The Last Lightbender The Last...


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Lightbending. It's only the greatest element, and one girl seems to conquer it. She finds out about her past... Еще

The Last Iightbender The Last Airbender fan - fic
Chapter one - I'm on a flying bison... AWESOME
Chapter two - New Friends
Chapter three - Zuko
Chapter 4 - Fire
Chapter 5 - This Isn't Betrayal? Is it?
Chatper 6 - Tests
Chapter 8 - Back with Zuko. . . And Acting Weird. . .
Chapter 9 - Embarrassing moment to Zhao and Confessing something to Zuko
Chapter 10 - Three Simple Words
Chapter 11- The Deserter
Chapter 12 - Who Knew I'd Protect Someone Who Hates Me?
Chapter 13- Yelling At The Handicapped Boy
Chapter 14 - A Day With Hahn
Chapter 15- Marriage, Necklace, And Zuko?!
Authors Note: Dedications To My Followers/ Not A Chapter

Chapter 7 - Illusions

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Chapter 7 - Illusions

Okay, so I recently found out I was a bender. But which? I was utterly confused, and I wanted to know, now. I definitely knew that I wasn't the avatar, that would be merely impossible. Zuko has still been doing tests on me, and I've been questioned quite a lot, frankly.

I wanted to go out, and be with my other friends. I miss them so much. I want the wind flowing in my hair, flying in the sky on Appa. How many day's has it been, I'm guessing 12? I needed to tell them urgently, but I wish I could escape, but I wanted to stay by Zuko's side too.

I folded my legs on the ground in a sitting position, practicing my chi. Zuko and Uncle have been doing the same; I wasn't really focusing. I really should be though, I need to get better at my bending, when I figure what it is. I kept my mind focused on meditating, I had to get the hang of this and start practicing my bending, or I'll never master anything at all, despite the fact of Aang is still learning the other elements to master all four of them.

Time flies by later through the day, and Zuko is arguing with his lieutenant. I watch close behind to see that the man is having a conversation with Uncle, talking about when Zuko was young, his father banished him and could not return unless he had captured the Avatar to gain back his honor. Iroh ended his story with him by saying," I looked away," for the fire lord giving his son cruel punishment to learn respect.

Then there was a loud bang of what seemed to be lightning, Zuko, Iroh, the lieutenant, and me, ran up the ladder and watch as a storm was rocking the ship back and forth in a rapid motion. Iroh asks where we were hit, and we see the helmsman hanging from the bar and we help him up, and Iroh redirects the lightning that was about to struck again, pointing at the ocean.

Off into the distance, I saw a smaller ship than ours, falling apart from the storm. I notice Sokka with a fishermen, and Aang and Katara on Appa in the distance helping them, and they go right past us.

" What do you want to do?" the lieutenant asks Zuko. After a brief pause he replies, " Let him go." I smirk. I've been out here long enough, and I think I might catch a cold. It's very possible, and this storm is making it a whole lot worse.

" We will need to go to the eye of the storm," Iroh stated with a smirk on his face. Later on we reach the eye of the storm and we are now safe. Zuko apologizes to uncle and he accepts it with a smile. Seconds later, Appa bursts out of the water in front of the ship, and Zuko and Aang look at each other for merely a second. Then he looks at me, then he gasps. I smile looking back at Zuko still smiling.

He nodded, and I went into the sky. I've been practicing a lot to figure what I was, and I suddenly began flying the other day. I flew higher till I landed with a thump onto the saddle, sighing in relief as I saw my friends. They looked like they just went swimming.

" River!" they shout constantly in unison. Appa soars through the clouds higher till we reach above them.

" Katara, Aang, Appa! I missed you guys-oh you too, um, was it Sokka?" I joke, giggling.

" We missed you too, River!" they shout louder embracing me tight.

" River, um. You seemed to not come back to us, or follow us. You smiled at him before you jumped to us. Are you friends with Zuko, are you going to come back to him? You looked really friendly towards him." Katara asked which made me blush. How do I reply to that?

" W-who is s-s-she?" the fishermen asks stuttering from the cold and wetness. His clothes clinging to him, and his skin tan and wrinkly. He looked about 60 years old, but had a little grumpiness in his aura.

" I'm River!" I yell smiling with closing eyes, thankful we dropped the subject.


Afterwards, we reach inside the cave in one piece, the fishermen apologizes to his wife, stating that she was right. She tells him to apologize to Aang. I hide a laugh, and the fishermen wants to exchange his apology with a free fish instead to call it even.

" I don't eat meat." Aang bellowed.

