Just One Year (Sasunaru)

By Yaoi_lover_sasunaru

98.1K 4K 6.8K

Naruto has been forced into a one year marriage contract with a complete stranger, named Uchiha Sasuke. The m... More

Not an update, but please read ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
Not an uodate just a SNS moment
Part 2 ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
Chapter 25


2.5K 114 176
By Yaoi_lover_sasunaru

Hi, loves here is the next update I hope it's not so boring and that you enjoy this chapter! 💙🧡


'Since when have I been in love with Naruto?'

Sasuke's mind was spinning he knew something for Naruto laid deep within his heart, but he never knew it was as big as love.

'Naruto's my first love.'

Sasuke wasn't used to love he wasn't used to how it felt. He knew that he felt something for Naruto because it was different from the other. He couldn't explain it precisely how he felt he just felt warm, and happy when he was with Naruto, or even saw him.

Sasuke rose his hands they combed through his hair he felt his heart racing thumping against his chest, and his face feeling hot.

'Does this change anything?'

'How can I be normal after this?'

'There's no way I won't be thinking about this?'

'What if I make this obvious?'

'What if Naruto catches on? Will he hate me?'

'Will it push him away?'

That last thought scared Sasuke the most the fright enveloping his heart. The thought of Naruto being disgusted by him, because he fell for him.

He could just picture it.

'I need to control theses feelings.'

'Not show them.'

'Bury them.'

'Knock! Knock!'

Sasuke's whole body practically jumped away from the door he felt his body tensed, as he stepped away. He didn't know what to say, and he feared it was Naruto. He knew if it was Naruto he would be a mumbling nervous mess.

"Sasuke it's me."

"I don't want to see you." Sasuke stated hearing his best friends voice.

Suigetsu laughter could be heard he knocked again his laugh easing.

"Come on Sasuke open up." Suigetsu said in a calming voice.

Sasuke grumbled under his breath he grasped the doorknob unlocking it first, before tearing the door open. Suigetsu wasn't fazed at all by Sasuke's glare instead he slipped by Sasuke to enter his office.

"You can't be mad, if I didn't do that who knows when you would of learned."

"You're the type that finds out when the one they love gets with someone."

Sasuke shut the door he turned parting his lips to speak but anything he thought he couldn't counter with.

"This just stays between you, and me. What if Naruto finds out?" Sasuke firmly stated.

Suigetsu rolled his eyes to then shake his head.

"And what if he does find out?" Suigetsu asked.

Sasuke's eyes widened so much he was surprised they hadn't fell out of his sockets. The raven stepped up to his best friend who stood still.

"Sui what kind of question is that?" Sasuke asked baffled.

"We are married, see each other everyday we live under the same roof! What do you mean and!?"

"That'll just ruin everything! He'll be disgusted, and just stay away from me!"

Suigetsu placed his hand on his hips he chuckled then gave a shake of his head. He lifted his hand to harshly flick Sasuke's nose who winced at the action.

"That's to knock out your over thinking mind for a bit."

"And what if it's the opposite hm? What if you both feel the same?"

At those questions Sasuke tensed up for a moment his mind, and body eased just for a second, before he shook his head.

"Not happening." Sasuke stated he walked passed Suigetsu who turned around.

He caught the raven walking over to his desk to take a seat in his chair. Suigetsu walked over to Sasuke's desk eyeing his best friend with a soft look.

"Sasuke just because everything so far in your life hasn't been going well doesn't mean that this can go well."

Sasuke tired to keep his poker plain emotionless expression on, but it crumbled his best friend catching the fright mixed with sadness expression.

"It always goes down that route." Sasuke whispered.

Suigetsu eyes softened his voice went dry, and Sasuke decided to move his mouse, and start working. He didnt know how to deflect Sasuke's words when he sadly knew Sasuke in a way was right.

"I don't know exactly Naruto's feelings, but what I do know it that the both of you make each other happy." Suigetsu stated.

He tore away to walk towards Sasuke's front door, and exit his office those words had caught Sasuke to tense up.

