The Child of the Moon: The Fi...

Door MightyChance

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In time and millennia across the multiverse, The Fierce Deity and Majora has been at war for what it seems li... Meer

The Child of the Moon
The Blood of the Wrathful God
The Secrets of the Fierce Deity | Wrathful God Vs. One Winged Angel
The Staff from Below
The Renegade Team 6
A Keyblade Heart & The Phantom Thieves
Down Under to a Cursed Park
Dancing with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
City Raid
A Wrathful God and Demon Hunter Walk Into a Bar
Sinister News at a Pop Star's Concert
The Seven Heavenly Virtues | Fall of the Warmonger
Pain of the Past
The Ruler of Hell comes to Earth
Peace Meeting | Heartless, Demon, and Exterminator Attack
Witch's Wrath | Rival's Team Up | Wrathful God Vs. White Dragon Emperor
Moonchild meets Outlaw | Beasts from the Ground
A Mother's Inner Darkness
The Trip to the Underworld
White Sound | A Phenex's Rehab
Owl's Dragon | Sister's Facing the Darkness | The God of Thunder and War
Battle of the Gods | China's Heroine Spirit | An Unbreakable Bond
Seviathan | The Arachnid's Ballad
The Obsessive Doll Demon | Double Date
The Crystal of Kthanid | The Infinite Dragon God | Setting Sail
The Captain of the Black Pearl | Infant Island & the King of the Jungle
The Titanic Battle of the Bermuda Triangle
The Black Pearl Vs. Bowser's Armada
The Castle of Darkness | Downfall of the Villains | Farewell, Phantom Thieves
The Battle for Balance | Light Vs. Darkness
The Light of Notre Dame
The Final Battle | Fierce Deity's Freedom {MAIN STORY FINALE}

Wisdom of the World Serpent | Maleficent's Counter and New Plans

127 5 2
Door MightyChance

After reuniting with everyone back at the mansion, all were happy to win against Loki and his children. Vara and Octavia were being hugged by Stolas, Stella, and the rest of I.M.P. as Issei was hugged by Rias and Asia. Explaining everything as to what happened, Vara, Thor, and Kratos enter Loki's holding cell as he was coming around.

Loki: ... What? .. What happened?

Vara: Well... you were kicking our ass, until me and Asterius did.

Loki: Asterius? But.. I thought he- Wait... what's going on?

Vara: Don't you remember what happened? You almost caused Ragnarok. 

Loki: What? .. Wha- Ragnarok, I don't know what your talking about. I wouldn't take such drastic measures if I were to be King of Asgard.... Don't even know why I'm spouting this to a mortal like you.

Vara: .. I knew you would say that. 

Thor: Loki, what do you remember before coming here?

Loki: I- I was... I was in my cell back on Asgard. I was locked away from our last fight, brother... But.. everything just went dark... All I can remember was... a mask.

Vara: Majora. 

Loki: I beg your pardon?

Vara: .. Majora. He's the evil spirit that was confined in the mask. He almost wiped out a parallel world like Earth, but was stopped. Now that he's returned.... he's going to end the world on the day of the eclipse. 

Loki: ... Well, what does he have to do with me? Why am I involved in this?

Kratos: This mask is what took control of your darkness. It's what caused you and your children to closely unleash Ragnarok and cause the end of all supernatural. 

Loki was now quiet, having to hear of the whole truth of him being manipulated and controlled by Majora. Just then, Mulan came in the room, having Octavia letting her take over at the moment. 

Vara: Hua Mulan?

Mulan: I hope I'm not disturbing. 

Thor: .. You're not. Loki just now taking the truth to heart. 

Mulan: Is that so? I don't know of this Majora. Who is he?

Vara's face paint appears as he was now engulfed in light, letting Asterius take over.

Asterius: Majora is a evil spirit that inhabits a mask. He's a being that cause fear, terror, torment, and misery to those who come across him. I defeated him couple times, but now that he's back, he plans to have the entire world destroyed. 

Mulan: .. All of the world?

Kratos: It's true. I know little, but I can tell that an apocalypse is coming. Asterius has to attain the last two virtues in order to call upon the guardians. 

Asterius: .. That's right... Vara killed Jormungandr, therefore we have the Temperance virtue. All we need now is to attain the virtue of Kindness and Humility. 

Thor: The only way we can get the two is to defeat more monstrous beasts. The Great Leviathan and Cthuhlu. 

