A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The...

By Dragomaster312

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Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family. A sailor moon fanfic with a special twist in it. I do not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160

Chapter 76

172 6 0
By Dragomaster312

Usagi, Harusuke, Ami, Makoto, Luna, and Chibiusa, were all in Usagi's room, playing chess. Usagi was playing against Ami while everyone else watched the two. As it stood, Usagi was losing, while Ami was calm and collected as it was her turn. Then she picked up her piece and knocked over Usagi's king.

"And Checkmate," Ami said.

Harusuke, Makoto, and Chibiusa applauded, feeling impressed, while Usagi groaned in defeat.

"Aw, man. You beat me again," Usagi sighed. "And I even studied the guide to chess too."

"Don't worry about it, Usagi. It was a good game," Harusuke said. "You are just starting, after all."

Usagi then smiled at Ami. "Ami, you're even more amazing than I thought," she said to her. "Not only are you smart when it comes to school stuff, but you're an ace chess player as well too."

"Thank you for saying so, Usagi," Ami said. "Chess is the perfect mental game for developing a calm demeanor and precise decision-making."

Chibiusa then snickered. "Calmness? Precision? Usagi couldn't develop those things even if she stood on her head, but Ami is pretty awesome!"

"Well, now that you mention it, Ami was the junior chess champion of Japan, isn't that right?" wondered Makoto.

Ami's cheeks went pink with embarrassment. "That was just luck," she said shyly.

"Well then, here's an idea. Why don't we all learn how to play chess from Ami?" suggested Harusuke. "We could all learn and be as good as her if we practice."

"Eh, I'm going to pass on that," Makoto said. "I'm not exactly good at being calm."

Usagi then laughed. "I'll say. When it comes to being calm, you're even worse than I am, Mako."

Makoto's cheeks flushed as she pouted huffily. "Well, you didn't have to go that far and agree with me."

Luna sighed. "Talk about the pot calling the kettle black," she thought.

Chibiusa then looked across to Usagi. "Say, Usagi, you want to play against me?"

"Sure, but don't expect me to go easy on you," Usagi winked. "I'm going to teach you how to be a gracious loser."

But Usagi would soon regret saying those words, for no sooner than the game barely started, Usagi found herself losing again as Chibiusa tipped her king with her knight.

"Whoa! Don't do that!" Usagi cried. "We've only just started! Do-over!"

"Nope! No do-overs," Chibiusa denied. "When in battle, never show mercy to the enemy."

"Wow, you're pretty good, Chibiusa," acknowledged Ami.

"I'll say," Harusuke said. "Not too shabby there, kiddo."

Makoto then stood up, glancing at the clock. "Sorry, you guys, but I should get going now."

Ami looked at her watch. "Oh my, look at the time. I've got something to do, too."

"Are you off to do some Cram School?" asked Ami.

Ami shook her head. "No. I'm heading to the Chess Tower," she replied.

"Chess Tower?" repeated Usagi. "What's that?"

Ami then got an idea. "Rather than explaining it, how about I show you?"


In the UFO, Rubeus, Berthier, Calaveras, and Petz watched an image of Koan working hard in a beauty shop, satisfying a happy customer, and they were not pleased.

"Pathetic," Calaveras spoke, disgusted.

"She has brought disgrace to the Four Spectre Sisters," put in Petz. "From this moment on, she's no longer our younger sister."

Berthier was more confused as well as conflicted. "I don't understand. Why would Koan want to become an ordinary human in the first place?" she asked.

At that moment, the mirror projecting the image of Koan cracked, cutting it off and making Berthier jump and look back, only to see Rubeus, who was just as disgusted and cross.

"Our clan has no use for traitors like her," Rubeus said. "We'll figure out how to dispose of her later on."

Berthier didn't feel too sure, but she said nothing more. They all then turned their attention to the middle of the room, as the map of Crystal Tokyo displayed before them, a single red light blinking in a particular area. Then, an image of a building in Juuban appeared, which appeared to be the shape of a white rook from chess.

"This is the new Crystal Point I found," Rubeus explained. "The Chess Tower."

"Please, Master Rubeus," said Berthier. "Let me handle this one. With the new power I received from Prince Demande, I fill it with Dark Power faster than you can say Checkmate."

And with that, Berthier disappeared while stepping through the mirror leading to the outside world.

"Well, that's odd," said Petz. "Berthier seemed quite anxious to go. I wonder why that is?"

"What does it matter? There's nothing wrong with that," scoffed Calaveras. "If she does well, then we'll help her finish the job."

"Make sure you all succeed," Rubeus said. "I expect to have no more failures after what happened with Koan. Understood?"

