Sorry | Murphamy AU | vol.1

By mumblingmurphy

60.7K 3.1K 1.5K

[ THIS IS UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION !! ] "Would you stop romanticizing this?" "Why? We're going to die anyway... More

Author's Note {Please Read}
1. Project
2. Like morbid butterflies
3. The art of time
4. Broken noses and butterflies
5. Comedically and tragically beautiful
6. Permanent solutions for temporary problems
7. Irrationality killed the cat
8. An affair with the huntsman
9. Everything will be okay, one day
10. Berlin, 1848
11. Years of subliminal messaging
12. Death isn't colder than heartbreak (it isn't)
13. A worthless apology
14. Hold on tighter for a better kiss
15. Written in bark
16. Young and ignorant
17. Behind whatever shows
18. Touches like glass
19. Naive for things of choice
20. Sobriety with hands of gold
!!please read!!
21. Stay awake for another confession
22. Asleep too soon
23. A familiar face is always odd
[Ch.25 • Gonplei1]
[Ch.26 - Gonplei2]
[Ch.27 - Gonplei3]
[Ch.28 - Gonplei4]
Ch.29 - Camp Gonplei #5
Ch.31 - Not Again
Ch.32 - Tattoo
Ch.33 - Nicer ones
Ch.34 - Memes
Ch.35 - Chef
Ch.36 - Date
Ch.37- The Truth
Ch.38 - You'll Celebrate It
Ch.39 - Too Good
Ch.40 - Visual Learner
Ch.41- Teddy Bear
Ch.42 - 'Cute'
Ch.43 - Mortified
Ch.44 - I Pray
Ch.45 - HIM
Ch.46 - The Story of Mbege
Ch.47 - Pull A Dante
Ch.48 - Tease
Ch.49 - Trigger
Ch.50 - Impossible
Ch.51 - Running out of sass
Ch.52 - F-boy Bell
Ch.53 - Taking a break
Ch.54 - Just One Yesterday
Ch.55 - "It"
Ch.56 - I swear
Ch.57 - Sinclair
Ch.58 - Mystery man
Ch.59 - Rebecca and Mark
Ch.60 - Best Friend
Ch.61 - Torn
Ch.62 - Win
Ch.64 - Stupidity
Ch. 65 - Out in the open
Ch. 66 - You Broke My Nose!
Ch. 67 - Medicine Cabinet
Ch. 68 - Five
Ch. 69 - Say your prayer
Ch.70 - Paint
Ch. 71 - Metal Tracks

Ch.30 - Hello Jake.

827 45 37
By mumblingmurphy

Murphy P.o.v.

I sigh when Bellamy gets up to go pick up his clothes, putting them on. He then goes to collect mine, giving them to me. I throw on my shirt. "Hey." Bellamy says, and I spin around, and surprises me with a kiss. It wasn't really a kiss. It was more of an automatic french kiss which made me blush. He pulled away and winked. "Stop being so fucking hot." I whine, slapping his chest. "You first." he says, causing me to again blush and roll my eyes. 

I pull him into a loving hug. We stay there for a while until reality hits me in the face. "Bellamy?"I say quietly into his shoulder. "Yeah?" he replies and I sigh. "Where are we?" I ask nervously and he pulls away shrugging. "I dunno but I'm hungry as fuck." he says with a pout. We sigh in unison and begin to walk in a random direction, hoping that it'll lead us to some form of civilization. 



Bellamy P.o.v.

It's day 3 in the forest, and I'm positive that we're going to die here. We had found some water and have been living off of berries. Don't ask me how Murphy knew they were safe. They were keeping us alive, so I didn't question. 

After a few hours, I hear voices and laughter, followed by a bright light. When I see the place, I yank Murphy back, behind a tree. "WE'VE SPENT 3 DAYS IN A FOREST JUST TO MAKE OUR WAY BACK TO THE CAMP?!" I whisper/shout. He looks around the tree and sighs in disbelief. "Jesus fucking Christ." he mutters to himself, sinking to the ground, placing his head in his hands. A few seconds later, he stands up quickly. "Okay. Maybe this is a good thing." he says. We almost killed 3 times because of this camp. "How the fuck is it a good thing?" I ask, hoping he's got a plan. 

"We know they've got guns and we know they're tactics. We need to get back in, and run out through the front entrance. After that, I know how to get us back." he suggests. "Can't we just walk around the camp?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "People are probably guarding this place. We've gotta get in through there." he says pointing to a hole in the gate. I wanted out of this hell hole so I agree. 

Without saying anything, I run as fast as I can through the hole, Murphy reluctantly following me. We hadn't even made a plan yet. We kept our heads down as we sprinted through the camp. 

Murphy P.o.v.