Loki: ... That's impossible. You can't kill Cthuhlu, let alone even look at him. Not even the strongest mind can break his gaze. 

Asterius: .. Then what?

Loki: .. You'll need to talk to Jormungandr for that.

Asterius: Didn't you just hear? Vara has killed him.

Loki: Oh, you did... but he always comes back. Reborn, and different. I know the entire story of the World Serpent more better then you do. 

Mulan: .. The snake's head is back at the place we fought. I thought it would start becoming just a husk. 

Thor: Impossible. Loki's right, he knows the real Jormungandr. 

Asterius: Then we must go back. 

Kratos: Right.

Loki: You'll need me with you. He'll attack if I'm not there.

Asterius: How do you know that you won't backstab us?

Thor: I know his tricks. But we don't have a choice. 

The four then return to the field, with Loki still captive as they all walk towards the giant severed head of Jormungandr. 

Asterius: Now what?

Loki then walks in front of them as he uses his own magic on the giant serpent. His magic was now green instead of blue as he then pours the magic into the head, causing it to regrow the entire body and becoming more different. The World Serpent rises from the dead and faces the five in front of him.

Jormungandr: {Father.... Fierce Deity... China's Legend... God of Thunder... and... God of War...}

Mulan: ... What did he say?

Asterius: He's speaking the language of Gods. I can understand him.

Jormungandr: {Fierce Deity.... you're prowess with the mortal bonded with you.... have become more powerful and.... strong.... Had you not freed my father from.... the mask of evil.... you would've made.... a great snack....} *hisses*

Kratos: Heheh... He likes you.

Asterius: Shut up. 

Thor: Jormungandr... Earth is facing a calamity on the day of the Eclipse. The moon will fall, and all realms will perish. 

Jormungandr: {Doesn't.... look like my problem.... God of Thunder.... I can easily wrap around the Earth and end the world.... if I felt like it... but...... I'm feeling generous.}

Loki: Hahaha... Charming as always... But that's not what they were talking about. You recall that I was taken over by an evil spirit, have you not? ... Well, I have a little score to settle. Now tell your dear father.... What are the secrets of defeating the Great Leviathan and Cthuhlu?

Asterius: ... I have to attain the two remaining virtues, so that I can stop the moon from falling. If you have a care for this world.... then you must help us.

Jormungandr: {..... The secret.... lies upon..... Cthuhlu's brother..... Kthanid.... And.... the King of the Monsters..... Gojira.}

Vara: 'Kthanid... and Gojira?.... Wait, does he mean Godzilla? The monster that was created from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb back in 1954... by accident?'

Asterius: 'Yes, the exact one.' .... Jormungandr.... Thank you... We'll find these two... and put an end to the Great Leviathan and Cthuhlu. 

Jormungandr: {Then.... the Underworld.... is no longer any place for me.... I shall return back to the surface... of Midgard... Farewell....}

Jormungandr then starts to slither away from the five as he fades into the mist. As the fog clears, the World Serpent was nowhere in sight. 

Asterius: Now we need to figure out how to call upon Godzilla and Kthanid. Looks like this is where we all go separate ways. 

Thor: Asterius.... and Vara... Thank you, for freeing my brother from the curse of Majora. You're names shall be sung in Valhalla. 

Asterius: We'll meet again, Thor... Same goes with you... Loki.

Loki: Your welcome.

Thor then grabs Loki's arm as he then uses Mjolnir to return back to Asgard. 

Kratos: I shall head back to Earth... you may not see me again, but I will see you when it's time to face our enemy.

Asterius: Indeed. 

Kratos: ... If there was a possibility.... I could've given you the title of God of War.

Asterius: No... If anyone deserves that title... it's you, Kratos. May we meet again.

He nods as he then leaps off the canyon, disappearing without a trace. Asterius then looks over at Hua Mulan. 

Asterius: This feels like...

Mulan: Deja Vu?

Asterius: I guess it's because our bonds with the ones we inhabit. 

Mulan: I'm more surprised. An demon owl from Hell... with a strong sense of resolve and justice. It's a first.

Asterius: Hell has demons that believe in justice, Hua Mulan. Though they may not find it, they stay true to themselves. 

Mulan: Right.... by the way... just call me Mulan. I feel like we're past that era.

Asterius: It's not too late... Mulan. 

Both of them smile as they then let Vara and Octavia take over. Both looked at each other as they smiled awkwardly. 

Vara: I feel a bit awkward. 

