The 'Dead' Hanagaki

By Lazy_Sloth120

32.8K 780 281

"She's my sister. She took take care from the moment I was born. She fed me, cleaned me and played with me. N... More

Introductions/Character profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
10K Special Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note, Please Read!
Black Ring Fighters
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 12

886 24 4
By Lazy_Sloth120

It's now been a 5 months since I met the boys. Draken and Mitsuya are 13 whilst Me, Baji, Mikey, Kazutora and Pah-chin are 12. In all honestly I am absolutely grateful that I met them, They ended up being like brothers to me.

(Authors Note: Your outfit , shoe and hairstyle. Your hair is still the Ombre lavender colour.)

The boys and I are now racing to see who get to the shrine first. I was riding with Mitsuya on his Impulse. Baji on his G5X250E with Mikey riding with him. Draken on his Zephyr. Kazutora on his Rocket. The 4 boys started to argue about who's bike is the best, that they failed to notice the traffic light turned green. As I was bout too tap Mitsuya's shoulder to tell him. Pah chin drove past the bickering 4 at a rapid pace whilst yelling "My CBX400F's the best in the world! Let's race to the shrine!" This seemed to piss of the boys as they started Started yelling at Pah and calling him a cheater. I watched in amusement as the boys started speed up , not wanting to be last. I started giggling when I heard Baji screaming "HEY! Mikey, Why the hell are you asleep. Your gonna fall off, Damn it! Wake up!" Poor Baji.

The five of us waited at the top of the stairs for Baji and Mikey. Draken and Pah were playing with a football. Kazutora leaned against a pillar and started to talk with Mitsuya who stood in front of Kazutora with his hands in his pocket. I sat down and leaned my back against the same pillarr that Kazutora was leaning against. I heard panting and looked towards the stair case and saw a panting Baji carrying a sleeping Mikey on his back. Did he seriously carry Mikey up the stairs. "Sup last place" Greeted Kazutora "What took ya so long" asked Mitsuya. "THIS MOTHER FUCKER! HE'S DEADASLEEP THIS WHOLE TIME!" exclaimed Baji. "Excuses, excuses" said Mitsuya ina fake disappointed voice. "Why are you making yourself look bad man?" asked Kazutora following Mitsuya. I laughed at the two boys antics. I got up from a my previous place gently shaked Mikey and whispered "Mikey. Wake up." Mikey started to stir in his sleep and tiredly opened his eyes before blinking several times and asked "We're here?". "Yup" I replied smiling as I helped Mikey get down from Baji's back. "Mikey? Didn't you have something to tell everyone" Reminded Draken. I walked next to Baji and asked "Is your back okay from carrying Mikey up the stairs?" I asked slightly concerned. "It kinda hurts but I'll be fine." Replied the black haired male flashing one of his signature smiles, showing of his two shar canines. "I can give you light back massage to slightly ease the pain" I suggested worried. "That would be great thank you" beamed Baji. unknown to to the both us that the Lilac haired male on the other side of Baji furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance as he felt a sharp pan in his heart. However he was quick to brush it of and walked off to were the others were.

Mikey sat on the fence in front of us Mitsuya standing and slightly leaning against the fence whilst facing Mikey; Draken standing, having his full body face Mikey with his hands in his pockets. Pah and Kazutora sat in front of Mikey as Baji sat him self next too were Mitsuya was standing with his back facing Mikey. I got on my Knees behind Baji and started to massage his sore back. "That feel's really good Hana" commented Baji slightly purring. In the corner of my eye I noticed Mitsuya glaring at me and Baji but I brushed it off, not thinking much of it. "Do you guys know about this one Biker gang... The Black Dragons?" asked Mikey in a serious voice. Black dragons. I think I remember reading it off the gang uniform off the three boys that pushed me off of the swing few months ago. They were surprisingly weak considering they were in a gang. I continued to massage Baji's back as I remained silent but I noticed how Kazutora flinched at the name of the gang. Did something between Kazutora and Black dragon. "I hear they're stone cold bastarads. Three years above us I think?" Replied Draken. "Yeah" confirmed Mikey. Mikey s expression tunred serious as the asked "Why didn't you ask forour help Kazutora?" Mikey's sudden question Alarmed Kazutora as he looked he Mikey with wide eyes. "Baji told me about it. You fought the Black Dragons alone didn't you?" asked Mikey despite knowing the answer. "Huh? Kazutora took on the Black Dragons alone?!" asked Mitsuya surprised. "Kazutora does live on Balk dragons turf" Stated Pah trying to find some sense behind it.. "So that's what happened. You planning to fight The Black Dragons Mikey?" asked Draken understanding. "Yup!" ,replied Mikey before continuing, "The Black Dragons are a huge gag. I want a just cause for taking them on.".