We're about halfway though the camp when some start recognize us. We pass Clarke and Raven who looked shocked to see us alive. Compared to the rest of them, we were dirty as shit, blood caked over our faces. We run faster and faster, not stopping when the teens guarding the front gate shout at us. We are out. We had escaped. But we couldn't stop, because commotion broke out, and shouting sounded. They would most defiantly be coming after us. "Bellamy this way!" I shout to him, running of the gravel pavement, pulling him into the forest area. "Follow me." I say, and we dart through the trees, as fast as we possibly could until we could no longer hear the shouting and gun shots.

When the only sound we could hear was our running and panting, I stop, but Bellamy continues, running into me with a hug, almost throwing me down. We laugh out of breath. "We fucking made it." I see Bellamy tear with joy, and that only makes me do the same. I nod. Once we've caught our breath, we run until we get to the rural area.


Don't ask me how, but we manage to get home. It look one more more day after seeing the freeway, but we made it. It was late and we didn't feel like being questioned, so we suck in and flopped into bed. "Oh my fucking god." Bellamy stated as we curled up on the soft mattress, pulling the covers over us. We didn't change, and we hadn't taken showers. We didn't really care. 

I have my arms wrapped around his body, and when I can feel him fall asleep, I sigh, sadly and surprisingly, unable to do the same. 


"Hi, Bellamy. I know that you're asleep and that you won't hear this, and that's kinda the whole point. You made a speech when I could barely hear you so I thought I'd do the same." the boy whispers very softly. "Since day one. I've wanted to be your friend, but you didn't want to. You and your friends tore me down everyday, and I'm still not sure as to why. I was relieved when we got to high school, because you moved on. For a good three years, we didn't talk. I remember that time we made eye contact in the hall and the only reason I remember it is because it was the first time you smiled at me in a genuine way." Murphy scoffs lightly. "To be honest, my life was shit before you, Bell. Like I said before, I'm only telling you because you're asleep, but that night where we had that huge argument in front of your parents, wasn't the first time I've threatened to kill myself. Life was awful. I was still bullied by Mbege and a few others, my mom was.... well... my mom. Everything just sucked, and no one cared about me so I just thought no one would care if I left for good." he spoke with a sad smile into Bellamy's back. "Do you even know how much you saved me?  The first time we hung out for that project, and you pried to get to know me, you saved me. I was planning on finishing myself off that night. When you texted me about forgetting my sketchbook, you saved me. I'm not dumb, I know it was just and excuse to hangout with me, and I'm so happy you did. Depression really does suck, cause it comes with anger problems and anxiety. When I found someone that made it more or less vanish, I thought it was worth sticking around one more day." he spoke with a croaky voice, letting tears cascade down his cheeks. "I was never really a sentimental person till I really met you. You're the fucking light of my life... You make me feel worthy of living." he finishes with a sigh, hoping that sleep will soon take him as well.

What Murphy didn't know is that Bellamy had been awake his entire speech. As Murphy spoke softly, Bellamy's eyes watered.

Bellamy P.o.v

When Murphy utters those last few words, I can't help but flip over to face him. He's clearly shocked at me being awake. He stutters nervously, trying to explain himself, but I pull him in. My tears fall and so do his. I hold him to my chest, protecting him. I rub his back as he shakes, and with every sob, I hold him tighter. I replay his monologue in my head. It hit me like a ton bricks. If we hadn't been paired together for the science project, Murphy wouldn't be in my arms right now.


Every so often, I'll hear Murphy mumble, "Sorry..." into my chest. I shush him while playing with his hair. He's asleep before he can fully relax. Murphy has depression and it was only now sinking in. There was the time in the bathroom where he'd claimed that he was nothing but toxic to me, those days where he'd lay in bed, not moving and unresponsive, and the big argument in front of my parents where he lashed out. How stupid could I be. On the days where he didn't get out of bed, I'd accused him of being lazy. I wince at myself. He'd always respond with a sad smile, but... Ugh! why had I been so blind? I had always just assumed he'd been a very dramatic person. I'm so fucking stupid.


I wake up in the morning, and Murphy's no longer in my arms. I relax when I hear the shower. I get up, and try to come up with a reason as to why we were back so early.

Murphy walks back in, and it's almost funny how clean he is compared to me. "I've never been so happy to take a shower in my life." he states breathily, pulling out some clothes. I would talk about last night, but later. "Is there any hot water left?" I ask, jokingly and he nods. "Oh, I have an alibi." he brings up and I nod. "Tell me, but I'm sick of all this blood, so after I take my shower." I announce and he nods. 

Murphy was right. This was the best shower I've ever had. It's kind of hard not to cry out in pain due to the cuts and scratches, but I try to ignore it. I manage to clean up, and when I look in the mirror, I sigh. "What the fuck are you doing?" I mutter, questioning myself about my life right now which was, in the best way possible, a fucking mess.