'Do I really make Naruto happy?'

Sasuke's eyes fell over his ring he moved his other hand to touch the symbol of their marriage.

'Why couldnt I see before what I felt?'

'The way I treat Naruto, and how I act was different from the others. Not just that but I couldnt stand the rings I had to wear with the other contracts. Yet my hand feels oddly cold when I slip off the ring or even that I feel like I'm missing something when I take it off. '

'As, if I wore this ring for the longest time.'

Sasuke shook his head he moved his attention to his work they both had to leave on time in order to head home, and change to head to dinner with his parents.

The interview for Sasuke's possible new employees started two hours before Sasuke's shift ended. As, much as Naruto was happy that he was able to help Sasuke he still had the raven lingering on his mind. He had never seen Sasuke that upset well other than their first fight which made Naruto giggle a bit from the memory he was still worried.

"Go we have a small break."

"Eh?" Naruto asked softly his thoughts fading away, as he was brought back to reality.

He was fully aware of what Shikamaru had told him his eyes fell over the Nara who let out a small snicker.

"I said go check up on Sasuke's you still have that worried expression over your face ever since he left." Shikamaru confessed.

Naruto's cheeks warmed at being expose he averted his eyes puffing one of his cheeks out.


"Yeah, no you are not finding a way to deny it."

Naruto grumbled under his breath but despite that he took the Nara's words standing up from his chair. He gave Shikamaru a soft appreciative smile, before exiting the room. Naruto adjusted the jacket to his light caramel color suit. He walked all the way down the hallway where he reached Sasuke's door. He lifted his hand, but he was hesitant for a moment.

'What if he's too busy I don't want to bother him.' Naruto thought.

Naruto lowered his hand he wasn't sure if he should intrude on Sasuke, but the feeling of him not asking Sasuke if he was okay was bothering him a lot.

Naruto thoughts left him when the door was suddenly pulled open. Sasuke halted in his steps his body tensing, as his eyes fell over the blonds.


Sasuke felt his heart rate pick up, as he suddenly began to feel nervous. This is what he was so scared about once he knew he loved the man before he wasn't sure if he could act the same.

"S-sorry Sasuke.....um I just honestly wanted to see how you were doing, since um you left kind of upset earlier. You know with the lie detector test." Naruto stated.

Sasuke averted his eyes away his hand on the doorknob tightened, as he tired to compose himself from being embarrassed.

"N-no I'm fine Sui tends to know how, and whenever he wants how to push my buttons, but it's nothing serious its how we are." Sasuke reassured, as his eyes fell back over the blonds.

He caught how Naruto body untensed, and he could see how the tension Naruto felt eased his body. A soft smile spreading over Sasuke's lips.

'He was that worried.'

"Thank you though for checking up on me."

Naruto lips curled into a smile emitting Sasuke's heart to warm.

"How's the interview going I was actually going to go see how you, and Shikamaru were doing." Sasuke confessed.

Sasuke stepped out of his office, as Naruto stepped aside they both turned facing down the hallway in the direction of the office Naruto was using.

"It's going good actually all the paper work is on the desk, and so far they are clear, and also have said they are good with whatever position they can get." Naruto informed.

Sasuke was a bit surprised by those words he wasn't expecting that from the people from the interview.

"Hn, that will actually help me a lot also help out assistants as well." Sasuke noted.

Naruto, and Sasuke passed the front desk, and made it over to the Naruto's room there was a row of chairs against the wall where more people were seated. Naruto caught that some of the women that were in line glanced at Sasuke, and turned away. He caught the light flushes on their faces but Naruto couldn't blame them who wouldn't want to work for Sasuke. Not just that but the employees Sasuke had never looked stressed or worried. Naruto also saw that Sasuke gave them a higher pay than other companies.

Not only that but he saw through the others eyes how much they gave an admirable look towards Sasuke. Again he wouldn't blame them he admired Sasuke a lot from everything he's been through, and not just that but from what Sasuke created on his own.

