
By LastOfTrenzalore

9.1K 271 136

Ben Parker was born as a genetic clone of Spider-Man by the Jackal. However, he came into the world as a chil... More

S1 Bio
Cast S1 - S2
Cast S3 - S4
Cast S5 - S6
S1 EP2 - Stronger Together
Love Interest Vote
Love Interest Winner
Really Random Question
S1 EP3 - Fight or Flight
S1 EP4 - How Does She Do It
S1 EP5 - Livewire
Full List of Ben's PhDs
Incorrect Quotes video
S1 EP6 - Red Faced
S1 EP7 - Human For a Day
S1 EP8 - Hostile Takeover
S1 EP9 - Blood Bonds
S1 EP10 - Childish Things
S1 EP11 - Strange Visitor From Another Planet
S1 EP12 - Bizarro

S1 EP1 - Pilot

1.1K 32 18
By LastOfTrenzalore


Spider-Man traversed through the broken-down lab of Dr. Miles Warren AKA the villain known as the Jackal.

Spider-Man: If I'd have known it'd be chilly in supervillain lairs when I started, then I would've added insulation to the suit.

He got to a busted computer terminal where he looked through all the files of the genetic experiments that had been performed through the years when he noticed something unusual. One of the projects was still active. He read the details of the project.

Spider-Man: "Subject is a genetic clone synthesized of DNA gained from the Spider-Man." Jackal was making a clone of me? I don't know whether I should be flattered or grossed out.

He tracked its position in the building and followed the trail until he reached a room full of pods with only one of them lit. He walked up to the pod, the glass was so fogged up that he couldn't see inside. Spider-Man looked around for the control panel and began to mess with the buttons until the pod opened. The fog departed and the fluid inside drained. Spider-Man couldn't see anything in the pod but then he started to hear crying, the crying of a baby. He looked down and saw the newborn on the ground. Spider-Man picked him up.

Spider-Man: Hey there, little guy. You're supposed to be me? That's only a little insulting.

The baby laughed.

Spider-Man: You know what? I think I have the perfect home for you. That is as long as MJ doesn't freak out too much.

Spider-Man walked out of the lab with the baby in his arms.



Ben Parker walked through the streets carrying a folder that had some photos that he had taken for CatCo. He entered the bottom floor of the building. The elevator doors were closing and he rushed to them.

Ben: Hold the elevator!

The doors closed in his face.

Ben: Guess I'll use the stairs.

He continued up many flights of stairs until he reached the main office of the building. Ben walked through to outside Cat Grant's office.

Winn: Ben, hey man, how you doing?

Ben: It's been a hell of a week. I had to make arrangements for my Aunt Gayle to go to Florida for some reason.

Winn: She made you do that?

Ben: Yeah, like she doesn't have two very unemployed sons with more free time on their hands who could help her.

Winn: Yeesh.

Kara Danvers came out of Cat Grant's office.

Kara: Hey, Ben.

Ben: Kara. She available?

Kara: Uhh... I guess so.

Ben: Good enough. What kind of a mood are you getting off of her? I need to know which kind of photos I need to suggest.

Kara: Stressed. Fed up with humans who aren't her.

Ben: So, she's Cat Grant?

Kara: Basically.

Ben: Good to know.

Ben walks into her office and knocks on the door.

Cat: Parker, you're late.

Ben: Sorry, Ms. Grant, I was-

Cat: I don't want excuses, I want results. What have you got for me?

Ben placed down the pictures he had gotten of the celebrities in town, and shots for some stories that CatCo had in the works.

Cat: Maybe, you are worth the earful I get from that hack, Jameson, every month for having snatched you up. Take the shots to the new Art Director and Kiera will get you the usual check.

Ben: New Art Director? What happened to Jerry?

Cat: Jerry couldn't keep up with the new, so now he's out with the old. Now, chop chop.

Cat turned to the screens behind her, knocking a glass off of her desk. Ben quickly caught it before it had a chance to get close to the ground and put it back on the table.

Cat: Impressive reflexes. How do you do that?

Ben: Um, meditation. It's good for the mind... and the soul.