"Yes, Master Rubeus!" Calaveras and Petz said sweetly.

As Rubeus walked off, he glanced back at the two Spectre Sisters, a devious and cunning smile creeping on his features. "That's right. Succeed and continue to work for me until I no longer have a use for you people," he thought to himself. "After all, like the pawns in chess, you're all nothing but expendable, only here to protect the king, which is me."


At the tower, Usagi, Ami, Makoto, and Harusuke all arrived at the chess tower in question, and they, excluding Ami, were amazed.

"Whoa. Check this building out!" Harusuke gasped in awe.

"It's sure is," Usagi said. "But I feel like shape is something that I've seen somewhere before."

"It kinda looks like a cake," commented Makoto.

"It's not a cake at all, Mako," giggled Ami. "It's shaped like a rook."

"A rook?" puzzled Makoto. "What's that?"

"I can answer that one!" Usagi said brightly. "A rook is a chess piece that looks like a castle."

"Wow, nice going, Usagi," said Harusuke, feeling impressed. "Guess you were studying after all, but why would someone want a building that looks like a rook, though?"

"This building's owner is a huge chess fan," explained Ami. "This Sunday, as part of the grand opening ceremony for this tower, the World Chess Tournament is going to happen here."

"Oh, wow, a tournament? It sounds like it's going to be quite the event," commented Harusuke.

"And I guess that means you signed up for that tournament, right Ami?" said Makoto.

"If that's the case, then you're sure to win it!" Usagi smiled.

Ami scratched her cheek, getting shy again. "Oh, no. I didn't sign up because I wanted to win. I'm just someone who loves playing chess. The outcome honestly doesn't matter to me."

"But the outcome is important," said a voice. "If you're competing when you don't care about winning, then you're wasting your time. Winning this tournament is what truly matters."

Everyone looked behind to where the voice came from, and standing before them was Berthier, who was under human guise wearing a red and black checkered, strapless, mini dress with a black necklace and a small hat on her head. But no one else knew this just yet.

"Um, excuse me, but who are you?" asked Usagi. "And it's not whether you win or lose; what matters is that you try your best."

"That's exactly how losers always think," scoffed Berthier. "Then again, your chummy-chummy chess games are nothing but child's play anyway, so I don't expect you kids to ever understand about being a winner."

"Now, just a minute," Usagi spoke, scowling a bit. "There's no need to be rude."

"Oh, I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings," Berthier spoke sarcastically. "Well, we'll have to play some chess to prove my point. See you next time."

The white-haired pigtailed woman walked past the teens and disappeared into the chess building.

"Well, she seemed pleasant," Harusuke muttered.

"Talk about being stuck up," Makoto huffed crossly.

"No, kidding," agreed Usagi. "What a snob!"

Ami remained silent, unsure of what to say.


Inside, Ami was over at the front desk, ensuring that she was registered to enter the tournament. When she finished, an old friend of hers came up to her. He was a man with neat white hair, a long mustache on his upper lip, wearing a brown suit with a checkered yellow and blue tie.

"Hello there, Ami," greeted the old man. "It's been a while."

"Mr. Shogo," Ami gasped delightedly. "It certainly has. I really must say, this is a fine building you have built. It's a true piece of work."

"Why thank you," smiled Mr. Shogo. "By the way, I take it you'll be competing in the chess tournament this Sunday?"

"Yes, I am," replied Ami.

"In that case, how about we play a game for old time's sake?" asked Mr. Shogo. "Might as well get a little practice in."

"I'd like that very much," smiled Ami.

Soon enough, the two started their game of chess as they talked.

"You know, I used to play chess all the time with your grandfather all the time, and you play just like does," said Mr. Shogo. "Although, something about you seems a bit different, Ami."

"What do you mean?" asked Ami as she moved her piece.

"What I mean is, the Ami I've come to know played chess just to keep herself from getting lonely," said Mr. Shogo. "But now, you seem so much more..."

Ami then smiled. "That's because I've made such wonderful friends," she said.

Mr. Shogo smiled as well as he moved his piece. "I'm glad to hear that. Good friends are worth more precious than any treasure in the world."

"Yes. I think so as well," agreed Ami as she moved another piece on the board, which was now a few squares away from Mr. Shogo's king. "Check."

Mr. Shogo cringed as he gulped. "Ami, just between you and me, would you mind a do-over on that move?"

Ami stared. Then she laughed. "You haven't changed a bit, Mr. Shogo."

Mr. Shogo chuckled along with her, finding his folly pretty funny too. But then, Ami saw something. Just behind, Mr. Shogo was an entrance to a hallway. A person came running past it, and while it was only for an instant, Ami saw who it was.