They bowed their heads, and in response Sasuke lowered his a bit. They walked over to the office Sasuke was the one to open the door he step aside so Naruto could step in. Naruto walked in first followed by the raven. Sasuke's eyes fell over the lie detector, and he couldn't help against the glare.

Naruto arched a brows his eyes roamed around ahead, but he didnt spot Shikamaru Naruto turned around only to catch Sasuke's expression.


Sasuke eyes trailed over to Naruto who cut off his laugh by his hand covering his mouth. He shook his head lowering his hand, and letting a light chcukle slip.

"You're doing the pout again." Naruto confessed.

Sasuke eyes fell back over the lie detector being exposed by it once again another glare fell over his face.


Naruto couldn't fight against the next fit of laugher due to Sasuke's cute pout. Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest his eyes trailing away to fall over to the wall next to him.

"Well pouty I have each person we interviewed filed for you." Naruto stated.

Sasuke caught the nickname that caused him to press him lips together he didn't want to be seen pouting anymore.

We'll mostly not by anyone else other than Naruto himself.

The raven followed after Naruto that lead them to the desk, and grasp a couple of them to then hand to Sasuke.

"Thank you."

Naruto nodded a small smile over his lips, as Sasuke grasped the files, and glanced at some of them.

"How many in total?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto glanced at the list of people he had written down.

"So far ten, but with the rest outside it makes eighteen." Naruto informed.

Sasuke nodded he walked over to the desk to place the files down upon the others. His eyes lingered on them for a moment, as he perfectly aligned the ones he had upon the rest.

"Really, Naruto thank you for helping us with this."

Naruto expression softened he shook his head dismissing Sasuke's words.

"It's no problem Sasuke I wanted to help you, plus I was free at this time." Naruto reassured.

The sound of the door opening caused the two to turn around. Naruto, and Sasuke both caught Shikamaru walking in with a small coffee. He peered at the two then halted in his steps.

"Am I interrupting something?" Shikamaru asked.

Naruto, and Sasuke both shook their heads at the Nara's question.

"No, Sasuke just wanted to see how everything was going." Naruto mentioned.

Shikamaru nodded he took a small sip of his coffee, as Sasuke turned to meet the blond.

"Well I'll let you two be it's already close to four so we have an hour left, before it hits five." 


Before Sasuke, and Naruto knew it they were both exiting Sasuke's workplace, and heading home.

"Thank you Shikamaru for taking some time to help us out."

Shikamaru shook his head dismissing the ravens words.

"It's no problem." Shikamaru stated.

His eyes fell over Naruto's who's blue orbs brightened when they fell over the Nara's. Naruto was sort of displeased with how fast everything went mostly because even though Naruto did see Shikamaru it was mostly through the phone, and not in person.

He raced up to the Nara to envelop him into a hug which Shikamaru smiled against. The three of them including Suigetsu were in the room Suigetsu's eyes trailed over to Sasuke who had a blank expression. He was looking for a hint of anything in those eyes, but they both knew how much Shikamaru cared for Naruto, and the same for the Nara.

"Eat when you get home you feel skinner." Naruto mumbled.

"Oh, you want me fat now?" Shikamaru asked.

Naruto tore away puffing one of his cheeks.

"No! You're okay, as you are, but I did noticed you lost some weight, and knowing you, you've probably been skipping meals." Naruto grumbled.

Shikamaru gave a defeated look he nodded not being able to deny the facts that were presented.

"I'll try."

Naruto eyes narrowed he crossed his arms over his chest those blue eyes glaring at the Nara who let out a light chcukle.

"Alright Alright I will now stop glaring that's Sasuke's thing."


Sasuke snapped his head towards Suigetsu who turned away, and his body was trembling  from trying to hold down his laughter.

"S-shika." Naruto tried to scold, but his voice trembled from his laughter.

Naruto shook his head he walked over to Sasuke to grasp his arm he managed to hold his laughter, but once his eyes met Sasuke a small one slip. It was light, and loving, and no matter what Naruto's laugh was adorable to Sasuke, and always warmed his heart.