Ben left the room with the folder. As he left, he gave Kara a "yikes" look and walked into the Art Director.

Ben: Hey, I've got some shots for you. Ms. Grant approved them.

James: Give me a second.

He set up something in the office and approached Ben. Ben handed him the shots and looked at him in recognition.

Ben: Do I know you?

James: Possibly. James Olsen, nice to meet you.

He extended his hand. Ben shook it in awe.

Ben: James Olsen from the Daily Planet, James Olsen?

James: That's the one.

Ben: You took the first picture of the big guy.

James: That I did. And you are?

Ben: Uhm... Parker, Ben Parker.

James: Parker? Where do I recognize that name?

Ben: My mom is Mary Jane Watson-Parker.

James: Award-winning reporter for the Bugle up in New York, that's right. She gave Lois a run for her money.

Ben: Cat Grant too. Which may be why she keeps me here. Not like she has a use for a freelance photographer.

James: Wait, if you're mom is Mary Jane, that makes your dad Peter Parker. That guy was a legend with a camera, too bad he never took credit for his shots of the Spider. Maybe he could've gotten a Pulitzer.

Ben: Yeah, he really only did it to keep up with the rent.

James: Well, it was good to meet you, Ben.

Ben: Good to meet you, James. I look forward to working together.

Ben walks out and Kara brought him his payment for the shots.

Ben: Thank you.

Kara: You're welcome.

Ben: So, you got any plans tonight, Danvers?

Kara: Yeah, actually, I've got a date.

Ben: Who's that with?

Kara: Guy from the internet.

Ben: Oof, good luck.

Kara: What about you?

Ben: You know me, Kara. I'll be falling asleep to Back to the Future: Pt.II.

Kara: The usual?

Ben: Yep... is my life sad?

Kara: Noooo... okay, a little bit.

Ben: Brutal honesty, that's what I need.

Kara: No, what you need is a hobby.

Ben: I have several hobbies, none of which pertain to tonight. See ya tomorrow, Danvers. Bye, Winn.

The two waved goodbye to him as he went to the elevators to exit.


Later, Ben was sitting at his desk working on some machinery in his apartment. He was surrounded by technology with had been built from scratch using scrap metal. His "cat", Chewbacca, jumped on the desk and walked over his work.

Ben: Hey, Chewie, do you mind not prowling over my work?

He picked Chewie up and put her back on her pillow.

Ben: Don't move from there, please.

Ben went back to his desk when his phone buzzed on the table. He picked it up to see a text message from his mother. She told him to turn on the local National City news. He did so confusedly. The news was covering the saviour of a plane that was crashing by a mysterious flying woman.

Ben: Superheroes in National City?

He got another text from his mom. It simply said: "Maybe, you don't have to do it alone this time."

Ben sat back in thought and then went to his bedroom. He knelt down beside his bed and pulled out a chest from underneath. Ben took a deep breath before opening it. Inside were two arm bracelet web-shooters and a very shoddily-made costume.

Ben: It's been a while.

He attached them to his wrist and inserted the vials of web formula in. He went to grab the costume but Chewie jumped into the chest.

Ben: For real?


The next day, Ben walked into Cat's office.

Ben: You wanted to see me, Ms. Grant?

Cat: Yes, I did. I suppose you already know what this is about.

Ben: Not really.

Cat: You are kidding, right?

She gestured to the screen behind her which was showing news footage of the woman who saved the plane.

Ben: Ah, right. That makes sense.

Cat: You may not work for me, but you are the best photographer I have. That is not a compliment, it is a working fact. You manage to get angles that are seemingly impossible for anyone else. I may not know or care how you do it, but I just want you to do it and get me a picture of this woman. Now go.

Ben: Okay, um, I'll try.

Cat: No, you either do or you do not, there is no "try."

Ben: ... Harrison Ford asked you out again, didn't he?

Cat: Possibly. How could you tell?

Ben: You've clearly been watching Star Wars again.

Cat: Investigative intuition. Maybe, you're more like your mother than anyone would think.

Ben: I don't think so. Just watched a few too many movies.