"Okay, what's your plan?" I ask Murphy, closing the door quietly behind me. Everyone was still asleep. "Mumps." he states and I narrow my eyes. "We were sent home, cause there was an outbreak. When they ask why they weren't informed, we tell them that they had sent an e-mail. They'll ask why they hadn't received it, we shrug." he states and I nod. "Makes sense. If my parents end up calling, I think the camp'll go along with it cause we know their secret." I say with a straight face and he grins. "Yup. Okay, let's do this." he says, taking my arms and dragging me to my parents room. Easy to say, they believe us. We even talked about all the fun we had, and all the friends we'd made. 

"Oh fuck." I hear Murphy mutter as he inspects himself in the floor length mirror. In the forest, I had managed to take out the bullet from his arm. Murphy felt really brave and told me to do on the second day. It was a shit process, and he ended up passing out. It was till pretty bad. I go to get the first aid kit. "Nonono." he says warning me when he sees the peroxide. I'd used it to heal his other bullet wound before, and it stung like hell. I glare at him. He let me dig out a bullet, but didn't want me to clean it? "Bite on this." I hand him a stray shirt and he takes a deep breath. "On three okay?" I warn him and he winces and nods. "1..." I say, and pour it over his arm. His eyes shoot open, giving me an evil glare but lets me finish and bandage it up. "You said three!" he shouted at me and me and I give him a scoff. "It's over now." I say and he's still wincing. "You've been shot twice. How are you still alive?" I ask, finishing the work on his arm. "Luck, I guess." he says. 

"This has so far, been the best summer." he says and I scrunch my face. "We've been in life threatening situations and have..." I say trailing off. "You're right." I say and agree with him on that one. 

"Food." he sates and my eyes shoot open. We rush down to the kitchen, and raid the pantry, and fridge. We hadn't had really food in almost 5 days now.

Murphy P.o.v.

"Bellamy no you can't do that." I says, pulling the spoon away from his mouth. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "You're just going to throw it up." I state. I've been in situations where I hadn't eaten in days, and then binged, causing me to throw up. "You're body's not used to it. You need to eat a little at a time." I add, slowly chewing my cereal. He pouts like a baby and slowly eats. I nod in approval. 


I try with all my power not to let him bring up what happened last night. Had I known he was awake, I would have never said anything. I could tell he knew I didn't want to talk about it, but he was prying like shit. 

"We need to talk about last night." he blurts while we watch television. His parents were going to pick Octavia up from her day camp. "What about it." I say calmly, not removing my gaze from the screen. He shuts it off and I sigh. "What?" I ask, slightly annoyed, still not looking at him. "I'm sorry." he says and I now turn to look at him and narrow my eyes. "For what exactly?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest and relaxing into the couch. "Like for being inconsiderate..." he starts but trails off. "Inconsiderate? Did you even hear what I said?" I ask. The whole speech was about him saving me. Inconsiderate my ass. "I didn't know you were depressed. I wouldn't have pried for you to cheer up if I'd known." he mumbles, looking to his lap. "That's okay. You weren't suppose to know, and anyways, you pushing me to cheer up does help." I say with a kind smile, and he looks up. "Sorry..." he choked out and tilted my head. "Stop saying that. You have nothing to be sorry for." I say and he shakes his head violently. "All of elementary..." he stutters and I interrupt him with a kiss. I peel my lips off of his. "You've already been forgiven."I whisper and I pull him back, feeling his tears on my cheeks. "I love you." I say pulling him into a hug, hugging tightly. 

Bellamy P.o.v.

The rest of the summer goes by very quickly. Other than Clarke and Raven confronting us about camp, nothing major happens. Murphy and I just take the time to relax and sort out our shit. 

I try not to cry when the alarm sounds. Murphy groans. "No fucking way." he says and I sigh, ripping the sheet off of him and throwing him some clothes. "If I'm going, so are you. Now get your ass up." I state, and he reluctantly gets ready.

We enter the school and I tense up. "I don't wanna." I whine this time and I see Murphy smirk. "We can pull a Camp Gonplei... if you want" he says slyly and I roll my eyes. "We're not going to shoot up a school. If anything, we can just ditch later." I suggest and he cringes. "Fine."

We had gotten our schedule earlier this summer and Murphy and I had P.E, history and art together. 

We make our way to our separate lockers, and I notice the groups. I saw Atom with a group of new thugs. Clarke, Lexa, Raven and Finn stood talking and Jasper, Monte, and this girl with dark black hair, who I assume is new. I have science first. I shrug to myself, not really caring anymore. I had lost that education motivation when I met Murphy. He'd introduced me to shit that actually mattered. One more year. I think to myself as I trudge the halls to science. "Bellamy!" I hear a voice call and I spin around. "Is it true you and John Murphy are a thing?" a random girl asks, full of excitement. I look at her strangely. It was clear that this was her first day of high school. "Yeah." I say nervously and she scurries away. The fuck?

