
By LastOfTrenzalore

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Ben Parker was born as a genetic clone of Spider-Man by the Jackal. However, he came into the world as a chil... More

S1 Bio
S1 EP1 - Pilot
S1 EP2 - Stronger Together
Love Interest Vote
Love Interest Winner
Really Random Question
S1 EP3 - Fight or Flight
S1 EP5 - Livewire
Full List of Ben's PhDs
Incorrect Quotes video
S1 EP6 - Red Faced
S1 EP7 - Human For a Day
S1 EP8 - Hostile Takeover
S1 EP9 - Blood Bonds
S1 EP10 - Childish Things
S1 EP11 - Strange Visitor From Another Planet
S1 EP12 - Bizarro

S1 EP4 - How Does She Do It

210 11 3
By LastOfTrenzalore

While episode 4 is actually "Livewire", I'm doing this episode first as it was actually supposed to air first, but was switched with Livewire due to the November 13th terror attacks in Paris. So, in order for the episodes to make sense, I've put this one first.


Ben swung through the city next to Kara as they went on patrol.

Scarlet Spider: So, it turns out that James's ex, Lucy, is actually Major Lucy Lane with the army's JAG Corps.

Supergirl: She's an army lawyer?

Scarlet Spider: Makes sense. The Lanes are a military family. All except Lois.

Supergirl: So basically she's a badass hottie?

Scarlet Spider: I never said badass hottie. She just happens to be a badass that is also... relatively attractive.

Supergirl: So, I've got no chance?

Scarlet Spider: I didn't say that. You are more of a badass than her. I mean, you're literally Supergirl.

He looked over at Kara to see a red light on her arm.

Scarlet Spider: What's that?

Kara looked down at it and checked around to see that it was coming from a high-speed drone following them. She flew after it, taking it out with her heat vision. Ben dropped down to the piece that had landed on the ground and picked it up.

Scarlet Spider: Who sent this thing?

Supergirl: Who do you think?


At the DEO, Kara placed the piece down on the table.

Supergirl: Thought I'd return this to you. I thought we were clicking.

Hank: Okay...

Supergirl: People who click don't spy on each other! I don't like being followed.

Hank: If I were following you, Ms. Danvers, you would never know about it. This is... not one of ours.

Supergirl: Then whose is it?

Alex: There's no markings. I've never seen tech like this before...

Hank: Alien origin? Could be your aunt, Astra.

Scarlet Spider: No, it's a human design, just a very advanced one. Whoever made this is very nearly as smart as me.

Supergirl: That thing was like trying to swat a fly in a tornado.

Hank: If someone's targeting one of my assets, I want to know who it is. We'll handle this.

He took the piece and walked off.

Alex: You can trust him, Kara.

Supergirl: I hope you're right.


Ben walked through the streets as he tried to make a phone call. The call went to voicemail.

Manny: <Hey, this is Manny, I definitely have something better to do than be on the phone to you otherwise, I would have picked up. Leave a message, I probably won't listen to it.>

Ben: Hey, Manny, it's Ben. Ben Parker. Your best friend. Anyhow, this is the third year in a row since you left for Europe and have been dodging my calls. God, I hope you didn't die and nobody told me.

Ben's spider-sense went off.

Ben: Sorry, gotta go.

He hung up the phone and an explosion occurred in a nearby building. Ben ran into an alley to get changed into his costume. He swung out and crashed through a window to get into the building. Kara arrived as he was helping with the evacuation.

Scarlet Spider: I've got the people, you work on stabilizing the building.

Supergirl: On it.

She held up the building to stop it from falling. The walls started to crack and so she used her heat vision to weld the metal supports back together and stabilizing the structure. She then went to put out the fire with her freeze breath.


Hank: You were supporting the weight of 120 pounds per square foot, multiplied by 5 floors. Not bad.

Supergirl: Why would someone plant a bomb in that building? What was in there?

Hank: A lab developing a new, non-lithium battery. They're cutting-edge. Could be industrial espionage. This might be one to let the FBI handle.

Alex: I don't think we want to do that, sir. These are fragments from the bomb. I found the exact same technology inside the drone Kara brought in yesterday.

Supergirl: So whoever was spying on me was also behind the bombing?

Alex: Yes. And I think I may have a lead.

She showed a picture of Maxwell Lord on her tablet.

Supergirl: Maxwell Lord?

Alex: Yeah.

Scarlet Spider: I take back the part where I said he's almost as smart as me.

Alex: Both the bomb and the drone used an advanced fiber optics relay system. It's not even on the market yet. And it was developed by Lord Technologies.

Hank: Let's pay Maxwell Lord a visit.

Supergirl: How? You can't just walk in as DEO agents.

Alex: We won't.