Octavia: .. Same...

Vara: Listen.. Via... I'm... *deep breath* .. I'm sorry for worrying you. You know... for a moment... I thought I was going to die... and that I lost Asterius. But... it seems he was suffering more... and he needed my help. 

Octavia: You two have really became a good team.

Vara: He's more then my partner, Via.... he's my friend. 

She smiles as they both hug for a long while. Both shared their kiss and hugged for about a few minutes. 

Octavia: .. I'm glad... you're safe.. And... I'm really happy to have met you.... I love you, Vara.

Vara: I love you too, Via.... Let's go home. 

The two then start to walk away from the battlefield and head back towards the mansion, only to pass it and meet up with Mario, Luigi, SMG4, and the others as well as Stolas, Stella, and I.M.P. back at the train station. After saying their goodbyes for now at the Gremory Family, they all board the train as they all leave the Underworld and head back to Earth. With all that have headed back home, Vara, Mario and the other return back into the castle.

Vara: Home sweet home! 

Mario: Mhm. 

SMG4: Nothing much has changed. I guess that means we can get back to our normal lives for the moment. 

Vara; You do that. I'm gonna look in the library to figure out on what to do next.

SMG4: Okay.

Vara then walks away from the group as he then enters the library. He then goes through the long hall of books as he was looking for the other mythos book, since he gave the other to Serafall. 

Vara: .. *sigh* .. This is gonna take a while...

Mushu: I don't think so, Vara! Look up here!

Vara was surprised to hear Mushu's voice as he then looks up and sees him with the Mythos Book.

Mushu: I found what you were looking for! 

Vara: Mushu?! How are you here? I though you were with Octavia. 

Mushu: Frankly, I was going to stay. But Mulan asked me to give you guidance. I was going to do it to your owl girlfriend, but she insisted. 

He then lands on the desk with the book.

Mushu: Alright, now what are we looking for? More mythos to study from?

Vara: Sort of... I'm trying to see.. *scrolling pages* If I can find.... Ah, here. Kthanid!

Mushu: Huh. Such a charming look. 

Vara: From what it says here, Kthanid is the opposite of Cthuhlu. Unlike his evil brother, Kthanid shows love and respect for all of humanity, and would vow to protect whatever a world ending event will be, even if it means trying to kill his own brother in the process. 

Mushu: Bad blood? I thought it would be good.

Vara: I've heard of having a bad relation, but having to kill an evil brother to save humanity.... this shows how far Cthuhlu's gone down. Kthanid probably pities him...

Vara then scrolled through the pages and finds how he can be found or awakened. 

Vara: Last sight was in dead center of the Atlantic. And to be awakened, he doesn't need to be only if his brother is awakened, which evil sorcerers and cultists can awaken him.... I don't like the sound of this. 

Mushu: Why?

Vara: It involves Evil Sorcerers.... that also means that... it could involve Maleficent. But she's playing a big game if she wanted to awaken Cthuhlu. But I'd highly doubt it... Well, looks like we're going to have put Cthuhlu on pause, since we hit a roadblock. 

Mushu: Okay, what next?

Vara: The Great Leviathan. According to the myths, the giant sea serpent is most known for wandering the sea of the Bermuda. Translation: The Bermuda Triangle. Legends say that whomever enters the triangle, they disappear from the face of the Earth. Exactly what happened to Amelia Earhart. My guess was that she was killed by this giant serpent. It's even more feared then the Kraken, for it can form into different heads and tentacles, like the Hydra in Greek Mythology. 

Vara's head begins to hurt as he realized what he has to do.

Vara: Ugh... my heads killing me. I realized that I have to find a team that can set sail into the ocean to find this snake... And I realized that killing it is going to be more harder. *facepalms* Ugh, this sucks.... I guess the best bet is to have Godzilla helping us. But he could be about anywhere. I could ask Rias... but that would be impossible. Only the Japanese Military knows of Godzilla, and nothing else.... Wait.. there is something!

Mushu: Who?

Vara: Mothra. The Queen of Monsters, and apparently Godzilla's wife, no surprise there. Maybe she can help, and her island isn't that too far from where we're at. It's mostly resided in the far distance of the ocean. Infant Island. If we can get her help, maybe she can help us fight with Godzilla against the Leviathan. And maybe help us against Cthuhlu with Kthanid. 

He then sits back and smiles. 

Vara: Mushu... this... this is our only shot. If we can't convince them, then all of Earth and the realms are done for. 

