292 3 13
By MatthiasWrites

[Alright, we already had the Epilogue, Chapter Fourteen, but this chapter is going to introduce you to Bisoku Zenshin: Peacetime Shenanigans, the next book that's based on the spin-off anime, "Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!". Now, considering that I've been trying to motivate myself to finishing the stories, I have to go at my own pace as I tried to finish them at a relative pace.]

[I hope that I wasn't taking too long with the updates, but I hope the wait is worth it.]

[Location: Royal Navy Meeting Room]

It's been a whole week ever since the 'Post SIREN Azur Ship Protocol' had been passed by the Council, along with the 'SIREN Rebel Integration Act', and there wasn't much that has occurred ever since the defeat of the SIREN Battle-Carrier that's known as Project Orochi.

And here, the Commanders of each faction were listing down the things that they need to do, as they were also planning to put out a small event to celebrate the win against the SIRENs after the war was over.

They were discussing about a singing event that might occur over at the bar that most Ship-people would be at, but they suggested to make a spot somewhere at Pearl Harbor in order to lead the event, without a little help from their scamming green cat, Akashi. Although, she's a little busy on putting a bit more effort into the event as she begins to make a few invitations for a few ship-people that she chose for them to attend.

And right now, Zack is thinking to himself about how the event would go, along with the recruit posters that he set up across the Harbor, hoping to find a few suitable candidates to hire as a Naval Commander.

Because of that, Zack is beginning to stress over the candidates as he wanted to relax by going to the event that the Ship-people would come over for a little excitement, but he also wanted to make sure that the papers were in order.

Zack Palmer(Mind): "Okay... It's been a week, and everyone else wanted something that might get them excited before they would attend school. Along with the recruitment process for each Commander candidate of each Faction... Oh man, the more that I think about this, the more I need to see this event... Even the other Commanders would agree... But what about the recruitment papers and candidate registration?!"

He didn't knew that Akashi was having a little help thanks to her sister ships, Mihara and Momotori of the Akashi-class Repair Vessels, and the event has to be worth it.

And along with that, he finds himself stuck here with the papers before he decided to ask the young Elco, PT-72, as he begins to dial him.

Zack Palmer(Mind): "Guess I have no choice but to ask for a little help."
Voice: "Hey... Is this PT-72?"

Voice(PT-72): "Yeah, this is me... Commander, what do you want at the moment?"

Zack Palmer: "I know that this is out of the blue, but can you manage the amount of paperwork that I currently have at the moment? I kind of wanted to go see the event at the moment."

Voice(PT-72): "Uhm... Sure! I could help you a little, but I'm not sure if being a secretary is a thing that I can do."

Zack Palmer: "Which is why that you can be granted the permission to go ask for help, in the case you can't handle it."

Voice(PT-72): "Okay, thanks! I'll head over to your office soon."

That's when Zack had put down the phone as he prepares to go to the bar to see if the location was already changed. And while that was happening, PT-72 was wondering about who to call in the case that he should require help, and for that note, he decided to call Hammann for a little help.

Sure, that presumptuous cat maid is a bit of a pain to deal with, but at least the Tsundere has gotten along well with the young Elco. And knowing Hammann's current friendship with PT-72, she started to ease up a little, whenever he's around.

That's when PT-72 got his phone to call Hammann.

[Location: Azur Lane Dormitories, Hammann's Room]

It was a while ever since PT-72 had slept with Hammann, but it was only because of her request to watch over her because of her nightmares. Considering that the room itself was normal, it was just like the others, although there was a picture frame that contains a photograph of Hammann and Yorktown.

And right now, Hammann is currently asleep with her phone laying on the drawer. But that small call from PT-72, her friend that she might see as a partial brother, would wake her up soon in a rather... hilarious way, but also one that's startling.




And when that would happen, that was about now. When the phone ran out it's ringtone, it frightened Hammann so much, that she jumped onto the roof of her room like an actual cat, before she crashed back down on her bed before taking a few breathers to take the phone.

Hammann: Having a slight panic as she tried to calm down from the shock, before she took the phone call. "W-Who is it..."

Voice(PT-72): "Uhh... Is this Hammann?"

Hammann: "Yeah, it is..." She said in a relaxed tone, before she realized that it was him who called her out of the blue, making her a little annoyed as she yelled into the phone. "PT-72, why did you have to scare me by making a call?!"

Voice(PT-72): "Sorry... The reason why I called is because Zack had told me to watch over the papers that were coming in for the recruitment process, along with the other Ship-people that may arrive. I think he might be a little stressed out that he left the duties to me when he called me over."

That got the Tsundere to think for a bit. Zack was concerned about the recruitment process on today, but because he needed a break, he left it to someone who probably doesn't have much experience with being a Secretary to the Commander. Which made Hammann think that Zack is sort of an idiot for leaving work behind, but at least PT-72 has given her every detail, even if it's a wordy.

Hammann: "So you want me to help?"

Voice(PT-72): "Yeah... I sort of needed the help."

Hammann: "Hmph! Fine, I'll do it... But please, don't scare me again, okay?"

Voice(PT-72): "Okay, I'll wait for you."


Hammann(Mind): "PT-72, you dummy... I mean, he is still the child that I remember, but maybe he might be a brother that I could rely on. I mean, he is rather mature of himself, as I did remember the fact that he's cleaning his Elco most of the time..."

As Hammann was about to go outside of her room, as she began to think about PT-72, she only saw her sister, Sims, with a smug look on her face as she's right in front of her. The reason why Hammann wouldn't get along well with Sims, most of the time, is mainly because of her prankster personality for goofing around the ocean battlefield, along with being a sort of tease to her.

Sims: "Hey sis, what got you riled up today?"

Hammann: "It's none of your business, Sims! I have to go to the Commander's Office right now!"

Sims: "Why's that? It is because of Zack?"

Hammann: "I-It's not like that! It's because I was called by my friend, PT-72!" She said with a red blush as she tries to keep herself composed.

Sims: "Oh? For what?"

Hammann: "It's only for paperwork, and that's it! Geez, if you weren't always such a tease..." She said as she went off to the Royal Navy Meeting Room.

Sims felt a little pleased with teasing her sibling, who normally doesn't exactly keep her words straight, due to her temper. But something had prompted her to think about PT-72, the first recorded Ship-boy in History. She thinks that PT-72 might have something to do with Hammann being a little more tolerant of the Commanders ever since their return, along with several other things that were related, and maybe a slight reduction on calling someone a 'pervert', ever since she slapped him back at the Docks.

She even thought that PT-72 might be reserving some feelings for her, but she will end up seeing that thoughts of hers', are wrong, as PT-72 only liked to see them as his friends, instead of being potential lovers.

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hammann and Chibi PT-72 wielding an M1 Garand, and a M134 Minigun]

[Location: Royal Navy Meeting Room]

When PT-72 had arrived, he found out that Zack told him to keep a record about every single paper that was given to him, especially the recruitment papers, along with the requests of every single Kansen and Human that's in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

And when the E.U Commander left, PT-72 wasn't sure on what to do, aside from cleaning up the room for a bit before he can focus on the paperwork itself. Suffice to say, he was making slow progress on getting the papers signed up before Hammann arrived with a few knocks on the door.


PT-72(Lavern): "Come in..."

The door had opened, revealing Hammann as she saw the amount of paperwork that PT-72 had to deal with, along with the fact that he cleaned up the Meeting Room from all of the accumulated dust, she felt a little bad for the young Elco who had to deal with Zack's paperwork as his temporary Secretary.