Baji abruptly got up, which startled me. "I got an idea!", announced Baji, "Let's form our own gang!" OUR OWN GANG!! "Huh? / A gang?" questioned both Pah and Kazutora "Of our own?" Continued Kazutora. "Yeah" confirmed Baji. "Nice idea! Sounds like fun to me!!" complimented Draken smiling. "More like trouble" I mumbled but Baji seemed to have heard it. "OH come one Hana. It will be fun. Plus I already decided our positions" Argued Baji. "Our leader, the strongest and most full of himself, MIKEY!! Our Vice-leader, the dependable Big Bro, Draken!! Mitsuya our mediator, will command our elite guard!! The powerful, Pah0-chin will carry our banner!! You and I will form the Attack unit! Kazutora!" exclaimed Baji looking a the tiger tattoo boy. "Our naggy, responsible little sis will be our Planner. She will be planning and organizing everything that happens within the gang. All things like fights and new ideas have to approved by Hana before being carried out" Finished Baji. Naggy. NAGGY!! I felt my eyebrow twitch with annoyance when Baji called me naggy. "But.. Cane we really.. form a gang so easily?" Asked Kazutora doubtful I furrowed my eye brows at his question. "I already decided our gang name" stated Mikey ignoring Kazutora's question. "What?! you did?" questioned Baji excited. "Tokyo Manjiro Gang" Announce Mikey with a shit eating smug look on his face. "LAAAME!!" exclaimed the boys in protest now standing up. "How about Tokyo Manji Gang instead" I suggested getting up from my previous spot. "Yeah" yelled the boys in agreement. "Well gang name aside, I agree" approved Draken looking in Mikey's direction. Mikey childishly glared at Draken with an offended look on his face. "Yeah with us seven as a gang, our fights will have a purpose. Gang name aside" teased Mitsuya with a smirk. Mikey slightly flinched at the last part of what Mitsuya said. "A gang huh? sounds badass. Gang name aside" Said Pah joining in on the teasing. I chuckled when Mikey started to tremble in anger and mumbled "... you bastards..". "So that settles it!" exclaimed Baji "We'll give you all we got. make a new age for us... Mikey." declared Baji. I stood between Draken and Mitsuya , with my hands in my hoddiw pockets as we all smiled. "Yeah" smiled Mikey with his eyes closed. "What kind of gang do you want?" Asked Mikey. "Hmm. Let me think.... All for one and one for all, we put our lives on the line fore each other. " answered Baji for all of us. "That's the kind of gang I want" Added the black haired boy. "Got it" Nodded Mikey. "Let's buy some charms to celebrate this moment" Suggested Pah. All the boys agreed and started to run down the stairs. I stood their and shaked my head whilst sighing. "Honestly, what did I get myself into" I questioned my self before a wide grin spread on my face as I started to sprint down the stairs to catch up with the boys.

"Damn their expensive" Commented Pah looking at the purple charm with gold/yellow engraved and white string followed with price tag at the bottom saying 500 yen. "why don't we all se how much money each of us have" I suggested as I start to rummage through my pockets to garb as many coins as I can and the boys followed. "313 yen" Told pah as he showed the coins in hishand. "50 yen" Mikey showed. "100 yen" followed Draken. "15 yen" "25 yen" announced Kazutora with Baji following. "32 yen" spoke Mitsuya in a montone voice. "500 YEN" I said showing th copns in my hand. "HUH?!" exclaimed the boys as they heard what I said. "We can buy a charm." said kazutora happily. "But only one" pointed out Baji. "No you can by two" I corrected. "How?" questioned Draken. "If you combine all of the money that you boys have then you can buy another one" I explained. Draken started to do mumble a bunch of numbers before saying "she's right. If you add up all the money we have then it equals to 500" Confirmed Draken. "Let's buy some charms" cheered Kazutora. I handed my money over to Mitsuya as I waited outside the shop whilst the boy's bought the charms.

I was admiring the clear blue sky, whilst leaning against the the charm shop with my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. "Stop!! Please Stop!!" Screamed a familiar crying voice. I whiped my head to the side and my eyes widen at the scene I was witnessing. Akira, Kiyoshi badly injured on the floor crying whilst Yua and Kane stood in front of the two boys with their arms out to protect them. Both of them in better condition than the two boys on the floor. "What you cry babies gonna do. Cry for your Mommy and Daddy. Oh wait you have none. Hahahahha" Mocked what seemed the be the the leader of the 4 boys. His minions also laughed at what their 'leader' said. "Shut Up!!" screamed Yua. "What did you say to me you stupid little girl" Questioned the boy with a mad look on his face. He started to swing his fist in an attempt to punch Yua. No longer being able to control my anger, I sprinted towards the scene. Luckily I was able to grab the boys fist when it was only a few centimetres away from, hitting Yua. "Don't touch them" I glared at the boy. "ANEKI!!" exclaimed the four children behind me. I tuned my head and gave them reassuring smile. "Don't worry. your Aneki is here you protect you guys" I reassured in a soft voice to calm the down. "Aneki!!" cried Kiyoshi. I smiled a the red head boy before turning my head back to look a the 3 boys with a cold look in my eyes. I noted how the three boys trembled under my glare before stuttering "Y-you guys are l-lucky th-this ti-time". The three boys ran away with their tail between their legs.