Mushu: Well, looks like we got a high mission on our hands. We need a ship, a crew, and a guide to take us. 

Vara: Like Pirates! Sora knows of one that could help... but he's away on another world right now... We'll have to wait until he visits again. Looks like we're good on what to do. So all we have to do now is wait, and the Eclipse won't happen until next year, so we're good. 

Mushu: Now that is what I am talking about! Until Sora gets back, we are in for the expedition of our lives! Fighting titans and all! Gods Vs. Gods! This is going to be delicious!

Vara: Hahaha... whatever you say.

Just now, the castle starts to rumble as Vara looked outside to see Bowser's Airships.

Vara: Bowser?... Again?!

Mushu: I wouldn't worry about that. Look!

Vara looks as they saw Sir Pentious's blimp, which was now different. It was all coated with dark and green magic as it had horns.

Vara: You're kidding me.. Maleficent! Come on, Mushu!

Mushu: Right behind ya!

Vara runs up the stairs and heads into the main lobby, where the front door blasts open and reveals Bowser and Maleficent.

Maleficent: Ah, Vara.. Wonderful to see you here. You've matured. 

Vara: What do you want, Maleficent? And why is Bowser with you?

Maleficent: Hmph. Questions are always your forte, child. I saw Bowser's intentions.. On how he wants the Princess of this castle to feel what it's like to see a kingdom in ashes. So... I made him see my way.. we somewhat have the same story. I was casted out from a kingdom... I forged my own kingdom... and I rule it. Just like him, we're the same. 

Vara: But Bowser isn't one to be manipulated. If he breaks free from your rule, you'll regret it. 

Maleficent: Exactly. *snaps fingers* I'm sure you're wondering why your friends aren't here at the moment. 

The room then begins to become more dark as SMG4, Meggy, Tari, and Melony appear, unconscious and motionless. 

Vara: Let them go! They have nothing to do with this!

Maleficent: On the contrary, they have what you call the bonds of the Princess. Therefore I can extract it and turn it into darkness, adding it to my own.

She then begins to extract all of the darkness as the group started screaming in pain. Vara drew out his blade, but was paralyzed.

Vara: I.. I can't move! 

All of the darkness have been extracted as they all fell into a deep unconscious state. 

Vara: You witch! You won't get away with this!

Maleficent: I believe we're passed beyond that point. As for your friends, they're still alive, but won't be waking up for some time. Now for the two siblings... *points* They're behind you.

Vara looks back as he saw Mario and Luigi unconscious. 

Vara: No..

Maleficent: And now... what I have come here for.

She then starts to cast a dark magic as he reveals Peach, trapped in a emerald seal.

Peach: Let me go!

Maleficent: Silence!... I'll lend you in a secret, boy... Turns out, I won't need the other princesses... since this one... has alot of power that has yet to be awakened. And once that awakens, I will use that and turn this entire world into darkness. 

Vara: ... So what? ... The world's going to end from Majora... Think about it... All your work... will be for nothing. You know it as much as I do, Maleficent. All of us, even our enemies have a common enemy. When he gets what he wants, you'll be casted out. He doesn't keep promises. He manipulates them.

Maleficent: I know.... *turns around* And I know what you're trying to do. Attain the remaining two virtues, and calling upon the guardians to break the moon's curse.... Very well, looks I do have use for you, child. 

Vara: *growls* 

Maleficent: Now that I think about it... I'm feel a bit nostalgic. I fought a warrior that devoted his life to save Princess Aurora... yet I fell. But things are more different now. 

The magic then begins to grow darker as even outside, the field and castle are now marked in ruins. 

Maleficent: I'll let you and your pitiful friends live, as I have much use for you all! Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Maleficent then starts to disappear along with Bowser, and Peach in captivity. All of the airships outside were now flying away as was Maleficent's Blimp. Vara was now free from the paralysis as was Mushu as well.

Mushu: That does it! When I get my hands on her-! Oh! Oh! Oh, it's going down for real!

Vara: Calm down, Mushu.... Maleficent... she got us good. I forgotten about Bowser, and now we paid the price.... For now, all we have to do is wait until Sora gets back, then go find the Titans.... Can't believe I'm saying this... but we'll have to hold off on saving Peach for now... I hope she'll be okay. 

Vara then kneels down towards Mario and Luigi.

Vara: 'Michael... God... Anyone above... watch over her... and give her hope.... ' Let's get them to safety.... and clean up. 

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