Ben walked out of the office. Suddenly, he felt his spider-sense alerting him to something. He followed it to the staircase where he then walked all the way up to the roof. He opened the door to see Winn looking over the edge as Kara comes flying up from the side of the building and landing on the roof.

Winn: You're... you're her.

Kara: Yep.

Ben: What the hell was that?!

Kara: Ben! Oh my god! That wasn't what it looks like.

Ben: It looks like you jumped off the side of the building and flew back up on it. You're the girl off the news?

Kara: No... maybe. Let's go find a room where we can talk.


Winn and Ben sat in an empty room looking at Kara in shock as she explained her story.

Ben: Okay, let me get this straight. You're an alien, from the planet Krypton which was destroyed when you were a kid, leaving you here as a refugee.

Kara: Yeah.

Winn: And your cousin is Superman?

Kara: Uh-huh.

Ben: Okay. Well... that's not what I was expecting today to be.

Winn: Me neither.

Ben: Well, seeing as we're getting secret identities into the open, I might a well share mine.

Winn: What?

Kara: What're you talking about?

Ben: Okay, here goes. So, you know Spider-Man?

Winn: Yeah, superhero from New York.

Ben: Well, I'm his... offspring.

Kara: His son?

Ben: Yes, in the way that he raised me and that we are biologically related. No, in the way that I'm a clone made from his DNA by an evil scientist called The Jackal.

Winn: No way. That's too much crazy.

Ben: Okay, but it's true.

Winn: If you're a clone of Spider-Man, wouldn't you have his powers?

Ben: I do.

Winn: Prove it.

Ben: I, uh... I don't know how I'd...

Winn threw his keys at him. Ben shrugged at it.

Ben: Why'd you do that?

Winn: I was trying to see if you had his sensing thing.

Ben: I have the sensing thing, just not for keys.

Winn picked his keys back up.

Ben: Can you not throw the keys again? You're a deeply mistrusting person, and I respect it.

Ben jumped and stuck to ceiling with one hand.

Kara: Woah.

Winn: C-crawl around.

Ben: Crawl around?

Winn: Y-yes crawl around!

Ben: No.

Winn: Just crawl around.

Ben: Why do I need to crawl around?

Winn: 'Cause this is not enough.

Ben: This is plenty.

Winn: No, it's not!

Ben: Yes, it is.

Winn: Nope!

Ben: How do I stick to the ceiling?

Winn threw his keys again.

Winn: Do it!

Kara: Just do it so he can calm down.

Ben: Fine.

Ben crawled around on the ceiling and jumped down.

Ben: We good?

Winn: I need to sit down.

Ben: Yeah, probably for the best.

Kara: So, if you have powers too, we could do this superhero thing together.

Ben: I was actually gonna suggest that myself.

Winn: Woah, if you're doing the superhero thing, won't you need costumes? Have you got costumes?

Ben: Yes... but I don't think it'll fit anymore, seeing as I made it when I was 15.

Kara: I don't have a costume.

Winn: I can do something about that.


At Kara's apartment, Ben and Kara were wearing Winn's first costume designs.

Winn: How are they?

Kara: I'm not flying around saving people in this thing. I wouldn't even wear it to the beach. Where's my cape?

Winn: Capes are lame. Tell your cousin I said so. Actually, never, never do that. What about you, Ben, you like yours right?

Ben: I don't know. It's bit too Spider-Man.

Winn: So what?

Ben: How do I say this? I have... issues stemming from my childhood.

Winn: Oh. I see.

Ben: Yeah. Also, why is there no utility belt?

Winn: Spider-Man doesn't have a utility belt.

Ben: Where do you think he puts his web cartridges and gadgets?

Winn: He really has a utility belt?

Ben: Yeah.

Winn: Okay, so, you want a Spider-Man costume that isn't a Spider-Man costume and you want something less revealing. I can do that.


Later, Kara and Ben got into their newly-designed outfits.

Kara took off her glasses and Winn stared at her.

Winn: Oh, you look really pretty without your glasses on.

Ben: Dude.

Kara: Winn.

Winn: So, uh... to be superheroes, you need a crime. I hacked into the NCPD. There's a car chase on the 112 freeway.