"Mr. Shogo, doesn't registration close at six?" asked Ami.

"She does," said Mr. Shogo. "You and I should be the only two people left on this floor."

"Then, would you mind if I have a look around at this facility?" wondered Ami.

"Sure. Be my guest."

"Thank you, Mr. Shogo."

And Ami walked off, heading for the entrance in the hallway. No sooner than she walked in it, she activated her wrist communicator so that she could contact Usagi and the others.


Meanwhile, in a particular room in the tower, a spacious room that had the floor reminiscent of a chessboard, Berthier entered and glanced around, making sure no one was around.

"This room is the epicenter of the Crystal Point," Berthier said as she walked in. "Now it's time to fill it with Dark Power! DARK WATER!"

She let her powers flare as a dark stream of water erupted from where she stood, encircling her body. Then, she began unleashing multiple streams of water from her hand as she started corrupting the area. Then someone shouted.

"Stop that right now!"

Berthier stopped looking behind her and saw Ami standing in the doorway, of which she recognized her from before. "She's one of the silly kids from earlier. How annoying," Berthier thought to herself. "Leave now or else," she ordered.

But Ami refused to move, staying where she stood.

"You're pretty brave, but there's no way that you can stop me all by yourself," Berthier spoke snootily. "Besides, I can't stand goody-goody people like you. So you can go to hell!"

She raised her hands and unleashed a powerful blast of dark power at the bluenette, blasting her away and knocking her to the floor. However, Ami refused to give up as she shakily struggled to get back on her feet.

"I wouldn't try to get up if I were you," Berthier said, raising a hand again. "Because if you do..."

She punctuated her statement by blasting Ami again, blasting her away a few feet and knocking her to the floor, making her cry out in pain as she hit the tile.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" Berthier mocked, feigning sympathy. "Well, don't worry. The next time I hit you like that, you won't feel a thing."

But Ami once again bravely struggled to her feet, refusing to back down. At this point, she had had enough, nor could she fight Berthier like this. So there was only one thing to do. As soon as she was back on her feet, she whipped out her transformation stick.



Transformation Sequence: Ami

Ami holds up her hand as blue sparkles swirled around it, alighting her fingernails turning them into a shade of bright blue. Her transformation stick appears spinning, and she takes hold of it, the star on end and the symbol glowing. It begins to turn as Ami is enveloped in blue light. Then she sweeps the pen over her head as a stream of sparkling blue water begins to emit from it, forming her leotard, boots, and gloves. A sparkling ripple and a flurry of bubbles expand over her body, creating a tiny mist of water that forms the rest of her uniform, the same as Sailor Moon's, but the center bow, boots, and rims on the gloves were blue and bright blue. Finally, she turns around and then strikes her signature pose.


Berthier was surprised to see Ami transform into Sailor Mercury, not expecting this. However, her surprise only lasted for a moment as a pleased smile tugged her cheeks.

"Oh, my, what a surprise. You're Sailor Mercury, one of the Guardians?" Berthier giggled. "Master Rubeus will be so pleased when he hears about this."

She then unleashed a blast of dark power for the third time, but Sailor Mercury was quick to counter.


With a mighty blast of sparkling water, Sailor Mercury not only was able to cancel out Berthier's attack, but she was also able to dispel all the dark energy that contaminated the room, which made the Spectre Sister most annoyed.

"How dare you interfere!" Berthier sniffed. "You'll pay for that!"

However, just as she was about to retaliate -.



A massive lightning disc shot out at Berthier, nicking her hand, drawing blood, and a powerful blast of light flew towards her, forcing her to jump out of the way in the nick of time. Sailor Mercury looked behind her and was relieved to see Sailor Moon, Solaris, and Sailor Jupiter arrive on the scene.

"Sorry, we're a little late, Sailor Mercury," Solaris said. "But we're here to help!"

Berthier glared crossly at the guardians. "You know that hurt, and four against one is not fair! That's cheating! And you didn't have to be so rough!"

"That's a good one," scoffed Sailor Jupiter. "How about you stop whining and tell us what you're doing here unless you want another blast."

"Like I would tell you!" huffed Berthier crossly. "Now I'm mad! I swear I'll get you back for this!"

And with that, Berthier disappeared in retreat.

Sailor Mercury was now very concerned. "Guys, we have a problem," she spoke to her friend. "Berthier now knows my true identity."

Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, and Solaris looked at Mercury in surprise.

"But how could she have known?" asked Solaris.

Sailor Mercury hung her head. "It's because I transformed right in front of her," she said sadly. "But she attacked me, and I couldn't help myself."

