Virgin. // Larry Stylinson.

By longhairedirwin

398K 9.4K 27.6K

"Just go get laid, Harry! Find a dick and ram it up your ass." "Why am I friends with you, Niall?" All Rights... More



16.9K 475 1.6K
By longhairedirwin

"How does one seduce someone? Hypothetically."

Niall looked over at Harry, "It depends. Why?"

Harry shrugged, "Just wondering."

Niall turned the heat down on the oven as he cooked the pasta, "Do you want to seduce Louis?"

Harry didn't bother answering because he was more likely to embarrass himself by opening his mouth.

Niall laughed, "Harry, didn't Louis tell you to take things slow?"


"Does this sound slow to you? You're trying to seduce the man."

Niall plopped down on the couch and put his feet up on their coffee table. Harry didn't bother telling him to take them down.

"Look, Niall," Harry started, "I like him. What's wrong with me wanting to be with him?"

"Nothing! But it doesn't sound like you're listening to any advice he has given you."

"I'm going to take a shower." Harry sighed, "I just need to relax and get my thoughts together."

"It's going to happen for you, Harry. Don't rush it."

Harry just nodded and walked back to the bathroom. He needed some time to himself for a little before dinner.

Louis: Hi, Harry. :)

Harry: Louis, hello. :) How are you?

Louis: I'm great. How are you?

Harry: I'm good. I'm sitting in my room until dinner is ready.

Louis: What are you having for dinner?

Harry: Pasta and garlic bread.

Louis: Yummy. I'll enjoy that.

Harry: Huh?

Louis: 😏😏

Harry: What the hell are you talking about you weirdo?

Louis: See you soon.🤪

"Niall Horan!"

He heard his friend laughing in the kitchen and he couldn't help but laugh. He really did have the best human as his best friend even if he did drive him nuts sometimes.

Styles94: How do you seduce someone?

LTomlinson: ???? who are you seducing?

Styles94: No one yet. Just asking.

LTomlinson: Depends on the person really and the situation.

Styles94: How would you like to be seduced?

LTomlinson: Harry Styles.

Styles94: What?

LTomlinson: Does that sound like taking it slow?

Styles94: Yes.

LTomlinson: Lol, no it doesn't. I like you and you know it. You don't need to rush anything.

Styles94: I'm not.

LTomlinson: Uh huh. We will talk about this after dinner.

Styles94: WHAT?!

"Niall, are you going to tell me that you invited Louis to dinner or just pretend you didn't do a single thing?"

Niall looked up from his phone, "I didn't invite him. Ophelia did. When she gets here don't tell her I told you that."

"That doesn't sound like something she would do."

Niall shrugged, "She wants you to be happy, Harry. I figured she went out of her way and talked to Louis just to giggle and blush over you two tonight."

"Shouldn't you be the one making her blush?"

"I make her do more than that every night."

Harry held up his hand, "Don't need or want any details."

Niall grinned, "I'll happily listen to details of you and Louis after it happens."

"No deal. My sex life is my sex life."

"And yet you tell me about your sibian and precious jacking off time."

Harry flipped him off, "Go to hell, Niall."

"If I'm going down then I'm taking you with me."

Ophelia happened to walk through the door with Louis laughing at something he said. The sight of Louis had Harry's stomach twisting. He would never get used to how gorgeous Louis was and how lucky he felt to have him in his life. He could only hope that things went up from where they were and he actually got to be with Louis in every way possible.

"Hi, Harry."

Harry stood up and walked over to him, "Hi, Louis. It's lovely to have you here."

Louis smiled at him, "Yeah?"

Harry couldn't stop himself from blushing, "Yes. I'm happy Ophelia invited you. Dinner should be ready in a few moments so I hope you're hungry."

"Starving actually."

Harry looked into Louis's eyes and was about to fall to his knees right there. The older man was just sinful to look at and Harry really wanted nothing more than to worship him and do whatever Louis asked.