Kara: We could do a car chase!

Ben: Let's go be superheroes.


Kara flew after the car while Ben trailed behind her web slinging from car to car. At the sharp turn by the end of the road, Kara couldn't turn quick enough in the air and went into the ground at a high speed.

Ben: Ouch. You good?

Kara: Kinda.


Winn and Ben sat down as Kara came out with her new cape to her costume.

Winn: A cape aids with aerodynamics, I should have thought of that.

Ben: Basic physics, man.

Winn: Okay, who are you to question my knowledge?

Ben: A guy with super-strength and five PhDs.

Winn: Wait, really? In what?

Police Scanner: <West National City Bank. Reporting a 432. Sixth and Spring. Suspects are armed and dangerous.>

Winn: You're sure you're bulletproof?

Kara: Hope so.

Ben: I'm not. I'll just use my spider-sense and dodge them.

Winn: I'm still not convinced you have that.

Ben: Okay, I promise you, I do.


The armed robbers left the bank and started shooting Kara, which only lead the the bullets being deflected off of her chest. Ben webbed some of their weapons off of them from the bank roof and jumped down to help Kara knock them out.

Ben: Nicely done.

Kara: You too.

He looked behind her to see her cape had been blasted to shreds.

Ben: That's no good.


Ben had finished spray painting on his costume while Winn threw Kara's old cape in the trash.

Winn: All right, the new cape is made from a structured polymer composite. Much sturdier than...

Kara walked out in her finalized outfit.

Winn: And, uh... This one has the "S". For "Super," just like your cousin.

Kara: It's not an "S". It's my family's coat of arms. The House of El.

Ben: Cool.

Winn: Hey, does the spider mean anything?

Ben: Uh, no, it's just a spider.

Winn: Then why'd you ruin my suit by spray-painting a spider on it?

Police Scanner: <Four-alarm fire at Gates and Igle.>

Winn: I'm assuming you can't catch on fire.

Ben: I'm good as long as the suit is fire-resistant.

Winn: It is... I think.

Ben: Not super helpful. Let's go.


Ben was swinging alongside Kara as she flew through the city. Suddenly his spider-sense alerted him.

Ben: What is it?

Kara got hit by several kryptonite darts and started to fall.

Ben: Kara!

His spider-sense went off again and he dodged a dart, however, this caused him to move directly into the other one. Ben let go of his web and fell out of the sky.


Ben woke up chained to the wall in a grey room with a single strip of light in the ceiling. His mask was placed just out of his reach.

Ben: Hello? Anyone? If this is Fury then tell him I'm not joining whatever crazy shenanigans he's got planned.

The door in front of him opened and Hank Henshaw stepped in with Kara and her sister, Alex.

Hank: Your friend's awake.

Kara: Thank god, you're okay.

Hank: Did we get identification back on him?

Alex looked at her tablet.

Alex: Name is Dr. Benjamin Franklin Parker II. Son to the former SHIELD asset, Peter Benjamin Parker, AKA, Spider-Man.

Ben: I could've told you that, actually, I probably wouldn't have. Speaking of SHIELD, is this them?

Hank: Unfortunately, Director Nicholas Fury dissolved SHIELD several years ago. Welcome to the DEO, Dr. Parker.

Ben: Never heard of it.

Hank: That's the idea. The Department of Extranormal Operations. We monitor the planet for extraterrestrial threats and protect the planet. I'm Director Hank Henshaw. This is Agent Danvers.

Ben: Okay. You are aware I'm not an alien, right? I'm just a regular ol' radioactive human.

Hank: We are. However, we couldn't get to Ms. Danvers without taking you out too.

Ben: Cool, cool, cool. Mind letting out of these cuffs.

Hank: Agent Danvers.

Alex tapped her tablet and the chains released from Ben. He got up and grabbed his mask.

Ben: Agent Danvers? You wouldn't happen to have any relation?

Kara: She, um- she's my sister.

Ben: Alex, nice to finally meet you. Even if it was chained to a wall in a government black-site.


Hank walked Ben and Kara into the main room of the facility. He directed to the pod in the corner of the room.