"Well, if her target's going to be the Chess Tower, she'll be back," said Sailor Jupiter. "And when she does, we'll be ready to deal with her then."

"Yeah. Don't you worry about a thing," agreed Sailor Moon brightly. "We'll figure something out."

"Aside from that, they're right," Solaris said. "As you said, you had no choice and took action. But I wouldn't worry. If Berthier tries anything, we got your back. Count on it."

Sailor Mercury smiled in relief. "Thanks, you guys. I appreciate it."


Berthier tended to her wounds back in the UFO, still feeling cross.

"Ow. My hand got scratched," Berthier complained. "My alabaster skin's scarred no thanks to her! The nerve of those creeps!"

"Aw. Did you get hurt?" said a voice. "Poor thing."

"Oh, dear. It looks like you did." said another. "Your palm's bleeding."

Berthier jumped as Petz and Calaveras appeared via a mirror to her right.

"The three of them attacked me at once!" Berthier tried to explain. "And I-"

"Fought them back, right?" interrupted Petz. "You didn't let them stop you from succeeding in your mission, did you?"

"O-Of course not," Berthier said, trying not to look foolish. "It's going to take a lot more than that to stop me!"

"That's what we thought," Calaveras said haughtily. "Because if you failed after volunteering to go, there's no way you'd have the guts to come back."

"If it were me, I'd be so ashamed, I'd kill myself," Petz added snootily.

"Well, even if I did somehow fail," Berthier said proudly. "I wouldn't even think about asking my older sisters for help."

"What a relief that didn't," Petz smiled. "Good for you, Berthier."

"One disappointing embarrassment like Koan is bad enough," added Calaveras. "We certainly don't need another.

And three of them began to laugh, thinking that it was funny, but in truth, with Berthier, everything she had said was all talk, as she now felt worried about failing more than ever.


The day of the Chess tournament had arrived, and Berthier was more than ready to get the ball rolling on her plan as she once again came to the Chess Tower, dark clouds looming over the sky.

"So, Ami, or should I say Sailor Mercury," Berthier thought maliciously. "It's time we settle this over your favorite game. A serious game of chess, which is going to be fun."

Berthier then made her way to the receptionist's desk.

"Hello there. I'm here to compete in the World Chess Tournament," The Spectre Sister greeted.

"But, of course," smiled the receptionist. "May I please have your name?"

"Hm. Let's see," hummed Berthier innocently. "What should I call myself? I haven't decided on a name yet."

Then with a shimmering glare of her eyes, Berthier hypnotized the receptionist, making the girl more compliant.

"The competition's that way," the receptionist said, gesturing to the left.

"Thank you very much," Berthier said as she went on her way.


The Chess tournament was now underway. Players from all over the world were now playing against one another, concentrating hard as they played and keeping calm, composed demeanors. In the stands, Usagi and the rest of the gang, including Koan, were watching the tournament play out via large screens.

"Wow, this is so exciting!" Usagi spoke eagerly.

"I'll say!" agreed Rei.

On the left side of the screen, they could see the many rows of players playing in the tournament, including Ami's, twenty-eight in total. A few minutes had passed until a player next to Ami's image faded away as hers enlarged.

"Look at that," Makoto pointed out. "Ami won again!"

"Wouldn't it be great if Ami won this whole tournament?" Koan asked.

"It sure would," agreed Minako.

"Alright, everyone! Let's all cheer for Ami!" Usagi cheered as she got out a pair of fans. "All together now!"

She was just about to start cheering when Harusuke immediately snatched the fans from her and covered her mouth.

"That won't be necessary, Sis," Harusuke said. "How about we cheer silently for Ami instead?"

At that moment, Mr. Shogo, sitting in another row in front of them, looked back, taking notice.

Makoto immediately apologized. "We're sorry. Were we getting too loud?"

"No, not at all. You're fine," Mr. Shogo said. "I say, are you all friends of Ami?"

"Yes, we are," everyone replied.

"I see," Mr. Shogo chuckled. "So you're all the good friends Ami talks so highly about."

"And who might you be, sir?" Harusuke asked. "And how do you know, Ami?"

"I'm Mr. Shogo, an old friend of Ami. I used to play with her and her grandfather when she was a little girl," he introduced. "I'm also the eccentric old man who built this chess tower, or at least arranged it anyway."

"Wow! So you're the owner of this building," Usagi gasped with amazement.

"So do you think that Ami has a chance of winning this tournament?" asked Minako.

"I'd say it depends on her opponents," replied Mr. Shogo, turning his gaze back to the screen. "Like that girl to the right. She appears to be quite good, considering that she won again."