I looked at the 4 kids ,who hade relived and happy look on their faces, with a gentle smile before pulling all four of them in a hug. "Aneki!" cried the four kids as they latched themselves onto me. "You guys are okay now cause Aneki is here to protect you" I gently spoke reassuring the kids. The kids said nothing but instead their grip on me became stronger. "Hana!" I heard a panting voice followed by a pair of running footsteps. I looked up and saw a Issey with a plastic bag with what seems to be snacks. "What happened?!" asked Issey panicked as he slid onto the ground on his knees. He started to examine the crying children in my arms. His eyes turned dark as he noticed bruises and cuts on all of the kids "What the hell happened?!" he asked darkly. "Some boys were bulling them and went too far they were strong. Luckily I was able to stop the kid form punching Yua on the face. When I arrived, Kiyoshi and Akira where on the floor and Kane and Yua where in front of the two protecting them." I explained Sighing. "Where the fuck are those little punks?" questioned Issey standing up. "Issey don't", I warned, "I get that your mad but so am I. There is no point in going after those boys there probably long gone by now. For now lets get the kids back to the orphanage so i clean up the cuts and bruises. they have experienced enough for today" "Fine" sighed Issey picking up Kioyshi. I helped place Kiyoshi in a comfortable position before doing the same with Akira. I nodded at Issey telling him to go on and that I will follow him shortly. As I started to pick up Yua I heard Mikey yell "Hana!!" I looked to my side and saw the boys looking at me worried. "Hey guys. Did you buy the charm?" I asked masking the worry and slight anger in my voice. "Yeah. We decided to give you and Baji the two charms" Replied Kazutora joyfully. "Huh?! Why me? Why not Mikey or Draken they are the leaders?" I questioned confused and slightly flustered. "Well we were just thinking how your always there for us when ever we need help and we wanted to give this too you as a little thank you for now and the future." explained Draken smiling. "Oh. But why the future?" I replied shocked. " Seeing how you always help us we already know that whenever the gang is in need of help you will always be there the lift the gang back up. So just take it" Smiled Mikey handing me the purple charm. I looked at the charm in my hand for a few seconds before smiling brightly. "Thank you guys. I will cherish this forever." I beamed, "I have to go now though" I informed , my before smile faltering. "Huh?! Why?!" Exclaimed Baji. "Well when you guys where buying the charms some of the kids at the orphanage ,that I live at, got bullied and badly hurt. The older brother of the orphanage came and took two of them already. I have to take the other two back so they can rest." I explained as briefly as I can, trying my best not to mention any names. "Want us to help you carry them?" Suggested Mitsuya. "No. It's fine. I can handle it myself." I reassured. He said nothing but nodded.

I waved the boys good bye before making my way back to the orphanage whilst carrying a now sleeping Kane and Yua. After a few minutes of walking I finally arrived at the doors of the Orphanage. I opened the door and immediately took them to my room. I hurriedly placed Yua and Kane on my bed and ran out of the room to grab the first aid kit and figure out were Kiyoshi and Akira where. As I was running through the hallway I stumbled across a worried Issey and immediately asked "Where and Kiyoshi and Akira?". "There in my room." "Quickly bring them to mine so I can fix them up" I commanded frantically. Issey nodded and started to run in the direction of his room. I grabbed the First aid box In Riku's office and sprinted back to my room on the other side of the building.

I stood at the door frame of my room panting. As I saw all for of the sleeping , Injured kids laying on my bed. I frantically opened the box and immediately started to patch up the one closest to me, which was Akira. I gently dapped the cotton bud on all his scratches and cuts before Carefully placing blasters and bandages on them. Being as carefully as possible to not wake them up.

I placed the last Plaster on Yua's knee ;let out a sigh of both relief and exhaustion. "Are they gonna be alright?" worriedly asked Issey from the door frame. "Yeah they should be. With enough rest their cuts and bruises should be healed in no time." I sighed. "What even happened out there?" asked Izana from behind Issey with Hitto by his side. "Some kids from their school looks like bullied them pretty badly" explained Issey clutching his hand in a tight fist. "Why?" asked Hitto. "Something about not having parents. Some stupid little shit like that" I groaned slumping on the chair and resting the back of my hand on my forehead. The three boys just groaned and I could tell they were just as annoyed as me. Why woulda bunch of spoiled little brats make fun of them, for not having parents. I swear if I kidnapped their parents for a single day they would understand just what they have to go through every single day. "Fucking spoiled brats they are" I mumbled angry. The three boys chuckled as they heard my little comment. After sitting in comfortable silence for a few more minutes I got whilst sighing. The three boys looked at me in slightly surprised by my sudden movement. "Let's go make some food. I'm starving." I whined whilst placing my hand on my stomach with a pout on my face. This made the three boys chuckle at my stupid antics.

The three of us went out the kitchen and made food for the whole orphanage. The rest of the went smoothly. The 4 woke up and ate some food before heading to there own rooms to get some more rest. Other than that the rest of the day was full of heartful laughter and jokes. It was like any other day at the orphanage. A memorable one filed with lots of joy and happiness.

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