That definitely wasn't going slow, Harry thought.

"You two come out here and sit down!" Niall shouted, "Dinner is ready!"

Louis held out his hand, "Where do you want to sit?"

Harry blushed and put his hand in Louis's, "Next to you."

Niall and Ophelia put the plates on the table, gave everyone a drink, and served them even when Louis argued it.

"Consider this a double date by the way." Niall said.

Harry glared at him, "What?"

Niall stayed silent but pointed his finger at Ophelia who had her back to him so she couldn't see him.

Harry rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink, "So neither Louis or myself was warned about this being a double date."

"I was." Louis told him, "Ophelia told me earlier."

Harry could see her face turn red, "Lia, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know if you'd agree to it." She blushed, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm glad Louis is here. Thank you."

Louis squeezed his knee under the table and Harry about flung the fork to the ceiling. His hand hit the table that hard but neither Niall or Ophelia seemed to notice. They were too busy getting their plate together and talking to each other to notice anything Harry was doing.

"You okay?" Louis whispered.

"Fine." Harry squeaked.

Louis had no idea what he did to Harry. He had no idea that Harry would probably spend two hours getting off before falling asleep that night.

Louis Tomlinson was fucking sin and Harry was ready to do everything in the world for him and to him.

They fell into a comfortable conversation but Harry's mind was somewhere else. He kept thinking about Louis squeezing his knee and the way his body reacted to it. His body was still reacting to it. He was thankful he was wearing black sweats because maybe his erection wouldn't be noticeable. He just needed to keep thinking of things that would help make it go away.

"Harry, are you okay? You look flushed." Ophelia questioned.

They were all looking at him with concern on his face.

"I'm fine. I just need to run to the bathroom."

He pushed away from the table and ran before anyone could say anything else to him. He closed the bathroom door behind him and locked the door. He splashed some cold water on his face before cutting the water off and looking at himself in the mirror. His face was indeed flushed and his pupils were huge. Jesus Christ, Harry thought, why can't I be a normal person?

Why do I have to be so horny all the time?

Of course Harry knew it really didn't get to the point of being bad until Louis came along. He just became a masturbating slut when Louis came around. Not that there was anything wrong with sluts or whores or whatever but he figured it would make more sense to be that way with someone and not his own hands.

A soft knock pulled him out of his thoughts, "Harry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Louis."

"Can I come in?"

Harry didn't answer. He just unlocked the door and stepped back so Louis could come in. As soon as Louis closed the door behind him, Harry had to fight every urge that was racing through his body.

"Sorry. I just had to get out of there for a few minutes."

Harry sat down on the side of the tub so Louis walked over and knelt down in front of him.

"What's wrong, Harry?"

He grabbed Harry's wrists and pulled his hands away from his face so Harry could look at him.

"It's going to sound stupid if I tell you."

"Nonsense, Harry. You can tell me anything."

Harry let out a laugh, "This is just going to be embarrassing."

"What happened? Why are you embarrassed?"

"I have an erection." Harry admitted, "I'm sitting at the table hard as hell. I couldn't sit there anymore. Go ahead and laugh at me."

"I'm not going to laugh at you, Harry. It's normal to get them."

"You squeezed my knee and suddenly my body is reacting like it never has before. I just-" Harry took a deep breath, "I just needed to get away from you for a few minutes is all."

Louis smiled softly at him, "I should stop touching you then shouldn't I?"

He let go of Harry's wrists.

"No! I want you to touch me, Louis. I like it when you touch me."

"I need to be careful with you, Harry. I don't want you to do anything that you're not ready for and I certainly don't want to do anything that may make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. You're not ready for this yet."

"I am." Harry argued, "I am if it's with you."


"No!" Harry exclaimed, "I know what I want, Louis. I'm not dumb."

"I never said you were."

"I know when I'm comfortable. I know when I need to stop things. It's not that I don't know how it's the fact I don't want to. I'm comfortable with you, Louis. What's wrong with me wanting you to be my first?"