Everyone looked back at the screen as the image of Berthier grew as another contestant's image faded away. Upon seeing her sister's picture, Koan couldn't help but flinch, feeling worried.

"That's Big Sis Berthier!" Koan thought. "What is she doing here, competing in this tournament?! What could she be up to?"

Harusuke then glanced at Koan. "Koan, is everything okay? You look worried."

Koan glanced at Harusuke and was just about to say something when another contestant's image faded, and Ami's picture enlarged even more.

"Man, Ami's awesome!" commented Makoto. "I hope she wins!"

"Me, too!" agreed Usagi. "I bet she gets through this round, no problem!"

"Don't count the chickens before they hatch," warned Harusuke. "That other girl's been winning too."

"No kidding, just like Mr. Shogo said," said Rei. "She might give Ami a run for her money."


Ami and Berthier kept taking down the competition left and right until they were the only two contestants remaining. The two were now squaring off against each other as the final round was about to begin.

Being the good sport that she was, Ami held out her hand for Berthier to shake it. "Let's have a fun match," she said.

Berthier smiled, albeit a nit slyly as she two shook hands, but as Ami touched Berthier's, she shuddered.

"Her hands are as cold as ice," Ami thought.

"I'll use this game to crush you and fill this entire building with Dark Power," Berthier thought, smirking. "And that will be the greatest of fun I'll have."

Berthier took out a bag and spilled out its contents: black chess pieces with various colored jewels on them.

"Wow. Those are quite lovely pieces," Ami breathed in amazement.

"For the finals, I'd like to use these chess pieces," Berthier said slyly. "And they're a lot more than just lovely."

Ami was puzzled, but she paid no mind. Their match then started. Ami lost more pieces than Berthier as the game progressed, which gradually disadvantaged her. Finally, when it came to her turn, she stared at the board, unsure of what to do.

"What's the matter?" Berthier asked, a hint of mock escaping. "It's your turn, you know."

Then Ami saw the path to victory, and in one single move, she turned the tables on Berthier, much to the Spectre Sister's displeasure. Berthier moved another piece in an attempt to counter her, but it was already too late.

"Check," Ami said as she moved a few pieces away from Berthier's king.

At that moment, Berthier's once victorious smirk, as well as her demeanor, had rapidly changed into an angry snarl.

"Not yet. This match isn't over yet," Berthier spoke in a heated tone. "The game's only just begun, Ami, or should I say, Sailor Mercury, I'm done playing games."

Berthier then stood up and looked at the camera, and with a wave of her hand, she unleashed a blast of water at the camera's watching them, freezing them to cut the feed.


The picture got cut off back in the stands, the screen showing nothing but static. Usagi's group immediately knew something was wrong, and Ami was in danger.

"That's odd," Mr. Shogo spoke, oblivious as he got up. "There must be a problem with the camera. I better go see what the problem is."

"That won't be necessary!" Rei spoke immediately. "We'll go check it out!"

"And Koan, you stay here," said Minako. "Don't follow us, okay?"

Usagi's group then hurriedly left the stands, leaving a worried Koan behind. When they were alone, they all transformed into action.







Transformation Sequence: Usagi

Usagi holds up the Crystal Star brooch as it opens, revealing the Silver Crystal inside. Usagi waved her hand on the Silver Crystal, and it flashed it a bright short burst of pink light emitting a chime. It does it a second time, and on the third, it shines brightly, enveloping Usagi in its glow. Usagi then holds the brooch above her head, suspending it in between her hands, drawing it to the center of her torso, flipping it once before placing it in the center of her chest. She then spins around a few times as the crystal begins to glow even brighter than before in pink light. She holds her hands up as a pair of wings spring forth from her back while pink ribbons come out from the crystal wrapping around Usagi's body, forming her leotard. The wings on her back disappeared as more pink ribbons wrapped around her arms and hands, creating white gloves and red boots around her calves and feet. As the blue skirt appears around her waist, one more pink ribbon ties at her back as she does a kind of spread-eagle motion with one leg up, a glowing moon symbol appearing on her forehead. Her tiara, earrings, choker, and ordango covers appear, and Usagi, now Sailor Moon, finishes with her signature pose.

Transformation Sequence: Harusuke.