"L-let's go." Naruto chuckled lightly.

One of his arms had grasped Sasuke's forearm he tugged the raven along with him to the door.

"Bye Suigetsu, and Shika you better eat." Naruto scolded towards the end.

Shikamaru nodded he waved along with Suigetsu Sasuke waved back at the two, before exiting the office. Naruto still held Sasuke's arm, as they walked over to the elevator. Sasuke pressed the button to call the elevator. The elevator ding the doors slowly slid open they both walked in Sasuke then pressed the button for the lobby.

Naruto still held onto Sasuke, but it was sort of an unconscious move to him he hadn't really noticed he was holding on. Sasuke noticed all the way, and he was expecting for Naruto to let go, but if Naruto hadn't then he wasnt going to ask. One it didnt really bother him, but brought him comfort, and with the new set of feelings he realized it made his heart warm, as well.

"Where are we going to eat?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke turned to peer at Naruto the ravens ebony eyes fell over those blue gems. From the bright lights from the elevator they seemed to glow brighter than usual. Sasuke felt almost dazed, and more than drawn by them.

"O-oh, it's a usual restaurant my family always meets up in." Sasuke stated clearing his throat at the start, as he turned his head away.

Naruto hummed he nodded he still faced Sasuke his sight falling over the ravens side angle. Naruto couldn't help but stare for a moment no matter how many times he saw Sasuke's features it always managed to take his breath away, and always felt like he was seeing him for the first time.

"Oh, well that's nice, but um is it casual or fancy?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke turned he gave Naruto a knowing look emitting the blond to chcukle.

"Fancy got it." He chuckled.

Naruto began to think of what he could wear for the dinner. He felt like wearing another set of his favorite color which was baby blue.


The doors parted open, and before the two knew it they were both home, and greeted by Sai. Both parted to head to their rooms, and freshen up, a bit before changing. After Naruto freshened up with a body wash he was inside his closet pushing through some of his clothes. He found his silky baby blue button up shirt, and paired it with some black trousers. He slipped the fabrics on then paired it with baby blue tuxedo shoes.

He walked over to his body mirror where he untucked the right side, and let the end of the shirt hang out, as the other was tucked in. He combed his fingers through his hair his soft spikes brushed out. Just in case it got cold he grasped a black trench coat that didn't have any buttons. It looked more like a long suit jacket that reached his calves.

He smiled at his reflection, before stepping out of the room. Just, as he walked out so did Sasuke they both turned to face each other their eyes falling over each other's wear. Sasuke really loved the color blue on Naruto he didnt know what it was, but it brought out Naruto's eyes more, and not just that but his golden locks as well.

Naruto eyes lit up catching Sasuke in a monroe silk button up shirt, and black trousers. Sasuke sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and the first two buttons of his shirt were parted exposing his beautiful skin tone. Sasuke wore the same type of shoes, as Naruto the only difference was the color being monroe. On one of Sasuke's arm he had a similar black trench coat over his forearms.

"I wouldn't expect you to wear that color it suits you well." Naruto smiled softly, as he approached the blond.

Naruto averted his gaze he felt his cheeks warm at the next set of words that slipped from his mouth.

"W-well anything you wear suits you." Naruto commented.

Sasuke's lips curled into a soft smile he could say the same or even more to express how Naruto's always looked beautiful in anything he wore. Not just that, but Naruto never ever needed to complement Sasuke, yet he always did.

"The same goes for you, anything you wear it's you that completes it."

Naruto felt his body tense from those words he turned his eyes falling over Sasuke's soft smile. Naruto felt his cheeks warm brightly at Sasuke's complement.  Naruto tried his best to cool down his blush, but a shy chcukle left his lips, as his hands cupped his own cheeks.

"S-stop you're going to make me blush." Naruto stated spinning around to avoid Sasuke.

Sasuke walked around the blond to try to catch his reaction, but Naruto spun the other way.