" Fish ain't meat!" the fishermen and I say humorously. Sokka still doesn't look pleased and asks if he's still going to get paid, but to his dissatisfaction the only thing he gets is a hand full of smelly fish. I groan at the stink and hold my nose together. Aang tells Katara that she's right, that he is through with beating himself up about the past and he's going to make the best out of the situation.

" Thank you for saving my life." bellowed the old man. Sokka notices that the storm is over so we all exit the cave to savor the sunshine only to have the bison, Appa, to shake water over all of us. I laugh out loud this time as my friends got even more wet. Aang holds out his arms.

" We missed you so-much, give me a hug!" he protests trying to embrace me in the wet, smelly, hairy, hug of his.

" Nuh-uh! I'm not falling for that trick!" I manage to say before running away from the airbender. We both laugh before collasping on the ground. We stay here for the night and get a good night's rest.


I woke up sweating like the sun. It's so hot! I furiously rip off the sleeping bag, off me trying to get the refreshing cool air on me.

" Good, morning... K-Katara..." I say gasping for air. She was putting a wet cloth on Sokka's forehead.

" Good morning, River." she said smiling at me, then turns into a frown in an instinct, " You don't look so well either?" she put a wet cloth on me too like Sokka. The illness is a result from the storm we got caught in last night, I reminded myself. I began to cough. Aang came in. Where did he go? He was talking to Katara, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I couldn't hear anything. This isn't good...

Aang walks off, probably getting some herbs for us. I then look at Appa and Momo. Why is Momo wearing a dress and make-up? Is Momo a girl? I then look at Appa, and notice he was wearing a bath robe, and had his hair in braids, who was also wearing a tutu over the robe and had a batan in his hand. Weird?

I look at Katara and Sokka; Sokka was on a mountain with a rose in between his teeth looking pretty sexy, and Katara; having a cell phone next to her ear talking like those girly, pink, gossip girls. 'OMG, I know! And he was like, soooo adorable, like when he touched my hand, mmnnn' she was saying into it. I could hear again!

I stood up and walked towards Momo, our cat. I petted his sweet, soft fur, and rubbing his ears, " Good, kitty!" I said giggling like a 5 year old. I stopped and sat by Katara petting the tan tiger. Pretty tiger.

" Your such a good girl Katara, just promise you won't eat me, and I'll give you a steak! Even if you do, there will be no promises..." I said. The tiger look confused. " No worries, tiger Katara, everything will be alright, hakuna matata!" then I jumped up, remembering my favorite childhood movie. I started swaying to the music that was already stuck in my head ( Just picture this to get the idea...)

" Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase! Hakuna Matata, ain't no passing craze! It means no worries, for the rest of your days, it's our problem free, philostrophy, hakuna matata!!" I sang swaying my hips side ways, and doing the hula with my hands. I FELT SO FREEEE!!!!

I flapped my arms like wings and shouting, " I'M A PRETTY BUTTERFLY, WATCH ME REACH THE SKY!!! Ha, that rhymes!" I said twirling and dancing, and running and jumping, like a fairy. Oh!


" IT'S A KOWAWA!!!" I shouted before running up to Sokka petting it's fuzzy ears." Kowawa, I love kowawa's. I sat down on the ice cream bed, and touched it's black button eyes open.

" What's a ko-wa-wa?" the koala asked. I gasped dramatically. " The kowawa can talk, kowawa's can talk! This is the best day, everrrrrr!!" I protested. I looked seriously into it's eyes.

" You, are mine." I said in a cold mono tone.


My tiger, Katara, enlists my cat, Momo's help to get water, but as the scene shifts to the cat's perspective the viewer is led to believe that Momo just hears random sounds and really does not know what the tan tiger is saying.

" Therouthly!" I say in Sylvester the cat from Looney Tunes voice, " My minth's is goin' cwazy for the bird, Tweethy! Fwhy won' he be mine! It's thuffering thuccotash!"

" What are you talking about, River?" my tiger asks.

" Nothing, my dear tiger, sleep now, sleep." I say. More things pop into my head.

" Oh Edward, I think it's so romantic when you watch me in my sleep like a pedophile, I love it when you leave me to show true love, and I jump off a cliff to see your beautiful sparkly face. I love it how you sparkle in the sun like a fairy and not die. I love it how you bought me a diamond bracelet but lied to me on how it was a crystal, so I would accept it! I left all my friends and family just to be with the first boyfriend I ever have and I don't show any emotion what so ever in the movie, I gasp a lot, blink really fast, bite my lip, and trip over everything! My eternal love begs for you!!" I shout. I hate Twilight! I bawled into tears.

" Derek! How could you! Y-you left me for that dirty slut you call a girlfriend! That bimbo can't do anything, and you go and she walks all over you! She isn't worth a penny and you think she's so great-! How could you, Derek!! We were together for three freaking years, and we've been so perfect together, till she took my spot! And you let her, Derek!" I spat with wet tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. I ran over to my tiger for her comfort. I needed comfort. If Jet were here, he'd make it all better and beat that jerk till he's bacon.

