An Unexpected Romance

By WWoodford

55.6K 1.8K 148

Chikako must submit to an arranged marriage with the much older and irritable Tobirama, what will come of it... More

Credits and Disclaimers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 19

1.4K 52 6
By WWoodford

Chikako secured the ties on Tobirama's pack and carried it downstairs. Only Mito was in the kitchen, cleaning up from breakfast.

"Don't be worried. Tobirama is the second most capable ninja I know." She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Chikako.

Chikako chuckled at her insinuation. "I think he's the most capable ninja I know."

"Well met, Chika."

"But thank you. I'll be fine." Chikako inhaled deeply to calm herself. "This will give me time to familiarize myself with the village."

Mito, finished with the dishes, led her outside to sit on the edge of the porch that surrounded their house. "And train, so you can surprise him."

Excitement thrummed in Chikako's belly at the thought of training. She'd miss Tobirama terribly, but really, a week ago he hadn't been a part of her life at all. So it shouldn't bother her at all to face him leaving. She rubbed at the hollow feeling in her chest and shrugged it off. She'd amused herself since she'd come of age, surely she didn't need Tobirama at her side every moment now.

"I had an idea, I wanted to run it past Tobirama but he doesn't need the distraction. And I think he'll be fine with it either way." Mito chewed her lip and wrinkled her brow. "He and Hashirama have an aunt, Akira, who lives with her son. And since he married she hasn't been happy."

Chikako tipped her head, wondering why Mito was bringing this up.

"I think she'd love you, and, if you get along with her, she'd be more than glad to move in with you and Tobirama and help you learn how to run your home."

Embarrassment flooded Chikako, heating her face and making her stomach twist. Mito had been nothing but kind and helpful, she wasn't criticizing her, just trying to help. "Will she be horrified by my stupidity?"

Mito smacked her arm lightly. "You're not stupid. You weren't taught. And no. She's one of the sweetest women I know. I'm sure she'll be glad to be away from her daughter-in-law."

Chikako nodded, swallowing her apprehension. With Tobirama leaving she needed to find her own way in Konaha, so different from Iwa. Mito was a good ally, hopefully Akira would be as well.

"We'll go around the village today. I'll introduce you to people while I show you where things are." She eyed Chikako's clothes, obviously in need of a wash. "And we'll get you some clothes while we're at it."

Chikako laughed at the look Mito was giving her. "I know my clothes are filthy, but it's worth it. I just wish I could have seen my father's face when the palanquin returned without me."

Several hours later, in borrowed clothes from Mito, Chikako was trailing behind the fiery redhead. Her head was spinning as she absorbed the endless stream of information being blasted at her.

They'd spent two hours at the training fields while Mito had taught her to not only sense her chakra, but to channel it. She'd also run her through some taijutsu moves that Mito had said would support any ninjutsu Chikako was able to master.

Now, washed and in clean clothes, Mito was hell bent on introducing her to everyone in the village.

Nara's, Uzamaki's, Senju's, this village had so many clans in it, she would never keep them straight. Chikako paused, pulling on Mito's sleeve to ask her to repeat the name she'd just said when her attention was drawn by the garden beside the house they had stopped in front of.

"Those flowers!" She gasped. "They're beautiful."

"That's the Yamanaka's, best gardeners in the village." Mito admired the spread of color with her and then tugged her arm toward the door. "Come on, Kenta invited us to use the bathhouse, let's introduce you."

Chikako fought off the rush of nerves as Mito knocked on the door of the narrow but tall wooden building. It was so strange to see so many houses made of wood. Of course wood was used in Iwa, but it was too expensive to build houses with, that's what stone was for.

Chikako stopped gawking at the buildings around them as the door swung open revealing a woman roughly Mito's age with long blonde hair. "Mito, hello, what can I do for you?"

The woman regarded Mito with a neutral look before her gaze shifted to Chikako and paused with interest.

"I'm here to introduce you to Chikako." Mito gestured her hand to Chikako. "Kenta was by this morning and suggested the Yamanaka's would be glad to share their bathhouse with Tobirama's wife as she's new to the village."

Chikako bit back the grin that wanted to burst from her at the stunned look on her face. Mito had done that on purpose, though Chikako didn't know why.

"Of course. All of you are welcome to the use of our bathhouse until the Hokage's is built." Her blue eyes twinkled. "We leave it after five for the men, so they don't come home dirty, but the rest of the day it's just us women, when we use it."

Mito and Chikako followed as she led them behind her house, showing them the bathhouse and where to find supplies, bowing when they'd returned to the street. "I'm glad we can offer the Hokage and his family hospitality. Welcome to the village Chikako-san."

