17♡Boss Sitter?!-WonMina-✔

By JeonMina_05

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He's not my son but he need a mother love. Lots of ladies I met just for that kid, but end up they hate him... More

1》New Job
2》I Got It
3》Deal With A Jeon Nikki
4》Going Hard
5》Our Telematch
6》Be A Friend
7》Wont Let You Go
8》Let The Past Go
9》Funfair With You
10》That Moody Guy
11》H.JSIA's Owner
13》I'm With You
14》Make My Mind Crazy
15》Your Pillow Tears
16》What Are We Actually?
17》Big Dinner
18》Be At Reunion
19》How Could He
20》We Are More
21》S & J Wedding
22》Annoying Flirty
23》Jeju-do Trip
24》Feel The Pain Again
25》Propose Love
27》Few Decisions
28》I'm Lucky
30》Warm Of Joy
31》Insultens Of Pain
32》A Replacement Scars
33》Disturbance Raging
34》A Fair Of Victory
35》I Understanding You
36》Save Us
37》Spreading The Butterflies
38》Another Hardships
39》Twice Joys
40》Final Page For Us

12》Nikki's Tragedy

394 32 8
By JeonMina_05


12:12 pm~

Mina walking on hallway hospital to visit Sunghoon as today, she had off day based on Momo told her on morning.

About last night, she already explained to Momo. Its hard for her to remember again and it hurt her heart more. But its not that she focus about, but Wonwoo; her face was really red when she remembered that last night, she hugged him.

Today, he let her had day off and Momo told her that he will meet her at Sunghoon's ward room.

"Hey, Sunghoon."

That guy turn his head to where he heard a voice. And soon, his smile flashing light on his face.

"Noona, you finally arrived. Its been few days you didnt came here. How are you?"

Mina chuckles before take a seat beside Sunghoon. She then hold his hand which maked them both grip each other.

The grip where they share warmest. Mina cares his cheeks.

"I'm fine and yeah, kinda busy when I being secertary and at same time as babysitter."

"His name is Nikki, right?"


"If I had a chance, I wanna meet that boy."

Mina didnt say anything more, but Sunghoon could feel his sister grinning.

"Noona, can you bring me to the rooftop?"

She tilt her head.


"Its little boring to stay here all day. So, why not if we both had fresh air together at rooftop alone."

Mina nodded her head before help Sunghoon stand up. Her hand never far from his arm and pave him to the elevator.

Inside the lift, they share fun together until they've reach rooftop.

There is bench near door, so she help him walk towards it and let him sit. She also sit beside him while a breeze hitted their faces.

"It was relaxing here, noona. I often came here on evening when I feel alone, or maybe when I feel down because of my condition."

Mina raise her hand to brush Sunghoon hair.

"Soon, Hoonie. I will make sure one day, you gonna see the world like old times. And you will continue your dreams."

He smile and that face, make Mina weak. She know that he will never gave up waiting the donor eyes for him, and so was her. But it takes time until three years, he still waiting.

"Noona, I know you have a hard time. So I hope, you wont make me as a burden to you."

She nudge his arm lightly.

"What are you talking about? You're my brother, you're my responsibility. You the only one I had, of course I will take care of you until you can see everything again and onay day, someone who will took over my position to take care of you."

Sunghoon grin and lean his head on her shoulder.

"I hope, your wish will be granted, noona. And I hope, my dreams will be fulfill in front your eyes."

Mina smiles and pat his shoulder.

"You will and that's enough for me to be proud of you as your sister, Park Sunghoon."

She then take a deep breath before patted his shoulder again.

"Lets get inside, you will catch a colf if stay here more longer."

Sunghoon hold Mina's hand to stand up use his other hand to wonder around infront of him.

Mina always observed how he walked or find something with his hands. She cant imagine how suffered he was as blind person. If she can take his position now, she will. Because she knows, his dream more precious than hers.

As soon they arrive on Sunghoon's ward room, she help him rest on his bed.

"Did you want anything?"

"I wanna eat toast bread at hospital's foodcourt. And can I have chocolate ice?"

Mina grin and chuckles while ruffling his head.

"Of course, wait here. Dont go anywhere until I come back."

Sunghoon nodded his head and Mina gave him a mp3 so he wont feel lonely when she's gone for a while.


After several minutes she bought what Sunghoon wants, Mina walking towards elevator.

While she was walking, on her side left was child and parents area.

She can see how many kids running everywhere and certain of them crying because of injured they endure. She also can see how worried their parents faces when their childrens hurted.

The scenery make her feel; empty.

Like there is hole on her heart that was left broken.