Harusuke holds up his hand as the stone on his bracelet shines bright in golden light. The stone lets out three pulses, the symbol of the Sun glowing inside of it on the third pulse. Harusuke is enveloped in silver and gold light as he jumps into the air, his clothes disappearing. The symbol of the sun appears just above him and goes down, phasing through his body, making his silver jumpsuit with gold lines on the sides materialize. Two smaller sun symbols go over his feet to his kneecaps, and his gold and metal boots and silver kneecaps appear. Around his waist, a ring of light wraps around it, forming a belt with a gold belt buckle in the shape of an oval. Harusuke then spreads his arms wide as two more light rings envelop his arms and hands, making gold gloves appear. The symbol of the sun appears in front of him now, and crashes into his chest, making his chest piece like before, now thicker and having shoulder guards. Finally, a helmet materializes above Harusuke's head, the design slightly different as he reaches and grabs hit, putting it on his head, not having a mouth protector. Harusuke opens his eyes, punches his hands together, and strikes his signature pose, the symbol of the sun appearing behind him with a star-filled background.

Transformation Sequence: Rei

Rei's hand is held up as red sparkles swirl around it, alighting her fingernails, turning them into a shade of bright red. Her transformation stick appears spinning, and she takes hold of it, the star on end as well as the symbol glowing. It begins to turn as Rei is enveloped in red light. As she held up her pen while spinning around, long bright tongues of flame erupted from it, forming several rings around her body. They tighten around her body, and in a brilliant flash of light, her outfit forms having to look just like Sailor Moon's, but she is wearing red pumps along with a pair of red star-shaped earrings, the center bow is purple, and the rims of her gloves, her skirt, her choker, and collar are red. After that, Mars finishes with her signature pose.

Transformation Sequence: Makoto

Makoto's hand is held up as green sparkles swirl around it, alighting her fingernails, turning them into a shade of bright green. Her transformation stick appears spinning, and she takes hold of it, the star on end as well as the symbol glowing. It starts to turn around rapidly as green light envelops Makoto. As she holds up her pen while spinning around, long streams of lightning erupt from it, encircling her body, forming an atom of sorts before exploding in a brilliant flash of light. Her outfit forms, having to look just like Sailor Moon's, wearing green boots along with her pair of roses earrings, the bow is pink, and the rims of her gloves green, as is her skirt, her choker, and collar. After that, Jupiter finishes with her signature pose.

Transformation sequence: Minako.

Minako's hand is held up as golden stars swirl around it, alighting her fingernails, turning them into a shade of bright orange. Her transformation stick appears spinning, and she takes hold of it, the star on end as well as the symbol glowing. It begins to turn as Minako is enveloped in yellow light. Then she sweeps the pen over her head as banners of golden stars emit from it. Minako then holds up the pen above her head as the banners of stars form a spiral around her body. They disappear into the ground, forming a circle of stars and burst into more stars going upwards, enveloping Minako's body. Then Minako emerges wearing the same outfit as Sailor Moon's, the center bow, boots, and rims on the gloves colored orange, her back bow, yellow, and her center bow, blue. She then opens her eyes as she assumes her signature pose.


Having taken advantage of the broken camera, Ami had transformed to Sailor Mercury, and Berthier shed her disguise. Also, the room was coated in a blanket of ice thanks to Berthier's powers, making the area feel cold. Then the door burst open as the rest of the Guardians came rushing in.

"You're not ready to challenge Ami in a chess game!" Sailor Moon proclaimed. "You don't even have the right to play her. Not in a million years! And now, in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"

But Berthier snootily humphed as she snapped her finger. In an instant, Sailor Moon and the other guardians found themselves trapped in a giant ice bubble, suspended to the ceiling, and was slowly freezing up from the bottom up, making everything colder inside.

"Sailor Moon! Everyone!" cried Sailor Mercury.

"This is awful!" wailed Sailor Moon. "It's freezing in here!"

"This bubble seems impenetrable!" Sailor Mars shouted as she stomped against the bubble. "We can't get free!"

"At this rate, we'll be frozen solid!" Solaris yelled. "We've got to get out!"

"Death is the only cure for fools like them," snickered Berthier to the bluenette guardian. "Now then, Sailor Mercury. How about we resume our game of chess together? If you don't, your friends will die. So what will it be?"

Sailor Mercury didn't want anything to happen to her friends, so she had no choice but to agree as she sat down. "Alright, then. Let's play, Berthier!"

"Very good. What a smart girl you are," Berthier smirked as she sat back down. "And since you're so smart, I'm going to need a small advantage."

With a wave of her hand, she relocated her king onto another square out of danger, moved four of her pawns two squares forward, and moved her queen forward.

Sailor Mercury scowled with disapproval. "That's cheating, you know!"

"Then you'd better think fast, or it'll be checkmate for you," Berthier giggled haughtily.

Knowing that Bertier wasn't going to make it any easier for her, Sailor Mercury made her move, moving her piece, only for Berthier to capture that piece. Sailor Mercury suddenly felt her feet go cold and soon found out why when she did. As she looked down, she was surprised to see that her legs had ice on them, from her feet to her kneecaps.