Hammann: "Yikes... You have to deal with... All of that?"

PT-72(Lavern): "Yeah... *sigh* ...And I'm not exactly sure if I could do all of this- Wait... 'I wanted to go outside despite my injuries... Pandora'... She really wanted to get back up?"

Hammann: "Really? Let me see that." She said as she took the paper from PT-72 before reading it. It got her a little interested, since she had heard about the Fletcher-class Destroyer that became a peer of Enterprise. "Huh... I guess she really wanted something to cheer herself up as well."

PT-72(Lavern): "I suppose we all do, after-all... It was a whole week ever since we defeated the Orochi... *mutters* 'What a living nightmare...' *normal tone* But, what about the recruitment papers?" He said as he began to think about a response as he signed up a request that belonged to Northampton.

Hammann: "I got it... Give me a second." She said in an unamused manner before seeing their history records. She seemed displeased and worried as she saw the info in the recruitment papers. "These people are a problem. There's no way that we can accept them as our candidates."

Hearing what the cat maid had said, got PT-72 a little worried as he took a look of the signed up recruits, and then to the pile to find their background histories. Comparing them to the papers, there's something that the young Elco can agree, he isn't going to risk letting these people to become the Commander as the two of them began to sign up the paperwork, along with scratching out the people who weren't allowed in.

PT-72(Lavern): "Yikes, you think Commander Zack has a bit of a... streak of bad luck? There were only five candidates on that paper, and four-fifths of them were terrible!" He said as he saw the recruitment papers.

Hammann: "You kidding me? I never thought that he had to be under that amount of stress, only for today..."

PT-72: ".... Say, Hammann... What exactly do you seem to think of me?"

Hammann: "Eh? What do you mean?"

PT-72: "It's just that... ever since you apologized, you seemed to be taking care of me... even though you were harsh to others, especially Commander Zack. Why is that?"

Hearing PT-72's question regarding the thing that Hammann has done for him, like taking care of him when he got sick from cleaning up the dormitories too many times. And the fact that he had to clarify several things before telling the full story, like the time of when Zack had to tell Hammann to come to his office later, when PT-72 told her the reason is mostly because of the finished paperwork, Hammann can only answer his question by calling him a brother as she tried to forget about the accidental kiss she made with him when she and him slept in the same bed, because of her request to watch over her, and the kiss itself was blocked out by the wrapped up towel that was around PT-72's mouth.

Hammann: "Ohh... Well, Hammann... actually thought that you might be a brother, t-to me... After Yorktown, who might be my sister... even if we weren't related by class."

PT-72: "So, you mean that you see me as a brother?"

Hammann: "Y-Yes! T-That's... actually the point. I felt a little bad that day that... I wanted to at least show a sign of care for you. It was mostly thanks to you that... I may have became a bit more... tolerant."
Mind: "At least the towel was there... and he forgot about that... s-sudden kiss I made in my room. If he did remember that, calling him a brother would be weird, and... t-this time, I'm willing to keep my words."

PT-72: "R-Really?"

Hammann: "Yes, even if... Most boys, might be a pervert because of their look towards us... You're possibly the only exception that I know. And, remember what I said back then?"

That made PT-72 remember the incident at the docks, where he got slapped by Hammann because she didn't recognize him and called him out for being a pervert, when he was actually trying to show her, his new rig, and the fact that after the trip from the Atlantic Ocean, she apologized to him after she wanted him to watch over her while she slept.

And to answer her question, he remembered the words that she once told him.

PT-72: "I was honest, not going after appearances, and going for what was inside a person's mask?"

Hammann: "Yeah, s-something like that. A-Anyways... We better get back to the paperwork... This is going to be a pain."

PT-72: "Yep... This is going to take a long time."

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Sims was hearing everything behind the door as she walked away, feeling a little disappointed as she went towards the event.

Sims(Mind): "So she sees him as a brother? Hammann never had any other sibling, other than Yorktown, and a brother at that, so this is kind of a first. Especially for me... Hopefully the event would be worth it."

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi PT-72 being hugged by Chibi Laffey, Chibi Spence, and Chibi Hammann as they gave him some headpats]

[At the Event]

Akashi, Mihara, Momotori and a few others, along with the Manjuus, were working on setting the event as they brought out a stage to set things straight. Along with that, Akashi wanted the event to only have at least maybe around 50 people so to lessen the pressure for the people who would sing onstage, while the others at the Bar, might be able to see the event go live, along with the other Factions on their TVs...

    ...not knowing that for those who haven't got the word about what had transpired, they would be shocked at the appearances of Ship-boys being prevalent in their world.

Akashi: "Okay-nya. We need to get this going, I already had the council to give us the permission to make this-nya."

Mihara: "Big Sis Akashi? You really wanted to set this event up so badly?"

Akashi: "Mmhm." She said as she begins to bring up the boxes that contain the singing equipment. She had invited the Starter Squad to come over, along with inviting a few Ship-people of their choice as they began to set up the stage before the night sky will fall on Pearl Harbor.

And as she overlooked the entire stage, a few others were also there as they started to help the Manjuus with the crates and boxes that were containing the singing equipment for the event. One of whom happens to be USS Ellet of the Benham-class Destroyers.

For some reason, Ellet seemed overwhelmed at the events that had transpired ever since her arrival to Azur Lane, a little late to the war's end, but she also lacked a bit of self-worth that would've made her glad to at least see that she's alive to experience what she couldn't have experienced, and willing to live her own life. Not knowing that one unique candidate for the EU Commander, would also share her point because of their past.

Ellet appears to be that of a 13-year old, while sporting short-length orange hair, and Bright-blue eyes, making her look like a boy, especially with the small size of her breasts, which is sort of similar to either Cleveland or Hammann. She happens to be wearing a Feather-white bra underneath her Daisy-white sailor shirt, or fuku in Japanese, her Denim-blue plain skirt with a silver trim, and finally with her pair of Royal-blue shoes with Eggshell-white soles.

She seems to be leading the Manjuus to wherever the acquired boxes needed to go, as she seemed to be willing to help them, but something about her smile seemed off, almost as if she thought that there's no one who could related to her.

Mihara: "What's wrong with Ellet?"

Akashi: "I don't know-nya. She's always smiling, but it isn't rather warm but rather... devoid. You think she needs help some day?"

Mihara: "I hope that she can accept our request, she has to know that we're there for her."

They agreed to ask Ellet later to find out what was bugging her, as they continued with leading the directions of where to put the boxes of supplies, along with the crates that were containing the singing equipment.

Ellet started to think in her mind about the point of her own existence, as she was late to eliminate the Orochi.

Ellet(Mind): "Why didn't I get here sooner? I now had arrived here, and yet the war is already over? What's the point of me being alive if I didn't got there in time to assist my friends, who were in battle?"

Still, she shakes it off as she went on to help out the other Manjuus with carrying the boxes and crates, before she went to finish the Event's stage, where Akashi, Momotori, and Mihara were working on finishing.

Soon enough, the three of them were able to set up the stage for the event, as they happen to be posting up fliers for the promotion of the event.

[Timeskip brought to you by Oxford taking a picture of Hammann, Yorktown, PT-72 and PT-73]

[Location: Azur Lane Academy]
[Time: 2:00pm]

The singing event that was recently announced had already reached the Academy as Javelin had to bring over Z23, Laffey and Ayanami regarding something that's related to the fliers that were posted around Pearl Harbor.

And that something is when Akashi came over with tickets as she told her to give them to Z23, Ayanami and Laffey as she went around posting fliers for the event, along with giving her one of the fliers that she was holding.