She takes out her DEO identification card and pressed a button which changed it into an FBI one.

Scarlet Spider: Oh, my God, you're the Men in Black.

Supergirl: Okay... that is cool.


Ben walked into the office where Carter Grant was sitting at Kara's desk.

Ben: Kara, there appears to be a small child in your workspace.

Kara: It's Ms Grant's son, Carter. She asked me to look after him.

Ben: He's quiet. Are you sure he's related to her?

Kara: Hey, Carter, are you sure there's nothing I can get you? A snack? A juice box?

Ben: A juice box? He's thirteen, not five.

Kara: I don't know. Is there anything that will make you happy?

Carter: Supergirl.

He looked over to one of the screens showing news footage of Supergirl.

Kara: Oh, you like Supergirl?

Carter: She's so cool. Last week, she stopped Reactron. Superman never did that.

Ben: I mean, she had a little bit of help.

Carter: Sidekicks aren't as cool.

Ben: Sidekick?!

Carter: Earlier she caught an entire building. And she can shoot lasers out of her eyes.

Kara: Wow, she does sound pretty cool.

Carter: I didn't say she was pretty.

Kara: I didn't say you said she was pretty. Why? Do you think she's pretty?

Carter: Well, I guess. I don't know.

Kara: Carter, do you maybe have a little crush on Supergirl?

Winn: You got good taste, kid.

Kara: This is my friend Winn.

Winn: You're a Supergirl fan, huh? You know... I know her.

Carter: No, you don't.

Kara: No, you don't.

Winn: I mean, like... I feel like I know her. Because she's always there for people. You know, she's helping out. Saving those who need saving. Uh, especially those who, um have run out of staples.

They looked into Cat's office to see James slamming a stapler over and over again. Kara went in leaving Carter with Ben and Winn.

Ben: So... have you watched The Karate Kid?

Carter: No.

Ben: Do you have at least one PhD?

Carter: I'm thirteen.

Ben: Have you seen Star Wars?

Carter: Yeah.

Ben: Alright, we're getting somewhere. Have you read the Legends books?

Carter: No.

Ben: Then I have nothing to talk about with you. Also, I'm as far from a responsible adult as possible.


A while later, Ben walked into Cat's office to see Winn and Carter playing video games on the big screen.

Ben: Hey, where's Kara?

Winn: She had to go. She left me with Carter.

Ben: Well, that's a terrible idea.

Suddenly, they heard a distant explosion. They went to look out the window to see a smoke cloud just outside the city.

Carter: Woah, do you think Supergirl was there?

Ben: Yeah, I think she probably was, kid. I gotta go.


Ben went to the DEO where he saw Kara under yellow sun radiation lamps, recovering. She woke up and got out.

Hank: Easy. You're at the DEO. Rescue team pulled you out of the ocean. Concentrated solar waves mimic Earth's yellow sun, and recharge your Kryptonian cells.

Scarlet Spider: Looks like a glorified tanning bed.

Supergirl: You're here.

Scarlet Spider: Yeah, I'm here. I'm here because I saw a massive explosion and I thought, "Kara just went off to deal with a bomb by herself without telling me and now she might be dead." So, yeah, I'm here.

Supergirl: I'm sorry.

Scarlet Spider: It's fine. I'm just glad you're alright.

Alex entered the room.

Alex: Kara? Oh, I was so scared. Are you okay?

Supergirl: Thanks to the boss.

Hank: If I let you drown, I'd never hear the end of it from her.

They went into the command center.

Hank: We got a shot of the bomber from the security cameras at Max's lab. Facial recognition came up with a match. His name is Ethan Knox. Worked at the first lab that was attacked. He was fired six months ago when his work became erratic. His family reported him missing two weeks ago.

Supergirl: How do we find him?

Alex: "We?" No. A fall from that height would've rattled your cousin. You are staying home.

Supergirl: There is a literal mad bomber out there! And I have to get back to work. Oh, my God, Ms. Grant's son... I have to get back to the office. I'm supposed to be babysitting.

Alex: Kara, maybe you're spreading yourself too thin. You're trying to be Supergirl and Cat's assistant and a DEO agent on top of it all. At some point, even the Girl of Steel might break.


Ben and Kara entered the office to see Winn and Carter still playing video games.

Winn: Kara.

Kara: Carter, are you all right? I'm so sorry I was gone.

Winn: We're good.

Carter: Hi.

Kara: Are you hungry for some real food? I'm gonna get some lunch. Thank you for watching him. I don't know what I would do without you.

Kara left to get some lunch.

Carter: Winn, you're getting killed!

Winn: Every day, kid.

Ben: Ouch. You're bumming the kid out.

Ben sat down and took Winn's controller.