"Oh, and by the way," said Berthier. "If you lose a chess piece while playing with my specially made ones, your body will slowly freeze over. So if you want to give up, I'll spare your life, at least."

The other Guardians were horrified, but they refused to give up on their friend.

"Sailor Mercury! Be strong!" yelled Sailor Jupiter.

"Hang in there!" encouraged Sailor Venus.

"We have faith in you!" cheered Sailor Moon.

"Believe in your ability! You can do it!" yelled Sailor Mars.

"Don't let Berthier win! Show her how a real chess player does it!" Solaris shouted.

Spurred by her friend's encouragement, Sailor Mercury kept playing, moving another piece. Berthier then cackled as she captured that piece as well, causing ice to freeze around Sailor Mercury even more as it went up to her chest, which now made the guardians worry.

"Sailor Mercury! Save yourself!" begged Sailor Moon as she pounded against the bubble. "You've done enough!"

"That's it!" Sailor Mars cried. "I'm busting us out of here! MARS BURNING MANDALA!"

"Sailor Mars, wait a minute!" Solaris cried.

But it was too late. Sailor Mars had already unleashed her attack, firing her rings of fire. But instead of bursting through the bubble, they bounced the walls back and forth, forcing the guardians to take cover until they dissipated.

"What's the big idea, Sailor Mars?!" Sailor Moon squawked. "Are you trying to kill us?!"

"I'm sorry!" responded Sailor Mars.

To make things worse, Berthier managed to capture another piece of Ami's, which in turn froze her up even more, and she was close to her king. Sailor Mercury was now feeling a little woozy as she tried to stay awake, as she continued to play.

"There's no point of trying to be martyr, you know," Berthier spoke. "It's crazy to die trying to protect strangers."

"No, it's not," Sailor Mercury spoke, shivering. "They're not "strangers," they're my friends!"

Berthier was now puzzled as well as surprised. "Friends?" she repeated.

"Yes, they're friends who are very important to me," said Ami. "And I'll die to protect them if I have to!"

Berthier then scoffed. "Stop trying to stall for time and make your move," she scowled.

Then suddenly, Petz and Calaveras appeared behind Berthier, much to her chagrin.

"Very well done, Berthier," acknowledged Calaveras.

"Now you've got them right where you want them, the three of us will finish them together," smirked Petz.

"Come on, Sisters. Of all the nerve," Berthier complained. "You're going to take credit for all of my hard work?"

"But the three of us work as a team," insisted Calaveras. "After all, we're the Spectre Sisters."

"That's right," agreed Petz. "We should all share the credit for this win."

Then as Berthier was about to capture another piece sealing Sailor Mercury's fate, a rose came shooting down from above, nicking her hand, which caused her to drop it, breaking it into tiny pieces. Because of that, the ice around Sailor Mercury evaporated away, and the bubble that trapped the guardians popped, setting them free. Berthier looked behind her and standing from the other end of the room, the icy wind billowing his cape was Tuxedo Mask.

"And that's checkmate!" Tuxedo Mask proclaimed. "Someone who doesn't know what it's like to be a pawn as now right to move the queen."

And with a wave of his cape, the masked man in a suit disappeared.

Berthier, sensing that she was in trouble, quickly turned to her sisters for help. "Please, Petz! Calaveras! I need your help!" she begged.

But Petz and Calaveras looked at their sister scornfully.

"Looks like your plan failed, Berthier," sneered Petz.

"Yes, and you should make amends for that failure by giving up your life," Calaveras added.

"Do what's right, like a true member of our family!" Petz and Calaveras finished as the two of them disappeared.

Berthier, now alone, felt heartbroken that her sisters would abandon her in her time of need, despite what she had told them before. So much that she bit her lip and looked like she was about to cry; however, she quickly bit her lip and masked her sadness with a fake smile and giggle as she turned towards the Guardians.

"You see that? Even among sisters, there's no such thing as caring for someone," Berthier said, hiding her bitterness. "That's why it's nonsense that you would risk your life to protect a friend or even strangers with your life."

The Guardians all were silent as they stared at Berthier, feeling shocked and sorry for the girl.

"What's the matter? Why are you all looking at me like you feel sorry for me?" Berthier asked, still maintaining her facade. "You can laugh, you know. After all, the joke's on me, even though I was counting on my sisters to help me. Go on. Laugh."

No one laughed at all as Berthier's facade began to crumble, tears streaming out from her eyes as she desperately tried to smile. Then, something inside Berthier snapped.