When she discussed about it with the others, they weren't exactly sure about what to do with the tickets, as it seemed a little important.

Javelin: "I'm telling you! Akashi gave me these tickets and told me to give them to you because of the event that was being made for today."

Laffey: "She gave you... the tickets because she... wanted us to attend the event."

Ayanami: "That would be rare for her to do this, unless she's the one who's leading the event. I did saw the stage over at the courtyard, and her siblings who were helping her, along with that late ship-girl, Ellet."

That made them think about Ellet's appearance into Pearl Harbor, as although she seemed willing to assist them, her demeanor when she expressed them as shown in a flashback regarding her arrival, seems to counteract that response.

[Flashback Begins]

Ellet started to look around Pearl Harbor as her ship is brought over to the docks. She seemed to be in awe at the sight, as she saw both Humans and Kansen, living together as they went on with their daily lives. But something began to grow within her soul as she started to help the people who needed some assistance with their own difficulties.

Slowly, she started to feel like there wouldn't be a point with helping the others out when she was brought out at the end of the War against the Sirens, if she was supposed to be brought out for the purpose of eliminating the SIREN Threat. But she still helped them out because it was the right thing, yet she doesn't want to let out her frustrations as she started to feel a lack of self-worth on her existence.

And right now, a figment of her is seen with the Akashi Siblings as they were working with the stage that's within the Academy Campus.

[Flashback End]

Z23(Nimi): "I'm not even sure if she's really doing this for the others, since we won against the SIRENs. I bet she's going to sell the tickets for a set amount of gems for it."

Laffey only shook her head slowly at the idea when she recalls about the time when Akashi hugged PT-72 for reassuring him. And although he's Akashi's little payer in Gems, she appreciated his hard, honest work for getting them as he helped her around the store that she's managing.

Javelin: "Nimi, you never heard about the time that Akashi didn't went for a gem price for once?"

Z23(Nimi): "Excuse me?"

Javelin: "When me, Laffey and PT-73 were walking to Akashi's store, she was making a set of clothes for PT-72. And even though he never knew about the currencies, she wanted to reassure him that he shouldn't worry himself over the price."

Laffey: "Mhm. Akashi said to him that he was overreacting about his clothes, and he shouldn't have paid for them."

Z23(Nimi): "Wait, really?!"

Javelin: "Yeah! I was surprised by it too! She even held back when PT-72 offered her Gems, if he could find some, just because he doesn't have the currency needed to pay for it. She even hugged him so he would calm down!"
Mind: "Even though he paid her back, I never thought that she appreciated the hard work for finding them... and the fact that she resisted the urge to get those Gems."

Z23 couldn't believe what she was hearing. After-all, Akashi is kind of a scammer in the Sakura Empire with deals, especially going after Gems, her favorite kind of currency.  But hearing Javelin's story about PT-72 and Akashi's interaction when it came to his new set of clothes was a little uplifting for her.

Especially when Z23 took a closer look at the flier, and then to the ticket itself that it indicated that it specifically stated that the Starter Squad, will be the ones to sing on the stage.

Z23(Nimi): "I'm... quite surprised." She said as she took a closer look at the ticket. It was an invitation ticket for the Starter Squad to sing on stage. ".....Maybe, Akashi wasn't lying that she said that we're needed."

Javelin: "Nimi?"

Z23(Nimi): "I had to take a closer look at the ticket, and it said that the special guests that were going to sing for the event, were us. The ticket said that we can also bring a few people to sing with us."

Javelin: "Really?"

Ayanami: "Let me see..." She said as she took the ticket to check if what Z23 had said, was true. Sure enough, the ticket did say that it can bring a number of people to assist them in their singing part, as long as it's total, doesn't exceed around 5 people. "Huh."

That's when they began to think about who to bring. Z23 decided to choose 

Z23(Nimi): "So, who should we bring? I was thinking about bring my brother Leon to help, along with Admiral Hipper and Magnus Rosen to be safe.."

Javelin: "I think I can go for Mayfly. Maybe she can open herself up a little, during the song?"

Ayanami: "Mizuki and Monowai would be my choice."

Laffey: "Laffey... will go for PT-72 and PT-73."

Javelin: "Okay, it's decided then! Let us prepare for the event!"

All: "Right!"

So, they all went to the Dormitories to find the designated Ship-people that would participate in their singing group for their respective Faction. Laffey was wandering around the HQ for a while, until she spotted Zack waiting at one of the bleachers that was set up at the event. She was asking him about where is PT-72 and PT-73, and he told her that he's managing the paperwork at the Royal Navy Meeting Room.

Thanking him for the little hint, Laffey went to the Royal Navy Meeting Room to find a partially tired PT-72, being next to Hammann, and a whole stack of ordered paperwork, so she went to ask her about what had happened, which got the cat maid a little scared from her arrival and her memories of what happened at the docks.

[Laffey's Location, Royal Navy Meeting Room]

Laffey: "Hammann?"

Hammann: "!?" She felt a little startled as she hid behind PT-72, who's currently taking a small rest from signing up the paperwork and organizing them with a small cardboard container. When she saw Laffey, she remembered the time that she made her angry by attacking PT-72 by mistake as she felt a little scared, but also a little annoyed. "L-Laffey... W-What... b-brings you here?"

Laffey: "I'm here to bring PT-72 to the event, because he and his sister are going to sing with me."

Hammann: "Wait, y-you were invited... t-to sing?"

Laffey: "Mhm."

Hammann: "A-Ah... I-I see..."

Laffey: "If you're worried about what happened... at the docks... don't worry about it."

Hearing what Laffey had said, had caused Hammann to calm down as she explained to Laffey that PT-72 might need some time to rest, though she wasn't sure about PT-73's whereabouts.

Hammann: "Hammann would think that PT-73 is probably wandering around the Academy, or maybe the Dormitories... Though, knowing his sister, she would probably hear us right now."

Almost on que, Laffey had saw PT-73 overhearing the conversation as Laffey went to her, carrying PT-72 with her. PT-73 felt a little protective until Laffey told her about what was going on. She agreed to help Laffey out with the singing as we're brought to Javelin's location.

[Javelin's Location, Royal Navy Gardens]

As Javelin is walking around to find Mayfly, she noticed her taking some tea in Queen Elizabeth's tea party as Belfast is currently standing by Her Majesty's side for the time being. Edward Dyson is also there as he noted to himself about how mature and proper that the Insect-class Gunboat happens to be, but also about the hidden side that's within Mayfly.

Edward Dyson(Mind): "Mayfly really is a lady, despite her age. For one thing, she's mature, that's for sure, especially when it comes to the Royal Navy. But she isn't used to speaking with other 'common' people as she puts it, and she isn't exactly used to singing with a microphone in front of people for the current time of age. And along with that, I think that... behind that ferocious determination of hers', is an insecure girl who wanted to defend someone."

Belfast: She saw Javelin for a moment before she turned to Queen Elizabeth. "Your Majesty, it appears that we have a visitor."

Q. Elizabeth: "Oh?"

Edward Dyson: He was a little confused before he saw Javelin. He signals her to come over to see what was on her mind. "Javelin? You can get closer to here."

Javelin heard his voice as she went over to them, before making a small courtesy as she knew that Queen Elizabeth was in front of her, before she allowed her to speak. For that note, she spoke to Mayfly about the event and asked her if she would be willing to sing with her at the event.

Q. Elizabeth: "You may be allowed to speak. Who do you want to speak to?"

Javelin: "I-I... I wanted to speak to Mayfly about something in person."