Hank: Your ship. We keep it here as a reminder of the day you crashed on Earth. You're the reason for all of this.

Kara: Me? But... My... But my cousin was here two dozen years before me.

Hank: And it was his arrival that triggered the need for this organization. We realized we weren't alone in the universe and we might soon be getting more... immigrants. Sure enough, you came along. And with you, Fort Rozz.

Kara: Fort Rozz?

Hank: Krypton's maximum security prison. Banished to the Phantom Zone, same place your ship got stuck. But just like yours, it didn't stay there. We're not sure how your pod got loose. What we do know is this. You pulled Fort Rozz with you. When it crashed, the alien convicts, the worst criminals in the galaxy, they all escaped. And you brought them here. These beings, some of them have powers from your darkest nightmares. For over a decade, they've stayed hidden. But in the last year, many have been emerging, making themselves known.

Alex: They're planning something. We're just not sure what it is yet.

Kara: Your plane. That wasn't an accident. They were trying to kill you. We can help you stop them.

Ben: We?

Hank: How? You couldn't even stop us from capturing you.

Kara: I'm still learning.

Hank: Our job is keeping people in the dark about alien life on Earth, and nothing says "covert operation" like a flying woman in a red skirt... and whatever he is.

Kara: They know about my cousin, they don't fear him.

Hank: Plenty of people do, just not popular to admit it.

Ben awkwardly raised his hand.

Hank: You don't need to raise your hand to ask a question.

Ben: Right, yeah. So, your job is to keep people from learning about aliens?

Hank: Correct.

Ben: What about Thanos? Galactus? Arishem?

Hank: Threats that are no longer focused on Earth.

Ben: Right, but people still remember those attacks, right?

Hank: How can they? Nobody had mobile phones back then to record the attacks. And I don't think anyone was stopping to take pictures.

Ben: Fair enough. It was the 80s.

Hank: Look, you wanna help, Ms. Danvers? Go back to getting someone's coffee.


The next day at CatCo, Ben and Kara walked out of the elevator.

Ben: So you had no idea that your sister worked for the DEO?

Kara: Nope, none.

Ben: She must be really good at her job.

Kara: Yeah. What've you got in your folder?

Ben: Well, whilst we were fighting crime, I webbed my camera to the wall and got some real clear pictures.

Kara: What? You can't do that. How would Ben Parker have gotten those photos? She's gonna figure out your identity.

Ben: Oh please, my dad took impossible angles of Spider-Man for years and Jonah is still none the wiser.

They looked at one of the monitors in the building to see that Cat had officially named Kara in the media as "Supergirl".

Kara: No way.

Kara furiously sped up towards Cat's office.

Ben: Uhm, Kara?

Ben followed just outside of the office as Kara put down Cat's drink on her table.

Kara: "Supergirl"? We can't name her that!

Cat: "We" didn't.

Kara: Right, I'm sorry. It's just, uh... I don't want to minimize the importance of this. A female superhero. Shouldn't she be called Superwoman?

Cat: I'm sorry, darling, I can't hear you over the loud color of your cheap pants.

Kara: If we call her "Supergirl," something less than what she is, doesn't that make us guilty of being anti-feminist? Didn't you say she was a hero?

Cat: I'm the hero. I stuck a label on the side of this girl, I branded her. She will forever be linked to CatCo, to the Tribune, to me. And what do you think is so bad about "Girl"? Huh? I'm a girl. And your boss, and powerful, and rich, and hot and smart. So, if you perceive "Supergirl" as anything less than excellent, isn't the real problem you? And if you're so smart, Kiera, could you please give me one reason why I shouldn't fire you?

James Olsen walked into the office.

James: I printed it. And it's an even higher resolution than you hoped for.

Cat: James. You are interrupting a very craftily worded termination.

James: Kara wanted to surprise you, but she has a teller friend that works at West National City Bank. The branch that got robbed.

Kara: Right! Right, yes, I went there. You know, it took me a while to park my car in the streets. The one-way streets are so confusing. You tell it so much better.

James: Kara convinced her source to allow us to use a photograph that she captured.

James opened the folder to show Cat a photograph of Supergirl leaving the bank.