"We're going to be late." Naruto stated quickly.

Sasuke chuckled he reached out grasping Naruto's arm halting he pulled him back softly. Naruto denied by his hands flying up to cover Sasuke's eyes. The raven let out another chcukle he grasped the blonds wrists, before he could get away.

Sasuke slowly lowered Naruto's wrist the blond turning his head away. The ravens eyes landed upon the blond catching those whiskered cheeks covered by a faint pink.

'Naruto blushing is so cute.'

'I hope I make him react like that more.'

"Hn, you're werent joking your cheeks are really red." Sasuke hummed.

Naruto's eyes widened he tried to turn more away but those words on inflicted Naruto's cheeks to heat up even more. Sasuke fought against a smirk he knew talking about Naruto blushing more would cause him to blush even more the cute brush of red dashing against his nose was adorable.

'I have to try this more often.' He hummed with a smirk.

"I'm going to get payback for this!" Naruto declared.

"Mhm, just like you still trying to catch up with Uno."

Naruto gasped at those last words he shot up a stern finger towards the raven.

"You did not."

"Oh, but I did." Sasuke hummed.

Naruto stepped up to the raven who had a proud smirk plastered over his lips.

"Sasuke I swear I'll call your parents, and make up some excuse so we can continue that game." Naruto swore.

"Hn, sure." He hummed casually.

"Uchiha!" Naruto shouted, as he grasped the ravens cheeks pinching them playfully.

Sasuke chuckled at the blonds action he played along his own hands reaching to pinch Naruto's cheeks. The action emitted Naruto to snicker lightly. Both pinching each others cheeks brought the both close enough that it slightly invaded their personal space.

It didnt bother the two they actually found much comfort with being in each other presence. Sasuke was very stern about his personal space, and even when Suigetsu got too close he would push him away, but it being Suigetsu he knew how to press Sasuke's buttons.

But when it came to Naruto more specifically it being more accidents that they were in each others personal space Sasuke always wanted to bring Naruto closer.

'Ding Dong!'

Sasuke head turned towards the door they were both near the railing of the stairs. Naruto's hands lowered figuring the person at the door was their driver. Sasuke turned back his hands were still on the blonds cheeks he pinched them one last time, before both of his hands cupped the blonds cheeks. Sasuke pressed his hands together causing him to squish Naruto's cheeks together. 


Sasuke pressed his lips together trying to fight against his laughter. He let the blonds cheeks go to then bolt down the stairs. 

"Sasuke!" Naruto playfully shouted, as he grasped on the railing.

"We're going to be late!" Sasuke called from at the bottom of the stairs.

Naruto chuckled he shook his head allowing his defeat. He walked over to the stairs descending them to reach the raven who smirked at him.

"I'll get you back." Naruto grumbled.

"Like to see you try."

When Sasuke, and Naruto both got to the restaurant the blond took note that this was a restaurant he's never been to. The restaurant building was black, and the parking lot was small. The name of the restaurant was classy the name was in cursive, and white presented above the building.

Through the tinted windows Naruto could see flashes, and he knew it was paparazzi following them all over again. Sasuke was before him he stepped out first his sight blinded by the many flashes the men that came with them shielding the nosy photographers.

Sasuke turned around to offer his hand which Naruto grabbed, and stepped out of the vehicle.

"Uchiha Naruto over here!" 

Naruto couldnt help but blush at his new last name being shouted over, and over from the photographers. Sasuke brought Naruto closer to his side due to the fact that the border their guards trying to keep was shrinking. Sasuke kept Naruto by his side he walked quickly, before they can get even more surrounded.

They managed to make it to the entrance where they were greeted by two host that bowed. Sasuke eyed one of the hosts he usually saw. The host nodded he bowed, before turning around, and leading them to the Uchiha's private room they usually occupied.

Sasuke still had Naruto next to him even as they were lead to the private room. To the right Naruto saw the public area, and to the left there was a hallway where they were lead to. Naruto's eyes caught the same colors designing the restaurant the ceiling was black with silver lights above, and the walls white.