Mayfly: "And... For what did you want to speak to me about?"

Javelin: "W-Would you be willing to sing with me at the event in the academy, M-Miss Mayfly?"

Mayfly had been staring at Javelin because of the response in order to process what she was told. When she realized what she said, she gently put down her teacup so she doesn't waste her tea before she looked at Javelin with an odd, questioning look as the J-class Destroyer shivered a little from her questioning look, as she tried to think of a response so she doesn't response to her aggression.

To which Queen Elizabeth responded to it by stating about the purpose for the singing event at the academy, which would serve for a few reasons before the upcoming day of school.

Javelin: "H-How... s-should I explain this to you... *sigh* I'm going to need you for my representing for the Royal Navy!"

Q. Elizabeth: "A singing event? At the academy? For what purpose does this event serve for us?"

Edward Dyson: "Your Majesty, for if I may inquire, everybody was already tense, and on edge regarding the defeat of Project Orochi. So, there was the need to let their stress out by setting up a singing event at the academy, according to the flyer that I received from a certain green cat from the Sakura Empire."

Q. Elizabeth: "That's the whole point behind this event?"

Edward Dyson: "Yes. But it also serves another purpose, for I believe it'll allow the Kansen, or Ship-people to experience whatever did the humans do for a celebration, almost as human as they would do."

Javelin: "Mmhm!"

Mayfly: "I see... And the reason you sought out for me, is because of the event?"

Javelin: "Yes."

Mayfly had to choose her own decision to attend with Javelin as we're brought to the Azurian Dormitories.

[Z23's Location, Azur Lane Dormitories]

While that was underway, Z23 was simply looking at the Dormitories as she heard a certain voice from two Heavy Cruisers, who were discussing about something about tuning a guitar, and practicing with it.

"So, if I tune it like this..."

"Yeah, that's how you do it. It was probably a good idea to practice with the guitar in private..."

"You weren't thinking about applying for the singing event, were you Hipper? This is a singing event, but do you think guitars would be making the event to be more like a band?"

"I'm sure that they won't mind. Not that I think I would apply, but I'll admit... It would be interesting."

Hearing about guitars made Z23 to knock on the dormitory door as it alerted the two Cruisers, while Magnus asked behind the door about who was knocking on it, before receiving the word that Z23 was there. It got Magnus to get to the door, only for him to trip on a stray microphone wire that was wrapped around his leg and he caused a small crash inside the room, earning him a small yell from Admiral Hipper about watching his step.

Z23(Nimi): "Hello? Admiral Hipper? Magnus Rosen?"

Voice(Magnus): "Huh? Who was that?"

Z23(Nimi): "It's me, Z23."

Voice(Magnus): "Oh, right... G-Give me a second- shoot!"


Voice(Hipper): "Magnus...! At least watch where you were going you idiot!"

Voice(Magnus): "Sorry, Z23 is already at the door. I got to go see what was she doing..."

Voice(Hipper): "Wait, what?! She was at the door?!"

There were sounds of moving things before Magnus opened the door to see Z23.

Magnus Rosen: "S-Sorry about that, I'm here. What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Z23(Nimi): "It's about this." She said as she passed the flier to Magnus.

When Magnus checked the flier, he was reminded about the construction that he saw at the academy, along with the transferring of singing equipment as he told Z23 about how Hipper wanted to use her guitar at the event despite that she didn't seem to be interested according to everyone else.

Magnus Rosen: "The singing event at the academy? Oh, I heard about it, Hipper was considering about using the guitar over there, but she didn't want to admit it to anyone else except for me..."

Voice(Hipper): "Magnus! At least keep those words to yourself? I don't want anyone else to know... Okay?"

Magnus Rosen: "Sorry, sorry..."

That made Z23 to think about what they said, what if the song that she was given to represent the Ironblood Faction would feature guitar music, like Bass and Electric? So she told them that the using the guitar, wouldn't be a problem as she said to them that it could work.

Z23(Mind): "Guitars, huh? If they really are good at using them, it could help my group in representing our Faction, if the song that was given to me would feature Rock Music. They definitely could be of use for the event.."
Voice: "Actually, that could help me out."

Magnus Rosen: "What do you mean?"

Z23(Nimi): "I'm saying that you two could also represent our Faction at the singing event with your guitars!"

Admiral Hipper: "Huh?"

Magnus Rosen: "You mean to say...? We're invited?"

Z23(Nimi): "Yeah. You two can follow me to the event."

Although with reluctance as she heard the conversation between Magnus Rosen and Z23, with a little bit of convincing as he left, Hipper can't help but to follow her little brother, along with Z23 to the Academy to prepare themselves for the event.

[Ayanami's Location, Pearl Harbor Docks]

Ayanami happened to be moving around Pearl Harbor for a bit as she looked for the two Umikaze-class Destroyers. It didn't take long for her, as she saw the two siblings practicing on the docks with their katanas, while a few Ship-people and humans were watching.



Ayanami seemed a little impressed with the siblings' practice as she waved her hand towards them in order to get their attention. Only Mizuki had seen Ayanami's hand before she nearly blocked a strike from her brother, Monowai, as she put a lot of force and strength into her block to push her brother back, earning her a win.

Mizuki(Mind): "Ayanami?" She thought to herself for a split second before she realized that Monowai's katana was about to strike her, so she puts a bit of force into her block to push him back, earning her a win as he was knocked down.
Voice: "!"


Monowai: "Focus, Mizuki!" He said as he kept the pressure on her with his katana.

Mizuki: "C-Can we please hold...?" She said as she puts a lot of strength into her block that it pushed Monowai back.

Monowai: "Wha-?!" He seemed a little surprised at the block before he fell on the ground.


Mizuki: "S-Sorry, Monowai... I just saw Ayanami waving her hand at us.." She said as she put the katana into it's sheath.

When Monowai heard what was his sister talking about, he turned around to see Ayanami as he got up from the ground, dusting off his pants as he put the katana into it's sheath. When he's done with that, he went to Ayanami to ask her if she has something on her mind.

Monowai: "Hey, Ayanami. What brings you here?"

Ayanami: "I'm here to bring you and Mizuki to the event. I chose you to see if you can handle being on stage."

It made Monowai somewhat nervous, but he also felt the sense of a new hobby that could be a little entertaining as Ayanami told him everything.

Mizuki: "You mean the singing event? You were choosing us to sing there?"

Ayanami: "That's right. Follow me, it should be at the Academy."

While the others who were watching the sparring match were listening, they were interested in watching the event as they followed them to the Academy. 

[Location: Azur Lane Academy]

While the construction of the stage had been completed, Akashi and Momotori had been setting up some bleachers in case they could watch the event in a good sitting without standing up, even if there's enough space to probably keep around... probably the normal amount of people during a concert.

And along with that, Mihara had been ordering snacks under Akashi's suggestion, in the case of when they would be hungry during the singing event. So, in that case, she had ordered paper cups, and paper plates to hold their drinks and food while a bunch of snacks like chips, fries, and a couple burgers were there at the table, along with a few containers of fruit punch that can be dispensed.

As she started to arrange the event's meals as according to Akashi's way of thinking, along with keeping the visitors and guests occupied with meals and snacks as the event would start, Mihara had seen the Starter Squad entering one by one with their chosen members. But she didn't expect Ayanami to also bring in the people who were watching Monowai and Mizuki's practice spar.

Mihara(Mind): "Wow... That's a lot of people. But, did Ayanami realize that she was being followed?"