Ben: Alright, kid, let's see what you got.

They played a few rounds, each time Ben lost.

Ben: This is dumb. There's no skill to this.

Carter: Actually, research shows that playing first person shooters improves brain function and learning ability.

Ben: Really? Where'd you see that?

Carter: I read a study online.

Ben: You read scientific studies for fun?

Carter: Yeah. Kids at school tell me that's weird.

Ben: Yeah, they said the same thing to me. Right before they jammed me into a locker.

Carter: How'd you prove them wrong?

Ben: I didn't. I kept reading. Eventually, I got my first PhD. And then I got a few more. I didn't let them limit me.


Ben and Kara arrived at the DEO where they prepared for Lord's train launch.

Alex: Agents are positioned around the perimeter. I have commandeered the security cameras at the station, but there's no sign of Knox.

Supergirl: Sounds like you could use some help.

Hank: Are you sure you're up for this?

Supergirl: Somebody's gotta protect that train. And once it gets moving even the DEO won't be able to keep up with it.

Alex: Be careful.

Scarlet Spider: Don't worry, I got her back.


Ben sat on the train, waiting for it to take off.

Scarlet Spider: This isn't one of my better ideas.

Supergirl: <Nobody told you to sit on top of the train.>

Scarlet Spider: It was the only way I could keep up. Besides, if anyone could stay on a super train going at 500km/h, it's me.

Supergirl: <Scanning the train. I don't see bomb.>

Hank: <Supergirl, there's a bomb at the Lord Air terminal.>

Supergirl: <I'm on it.>

Scarlet Spider: I'm sticking to the train, once I get off, I'm not getting back on. This thing is crazy fast.

Supergirl flew off to the bomb sighting. The train started up and Ben webbed himself down. Winn called Kara which patched through the comms.

Winn: <Kara, where are you?>

Supergirl: <Can't talk, there's a bomb at the airport.>

Winn: <No, no, that's wrong, I just saw the bomber on the train.>

Supergirl: <That means there are two bombs?>

Winn: <It's worse than that... Carter is on the train.>

Scarlet Spider: What?! You were supposed to be looking after him!

Winn: <I was. He's slippery.>

Supergirl: <Alex, did you hear all that?>

Alex: <We did. What do you want to do?>

Supergirl: <Ben, can you take care of the train?>

Scarlet Spider: I can, but if he's here, I'm not exactly bomb-proof. Unless, he decided to switch to pumpkin bombs. The odds of which, I'm not liking.

Supergirl: <I can't be in two places at once!>

Hank: <We have a visual confirmation at the airport. We can't even be sure what your friend saw was accurate.>

Supergirl: <I trust my friend, just like I trust you. New plan. You take the airport, we've got the train.>

Ben waited as Kara flew in beside him.

Scarlet Spider: So, you gonna bust this thing open or what?

Kara opened the hatched and bother her and Ben landed inside. They landed right in front of Lord and Carter.

Lord: I'm starting to think you have a thing for me.

Supergirl: Ethan Knox is on board.

Lord: No. that's impossible...

Scarlet Spider: Evidently not.

Supergirl: You have to stop this train.

Lord: I can't. It's automated.

Scarlet Spider: That seems like a major safety hazard.

Carter: Something's wrong, isn't it?

Supergirl: There is a problem, but we're here to fix it. You look brave and strong, can you help me?

Carter: Mhm.

Supergirl: Good. I need you and Mr. Lord to get all of these passengers to the very back of the train. Are you ready to be a hero?

Carter: Yes.

Lord: Let's go.

They started moving people to the back. Kara used her X-ray vision to look through the train.

Supergirl: He's heading for the front.

Scarlet Spider: Let's go get him then.

They made their way through the train, eventually reaching the cab. He had locked the door behind him.

Scarlet Spider: Do you want to punch it in or should I?

Supergirl: I got this.

She kept punching the door until it broke open and they got to Knox wearing a suicide vest.

Knox: This bomb is rigged with an altimeter. You try to move me off the train, it goes off instantly.

Supergirl: Web the trigger.

Scarlet Spider: I can't. It's a dead-man's switch. He takes his finger off the trigger, the bomb detonates.

Supergirl: Ethan, I want to help you. But you've got to deactivate that first.

Knox: There's no way out for me.

Supergirl: There's always hope. I know you're upset, but think about your daughter. Ethan, don't do this.

Knox: You don't understand. You can't.

Supergirl: I understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed. But you are not alone. I can help you.

Knox: Stay back.

Supergirl: I know your daughter's sick. She needs you. Don't you want to help her?

Knox: That's what this is all about. It's her only hope.

Scarlet Spider: Blowing up a train? How does that help?