Cat: You got a clean image of Supergirl? Kiera, if you can't take credit when you do something well, you are gonna be at the bottom of the pile forever. But mazel tov. You bought yourself another day.

Cat looked down at the photograph again.

Cat: Wait, what is that?

She pointed to Ben in the background of the image.

Kara: Oh, um... that's the other hero who's been helping.

Cat: There's another hero? Why did you not tell me that, Kiera?

Kara: I think, um, Ben has a picture with the both of them.

She looked at Ben who was in the doorway.

Ben: Oh, um... yes, I do.

Cat: Parker? Where are they?

Ben: Right here.

He walked forward and handed her the folder.

Cat: Is that Spider-Man?

Ben: No. I-I mean the costume's different and New York's pretty far away. Plus, Spider-Man hasn't been active in 9 years. It's a new guy.

Cat: This is exactly what I needed. Now, not only are we the first to get a photo of Supergirl, but now we have a Spider-Boy as well.

Ben: Spider-Boy?

Cat: I'm sorry, did I just hear the tonal shift of an opinion?

Ben: No, of course not. I...

Cat: No, please, go on.

Ben: I just think that if we peddle stories about Supergirl and this guy at the same time and you're calling him "Spider-Boy" then it could create a... stir.

Cat: A stir?

Ben: It might look like you're fading out Supergirl... in favor of a guy. However if you don't include the gender in the name, you've got two profitable superheroes.

Kara: I completely agree.

Cat: Kiera, you may have gotten this image of Supergirl but watch where you step.

Kara: Sorry, Ms. Grant.

Cat: Very well, Parker. What do you suggest?

Ben: Y-you're giving me an opinion?

Cat: Any idea you come up with in this room, I own, but yes. What've you got?

Ben: Okay, I'm thinking spider related still. Maybe... Ghost Spider. No, that's dumb. Uh... Spiderling, nope, even dumber. Crimson, or actually Scarlet... Spider. Scarlet Spider. Yeah, that sounds right.

Cat: That was painful to watch. You never get to name anything ever again. But, I like what you came up with. Scarlet Spider. Mysterious yet non-threatening, connects to what he does yet doesn't shove it in your face, and such bold emphasis on the pronunciation. Away with you all.

All three of them left the office. Ben headed for the elevator as Kara and James walked together. The doors opened and Ben's spider-sense went off. He looked back to see Kara wincing with some kind off head pain. She went to the roof and he followed after her.

Ben: Kara, what's going on?

Kara: Trouble. You wanna help?

Ben: Sure. Where are we going?

Kara: The power plant.

Kara opened her shirt to reveal her costume underneath and flew off.

Ben: Okay, don't wait for me, that's fine.


Ben swung in next to Kara.

Supergirl: He's here somewhere.

She looked around.

Supergirl: Clever. Picking a spot lined with lead. But I can still hear your heartbeat.

Ben's spider-sense alerted him to the present danger which lead him to dodge out of the way. However, Vartox still knocked Kara backwards.

Scarlet Spider: Hey, look out.

Supergirl: Thanks, super helpful.

Ben went to punch Vartox but he grabbed his fist. He put up some resistance but Vartox threw him into a nearby wall.

Vartox: On my planet, females bow before males.

Supergirl: This is not your planet.

Vartox: You look like Alura.

Supergirl: How do you know my mother's name?

Vartox: You don't easily forget the name of the woman who condemned you to prison.

Supergirl: Fort Rozz?

Vartox: She was our judge and jailer. Can't kill her. So, killing you will have to do.

Ben webbed his mouth.

Scarlet Spider: That's enough out of you, buddy.

Kara flew at him and punched him through a brick wall. Kara tried to hit him again but he dodged the punch and punched her in the abdomen. He then grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the roof of the building which she went through and into the building. Ben got up in pain and webbed Vartox's feet and pulled on it. Vartox grabbed the web line and started swinging him around in the air.

Scarlet Spider: I'm gonna throw up.

He then threw Ben into the same building that Kara landed in. Vartox came crashing in and knocked Kara back further.