When Ayanami had brought Monowai and Mizuki into the spot of where they'll wait for their turn to step into the stage, that is when she realized that she brought a group of guests without her realizing, giving herself a slight facepalm as it answered Mihara's mental question.

Mihara(Mind): "Guess she didn't. Good thing that I brought the snacks, though!" She thought to herself.

Although it was mostly complete, Akashi, Momotori and Mihara had gave it their all in finishing up the last pieces as they waited for the start of the event, with a few of the guests helping out the three Repair Vessels on the stage, before the time had finally reached Midnight.

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hipper teaching Chibi Magnus about how to use the electric guitar]

[The beginning of the Singing Event]

When the event is finally prepared, everyone else seemed to be looking forward to it as they watched the stage to hear the music. Ayanami, Mizuki and Monowai had first came up to the stage to begin their part for the Sakura Empire with a selected piece of music of their choosing.

The numbers may have been over a hundred, a little bit of a surplus of people who went in to see what was going on as it was being broadcasted to the other Factions. But the four Commanders of each Faction had been racing to get to the Academy in order to hear the event personally, and along with that, the selected Candidates who were up for recruitment before the next week's beginning.

But the entry to the event had been a little crowded as they tried to enter through with the amount of people to see the stage, as Ayanami, Monowai and Mizuki finally appeared at the stage as they began to cheer for them.

The commander candidates were a little shocked at seeing Monowai, considering that they didn't understand the circumstances that led the male genders to appear in Azur Lane.

?: "What the? A ship-boy? I thought there were only ship-girls here!"

?: "This means that you weren't listening to the reports. There were circumstances that we were being told about, regarding these ship-boys... So if you won't stop your perversity, then shut up before we tell security."

?: "Fine..."

As the visitors and guests were beginning to watch, the song, 'Near Your Side', or 'I Wanna Be By Your Side', begins to play as the main four Commanders finally reached the event in time to hear the song.

[I'm going to use the romaji lyrics for this, considering that I might be liking the lyrics in the song, and the other three that may appear soon. I do apologize if the romaji seemed weird, but I found the lyrics at SoundCloud... I hope it's accurate enough for this.]

[And, to hear the sounds, I'll allow the usage of videos to set up the songs, as I try to adjust the romaji grammar. I hope it isn't overbearing.] - MatthiasWrites

"kitto... motto..."
"kitto... motto... kitto... motto..."
"kitto mō chotto soba ni ike ba"
"kitto mō ippo chika zuitara"
"hontō no omoi, tsutawaru desu ka?"

By the time the commanders arrived, they had to take their time on getting through the crowd before they sat down next to the candidates to listen to the song. Amaya and Murano Tarasaburo were a little surprised to see Monowai singing with Ayanami and Mizuki as they gave their performance, remembering what they had practiced before midnight.

"jitsu wa yoku wakaranai desu"
"katachi ya kotoba ni naranai desu"
"dare ka ni chanto todoku yō ni"
"kimochi o todo keruyari kata ga"

"marude sakusen no tochū de"
"renraku ga torezu ni komatte"
"umi no ue ni ukanda yō na"

"kokoro ni natte shimau n desu"

"dō shitara ī n desu? hontō wa, shitteru"
"tsutaenai to dame, sore mo wakatte iru n desu"

"(minna tonaka yokushi tai)"

"onnaji fūkei o (mō ichi do) issho ni nagametara"
"waraudesu, waraudesu, nikkori su re ba, kitto"

"(--kitto mō chotto soba ni ikeba)"

"konna ni kirei na aoi sekai de aeta kara"
"tanoshī koto o ippai wakachi aitai desu"
"minna no egao o mite itara"
"naze ka attakai, kimochi ni naru n desu"

"moshi ka shi te kō yū, koto nan desu ka?"
"tsunagaru tte koto wa"

"(hontō no omoi tsutawaru desu ne... kitto... kitto...)"

The visitors were cheering for the three Ship-people who were on the stage as they began to sing the song, some of them like Kaga and Akagi were smiling a little at Monowai's attempt at singing the lyrics of the song.

While for the Commanders and their candidates, they were clapping for the Sakuran Ship-people who were singing on stage, although a few were jealous that they can sing well, even if they tried practicing, they think that it still wouldn't be enough. Not knowing that it's the people's choice to decide if their voice is well received or not as the song reaches it's middle part with Mizuki taking the lead.

"kishin to yobareru kurai ni wa"
"tsuyoi to wa omotte ita n desu"
"donna ni tsurai senkyō mo"
"futsū ni tatakau dake deshi ta"

"da kedo hakken shita n desu"
"amai mono ya kawaī mono tte"
"chikara ga afurete kuru n desu"
"tonari ni dare ka iru dake de"

"nakushi taku nai desu, zutto"
"zutto, sagashi te ita no wa"

"yasashī kotae datta desu"

"(minna to issho ni itai)"

"tottemo daisuki na, taisetsu na tomodachi"
"kyori kan wa attemasu ka? setsugen shichau desu ka?"

"(--kitto mō ippo chikazuitara)"

That's when the crowd's cheering for them had intensified as they began to sing the next part. Every ship-person who was present at the party had to cover their ears, and for the Sakuran Ship-people, their animalistic ears if they could, so they would avoid ear damage as they try to listen to the song.

"dō yatte shuhō kara hanatta hōdan no yō ni"
"omoi o komete hassha shitara ī desu ka?"
"minna no egao to onaji yō ni
"totemo attakai to kanjite hoshī desu"

"(Kitto... motto...)"

"nakayoku natte kureru, desu ka?"

That's when the song lowered down as Ayanami began to sing a line on solo before being joined by the others as the crowd begins to cheer loudly, once more, which may have caused a bit of discomfort for those who were near enough to hear it, including the Commanders and their Candidates.

"konna ni kirei na aoi sekai de aeta kara"
"ureshī, koto mo, ippai wakachiaitai desu"

"minna no egao o miteru dake de"
"hontō ni attakai kimochi ni naru n desu"

Artur Baum(Mind): "That's one party alright! I'm liking this, but tone it back a bit, will you?"

Zack Palmer: "--My ears!"

Amaya and Murano: The two of them were covering their ears from the crowd's loud cheering as they tried to hear the thee Ship-people singing.

The only one who wasn't bothered by the crowd's cheering, was Oxford L. Richard and his adoptive daughter, Willow, who's currently wearing some headphones to block out some of the noise.

"todoku to ī na"

"todoite hoshī na"

"watashi no kimochi ga"

"(hontō no omoi, tsutaeru desu ne... motto... motto...)"

That's when Ayanami lead the last line as the song ended, which got the crowd cheering at their performance as Monowai and Mizuki seem happy from their performance.

"daijōbu desu, jibun hitori ja wakaranai keredo"
"minna ga... minna ga, kō shi te soba ni iru kara~"

The crowd's cheers had gotten everyone else to give cheers and praise towards the three Ship-people as Monowai gave a bow towards the visitors and guests in the crowd before leaving the stage to allow Javelin and Mayfly to take their turn on the stage with their selected song, 'Just Very Quickly!'.

Although, the 9-year old Gunboat isn't really alright with singing, she reluctantly went up the stage to see the front of the podium as the song began to play.

