Half Breed (boyxboy included)

By chels_wolf88

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Abandoned at the age of 15, young half vampire Kora Hyde is left alone by her cold hearted family. Being dis... More

Engulfed By Darkness
The Breather Couple
New Life
Vampire Filled Weekend Part 1
Vampire Filled Weekend Part 2
Day Two At School
An Eventful Day
An Unwelcomed Guest
Vampire High Council
Friends Weekend
The Hunters
No Return
Family Trip


66 1 0
By chels_wolf88

I visited Kai every day, skipping school and avoiding Sue and John like the plague. I climbed in through my window once they fell asleep and I left early in the morning. Mark and Jackson helped cover me. I walked in through the hospital doors for the third time this week. Kai smiled at me as soon as I walked into the room and my heart broke. I sat down on the bed next to him and sighed. Kai played with my hands, speaking up.
'Shouldn't you be at school?'
'You've asked me that question a lot this week.'
'Because you're here as soon as visiting hours are active and you don't leave till they end. Don't get me wrong, I really love having you here but, you should go to school at least.'
'I'm not going. I want to stay with you.' Kai sighed.
'What about your grandparents? I know they don't know you're skipping school. What are you going to do if they find out?'
'They won't.'
'You do know the school will call them eventually right?'
'As far as they know I could be anywhere...I don't go home until they're asleep and I'm gone when they wake up.'
'They might call the police soon...I think you should tell them that you're staying with me at the hospital. I'm sure they'll understand and won't send you to school.'
'Okay...I'll talk to them after I get home once visiting hours are up.' Kai smiled and hugged me.
'I'll miss you...'
'Don't bring that up please...I don't want to lose you.'
'Kora...I'm going to die. You can't ignore that fact.' I kept my gaze cast downwards. It was true after all. I was going to lose him in just a matter of time. I rested my head on his chest and listened to the slow beats of his heart as it struggled to pump the blood throughout his body.
'I wish you never went on that stupid trip.'
'You can't undo the past Kora...I had to go otherwise I would never be considered a fully-fledged vampire hunter.'
'Why do you even want to be one? I mean...you're dating a vampire.'
'You're a half breed, you are seen as harmless.' I scoffed and grabbed onto his hand.
'Harmless?' Kai nodded.
'I have put you into the harmless category. In my eyes you're completely safe.'
'You're saying that yet you've seen me kill.'
'It was another vampire.'
'You saw the damage I did not to mention the attack on my father that you witnessed.'
'Kora nothing you say will change my mind.' Rolling my eyes, I ran a finger over the top of his hand.
'Did the doctor say how much longer you had left?' Kai nodded, burying his face in my hair.
'I only have about a week left he said...' I froze. A week?!
'How long ago did he tell you this?'
'...two days ago.'
'And you only tell me now?!' Kai grabbed my arms and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me.
'I didn't want to see you cry anymore...' I looked at him, tears already falling down my face.
'I'm going to cry no matter what!' Kai hugged me tighter, placing his head on my shoulder. I felt tears hit my arms and I pulled back, seeing tears in Kai's eyes. I hugged him tighter, the two of us crying as we held onto one another.