Vartox: Just because you wear that symbol on your chest doesn't mean you're him. Fighting him would be an honor. Fighting you is just exercise.

Kara tried to punch him again but he grabbed her arm and threw her into a pile of debris inside.

Vartox: You actually think that you could stop me? That you'd be able to stop any of us? He threw her back outside. Ben snuck up behind him and punched him in the face when he turned around, which did more damage to Ben's hand than Vartox.

Scarlet Spider: What are you made of?! Adamantium?!

Vartox slapped Ben outside as well.

Scarlet Spider: This is not going well.

Vartox landed outside and put his foot on Kara and took out his axe. He swung it down but Kara moved her head out of the way. She lifted herself up and knocked Vartox off balance. Vartox threw his ax which hit Kara in the shoulder and rebounded into some explosive barrels. He grabbed her and pinned her to the ground.

Vartox: Now you know what it's like to bleed. Soon, your whole city will bleed.

Ben webbed his face which still did nothing.

Vartox: Stop doing that!

Scarlet Spider: Well, seeing as you asked so nicely.

An explosive landed behind Vartox from a nearby helicopter which caused him to let go of Kara and grab his ax and run away. From the helicopter, Alex rappelled down.

Alex: Trap One, pursue the hostile.

The helicopter continued to blast at Vartox as he made his escape.


In the DEO medbay, Alex removed a fragment from Kara's wound which then healed itself. Ben was sitting on the other bed with his mask off.

Alex: You're gonna be okay.

Supergirl: I never felt pain like that before. I've never felt pain.

Ben: Yeah, it sucks.

Alex: You're not indestructible, Kara.

Hank: Nice move nearly letting that alien cut you in half. If we can ID his weapon, it might give us a way to defeat him.

Alex put the fragment into a machine which then identified it on the screen.

Hank: Look at that. You did help.

Hank left with the fragment.

Supergirl: Did you know about my mom? That she was the one who locked up all those aliens?

Alex: It's why I don't want you going out there. Showing yourself, showing this. And bug boy over there wasn't helping.

Ben: Sorry.

Alex: The Fort Rozz escapees would give anything to get revenge on your mother and the only way that they can do that now is to hurt you. I'm trying to protect you.

Supergirl: You were right. The world doesn't need me.

Ben: Kara...

Supergirl: Neither of us could handle that threat. We shouldn't be doing this.

Kara walked out of the medbay.


Ben sat discouraged in his apartment with an ice pack on his bruised ribs while Chewie sat next to him on the couch. There was a knock at his door.

Ben: I'm coming.

He looked out the peephole of his door to see Matt Murdock, a friend of his father. Ben opened the door for him.

Ben: Matt?

Matt: Hello, Ben.

Ben: What are you doing in National City?

Matt: Just some business for the firm. I won't be here long.

Ben: Okay... how the heck did you find me?

Matt: I heard you.

Ben: Of course, cause of the echolocation. To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from my favorite godfather?

Matt: I've heard the news, Ben. The Scarlet Spider?

Ben: Wow, that spread quick. You here to tell me to knock it off? Cause you're too late, I already have.

Matt: I'm not. I'm just here to tell you that you're doing the right thing. Peter would be proud.

Ben: Sure.

Matt: Ben, dealing with grief...

Ben: This isn't grief, Matt. He's been gone 9 years. We don't even know if he's actually dead or not. No-one actually found a body. I just have to assume.

Matt: I'm sorry. It's just good that you're following the Spider philosophy.

Ben: The Spider philosophy?

Matt: Y'know, "With great power-"

Ben: Don't you dare finish that sentence! I'm so damn sick of that sentence.

Matt: Sorry. But, quitting was the last thing that was ever on Spider-Man's mind. If there's one thing to carry over to the Scarlet Spider, it's that.

Ben: Thanks. Will you be visiting Rick as well?

Matt: It really was a coincidence that I found you in this city.

Ben: Yeah, well, if you see him, can you tell him that I'm sorry.

Matt: He, um, he's still processing.

Ben: Meaning he still blames me for everything wrong with our childhoods. Great visit, Murdock. But, you're right. Spiders don't quit. Well, spiders quit, but Spiders don't quit.