They walked to the end of the hallway where the host stopped, and slid the door open. He gestured for the two to walk in Naruto, and Sasuke stepped in the floor had black, and white tiles. The room was fairly big in the center was a round table with a white cloth, and black plates, and even black utensils. A white chandelier hung from the middle of the room granting the room with light. The ceiling was glass exposing the night above and the stars.

Sasuke's eyes fell over three of the seats that were occupied by his family. His mother was to the left his father in the middle and Itachi to the right of his father. Mikoto turned her head her eyes lighting up at the sight of the two. She stood up exposing her black dress that hugged her body beautifully, and the straps hung by her arms. She raced up to the blond, and raven greeting them with a smile then a hug.

Sasuke was still baffled, by his family reactions every time. He kept comparing the way his family treated Naruto than his other 'wives.' It was the fact they acted completely different, and he was genuinely surprised that one they invited Naruto, and two were joyful to see him.

When it came to the other his mother only have a light hug but when it came to Naruto she looked genuinely happy to see him.

He knew that their parents were friends, but from what he could remember him, and Naruto first meeting was the day they got married.

'Maybe Naruto just grew on them like he did on me.'

Sasuke decided to push it aside, as they were both hugged by his mother. She cupped her sons cheeks smiling softly then repeated the same with Naruto.

"Come sit our server will be with us shortly." Mikoto hummed softly.

They both made their way to the table where they both sat down across from the three. The two greeted the other two Uchiha's just when their two servers presented themselves. One was taking drinks, and the other was taking their orders. They were handed menus, as Naruto opened his rather quickly to see the drinks his eyes lit up once he caught his favorite drink.

"And for you Uchiha Naruto?"

Naruto again slightly tensed up he wasn't used to that name, and figured since Sasuke, and him were males they would both be called Mr. Uchiha. Which would be confusing when trying to get one of their attention.

"I'll have the tangerine lemonade please." He smiled brightly.

The blonds bright smile caused the server to sprout his own smile. He never knew a smile could be contagious. Naruto glanced around and noticed that the Uchiha's were ordering their usual, and he felt less embarrassed when he caught Sasuke looking at his menu.

"What do you recommend?" Naruto asked leaning over towards the raven.

Sasuke turned towards Naruto his eyes falling over the blonds menu.

"What are you in the mood for?" Sasuke asked.

"What are you ordering?" Naruto asked back.

"The tomato smothered chicken."

Naruto rolled his orbs.

"Why did I even ask." Naruto teased.

Sasuke nudged the blond was his elbow softly emitting a chcukle from the blond. The other three Uchiha's glanced at each a glint in their eyes, as they smirked at one another. Sasuke felt the burning gaze he lifted his eyes only for the three to clear their throats, and glance away.

Sasuke arched a brow only to avert his eyes back to Naruto who glanced at the image of the smothered chicken.

'That looks honestly delicious I wonder-'

Naruto's eyes almost fell out of his sockets from how wide his eyes grew.

'T-twenty five dollars for chicken drowned in tomatoes!'

'What is the chicken fed by god himself!'

"I know it's over priced." Sasuke whispered.

Naruto shook his head he tried not to laugh, but he decided on the same.

"I'll have what my husband is having." Naruto stated.

Itachi's eyes fell over his younger brother who visibly just the slightest it was small, but caught the way he flinched. Sasuke adjusted himself in his seat slightly trying to play off that the way Naruto called him by the name husband didnt effect him.

'Ugh, stop!' He wanted to yell at his heart that skipped a beat then began to pound heavily.

He tugged at his collar slightly feeling his body getting hot, and him being a lighter than usual skin tone he was sensitive when it came to heat he was just praying he wasn't blushing. The server took their orders, before taking away their menu.

"So how was work for the both of you?" Mikoto asked.

Sasuke placed one of his hand on his lap.

"Pretty well, and around three Naruto helped me out with interviewing some employees." Sasuke confessed.

Naruto caught Fugaku posture tense up at those words.