Knox: It doesn't matter anymore... No one was supposed to know it was me, and now that they do, I'll... I can never face my little girl again.

Supergirl: Ethan... Please, do not kill all of those people.

Knox: I won't. You'll save them.

He took his finger off the trigger.

Knox: But you better hurry, you have a minute and a half.

They stepped out of the cab.

Scarlet Spider: You have to disconnect the car.

Supergirl: On it.

She used her heat vision to melt the connector, separating the cab from the rest of the train. The cab and the train still continued going the same speed.

Scarlet Spider: Right, yeah, that's how physics works. We need a new plan.

Supergirl: Use your webs to slow the train down.

Scarlet Spider: What?!

Supergirl: Spider-Man did it in 2004.

Scarlet Spider: Yeah, on a Metro train, those things top out at 55 km/h. This thing is going 100 times that speed.

Supergirl: It's our only shot.

Scarlet Spider: I'm gonna rip my arms off.

Supergirl: We have a minute left!

Scarlet Spider: Fine!

Ben kicked the cab further ahead on the track to give him enough space. He stood at the edge of the train car and shot a web line in each direction. The lines immediately went taut and Ben held on, slowing down the train and allowing the cab to continue further along the track. With great amount of difficulty and a lot of screaming in pain, Ben stopped the train. He let go of the webs and sat on the ground as the cab exploded with Knox inside.

Scarlet Spider: My arms are killing me. I'm never doing that again.


Back at the DEO, Ben walked into the lab, holding an ice pack over his shoulder socket. Alex was investigating the airport bomb.

Alex: Hey, do you mind if I get your opinion on something?

Ben: Of course, no point in having a resident expert if you don't use him.

Alex: So, Hank told me this was a dud, but look at this.

She showed him a switch on the inside.

Ben: A kill switch? Why would a dud have a kill switch?

Alex: My question exactly. Can you give it the once over just to make sure?

Ben: Alright.

Ben investigated the bomb to see if it was a dud or not. He swabbed the inside and showed Alex.

Ben: See this? Ammonium nitrate. This was definitely not a dud. I don't know what Hank did to defuse it, but thank god he did.


Ben entered Cat's office after she's returned from the awards ceremony.

Cat: Parker, how can I help you?

Ben: Ms. Grant, can I just ask you to not blame Kara too much for losing track of Carter. There was a lot going on and I needed some help with a project so Kara, being the kind soul she is-

Cat: You are a terrible liar, Parker. But I admire your loyalty.

Ben: Sorry. By the way, can I just say you got a good kid on your hands.

Cat: I know.

Ben: I mean, he's just like I was when I was his age.

Cat: Oh.

Ben: Oh? You sound disappointed by that.

Cat: It's just... there's no way I can say this without it sounding like I'm trying to offend you.

Ben: I'll hold off until you finish.

Cat: It's just that I want so much for Carter. It's not great to hear he's just like a freelance photographer was when he was that age. I worry about his future.

Ben: Right. Valid point. Can I just say something?

Cat: Sure.

Ben: Because I'm freelance you've never had a look at my qualifications. Which is good because you would have said I was overqualified.

Cat: For once, you sound interesting, Parker.

Ben: I'm actually Dr. Ben Parker.

Cat: What's your PhD in? Photography?

Ben: Firstly, it's PhDs, multiple. Secondly, they include Quantum Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, and Chemical Engineering, along with others.

Cat: Are you trying to tell me you're a secret genius?

Ben: "Secret" is a bit hurtful. But, sure. Carter seems like a smart kid. He'll be fine.

Cat: Thank you, Parker. Just one more thing?

Ben: Of course.

Cat: Please, try not to be offended. But, are you, and I mean this in the best way, Autistic?

Ben: Oh. I uh...

Cat: It's just that I was considering getting Carter tested and I thought since you're so similar...

Ben: I don't know. I mean, my Uncle Reed once said I had something called ASD or something, but I don't know what that is, I never looked into it.

Cat: Ben, ASD is Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Ben: Oh. Yeah, that tracks. Well, I guess, talk to him about it. If it helps, I went until just now without realizing I had it. Now, I guess I just have to wonder if it would've been better to know earlier or not. But, I think he'll be fine either way.

Cat: Alright, this conversation has gotten too personal, you can leave now.

Ben: Of course, Ms. Grant.

Ben left the office, still processing the revelations from the conversation. He saw Kara looking upset.

Ben: What's wrong?

Kara: Nothing.

Ben looked to see what she was looking at: James and Lucy kissing as they'd gotten back together after the bomb scare.

Ben: Is that what's wrong?

Kara: Nothing's wrong.

Ben: Your whole vibe is down in the dumps.

Kara: Good night, Ben.

Ben: Night, Kara.


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