[For this one, I wasn't sure if I found the right lyrics for Javelin's song, because the lyrics in SoundCloud weren't present. So, I had to search in other places until I found something in]

[But just in case it doesn't work, there's some adjusting to the romaji grammar with a little translator I used for the Japanese Language that I found for the lyrics I found in | Translator Link:] - MatthiasWrites

[Start of the Song]

As the song began to start, many of the guests already noticed that Mayfly is hesitating on singing as they only heard Javelin. So knowing that it might be possible that Mayfly may not sing with the song, due to her demeanor, they only focused on Javelin as the Insect-class Gunboat began to remember a practice spar she had with Ayanami and Monowai, before her demeanor has started to reveal her true colors to them.

"Massugu ni ton de icchau no ha, daiji na omoi wo todokeru noni"
"Doushite ii ka wakara naku te, hashiridashita... otome gokoro!"

The crowd felt a sense of energy as they began to cheer for the J-class Destroyer as they leave Mayfly alone to her own thoughts, as we're brought into a memory of her practice spar with the two Japanese Destroyers within a grass field with no-one else watching, with the song in the background as Javelin sang the lyrics of the song.

".."Ki ni natteru hitotoka, iru'n desu ka?" nante"
"Kii tara, dou naru kana? demo yappari kike nai!"

"Haisupiido de, honne wo kaihi shi chau no ni"
"Sono hohoemi dake wa, itsumo kawase nai'n desu yo~!"

As the memory began to progress, along with the song itself, it shows Mayfly getting into her fighting position as she faces off the two Japanese Destroyers, who charged towards the young fencer girl with their katanas, who responded back by slashing back with her rapier as the song begins to play. The memory is showing Mayfly's great advances as she fended off the two Japanese Destroyers with ease, but she doesn't seem to realize that she's straining her sword's durability in the memory.

"..."Kawaii desho?" nante daishi ha, dokitto sa se tai kara nanoni nande?"
"..."Sou da ne" nante zurui desu yo! Doki te sa se nai, de kudasai yo!!"
"Massugu ni ton de iki, tai no ni, mu boubi ni natte shimatta'n desu!"
"Oitsume rare tara kono omoi, nose te nige chau... otome gokoro!"

Mayfly had a tear forming in her eyes as it was remaining to be undetected, as the next part of her memory begins to play, along with the next part of her song. As the J-class Destroyer started to sing, it showed a tired Mayfly who was holding off the Japanese Destroyers rather well, despite being a gunboat, with only her sword as she begins to fend off against further attacks, which was damaging her rapier's blade without her realizing.

"Yumemitai na koi nara, imeeji deki te masu"
"Zettai kanau tte, ki no shitade kokuhaku"

"Nou dameeji de, kanarazusekai de icchi ban"
"Shiawaseni nare chau nante, amai senryakudesu ka?"

The memory shows a damaged Mayfly as she started to give the two Japanese Destroyers with everything that she's got, as she has managed to knock out Monowai out of the spar, not acknowledging that her beloved rapier that she named, 'Aetherius', is going to shatter in the fight...!

"Moshimo totsuzenni tsutae te mi te, nageyari da nante omoware tara!"
"Chimeishoukyuu no dameeji desu yo... motto motto tsuyokunari tai!"
"Massugu ni ton de icchau no ha, tomattara kitto ojiketsui te"
"Koukoufunou ni natte shimau, kono omoi no, sakusendesu!"

During the four major beats of the song, the memory itself has shown that, during the final stretch of the fighting spar between Mayfly and Ayanami, the two of them made major slashes as they clashed upon their blades. But at the fourth major beat, that was when Mayfly's rapier, 'Aetherius', had shattered from Ayanami's katana as she tried to protect herself, leaving her in shock and in tears, as she collapsed onto her knees from fatigue, while her cold-hearted demeanor begins to crack as she held onto her beloved sword, now with a broken blade.

And amidst the song, that's when the crowd, the Commanders and their Candidates, along with the Ship-people, and Javelin herself, were shocked to hear Mayfly's voice as she sang the next part of the song with overflowing tears from her memory. Along with her pent-up emotions, her voice was rather striking as it went in sync with the song itself, bring awe and shock into the event as she began to sing with everything she has.

""Ason de hoshii na~" toka, "oshaberi ippai shi masho u!" toka tte!"
"Sunao ni nareru toki tte, moshika shi tara i tsu datte!"
"Tonari ni ite kureru, toki... kamo shire nai desu ne~!"

The memory shows itself again, as it revealed a crying Mayfly as she held onto 'Aetherius', her personal sword, as it represented her desire to protect the others with everything that she has within herself. While Ayanami and Monowai, who were participating in the sparring match, were surprised to see that Mayfly is completely different than what she's usually seen to be, as Mayfly had somehow felt a power surge within herself as she cried for her broken sword.

While the memory had began to play, Mayfly held her head high while tears began to fall down from her small smile, as she begins to sing the last remnants of the song itself with Javelin.

"Moshimo totsuzenni mitsumerare te, shinkenna hyoujou wo sa re tara"
"Dokidoki ga kitto tomara nai yo... moshika shi tara nai chau kamo?!"

"Kokorono junbi nante kitto, itsu made tatte mo deki mase n"
"Chimeishoukyuuno dameiji nara, nando datte norikoe ta kedo!"

The crowd started to cheer loudly for the two Ship-girls, as they also gave an amazing display of singing as they also get to see the other side of Mayfly. Mayfly didn't seem to be realizing that her other side had been seen by the crowd, the Candidates, and the Commanders as she began to sing out the last part of the song as it approaches the finale.

While in the memory, the energy surge began to empower the sobbing Mayfly as she slowly stopped crying as she wiped away her tears, before getting back into her fighting position to finish her spar with Ayanami, with her broken rapier, 'Aetherius'.

"..."Kawaii desho?" nante daishi ha, dokitto sa se tai kara nanoni nande?"
"..."Sou da ne" nante zurui desu yo! Doki tte sa se nai de kudasai yo!!"
"Massugu ni ton de icchau no ha, hidan shi ta tte tome rare nai"
"Omoi ga kasoku suru kara na n desu! Ai no chikaramise te ageru!!"

Soon enough, the memory shows that Mayfly's sudden power surge was enough to overwhelm Ayanami as she collapsed on the ground as she looked at Mayfly's face. It was filled with tears as she asked for a hand to get up, before Mayfly realized what was she asking for with a slight pink blush, as she obliged to bring Ayanami back up on her feet, as she bashfully explained her cold demeanor to the two Sakuran Destroyers.

And the song reaches it's end note with the two of them finishing the song with one last line.

".."Daisuki desu!".."

[Song End]

That made the crowd cheer with an outroar of excitement and cheers, as Mayfly wiped the tears from her face before looking out to the crowd. When she realized that she followed the song by singing with Javelin, and they may have seen her vulnerability and emotions, she felt embarrassed as she gave the microphone to Javelin, looked away from the crowd, after she hid herself from view, before she covered her face that had a pink blush.

Mayfly: >/n/<

But not before she heard some words that came from the crowd, as they seem to be accepting of her other personality.

"Mayfly, you were awesome back there! I didn't knew that you could sing so well!"

"I actually like you better that way! Why don't you show that more often?"

"Good going there! I hope to see you sing again some time!"

The 9-year old Gunboat had a warm blush on her face as she recomposes herself to reappear on stage, before giving her thanks to everyone that's in the crowd.

Mayfly: "... Thank you, everyone."

The crowd cheered for the two Ship-girls' performance as they left the stage, leaving the Ironblood Faction to represent themselves as Z23, Magnus Rosen, Admiral Hipper and Leon Kersting appeared on stage. While the Commanders were talking to themselves when they heard Mayfly's voice on stage, they were surprised about it as the Ironblood Group had managed to get their guitars, speakers and microphone up as the chosen song, 'Wissen ist Macht!!', begins to play.