"Thank you. Please, call me Chika, everyone does." She tipped her head at the older woman and then smiled. "And thank you for the use of your bathhouse."

As they walked away to the next introduction, Mito snorted quietly. "I'm not fooled by her for one minute."

"What do you mean? Did she not want to share her bathhouse? Am I imposing?" Chikako frowned, she'd only been here two days. She didn't want to be a source of tension in such a newly formed village.

"Not at all. But she certainly hadn't made the offer before. And now she can tell everyone the Hokage's family uses the Yamanaka's bathhouse." Mito harrumphed.

"I see. My father's compound was well established before I was born and I never left it after he pulled me from school when I was fourteen. I was largely unaware of any tensions between clans in Iwa." She'd been largely unaware of everything in Iwa and she was only just realizing it.

"Well, consider yourself lucky. And get ready for another one." Mito smiled grimly as she approached another door and knocked.

The woman who opened the door had a mouth that turned down at the corners, as if she'd been eating lemons all morning. She gave Mito a sour look before noticing Chikako. Her eyes lit with interest as Chikako cringed under her scrutiny.

"Mari, this is Chikako from Iwagakure. As part of the alliance between villages she came back as Tobirama's wife." Mito paused while the woman digested this information, carefully hiding her surprise.

"Did she?" Once again she inspected Chikako with a deliberate look. "Welcome, Chikako."

"Chika, Mari is Hashirama and Tobirama's cousin by marriage to their cousin Hisoka." Mito raised her eyebrows at Chikako, adding meaning to her explanation.

Chikako tipped her head to the woman respectfully, though Mari couldn't be more than few years older than herself. "Thank you, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Chikako was sure the woman snorted. "Do you need anything else. I'm in the middle of my morning chores." She paused, to chew on her lip for a moment. "I could make tea."

Chikako hid her surprise at the disrespect this woman showed Mito. It was no wonder Tobirama's aunt wasn't happy living with her.

"We won't be staying." Mito assured her. "Is Akira in?"

"I'm right here, Mito." An older woman appeared behind Mari. "I could make tea for you, so Mari could return what she was doing."

"That won't be necessary," Mito replied.

Once again Chikako was introduced and once again she was given the once over, though this time it was far more friendly than Mari's had been.

"I thought you might like to get to know her, and I have a proposal for you." Mito said the last bit in a hushed tone. "Would you come to lunch today? We're just making a few more stops before we go home."

Akira's eyes lit up at the invitation. "I'd love to join you. If it's okay I'll finish your tour with you."

The three women walked through the village, slowly making their way back to the Hokage's residence and chatting in between introductions as they ran into people.

Akira asked Chikako about the alliance and marriage, about Iwa and how she'd enjoyed the trip between villages, laughing when Chikako told her how she'd sent her father's palanquin back.

"You're a firecracker, aren't you?" Her eyes twinkled at Chikako. "I think you're perfect for Tobirama."

Chikako blushed but thanked her. When Mito met her gaze as they went inside and made their way to the kitchen she nodded. Akira was sweet. It wouldn't be any problem to share her home with the older woman.

Once they'd settled at the table and were sipping tea, Akira cleared her throat. "Your very busy, you must have a reason for inviting me over, Mito."

Chikako returned Mito's nudge with a murderous look but smiled at Akira. "Obasan, I have a slight problem that Mito thought you could help with."

"Of course, if I'm able."

Chikako sipped her tea, hoping it would wash down the lump in her throat. Where did she start? "As you know, this is an arranged marriage..."

"Has Tobirama been grumpy with you? I'm surprised Mito hasn't set him straight."

Chikako waited until the older woman paused. "No Obasan, Tobirama has been wonderful." She grinned inwardly at the surprise on Akira's face and bolstered her courage. "I was raised in a very, ah, formal home..."

Chikako let her voice drift off as memories of her mother and the hours they'd spent chatting and embroidering in her rooms. She swiped a tear from her eye and met Akira's gaze once again.

"I'm embarrassed, but my father neglected to have me taught how to manage a home without servants. Mito thought maybe you'd be willing to live with us and help me learn." It was important for some reason that Akira understand Chikako wanted to learn, not be coddled.

"No need to be embarrassed child. I'd be glad to, and you're the one saddled with Tobirama for the rest of your life."

Chikako frowned at her. "But he's so kind. You all talk as if I've been punished. I think this marriage is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Both women set their teacups down sharply, staring her with stunned looks. Chikako picked her own cup up and sipped politely.

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