If their mother didnt passed away, maybe Sunghoon can see how worried she is when he sick. Maybe if their father still alive, they might going vacation together.

But everything was just useless.

There is nothing can change the fate, and Mina knew that. What or who's go, then let it all go.

You cant hold something that isnt yours forever, same goes for people; when they was determined to be with you just for a while, then its time to let them go.


Mina feel hurt on her head when she felt she just bumped something. But, its not a wall or even person. She felt like she just bumped something soft yet something hard.

As she open her eyes after touched her forehead, Mina was startled to see a arms infront of her head.

When she turn aside, she more surprise and gasp as it was him.


"You wanted to get amnesia so bad?"

Wonwoo raise his brows after he put down his hand from her front. Mina still cant say anything, she just cant believe he was here.

But she realised, Momo had told her that he wanted to see her here.

"G-good afternoon, dapeyonim."

Mina scretch her head and sheeply smile to Wonwoo.

"Repeat again."

Wonwoo cross his arms made her confuse.

"Good afternoon, daepyonim?"

He raise his brows, signing her to repeat again.

"Afternoon, daepyonim."

Wonwoo shake his head.


He roll his eyes before turn away and go to elevator area made Mina dumbfound, but she quickly chase him.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Mina nudge his arm when he doesnt seems wanted to look at her face.

"I will cut your salary."


He step inside elevator and push the button where Sunghoon were. Gladly, the lift was just two of them.

"What have I done?! You told Momo that today its my day off. And now you wanted to cut my salary without specific reason?!"

Wonwoo possibly can lost his mind when she nagging like Seulgi.

"Call me 'daepyonim' again and I will cut two times from your salary."

Now she know the reason, but still she didnt accept the way he ignored her like this.

"Yah, you think its easy to comfort myself when I had a friend that was my own boss? You such a pretty good at sulking than Nikki."

She glare him before cross her arms and standing far from him. Mina even rest her head on wall elevator and lean against it.

Wonwoo took a glimpse on her, and he can see how pissed off she is.

"You being childish now."


Mina couldnt hide how irritated she is and throwed a thunder glare to him. She dont know what's into him today, but for sure he is weird boss to her.

Wonwoo ignored the sounds of she mumbling nonsense thing.

Honestly, he also dont know what's into him today. He didnt being sensitive, but at same time he annoyed with something infront of him. But with Mina, he just holding himself and make a silent treatment to her.


He step out and before he can continue go, he turn around and see she still mumbling something but didnt look at him.

"Yah, wanna sleep here or give that food to Sunghoon?"

Mina straight her body and roll her eyes before walking passed him without hesitant bumped her shoulder to him in purpose.

Wonwoo shake his head and follow her from behind until she didnt hesitant to stomp the door open.

"Here the toast bread for you."

Sunghoon took the plastic food on his lap while Mina take a sear beside him.

"Thanks, noona. And to Wonwoo hyung too."

His thanked to Wonwoo made Mina sit straight.

"What do you mean Wonwoo too?"

Sunghoon speak while munching his bread.

"Wonwoo hyung are the one who accompanied me ago before he go away to find you at food court."

Mina roll her eyes and took a glimpse on Wonwoo who standing not too far from her; just beside Sunghoon's bed right side.

But after few seconds silence, Wonwoo clear his throat.

"Actually, I wanna meet your sister here and wanted to talk something."

Sunghoon slow his movements before nodding his head.

"Well then, just go talk what you guys wanted to. Im fine here, also doctor Jung will come here after this to check my condition."

Mina with heavy heart, stand up and peck Sunghoon's head to get out from the room.

But before Wonwoo go, he lean his head to Sunghoon's ear.

"When I had a free time, I will visit you and you have to tell me about your sister's life to me."

Sunghoon scoff and nodded his head. He then signs his hand 'o.k' infront of his sister boss.

"Make sure dont do anything bad to her; everything happend after one of you get married."

Wonwoo shake his head and flick Sunghoon's head.

"A blind guy yet can be a annoying sometimes.

"Come on, hyung. Im already 25 years old. My mind isnt pure hundred percent."

Sunghoon smirks made Wonwoo flick his head again.

"Tsk, you little rascal. Enough, I'm going now."

They both laughed and Wonwoo walk out from Sunghoon's room. He then find Mina standing beside elevator while crossing her arms.

She's silent and so was he.

No one wanna talk until they already at hospital garden, which Wonwoo just followed Mina going everywhere she wanna go.

Right then, she stoo infront of beautiful garden flower and shining lake.

"So, what are you gonna tell me about?"

Wonwoo clear his throat and standing beside her.