At lunch, I can't find Murphy. I look in the cafeteria, then under the bleachers. He wasn't answering his phone... I stop when I see a crowd of people. I jog up to see what everyone's looking at and I sigh. "For fucks, sake." I say under my breath as I push through the people. I pull Murphy off of the random guy. "What the fuck?" I ask him seriously. He doesn't look at me, but over my shoulder, smiling with an evil grin at the boy. Murphy had a cheek turning blue and a cut on his lip. "He started it." he says and I roll my eyes at the obvious lie. We were surrounded by a crowd of people. "Name?" I ask the guy who was being picked up by some of his friends. "Jake." he states to me, but glares at Murphy. I look back to Murphy. They're both giving each other death glares. Murphy lunges forward to Jake and I catch him. "Nope, you're coming with me." I say, pulling him away, shoving him outside. I give him a look and he rolls his eyes. "It's the first day." I say, pacing back and forth. "What happened?" I ask and he groans. "He was being rude." Murphy says, throwing his hands in the air. "He shoved me, and when I said 'excuse you' he shoved me again..." he finishes and I sigh. I walk up to him and hold my finger under his chin, inspecting his face. "You okay?" I mutter and he nods. "I've been worse." he states and I can't help but chuckle at how true that was.


Murphy P.o.v

If that Jake kid doesn't back off, I'm going to shove a stick of dynamite up his ass and light it. It's been 2 weeks since the fight, and ever since then, he's been following, and trying to be my friend.

"Murphy?" Bellamy calls from across the hall and I walk up to him. "Yeah?" I ask, putting my phone away. "I'll be back late, I've got soccer tryouts." he informs me. "Alright, good luck." I say with full support and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a kiss. He'd been the best soccer player on the team for 4 years now. Couldn't they just give him the place?

We say bye, and I make my way back to my locker. 

"Murphy!" I hear an excited voice call, that didn't belong to Bellamy. I spin around, and am faced with who? Jake. I roll my eyes at him. "What." I ask, not in a questioning, but more of a warning tone, facing back to my locker, putting my homework in my bag. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" he asks and I narrow my eyes, slamming my locker before once again, turning to face him. "What?" this time, sounding sceptical. "You heard me." he says, leaning against the next locker with a sly grin. He was decent looking. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and was pretty built. He was a typical american teenager. His only exception was the fact that he'd skipped a grade. I only knew that cause he liked to talk. A lot. I take a deep breath, trying not to punch him again. "Sorry, I'm seeing someone." I say, walking away. He grabs my wrist, turning me around. I pull it out of his grasp. If he touches me one more time, I'll break his dick. "Doesn't mean you're not available." he says, and I raise my eyebrow in a sarcastic amusement. I end up laughing. I was the complete opposite of available. "I said, I'm taken." I hiss at him, and he chuckles. "Wait, Murphy can you tell my mom," I hear Bellamy run up from behind me, halting next to me. "Yeah?" I ask, waiting for him to continue. "Did I interrupt something?" he asks me and I shake my head, looking at Jake. "Nope." I tell him tilting my head, smiling. He was clearly in a rush. "Just tell my mom that I'll be back late, and tell her that you're doing the laundry tonight instead of me." he says and I scoff. "Am I really?" I say with an amused smile. He wears his puppy eyes and puts his hands, mimicking a praying movement I sigh. "Fine, but you're doing the dishes." I compromise, and he takes a second to think it over before reluctantly agreeing. "Love you." he says, quickly giving me a kiss, then sprinting to tryouts. 

I then remember that Jake's there. I slowly turn to him, placing my arms over my chest. "You live together?" he asks, narrowing his eyes and I nod. "Yeah, we do." I say happily and he sucks his teeth. "Your parents let you?" he asks and I scoff. "I wouldn't know. They're dead." I say with a sarcastic pout and he raises both eyebrows. "My dad died when I was young, and my mom was an abusive drug addict, and a violent alcoholic. When she fucked up and took one too many pills, Bellamy and his parents let me move in." I say with a straight face. "So? that doesn't mean you can't see other people." he says. Was he slow? No, he skipped a grade. I remove the silver promise ring from my ring finger and place it on my middle one quickly. "Yes it does." I say slowly then flip him off as hardly as I could, smiling when he notices the ring. If there was one thing I was good at, it's knowing how to make an exit.

Hey, this is almost abusively long. Anyways. Would you guys like it if I were to start posting this fic every other day instead of everyday? It's up to you. Comment your thoughts, and what you feel about Jake and the fact that Murphy's depressed. If you liked this, please vote and until next update, you can read my otehr fics.

Love you lots! Xx

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