"You what?" He asked his voice low, and slightly stern.

Naruto eyes nervously fell over Sasuke who let out a short sigh.


"Did you not learn from anything we went through?" Fugaku cut in his voice a lot more serious, and in a more scolding tone.

'Here we go again.'


"No." Fugaku dismissed his wife's calling.

Sasuke could feel the irritation pricking at his skin.

"Look Sasuke-"

"No would you for once at least let anyone talk!" Sasuke snapped.

The room went silent, and  the three before Sasuke were more than shocked, and taken aback mostly from the fact that this was the first Sasuke ever rose his voice, and especially at his father. Naruto eyes trailed over to Sasuke who looked more than upset his brows furrowed, and his teeth gritting.

Naruto knew it wasn't just right now, but probably the pent up anger he had that he always held back. Naruto deep down was glad that Sasuke was standing up from himself, but he didn't want the situation to get out of hand.

"Sasuke." Naruto called softly.

Sasuke felt his body ease once he heard the blond gentle soothing voice. He felt a warm embrace over his hand he knew it was Naruto giving him support he moved his hand away from a moment. For a second Naruto's heart sunk, but it was Sasuke adjusting their hands so his could fall over the top of Naruto's, to cup it delicately for support.

"I didn't mean to raise my voice, but how else was I going to get your attention." Sasuke started.

"I'm not stupid tou-san I know what I'm doing from what nii-san went through I didn't hire anyone to help me, and my team out mostly because I couldn't trust anyone."

"It's difficult to run things when it's just me, and the small group that is my team even Naruto helped at one point so I was able to relax for once, and it was him that had the idea that we hired more staff, all while we tested them with a lie detector test if they had to do anything with Kisame."

"Suigetsu even made me test it out.....and it worked perfectly." Sasuke explained.

Mikoto eyes brightened she brought her hands together in joy. She then turned towards her husband who glanced away she narrowed her brows at her husband only to smack his arm rather roughly.

Fugaku grumbled under his breath and mumbled words that no one heard it was more like gibberish.

"Fugaku." Mikoto sternly warned.

Fugaku turned to face his older son who smirked at him Fugaku frowned even more his eyes fell over Sasuke who had a smirk curling at the end of his lips. Naruto pressed his lips together trying to hide his grin.

He could tell just like his own parents his father could get mad, but his mother anger was something else.


"You're possibly forgiven."

Naruto let out a light scoff Fugaku snapped his over to his wife who only smiled, and patted his shoulder.


Fugaku sighed in defeat either way he turned back to his son who had a satisfied expression over his face. The food came out within a couple of minutes along with their drinks.

"Oh this is good." Naruto commented, after taking his first bite.

"Obviously it has tomato sauce." Sasuke commented.

"Hm, I don't know chicken in ramen is pretty good as well." Naruto bit back.

Itachi chuckled at the two's playful bickering his eyes fell over his mother who nodded. Mikoto placed her fork down she cleared her throat to get the other two's attention.

"So we reserved this dinner so for one we can get to see you, and see how you are doing." Mikoto started.

'Here it is.' Sasuke mentally groaned.

"And the second is to tell you two to clear your schedules for next Friday at one." Mikoto informed.

Sasuke slightly arched his brow.


Itachi cleared his throat getting the two's attention.

"Well the other day the media was after us for a while, and our driver wouldn't hurry up so we had to walk to the parking lot. They were after us so, to make them stop following us...I said I would give one of the gossip shows your wedding photos if they stopped following us." Itachi confessed.

Naruto knitted his brows he glanced at Sasuke then at Itachi.

"But we dont have wedding photos." Naruto stated.

"Hn, not yet."

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5K 283 13
ใ€‹ Tell me, Sasuke... You used to be mean to me, always seemed annoyed of my presence, then left without a single word. And after all these years of s...
9.6K 335 9
This is a short little love story between Sasuke and Naruto. This is boyxboy love. Skip this if you don't like that kind of thing! Disclaimer: I do...