"Was I suppose to ask you, what happend last night?"

Mina can feel something heavy rested on her both shoulders, a burden.

"Hong Joshua is my ex-finacee's stepbrother; we met when I was a junior on our school at Kobe, Japan. I thought he was a japanese, but to my surprised: he is American boy. His korean and japanese speaking skill amazed and I almost had a feeling on him until I met, his stepbrother; Jung Jaehyuk."

She stop her story for a while as she wanted to sit on the bench. Wonwoo also stay beside her and they didnt realise, their shoulder stick together.

"Jung Jaehyuk, he had same age like you."

Wonwoo nodded his head without trying to interrupt her. He was listening in focus mode and nothing could bother him to listen every single words she said.

"He treated me like how Joshua do to me; but little over. I cant denied that time I was touched and fall in love with Jaehyuk as he wont stop trying hard to court me. And I thought, Joshua would'nt like the idea of me dating his stepbrother. He's just wanted me to be careful when with Jaehyuk."

"Because he is a drugger?"

Mina shake her head and remain her gaze on lake.

"Because Jaehyuk is a troublemaker and often get fight with lots of seniors in our school. And, he is over protective to me."

Wonwoo tilt his head and frown.


"I dont know, but he's too much. Jaehyuk control what Im gonna wear, what Im gonna eat, what Im gonna doing, who Im going out, with who I had same class; and he wanted every single matters about me especially where Im working."

"That's not protective, that is psycho."

Mina chuckles softly before lower her gaze to the grass.

After her explaination, they become silent back. And they were comfortable with this atmosphere, the wind breeze made their emptiness gone for a while.

"Lets get inside, its getting hotter here."

She broke the quite of the atmosphere and Wonwoo nodded his head.

But as soon they stand up, Wonwoo suddenly felt something shot his chest. So he quickly stop his step and clutch his chest.

His action made Mima turn around.

"What's wrong?"

"I-i dont know, I dont feel right."

The pain, is the feelings that he have felt for the past four years ago. He thought it would happend once in his life, but now; its happening again.

He started to sweating make Mina worried.

"Hey, are you really alright?"

Wonwoo try to take a deep breath as much as he can with Mina holding his arms; she was standing infront of him.

Mina herself was worrying and couldnt hide her scared face when Wonwoo keep breathing like there is really bad shooting his chest.

*ring ring*

His phone ring on his pocket shirt, but he was too busy to breath. So Mina have to snatch it and put in on loud speaker as soon she saw it wad Seulgi calling him.


Mina answered.

"Wonwoo! Come to the hospital now!"

Seulgi shouting and yet her tone make them anxious. Wonwoo frown and try his best to answer his sister.


"—N-nikki! H-he—

"What's wrong with him?!"

As soon he heard Nikki's name, the pain on his chest attacked again but it didnt make him cutted Seulgi's word. At same time, Mina eyes widen and her mouth left open.

"Nikki got into accident!"


They were running to emergency area  where they saw his parents; and Seulgi who crying on their mother's shoulder.


She raise her head and see Wonwoo running with Mina chase him from behind. Seulgi push herself to get inside Wonwoo embrace while Mina greeted his parents.

"How can h-he get into accident?"

Seulgi back off a little and try to control her sobbing. Their parents have to hold her shoulder and bring her to sit down on bench.

She take a deep breath and try to not stutter eventhough she actually still scared and wanted to cry again so bad.

"I was supposed to fetch him ago, so I tell Jimin to cancel our date on afternoon. But then, when I were arrived at his school—there is crowded peoples at the middle road... I was curious that time—so I went there and I felt my legs trembling..... it was Nikki.....he was lying on the road, with blood covered all his temples and stained on his school shirt—his teacher said, Nikki was running to across the road without looking left and right first—"

"Nikki scared to cross the road without me! Its impossible he will running across the road that easier. The question is; who make him running to across the road?!"

Wonwoo didnt realise he just raise his voice made everyone flinched. But he quickly cupped his face and groan.

Mina take step back a little to dial Nikki's teacher.

But to avoid them hearing their conversation, Mina have to make their distance far away.


"Good evening, teacher Shin. This is Nikki's guardian mother."

"Oh, miss Myoui! How is he?!"

"We still waiting for the doctor. Teacher, may I know what happend before Nikki get into accident?"

"T-there is a woman came to me and ask where is Nikki."

Mina frown as she doesnt remember if Nikki had other auntie he closed with except Momo and Seulgi.

"Tell me everything, please? Without any single left, because Im worried; that Mr. Jeon will get more furious if something get hidden."

She can hear teacher Shin voices look weary and trembling.