Oxford L. Richard: "I was not expecting that."

Artur Baum: "Me neither."

Zack Palmer: "We can agree with this, right?"

Murano and Amaya: "Agree."

[Got the lyrics from, but I wasn't sure if they were in an adjusted Romaji Grammar like the one I made for Javelin's song. I hope it's good enough... I'm already feeling tired with my fingers...] - MatthiasWrites

When the song begins to play, the crowd was subjected to the sounds of guitar playing as Admiral Hipper and Magnus Rosen began to play their guitars in tune with the song itself, as Leon Kersting and Z23 began to sing with the microphone, in their hands. The song itself was enrapturing, as the crowd began to cheer for the Ironblood Faction.

"O-itoma wa ari masen!"
"Chi shi ki no umi he"
"Hibi no tsumi ka sa ne koso"
"Shouri he no sakusen desu!"

[Leon Kersting]
"Donna nandai mo~! [--KURIA]"

"Chie wo shibot ta ra~!"
"Chansu ni kaerareru hazu desu..."

"Saga shi te kakete kanousei"
"Mitsukete mi se mashou!"
"Ikusen no kioku wa"
"Kirihi raku Anfang mu"
"Itsuka sono ita da ki he"
"Nobotte mo"
"Kawa razu ni waratte misemasu!"
"Anata to issho na ra~!"

Artur Baum is cheering loudly for the Ironblood Faction as Amaya and Murano Tarasaburo had been watching with a sense of amusement for their Ironblood comrade, as they continued to listen to the song itself.

"Ninmu dake ja ike masen!"
"Kotoba kawa shi te"
"Omoi appudeeto shi ta ra"
"Kouritsu wa joujou desu!"

[Leon Kersting]
"Yasashi sugiru no wa~! [--AUTO]"

"Tamani kizu dakara~!"
"Sukoshi kyuukei mo shi te kudasai...!"

That's when the crowd started another loud cheer as the sound began to rage out with an sense of intoxicating joy that came from the song's rock music, as everyone on the stage began to sang out the lyrics. Even the prideful Admiral Hipper as she started to enjoy the music that was beginning to echo and sound throughout the event as onlookers, who were outside the event, were listening to the song's rock music.

"Kakaete kakusu sono kage!"
"Tera shi te mise mashou!"
"Kizutsui teru kokoro wa"
"Tsuyoku nareru Bresche"

"Itsuka tooku kodoku ni"
"Utsumu ite mo"
"Michibii te misemasu! Kitto"
"Hitori ni wa shima sen"

Both Magnus Rosen and Admiral Hipper began to rock out on their guitars as they gave the crowd a good amount of rock music from their guitars as they are approaching the ending high note for Z23 and Leon Kersting.

As they were beginning to hear the guitars of the two Ship-people, the Candidates were watching them with awe as Magnus Rosen and Admiral Hipper started to show a sense of skill that's on par with a talented guitarist. Artur Baum felt a massive headache from rocking his head back and forth as he wanted to lay down from the sudden pain, while Zack, Murano and Amaya were looking at each other for a little medical treatment, so they decided to call some of the Manjuus who were giving out some snacks as they gave the signals regarding Artur's condition.

Which meant that Artur is going outside to recover for a bit, but he'll hear the Eagle Union's music as soon as he recovered just enough from his headache.

"Tatoeba kotaenai toi~!"
"Semarareta to shi te mo~!"

That's when the crowd erupted with cheers when everyone on stage had began to sing out the end with everything they have, before the 1936A-class Destroyers had it finished with a high-note.

"Saga shi te kakete kanousei!"
"Mitsukete mise mashou"
"Ikusen no kioku wa"
"Kirihi raku Anfang mu"
"Itsuka sono ita daki he"
"Nobotte mo"
"Kawarazu ni waratte misemasu!
"Anata no tonari nara~!"

Together, the two Destroyers had yelled out the last one with everything they have as the song comes to a close.

[Z23/Leon Kersting]

"Wissen ist Macht~~!!"

That was when the two Heavy Cruisers end it with a good guitar riff before stopping it in sync with the music.

[Song End]

The crowd gave a loudest cheer and applause as the Ironblood Members had to go off of the stage in order to get a drink of water. But before all of them left though, Leon looked back to give them his thanks for watching them all as he waved them a good-bye before going off of the stage.

L. Kersting: "Thank you!!"

After he managed to catch up with the others, they were kind of exhausted from the performance, but they were also proud about how well it was established with little to no errors. Admiral Hipper and Magnus Rosen had to pick up their own water bottle as they sat down on the benches, feeling exhausted with the amount of work that they have to do with their guitars on stage.

Admiral Hipper: "That was... honestly one of the best performances that we have ever made...!"

Z23(Nimi): "Yeah, it appears to be so..." She said before she took a bottle of water to take a large drink.

L. Kersting: After taking a large sip of water, he gave a sigh of relief as he looked at everyone else in his group. "Thanks for bringing me here, sis! I actually liked it!"

Z23(Nimi): "No need to thank me, Bruder."

L. Kersting: ".... Hehe... Maybe the same goes for you... Schwester."

Magnus Rosen: "So then, everyone, what do you think the Eagle Union is going to pull off?"

Admiral Hipper: "If I'm going to tell you all, I'm curious. What is Laffey going to pull off over there?"

L. Kersting: "Think we can go see them by the crowd?"

Magnus Rosen: "I dunno... The crowd is still there, and the ruckus is still present. Think there's another way to get over there?"

As they were discussing about where to go, Leon noticed a pathway as he nudged his sister to look at his point of direction.

Z23(Nimi): "Bruder? What is it?"

L. Kersting: He pointed at the pathway that's at the left of the backstage. "Think that's where we can go?"

Magnus Rosen: "It has to be, we better see if it is... But, I'm feeling rather sluggish for some reason... Was it because of the guitar work we'd done, sis?"

Admiral Hipper: "Ja. That has to be it. If that isn't our other way out, then we're stuck here."

So the four of them carefully followed the pathway that's at the backstage of the podium. Sure enough, they were leading towards outside as they can get a proper break without the feeling of relaxing in a small enclosed space.

Magnus Rosen: "Oh, thank God... We're out... Ahh..."

Admiral Hipper: "We did deserve it, that was rather exhausting." She said as she sat down next to Magnus.

Z23 and Leon Kersting sat between them so things wouldn't be a bit awkward as the crowd started to give a sense of a cheer for the arrival of Laffey, PT-72(Lavern) and PT-73(Harleigh.)

Over at the stage, PT-72 had a cotton hat over his head as he kept his grip on the microphone as the song, 'Sleepy Wonderland', had began to play. When it began to play, he let out a small sigh to calm his nerves in order to sing the lyrics of the song.

[Okay, found the lyrics of this song at '' and '', and just in case, I'll adjust it's Romaji with some work. I know I said it many times, but I hope that my work doesn't disappoint you.] - MatthiasWrites

"Donna toki datte, minna issho ga ii kamo. Tabun."
"Tengokuni ichiban, chikai wandaarando"

That's when the crowd began to cheer for the three Eagle Union ships as they initiated the song. The nearby Ironblood Ships were also impressed, even if it's a little.