Katara hugged me with her tan fur. I laid against her, and sobbed and cried. She was petting my hair and rubbing my arms. Good tiger... I leaned on the SMEXY Sokka who had the rockin' bod with tanned pecs. I grabbed his hand and pecked his lips, feeling as if I needed to release some sexual frustrations. I stood up. I needed to run. Running takes out all my emotions and stress.

I walked past Sokka and out of the cave. I felt so sick like I was going to throw up. I walked down the hill and ended up tripping, landing on the ground rolling down a couple times till I reached the flat surface of the ground. I groaned as I stood back up. Wasn't this the episode where Aang gets caught by Admiral Zhou, but gets rescued by the blue spirit, also known as Zuko? I guess it is...

I walked a while, heading to the lake to find a frozen frog. I reached the lake and I dipped my hand to catch one. It took a while, but I managed to catch the frozen frog and suck on it. I put it inside my mouth and began sucking on the frozen animal. This tastes like a popsicle, except without any flavor. I grabbed a couple beore walking back to the cave where Katara the tiger and Sokka the hippo was. The popsicle frozen frog still in my mouth as I walked, I felt better within every step that the frog was warm.

I reached the cave, sticking the frogs inside Sokka's and Katara's mouth. I walked back out smiling like an idiot. I took out the warm frog out of my mouth, and set it on the ground gently. I felt a strong blade across my throat; two knives in place where Japanese writing was carved into the steel. I turned my head slightly around, to see a blue happy faced mask known as the Blue Spirit.

" Any words and you die in an instant." I heard the voice that I always knew and made me melt when spoken. My eyes widened, as I already knew who it was. Would Zuko really kill me?

" Z-Zuko?" I stuttered questioning, hoping he didn't already know that I knew it was him. He removed the blades from my throat.

" How did you know it was me?" he asked, making me turn around to face him. I put on my bad pokerface, seeing that it was already no use. Oh well...

"Anyone can tell from that hot sexy voice of yours! It's so smooth and deep and it's like warm melted chocolate! Let my swim in your voice!" I shouted.

" What are you doing? You don't look so bright?" he asked, holding a hand to my forehead. " Your warm." he stated. I blinked in confusion. "You're really sick."

" What? I just sucked on a frozen frog to heal myself, is it not working?" I asked myself, looking at the sky. Did it not work? "Maybe it only works on animated characters. . . Hmm UPGRADING SYSTEM!"

" Frozen frog? You mean to heal yourself? You should try Uncle's treatment, it works great." he said, bringing up different sujects. I sighed in relief. I nodded without hesitating. I could see the smirk behind his mask, which made me smile.

" What about my friends? It's Sexy Time with Doctor Sexy!" I said. He gave me a weird look. "I don't want to leave them." I said, shaking my head fast. He sighed, frusterated. He leaned me against a tree, holding a blade firmly in his hand. He brought it up, and struck the tree, deep inside about an inch or two.

" What would you rather choose, me, or them?" he asked, his warm breath on my neck.

" No. I won't choose you over them, or them over you. I-I can't... It wouldn't be right. They wouldn't trust me anymore." I answered. Dr. Sexy would be so pissed. He seemed defeated somehow.

" Would you choose them over me?" he asked. I could see the hurt in his eyes, behind the mask. Zuko can't be hurt. He's macho man.

" Take off the mask, first." I bellowed. He sighed, then took the mask off his face. I furowed my eyebrows, like if a tear slipped down his cheek but disappeared. Did he just... cry? I felt so much for him, and we became such great friends. Did we want more than that? What about Mai? Isn't Mai Pandora? Or is she Crunchyroll?

" Zuko, I..." I thought for a moment. Should I? Should I risk my life to be with Zuko than my friends? I couldn't think, and I wanted to stay beside my friends, but was it worth it? I couldn't leave my friends, ever, but I wanted to be by Zuko's side too, on the ship where I was becoming great friends with the other men, but my friends were so much more than that. I couldn't think and so I ust blurted the first thing that was on the tip of my tongue since day I met him in real life.

" Let's go." I blurted. He smiled like an idiot, but swept it away. He nodded and we were set. We ran away, away from my friends and pets. I treated them like family, and I just let them go like that. What is wrong with me? I looked back and saw Aang return with frog's in his hands. It's too late for that, Aang.

Did I just betray them again?


Hello, sorry it took me so long, been busy for a while, and I wanted to make this perfect. I just updated this from school, shhh. I'm so NINJA like ^.^

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