"There's nothing wrong with that, Harry. I'm flattered as hell that you feel that way about me."

"Then what's stopping you? Why don't you want to be with me?"

Now Harry felt completely stupid because he could feel his throat closing up and he wanted to cry.

"Harry, I never said that."

"But you keep rejecting me."

"I'm not rejecting you, Harry. I could never reject you. I'm taking time with you because I care about you. I told you many times that your first time should be special. I want you to mentally be ready."

Harry wiped away a tear, "I feel stupid."

"You're not stupid. You're allowed to feel these things, Harry. Never feel stupid for feeling what you do. Everything you're feeling is valid. How about you and I go for a drive?"

Harry smiled, "I'd love that."

Louis leaned in and kissed his forehead, "Lets go."

Harry's skin tingled from Louis's lips. It went from his forehead all the way down to his toes. He didn't know what it was about Louis but he knew that the older man was it. He was far too special for Harry to ever let go. Harry wanted Louis. He needed Louis and he would fight hell and high water to keep the man in his life for as long as he possibly could.

It was cool out so Harry brought a sweater with him but he didn't put it on. He threw it into Louis's backseat and got comfortable in the passenger seat as Louis pulled out of the parking lot.

"Any destination in mind?" Harry asked.

"Not really. Just thought a drive with you would be fun." Louis smiled, eyes still on the road.

Harry felt like a fourteen year old again with his first crush.

Louis Tomlinson was everything. There was really no other way to describe him. He was the sun. He was the ocean. He was the rain. He was a warm blanket. He was a hot shower. He was everything that Harry loved the most in the world and he felt like he was going to choke on his feelings sometimes.

"Want to get some ice cream?" Harry asked, "My treat."

"You treated me to dinner, Harry. I'll treat you to dessert."


"But nothing, sweetheart. It's a fifty fifty relationship, alright?"

Harry wasn't going to comment on the relationship remark.

Niall: You kind of left in a rush. Are you okay?

Harry: I'm great. We are eating ice cream in his car.

Niall: Are you sure?

Harry: Yes. :)

Niall: Alright. :) Be safe.

Harry: Always! No sex on the couch.

Niall: I can't promise you anything.

Harry: 🥴🥴

Zayn: Wyd?

Louis: Eating ice cream with Harry.

Zayn: Kinky. You should eat the ice cream off of him.

Louis: What the hell is wrong with you?

Liam: He's mad that I don't want to have sex right now.

Louis: Why am I discussing your sex life when I'm with Harry?

Liam: We're not discussing it.

Louis: Go have sex and keep Zayn from being a pervert.

Zayn: Go have sex with Harry and leave me alone.

Louis: Goodbye you asshole.

Louis put his phone down and looked over at Harry who was almost finished with his ice cream, "Was it good?"

"Delicious. Thank you, Louis."

"Of course."

When they were finished they remained in the lot of the ice cream shop. They had their belts off and were turned in the seats so they could face each other.

"So," Louis started, "I want to talk to you."

"I don't like those words."

"It's nothing to worry about, Harry. I think it's a good talk."

"You're still making me nervous."

"I did something earlier, Harry."


"I quit."


Louis smiled and ran a hand through his hair, "I quit my job."

Harry's eyes widened, "What?! Louis, why did you do that?!"


"Because why?"


"What? What did I do? Why did you quit because of me?"

"Because I did some thinking and I realized that you were completely understandable in your fear of me talking to someone else and I also realized that I don't want to talk to anyone else. I like you, Harry."

Harry wanted to freak out but he also wanted to make sure Louis was okay, "You didn't have to quit your job, Louis. What are you going to do now? I feel so bad."

Louis grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed, "There's no need for you to feel bad, Harry. I chose to do this. There are plenty of people on that site to talk to others and help them. I'm not the only one there."

"What are you going to do now?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. I feel like the entire world is open for me now."