"Joutai... (...ryoukou)"

"sentou.. (...kanou)"

"Mokuhyousenmetsu, un"
"Ninmu mo... (...seikou)"
"tokei ha... (...seikou)"
"Shukkoudoriimu taimu... (...faa~)"

The crowd gave a cheer as the song begins to progress, although, the other Commanders were confused about why was PT-72 wearing a cotton hat to cover his head for the event as the three Ship-people has began to sing the next line. At one point, a human was eating one of the snacks as they cheered them on. Mihara had forgot to mention about the fact that she also ordered the classic hotdog as well, as the kid had given some mustard and ketchup as he ate, while he cheered for the Eagle Union group.

"Mimi ha sawaranai de... (...pyon pyon)"

"Honmonoja nai kedo... (...pyon pyon)"

"Sorosoro mon ga hiraku, yume no umi, iko"

"Ookina nami zabun, zabun, konna aoi yuri kago de"
"Kimochi yoku ne teru no wo, jama shi tara... ...gekichin"

"Chesha nekoga waratta, mitai na mikadzuki... nagame"
"Ganbatta go houbi, nante mattenai. (un, mattenai)"
"Minna de atsumatte, kirei na doresu wo... ...kitari"
"Fushigi na tii paatii ni, sasottenai... ...tabun"

The crowd seemed to be partying from the song itself as the Eagle Union group is giving everything they have to sing out the song. Zack Palmer is impressed with how Laffey is staying awake for the song, without even falling asleep.

"Renraku... ( ...jikou) zen'in... ( ...shuugou)"
"Sakusen kakunin, (un)"

"Hensei... ( ...saikou) hokyuu wa... ( ...juuyou)"
"Shutsugeki paatii, taimu"

The crowd started to cheer louder for the music as the music progressed as the song started to show it's essence of a marching festival.

"Kamatte kure nai to (... tsun tsun)"

"Chotto fu kigen kamo... (... tsun tsun)"

"Nemutteru toki mo yappari... ...tai kutsu wa kirai"

That's when the song slowed down as Laffey said something for a bit before she continued the song itself as the Elco siblings were letting out some tears out from their new memory. They even wonder if there might be a way for Ship-people or Kansen to transcend to Heaven, like humans would, if Heaven might be there and accepting of them.

"Minna, Rafii wa yumeno sekai demo genki da yo."
"Dakara, Rafii wa asobi tai to sasotte nai. Un, sasotte nai.
"Demo, issho nara oki te rareru kamo... tabun"

That's when PT-72 and PT-73 started off the lines before Laffey joined them as the two Elco siblings gave off a sense of their emotions while they sang the lines.

"Attakai, attakai mou fu ni, kurumare teru mitai na"
"Yasashii, yasashii tomodachi, itsumo itsumo... ... arigato"

"Zensoku zenshin... ..."

"Yakan hougekisen, mitai na hoshizora... ... nagame"
"Ganbatta go houbi, nante mattenai ( un, matte nai)"
"Nenne suru toki mo, minna issho ga ii kamo... ... zutto"
"Tengoku ni ichiban, chikai WANDAARANDO"

"Suya suya... (... guu guu) suya suya... (... guu guu)"
"Oyasumi, SURIIPINGU (faa~)"

"Suya suya... (... guu guu) suya suya... (... guu guu)"
"Issho ni DORIIMU TAIMU (faa~)"

[Song End]

The crowd gave one last final cheer as PT-72 and PT-73 felt tired on the microphone, but not before PT-73 realized that Laffey was finally about to fall down, so she catched her first before the three of them exited the stage. But, the one voice that PT-72 had heard amidst the crowd, had came from the Sims-class Destroyer, Hammann. Sims, who was next to her, didn't seem to be teasing her for it, because she had secretly been overhearing his conversation with her, as she gave him a distant thumbs-up, before he responded by waving goodbye as he left the stage.

That's when the singing event had ended as everyone decided to get their own snack to finish the day with several events occurring at the Academy.

Laffey is seen relaxing with PT-72 and PT-73 as Hammann, along with Sims and Spence were sitting down next to them. While at the table, Akashi, Mihara and Momotori were drinking cups of fruit punch as everyone seems to be partying hard.

Queen Elizabeth had been watching the event and she seemed impressed by it, before she got into a predicament as she, and Warspite had to try and get some of the people outside so they can get back to sleep till school starts. It was a good thing that she had Edward Dyson and Belfast helping the two, because they would have resorted to force, should some of the humans be acting weird.

Javelin is currently talking to Zack Palmer about something outside the Academy, and she seemed to be blushing about something, only for Zack to shake his hands in front of her, signaling that Zack may have accidentally said something odd as he tried to clarify his words in front of her.

The Candidates and the other Commanders have agreed to meet again in around 8 days, which is more than a week, but it's decent enough to get the Commanders to finish off on their reports, while signing up on who's getting recruited.

All in all, the party went well as everyone, Human and Kansen, had finally left the Academy for the preparation for tomorrow.

[Timeskip brought to you by the drunk Commanders crashing into Ark Royal's dorm as she tried to bring them back to their dorm]

[How was the party scene? Was the multiple cheers of the crowd a bit too much?]

[Location: Azur Lane Dormitories, PT-72 and PT-73's Room]

The Elco Siblings had a long night as they went back to their rooms. They were glad that it's still alright as they brought their bags and school materials inside, before placing them beside the bed.

The two of them went to brush their teeth before they went into their bed, but before they could sleep, PT-72 asked his sister about Heaven, after he had spent a good time at the Singing Event at the Academy.

PT-72(Lavern): "Hey, sis? Do you think Heaven exists for us?"

PT-73(Harleigh): "Why do you ask that?"

PT-72(Lavern): "It's just that, whenever I think about my memories, I wanted to cherish them as much as I could. But, by the chance that we could potentially die, or not... whether by the universe itself, or if we die by natural causes that a Human would have, would Heaven really exist...? And if it does, can it accept us?"

PT-73 had to give some time, thinking about her brother's question in order to find a good answer. But for a question that needed an infinite source, and they don't have one, it's rather existenialistic, and hard to think about as PT-73 gave her answer.

PT-73(Harleigh): "Brother, listen. I don't know if Heaven does exist, but if it does, I hope it'll accept us. But, were you thinking too much? We are Ship-people from these Wisdom Cubes and Mental Cubes! These things are the reason of why were are here! I really don't think that we can age, we just need to live our lives the best that we could!"

PT-72 felt his mind aching from the party as he tried to comprehend the answer, before he had to fall asleep, due to the pain of the headache.

PT-73(Harleigh): "I guess you need some rest."
Mind: "School, huh? This is going to be a new day..."

And so, the Elco siblings had fallen asleep after a brief discussion about their lives, and the philosophy of existenialism, as they prepare to enter school. Which leads us to Bisoku Zenshin!

[Hey guys, sorry it took so long! Been trying to think about what will fit, and I had been making summaries to set up the plot behind these Chapters.]

[I was hoping that the prologue to my new Story isn't too rushed, along with being a little bad with sloppy writing. If there are some things that aren't right to the lore, or there might be some bad grammar, then tell me about where they are.]

[And, PT-72 is sorta like me whenever I seem to be caught up on Existenialism. I mean, sometimes the thought about how we came to be, and our purpose on Earth seemed unknown, it's quite something to think about. Or maybe it's because of the party that PT-72 had made a random thought to pop up in his head as he told his sibling, I don't know.]

[And- geez! The story nearly broke 12,000 words already! 'Chapter Ten: To Adjust To The New Era!' had around 12,000 words, maybe!] - MatthiasWrites

Created on February 12th, 2022
Time: 12:58pm

Finished on February 28th, 2022
Time: 7:33pm

Published on February 28th, 2022
Time: 7:36pm

[Total Word Count: 11,289 Words]

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