Matt: I'll catch you later.

Matt went to leave.

Ben: Hey, Matt.

Matt: Yeah.

Ben: Don't tell Reed that I called you my favorite godfather. He won't give me access to his research otherwise.

Matt: You got it.

Matt left and closed the door. Ben got a text and checked his phone. It was from Kara "Get your suit and go to the DEO."

Ben: Great timing, Kara.


Ben walked into the base just behind Alex and Kara.

Hank: It's Agent Danvers and her sister from another planet. Ah, and the bug.

Scarlet Spider: Actually, spiders are arachnids.

Hank: I don't care.

Scarlet Spider: Okay.

Alex: They're here to help us fight Vartox.

Hank: I told you I don't trust aliens. Or radioactive humans for that matter.

Alex: There's no-one I trust more. And if she trusts him, I do too. Like her cousin, she was sent here, too, to help us. And if you want any more of my help we're gonna let her.

Vasquez: I found Vartox. Sir. Uh, ma'ams... and other sir.

Hank: Where?

Vasquez: The sliver of metal you extracted from Supergirl's arm. Vartox's ax has a unique nuclear thumbprint. Satellites picked him up heading towards the city.

Supergirl: Vartox said he was ready to start killing humans.

Hank: Order a strike team to intercept.

Supergirl: Your men will not be able to stop him.

Hank: Thank you for your opinion, Ms. Danvers.

Supergirl: Director Henshaw. People of this city will die because of something I did. I started this. You have to let me stop it.

Hank: Make sure you win.

Scarlet Spider: That's kind of the plan. If that's not part of the plan, what's the point of the plan?


Vartox was driving a truck down a desert road.

Hank: {Do you have eyes on the target?}

Kara landed in the path of the truck.

Supergirl: I got him.

Vartox crashed into her and the truck exploded, blasting him out of the windscreen and onto the road. Vartox got up with his ax on the road next to him.

Vartox: You never should have come back for more.

Ben webbed Vartox's feet to the ground.

Scarlet Spider: Hey, what's good?

Kara punched him which ripped through the webbing and knocked him onto the floor. She went to punch him again but he grabbed her fist and punched her into the air. He went to grab his ax but Ben webbed his hand to the ground.

Scarlet Spider: I know you got an ax to grind but can it not be that one?

Vartox lifted his hand with a piece of the pavement attached and whacked Ben into some debris of the truck. Vartox picked up his ax and Kara kicked him through the skeleton of the truck and through the pavement, creating a trail of debris. Kara went up to Vartox and began punching him and dodging his attacks. Vartox hit her and got her pinned to the ground.

Supergirl: Stop, I give up. I don't wanna die.

Vartox: Give your mother my regards.

Vartox raised his ax and crashed it down. Ben webbed it and pulled to keep it from dropping on Kara. She also grabbed the handle to stop it.

Scarlet Spider: This is surprisingly difficult.

Alex: {Kara, do it now.}

Kara blasted the ax with her heat vision as it lowered closer to her face.

Supergirl: It's not working! I can't do it!

Alex: {It's why you were sent here. I believe that now, you have to believe it, too.}

Kara continued to blast the ax until it overheated and caused a large explosion, knocking Vartox backwards. Kara stood up and Ben walked next to her.

Supergirl: It's over.

Vartox: You think I'm the threat? You have no idea what's coming.

Vartox grabbed a large fragment of the ax blade and shoved it into his chest.

Scarlet Spider: Oh my God.

Supergirl: That was crazy. Did we just defeat our first supervillain?

Scarlet Spider: I think we did.

They high-fived and Ben winced in pain.

Supergirl: Are you okay?

Scarlet Spider: A few broken ribs, but I'll get by. I'm a quick healer. You could've told me you were blowing it up. I could've taken some defensive measures to make sure I didn't die.

Supergirl: Right, I'll do that next time.


The next day, Ben sat on a tall building in the city with his mask off eating a burger. He heard a siren in the distance.

Ben: Showtime.

He finished his burger and put his mask on. He whooped as he jumped off the building to swing into the city he was now part of protecting.


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