"Huh.....that woman wanted to see Nikki so I called him. But Nikki look so scared and hiding behind my leg, his expression made me thought that woman is not a good woman."

Mina feel familiar with those sentences. She sure she have heard avoid Nikki scared of someone.

"Describe her looks."

"She had long black hair, hazel eyes, quite tall and looks like a foreign people."


"Is she said her name?"

"Hmmm, K-kyul? Wait, Yung? Oh! Kyulkyung!"

Her eyes widen and took a glance behind her, seeing Wonwoo wondering around emergency door; and mr. Jeon calming Seulgi while his mother called Jimin to accompany Seulgi.

Mina take a deep breath and focus on her call.

"Alright, what happend next?"

"She trying to persuade Nikki to get closer with her but he refused. So Nikki ran away to pass the road until there is car passed by and hitted him. But not too speed, and Kyulkyung look shocked before she go away."

Mina hummed and wondering her eyes on cyling.

"Alright, then; thank you for tell me the whole story. I will update Nikki's confition to you soon, teacher Shin. Thank you again."

"Thank you to you too, miss Myoui. I apologize for Nikki's accident."

"Gwaenchana, I will go first; good bye."

"Good bye, miss Myoui."

She stare her phone before turn around.

Mina take a deep breath as she trying to gather her courage. She wanted to tell Wonwoo what just she get from Nikki's teacher.

But seeing his condition of getting amxious to Nikki's result, she hold up first.

"Family of Jeon Nikki?"

They all turn to see a doctor get out grom emergency room. Five of them stand up and gather around him especially Wonwoo who couldnt wait to know the result.

"Nikki is in stable condition now. Bless to god, Nikki hadnt lose lots of blood."

The news make them relieves and the burden faded from their shoulders.

"S-so, when can we see him?"

Wonwoo ask with eyes full of hoping. Doctor smile and patted his shoulder lightly.

"You can see him now, but I advice to not make any noises and he may will wake up on tomorrow."

"Thank you, doctor."

Joon Gi thanked him before the doctor excused himself to go.

Wonwoo cupped his face again and sighed.

"Son, you better check him first. Your mother and I will meet the doctor again."

"You dont want to meet your grandson?"

He frowned before his mother grin.

"He needs you the most, Won. We can meet him tomorrow, its already three pm."

Wonwoo nodded his head and sighed again for few times.

"Seulgi, Jimin already at main entrace. You can go home with him. Its better you get some rest and you dont have to continue work here."

Joon Gi said made Seulgi pouted as she wanted to see Nikki too.

Three of them bid goodbyes to Wonwoo and Mina until they faded away from their sight. Now, only left they both infront of Nikki's ward room.

Mina turn to him and gesture her finger to the door.

"You can see him first. I will wait here until you decide to go home."

Wonwoo shake his head.

"C-can I get inside wi-with you?"

His hand suddenly grip her sleeves. Like a kid; scared of something and a kid will hold their parents shirt from behind.

And now Mina feels like he just turned into a weaken guy.

She never saw this weak side of Jeon Wonwoo. And that annoyed her heart, she hate it as his expression made her wanted to give him something that can make him feel better.

"I-im scared to see his condition."

Mina slolwy nodded her head before help him open the door and pull him inaide with her.

She can hear a little gasp beside her as soon they saw Nikki on bed. Only to see that kid was wrapped with bandage on his head. Wonwoo coughed a bit as he feel so pain to see his niece lying on bed.

He walked to the bed and carefull cares Nikki hair, his mouth was like glued as he cant say anything.

"I will buy something for a while."

Mina excuse herself out without waiting his response. As soon she stand on the elevator area, she clutch her chest.

She can feel him.

She understand what he faced.

And it hurted her.

She've experienced what Wonwoo felt now; on past three years ago where Sunghoon's tragedy happend that turned him into blind.

Three years ago, only Momo stayed with her for whole four hours to wait for Sunghoon's condition result.

It hurt when someone they love, accident and laid on bed for whole hours. No one can describe how pain it is by just see without doing nothing.

"Nikki wont leave you, Won."


8:47 pm~

She sighed when he refused to eat.

Its been hours since he stayed beside Nikki's bed. And its been hours he didnt took his lunch or even dinner.

That makes Mina restless and worried.

"Please, Wonwoo. You need energy."

His eyes didnt moves from Nikki, and his eyes wont let Nikki's hand go.

"I dont need energy, its wasting time."

Mina exhale before get up from couch and standing beside him.

"Nikki will awake tomorrow, you dont want him to see you this weak; right?"

"But I dont have appetite to eat."