She let out a wail of despair as a large stream of water erupted from her hands; a malevolent aura shrouded her body. The ice around the walls grew thicker around the room, covering the entire place and filling it with an icy cold, making the guardians feel like they were in a blizzard. Not only that, but Berthier's body was beginning to freeze up as the ice started to cover her body, threatening to freeze her solid.

"Every human being is born alone, and they die alone!" Berthier shouted defiantly. "And all this talk about friendship and love?! Who needs it?!"

"It's just like what happened with Koan!" Solaris cried. "Berthier's completely lost it! If we don't stop her, she'll freeze not only herself but also us along with her!"

"Solaris! Can't you just use that Mars thing you did to stop Koan?!" asked Sailor Moon. "Maybe that power can melt this ice!"

"I can't! I don't know how to!" Solaris yelled. "I don't know even know how I did it the first time around!"

"But we have to do something!" Sailor Mars yelled. "And we have to save Berthier too!"

Then, an unlikely hero who had managed to get in before it froze came running up. It was Koan.

"Berthier, please! You have to stop!" Koan cried. "Don't do this!"

"Koan, did you come here to mock me like the others?!" Berthier spat bitterly as the ice was now at her neck. "Leave, you traitor!"

But Koan refused as she bravely walked towards her sister, a tiny bit of ice nicking her across her cheek and her arm. "I didn't come here to mock you!" she yelled. "Listen to me! You're not alone!"

"A traitor like you could never understand!" Berthier snapped. "How could you possibly with how I'm feeling?!"

"That's not true, Sister! I do understand you!" Koan yelled, her eyes filling with tears. "I know how loneliness feels and how much you're suffering!"

A massive chunk of ice came flying from out of nowhere, barreling right into Koan, toppling her over. The Guardians, feeling worried, rushed over to Koan to help her up, but Koan got back up on her own as she continued to walk towards her sister, not ready to give up.

"I'm begging you, Berthier! Please don't die!" Koan pleaded. "All humans have a deep nurturing love! I've seen it for myself, thanks to the Guardians! And you have a right to love too!"

The icy wind then stopped as Berthier stared at Koan. "You... you have?" she asked quietly. "Then... could it be possible for me to feel that love too?"

"Of course, you can!" Koan insisted. "Sailor Moon and her friends have shown me that it's never too late to live life the way you want to! All you have to do is be open for the chance!"

Berthier's eyes began to overflow with tears as the ice on her body, along with the room, began to melt away until she was free. Koan seeing this, immediately rushed over to her sister and embraced her in a tight hug, her eyes overflowing with joy and relief.

Berthier was confused. "Koan, why are you crying?" she asked. "Are you hurt or something?"

"No. I'm just happy," Koan wept as she looked at her sister. "So happy that you're alive!"

Berthier then began to cry as well, as she returned Koan's hug in earnest. "I'm so sorry, Koan," she apologized. "I didn't mean to cause you so much pain."

"It's okay," Koan said. "I love you, Big Sister, and I always will." Koan then looked up at Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon, do you think you could...?"

Sailor Moon smiled as she took out her brooch. "Say no more," she said, knowing full well what Koan wanted. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!"


Sailor Moon waved her hand on the crystal after opening her brooch, and after pulsing and chiming three times, it shone brightly in pink light, illuminating Berthier with its glow. Instantly, Berthier emerged from it, now wearing human garb, the black crescent moon mark on her head gone, and she was thrilled.

"Thank goodness," Sailor Mercury sighed. "She's human now."

"Yes, thank you all so much," said Koan.

"What do you say we all go home?" Solaris asked, smiling. "I'm in the mood for some hot cocoa after being in the cold."

Everyone heartily agreed.


Later on, Koan, Berthier, Usagi, Ami, and Harusuke were all back in Usagi's room playing chess. Koan and Berthier played against each other while Harusuke, Ami, Luna, and Luna spectated. So far, Koan was losing as it was her turn.

"Um... Berthier? Could you please not make that move?" Koan begged.

"Even though we're sisters, I'm not going to go easy on you, Koan," Berthier said.

At that moment, something slipped out from Berthier's arm and landed on the table with a clatter. Upon inspection, Koan was surprised to see another Queen piece.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Koan complained accusingly. "You were using an extra piece the whole time!"

Berthier then blushed with embarrassment. "Give me a break. I need all the help I can get," she said. "Cut me some slack."

Koan pounced at her sister, appearing to be angry, but playfully embraced her in a hug as she, along with Berthier, began to laugh as Ami, Harusuke, and Usagi could only smile, feeling happy that the two reformed Spectre Sisters were sisters again.

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