Centipeedle x mother Corrupt...

By sammytheskitty33

54K 1.3K 212

Oh wow, you and centi actually get together! wanna see how far your relationship takes you in this AU? More

intro warnings!
~new home~
~meeting new neighbor~
~welcome to the neighborhood~
~a special confession~
Centi's Headcannon design
how they react
how they react pt 2
Their contributions involve
their contributions involve v2
🌺just a simple check up🌺
🍇So many questions🍇
🔥hot and cold🧊
During your sickness days
During your sickness days v2
👽 meeting peridot 👽
💧 meeting Lapis 💧
👽 Things worth protecting💧
⚒ meeting bismuth ⚒
🎸 meeting greg 🎸
before the reveal of the 🍼...
🍼 meet your gemlings! 🍼
idea page
how they react to your litter
how they react to your litter v2
how it is during: 🍩snack time🍟
how it is during: 🛁 bath time 🧼
how they reacted: ❄️ snow ❄️
how it is: 🍼 babysitting 🧸
how it is: 🧸 babysitting 🍼 pt. 2
🌟 how they look uncorrupted 🏥
💗 Mother's day 🤱

~one night...~

1.5K 46 5
By sammytheskitty33

It was a very calm, very peaceful night. Centipeedle was busy with her nightly patrol atop atop beach house, while you slept peacefully in your cozy nest. The air was especially warm and it wasn't too humid. And the crashing of waves coupled with the sea breeze created a serenity that could put even the most unstable of corruptions at ease. So much so that even Centipeedle found herself enjoying the placid atmosphere, even taking her time to enjoy looking up at the stars overhead, that shined much brighter than usual. She couldn't quite understand why, but she that tonight... it was gonna be a good night.

...that is until she heard a semi-loud groaning drone from the nest.

With a gasp of concern, she quickly scurried down the house, and peered into the nest. "My love?"

In the moon's dim light, her pupil shrinks in alarm as she saw you writhing in agony at a sharp, prominent pain that seared through your belly. Your midarms clutched it in a vain attempt to sooth the pain as your forearms gripped at the soft bedding.

You looked up, and was grateful to find Centi's concerned gaze staring back at you. "C-centi..." you tried to smile, but the pain seemed to have spread all across your lower body, to the point your legs and tail felt numb from the pain. "Th-they're on their way here..."

It only took her a few seconds to fully grasp on what you were referring to and Centi gasped, her mane fluffing out. "Oh my! Right now!?" She squawked in startlement. You nodded, drawing ragged breaths.

"Oh my stars...!" Centi started to panic. Of course she knew that it would eventually come to this, but that didn't stop her from being any less horrified. Not only was she alone at the moment, but she also wasn't certain of how well she could deliver a gemling. Considering that she's never delivered one. As much as she wanted to fetch the pearl, she couldn't risk damaging the house trying to get inside, lest she wanted steven to get hurt and/or panicky.

Gah, if we ever needed that pearl and Rose Quartz's tears it is now! Why did she have to be inside that stupidly small temple!?


Her attention was brought back as another pained groan escapes your throat, the shimmer of tears starting to well up from the amount of pain that seared through you. "C-Centi...!"

She stared at your writing form for a brief moment, before narrowing her eye with resolve. There was no use in fretting about it now. Her gemlings were on way their way, and there was nothing she could do to stop them.

Whether she was ready or not, she needed to aid in bringing her new brood into the world, as best as she can.

She took a deep breath and tried to keep her nerves steady. "Okay... J-just relax, my love." Last thing she needs is for you to get more stressed by seeing her strong sire be scared.

She quickly crawled over to your side, gripping your paw into hers, and rubbed at your back gently with the other. "Focus on breathing, sweets." She trilled softly, pushing you gently onto your side as you struggled to breath at a steady pace. You were whimpering in your throat, tears streaming down your face. The pain was so great, you were almost certain your rationality would buckle, and you would fall victim to the unstability of corruption.

That might've been possible...

"It's gonna be alright..."

...if it wasn't for Centi.

"Think of it this way; Our gemlings are coming to meet us, now. And we'll finally be a family. Just imagine how happy steven's gonna be when he meets them... how happy we'll be to finally meet them. Doesn't that sound wonderful, love?"

Most might hear the squawks and crackles of an alien macaw, but you heard the soft, sweet voice she originally had before her corruption. That alone kept your sanity from faltering.

"But first we must try to focus on helping them get here. I'll be right here with you. Okay?"

Swallowing a knot in your throat, you nodded with a feeble, mhm in your throat. You shut your eyes tightly, trying to think of anything to divert your attention away from the pain. However said pain in your abdomen somehow intensified, and you clenched your jaw against a cry of agony, opting to groan behind clenched teeth as you squeezed your partner's paw. Centi took note of this and set her extra hand on your belly.

"Okay... here comes the first push."

Next morning, Steven stirred awake to the sun warming his face. He smiled, knowing that it was another day to spend with his two best buddies and future siblings.

After cycling through his morning routine of getting clean and dressed, he began to ponder on what to make you, centi and his future sibs for breakfast.

He could just make the together breakfast again, but what if you guys wanted something different?

...better find out.


He practically bounded out of his house and stood onto the pouch, looking up at the cliff face, Centi's usual perch. "Good mo- huh?"

It was empty.


Upon hearing a soft trill beneath him, he looked over the banister, and smiled upon finding Centi's body sticking out from beneath it. "There you are." He mused to himself cheerily, as he raced down the stairs, all too excited to start his day with you.

"Good morning, everyone!" He greeted cheerily like he usually did, as he ran to the thick wall of green brush. "Hey, guys? Do you want any-"

"Quiet down, steven." Centipeedle chided gently, gently pressing an extra limb into his mouth to shush him. Of course he didn't understand this, and felt a jolt of concern at this behavior. "Centi?"

"Steven." Came your hoarse, tired voice from behind the brush. Slowly, he walked upto the brush and pressed himself through, his eyes squinting in the dim lighting.

There you were, curled up in your nest. Your mane was messier than usual, and you had your bang parted, exposing your very tired eyes with notable bags beneath them. Centi's head was draped over your nape, her own eye glazed over in tiredness. Both of you looked fatigued, but in the dim morning lights, he couldn't quite identify the look of pride and accomplishment you both wore. "(Name)...? Are you okay?"

You motioned him to come closer. Although albeit hesitantly and mildly suspicious, be complied and slowly approached your nest, his focus on Centi as she watched him do so. Once close enough, he was able to hear very faint sounds.

Faint squeaking sounds.

You both couldn't help but smile as he looked down curiously.

Right at the small bundles of fluff nestled in your arms.

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