"Please, Wonwoo. Even a little are enough. After you eat, you can rest."

"I want to stay beside him."

Mina turn around and took the food she bought ago. She then pull one chair to sit beside Wonwoo so she can feed him.

She pull his sleeves to force him to look at her.

"Face me, I will feed you."

"Im not a kid, Mina."

"But you acted one now."

After she successed full his face to look at her, she open the food container and begin to mix it.

She raise the spoon as she hope he will open his mouth.

But he just stare her.

"Come on, eat."

Wonwoo remain silence made her glare him.

"Dont be childish, Won. My hand started to feel numb."

Without her expectation, his hand grab her wrist and shove the spoon she hold inside his mouth.

She were surprise and clueless.

"You bought a good meal."

Mina lose her words and awkwardly look at the meal she hold.

"Feed me more."

The way he talk make her crazy. But she cant show how red her face are so she quickly shove another spoon to him.

Now, he acting like a obedient guy although he still look moody.

"I saw you calling someone ago; who is it?"

She look at him when he still munching his food.

Her mind were thinking; telling the truth or hold it. But if she hold it, Wonwoo will scolded and blamed her. But if she tell the truth, he will get mad to Kyulkyung and might attack her family.

Mina dont know, but telling the truth now is better than lying to him.

"Promise me you wont get mad."

Wonwoo furrow his brows before nodded his head. Mina take a deep breath and putted the food on table.

Her eyes met him and both gave different gaze.

"I called Nikki's teacher; to ask about how Nikki get into accident."

His eyes get little widen, so he quickly sit straight and pull the chair to get near her.

"Tell me more, how is it happend?"

Mina exhale and hold his both shoulder.

"Before Seulgi can fetch Nikki, there is someone wanted to meet him. So teacher Shin called him over to see who waiting for him. Turns out, Nikki look so scared and hide behind teacher Shin's leg."

"Scared? But he never scared with people surround him unless someone try to touch him."

She shushed him as he cutted her story. Wonwoo raise his brows as apologize and let her continue.

"It was a woman. She desperate wanted Nikki to get closer to her so Nikki ran away. That is time where Nikki cross the road and get into accident."

"Who's that woman, tell me!"

Now his turn to hold her both shoulder. Mina eyes shaking as she not sure if she should tell that it was Kyulkyung.

But Wonwoo look so desperate and it make her restless.

"Tell me, Mina. I need to know who—


His hands stiff from her shoulder. Mina know he will reacted like that, so she feel more guilty so say the truth.

But he is Nikki's guardian father and an uncle to Nikki, so he really had right to know everything.

Wonwoo face couldnt hide how shocked he is and made Mina nervous; worried if he will get mad to her.

"I'm gonna kill her—


She stop him from standing up as she know he would probably wanted to go to Kyulkyung's house.

But its already night and pointless if he go there just to attack Kyulkyung.

"You cant go to her now!"

Wonwoo turn around and try to snap her hands away from his arm.

"Tell me why?!"

"Because we dont know her intention to meet Nikki, and we dont have proof to accuse she is the one who make Nikki get into accident."


"No buts!"

Wonwoo breathing hard as soon Mina cutted him. Her gaze to him was so fuming as he have to calm down.

"Lets settle this tomorrow."

Mina pull him to sit on the couch and tidy the table. She even make sure Nikki was covered well with warm blanket.

As she was about to leave, he hold her wrist.

"Where do you want to go?"

Mina look at him but he didnt look at her, he stare the floor.

"I should go home. Tomorrow, I will cover your work at office so you can take care Nikki here. I'll try to visit you both on evening."

She wanted to let her wrist go when he pull her sit on beside him.

"Stay, you dont have to work alone for tomorrow."

"Then who gonna handle the company?"

"I will let Suan do it."

She exhale before putted her bag beside her. As she wanted to move away from him, Wonwoo purposely lay on her lap. Mina was surprise and fluster if someone will come inside.

"Y-yah! Get up!"

"Im sleepy."

Mina's hands wavering on the air as she really panicking when Wonwoo doesnt budge or even open his eyes. His expression prove that he really comfortable on her lap.

"Doctor or nurse gonna see us! What if they gonna tell everyone and started the rumor?!"

Wonwoo scoffs but still didnt open his eyes.

"Let them be, people loves to talk everything."

Mina snap her forehead and end up give up. She lay back and wondering her eyes around the room.

Suddenly she yawn as she pretty tired today and can feel how comfortable he is to sleep on her lap.

"Goodnight, Mina."

She quitely chuckles and begin to close her eyes.

"You too, dummy."


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