Harry looked down at their hands and stayed silent. He didn't know how to react to Louis's confession. Part of him was happy that Louis quit because it meant he had Louis to himself but the other part of him felt as if it was his fault. They weren't even together yet and Louis already quit his job.

"What are you thinking about, Harry?"



Harry sighed and looked up at him, "Just feel bad. I never wanted you to quit your job."

"It wasn't a forever job, Harry. It was a good money and it allowed me to save up. Plus, Zayn and Liam said they'd help me out if I needed it. I'm fine, I promise. You didn't make me quit. It was something I chose to do on my own."

"I still feel bad."

"No need to, Harry. I promise."

Harry nodded, "If you're sure."

"I am."

"I don't want to go home yet, Louis. Niall and Ophelia are probably doing things and I don't want to be there for it."

Louis laughed, "We can keep driving. I don't want to go home yet either."

Niall: We're done.

Harry: It has been two hours.

Niall: I didn't keep track of time. Where are you?

Harry: I'm at Louis's place.

Niall: Oooooh.

Harry: Stop thinking things.

Niall: You're the one who thinks the shit.

Harry: Stfu pervert.

Niall: Ok Mr. Sibian lover.

Harry: Bye.

Niall: Tell me when you're on the way home.

Harry: Okay. That gives you time to clean up then.

Zayn and Liam were in bed when they got there which left Louis and Harry alone. It had Harry nervous and wanting to once again ask Louis to be with him but he figured Louis was right about waiting. Something told him that good things were going to happen for them so he could be patient.

He waited long enough for someone like Louis and he knew he'd be able to wait a little longer since he finally had him.

"Do you want to stay over?" Louis asked.

Harry started choking on his water, "What?"

Louis actually blushed, "You don't have to. I just thought you-"

"Yes. I want to stay." Harry smiled.

Louis let out a sigh of relief, "Really?"

"Really. I'll let Niall know I'm not coming home."

Niall: Use condoms.

Harry: Oh my god fuck off.

Niall: 😂😂😂😂

"Do you think they'll fool around?" Zayn asked.

"Why are you awake?" Liam groaned, "Go back to bed."

"I can't sleep."

Liam yawned and opened his eyes to look over at his boyfriend, "You're just mad at me aren't you?"

"I'm used to having an orgasm before I go to bed."

Liam actually laughed, "Are you pouting?"


"If you want an orgasm I'll give you one then. You asshole."

Louis and Harry were in Louis's bed. Harry was able to wear a pair of Liam's pants that Louis stole forever ago. He tossed his shirt to the floor and had crawled into bed before Louis could say anything.

Harry was nervous to be that close with Louis again, skin to skin contact with his  back pressed to Louis's chest but he had no complaints. He was happy. He just hoped his body didn't react to it.

It took forever for his erection from earlier to go down but they both had just ignored it and did things to keep Harry's mind off it.

The last thing Harry needed was for it to come back while being pressed against Louis. He'd never be able to live it down.

"You okay?" Louis asked, kissing Harry's shoulder.

Harry smiled even though Louis coulnd't see it, "I'm good. I'm happy."

"Me too."

Just then a loud boom could be heard from across the hall.

"Oh my god they're fucking." Louis groaned.

Harry laughed, "How do you know?"

"Because that was their bed smacking the wall. They move the bed across the room or some shit."

Harry rolled over so he could look at Louis who seemed to be blushing, "Are you okay?"

"Totally fine with them over there fucking."

Harry giggled, "Just focus on me and they'll be done before you know it."

Louis pulled the blanket up over them causing Harry to laugh.

"I'm used to Niall and Ophelia going at it."

"These idiots are too loud, Harry. If Zayn isn't moaning or Liam isn't grunting then the fucking bed is slamming into the wall."

"One day you'll be able to get back at them."

Louis looked at him and Harry suddenly wished he could take the words back.

"You offering to help me get back at them?"

"Yes. If you want me to."

Louis smiled, "Harry?"


"Can I kiss you?"

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