We calmed down after a while, hugging each other while we sat in silence.
'Have you told Mark and Jackson how much time you have left?' Kai shook his head, placing it back onto my shoulder.
'No. They've been going to school and doing things with their lives unlike you.' I pouted and ran a hand through his hair.
'Is it wrong of me wanting to spend time with my boyfriend who is going to die in about a week?' Kai shook his head and kissed my neck.
'I'm glad you're here and not going to school.'
'You wanted me to go to school half an hour ago. What changed?'
'It actually hit me how little time is in a week.' I stared at the top of my boyfriend's head.
'What? I was too busy enjoying your company to realize.'
'You're so cheesy.' Kai grinned against the skin of my neck.
'You love me anyway.' Nodding, I placed my head on his chest, closing my eyes.
'I'm sleepy.'
'Then go to sleep.'
'M'kay...wake me up before six.' Kai nodded and I fell asleep to him stroking my back.
'Ra...ora...Kora!' my eyes flew open and I sat up.
'It's six.' I pouted and snuggled into Kai's chest.
'That means I have to leave in three hours...' Kai hugged me close and ran a hand through my hair.
'My angel's so pretty.' We spent the next few hours just enjoying each other's company. Eventually, I had to leave and go home. I got off the bed and Kai grabbed onto my wrist before I could leave.
'Where's my goodbye kiss?' Rolling my eyes, I gave him a kiss before I left. I glanced back at him before I left and took in his pale face, thin frame and weak body. He didn't have much longer and a week was pushing it. His heart was barely beating anymore. I walked home and in through the front door. As soon as I was inside, Sue and John cornered me.
'Where have you been?!'
'Why aren't you going to school?"
'Because I'm spending time with Kai.'
'Can't you go see him after school?' I shook my head and John raised an eyebrow.
'Why not?' I lost it, yelling at them as I let it all out.
'Because he doesn't have long left to live! The doctor gave him a WEEK!' I stormed past them and into my room. Slamming the door behind me, I slid down onto the floor, putting my hands over my face. I cried for ages, letting everything I had bottled up out. Once I stopped crying, I crawled into bed, wishing Kai was next to me. I fell asleep, thinking back to how weak Kai's heartbeat was as I left.

I got up the next day and walked downstairs. Sue stopped me at the door, her eyes stern.
'You're going to school today Kora.' I shook my head.
'No, I'm not.' Sue's eyes narrowed and she growled.
'Kora Hyde you WILL go!' I pushed past her, running off into the woods. I heard footsteps behind me and stopped. Turning around, I faced Mark and Jackson.
'How's Kai?' I turned to Jackson.
'He has less than a week left. The doctor told him.' Both Mark and Jackson stumbled a bit, surprised.
'That bad?' I nodded and Mark sighed.
'Come on, let's go visit him.' The three of us walked off towards the hospital, and entered. Visiting hours started in ten minutes so we headed to the café. Sitting down, the three of us stared at the table, not sure how to start a conversation. Ten minutes passed by quickly and we rushed off to Kai's room. As soon as Jackson opened the door, Kai glanced over looking weaker than yesterday. Mark closed the door and the curtains to the room. Jackson leaned against the wall next to the door and Mark. I sat down on the bed next to Kai, looking at his face. It was much paler than normal and I could barely hear his heartbeat. I looked over to Mark, panic on my face. He gestured to Kai's neck than held up his wrist. He was telling me to change him, but I wouldn't do it...I couldn't. I'd ruin his life if I did. Kai smiled at me and leaned his head on my shoulder.
'You're comfy Kora...'
'How are you feeling today?' I grabbed his hand in mine, noticing how skinny he had gotten.
'I'm okay...the doctor came in earlier and said it might only be a couple of days until...you know...I die...' Jackson cast his eyes to the floor and Mark grabbed his hand. Falling into Kai's arms, I clenched my eyes shut, trying to prevent my tears from falling. I clenched onto Kai's shirt, trembling as I sobbed. Mark and Jackson looked at us and I knew they wanted me to change him. Yes, I'd be happier but I'd be ruining his life. If I changed him, he'd find it hard to adjust to drinking blood and controlling his speed and strength. Listening to Kai's heart, I only heard it beat every once in a while. His heart was dying, and it would take him with it. Pretty soon, Kai would be gone from this world, leaving me on my own. I knew what Kai was to me, but I had a hard time coming to terms with it. Kai was my mate. Every vampire had one. If he dies, I'll be on my own for eternity until I get caught by a hunter or I take my own life.

Kai started coughing and I got off the bed, staring as blood started making its way onto his hand.
'Kai...' He turned to me with a smile.
'It's okay Kora...you can let me go.' I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes again.
'NO! I won't let you go!' Kai reached out a hand towards me and I grabbed onto it, kissing it as tears flowed down my face. I wanted to - no - needed to change him...but I don't want to. If I don't he dies and I'm alone forever. Shakily, I stepped closer towards Kai, grabbing his shoulders.
'Do you trust me?' Kai nodded. Mark and Jackson turned their attention to the door, making sure no one came in.
'Kora what are you doing?'
'You don't want to die right?' Kai shook his head, his eyes widening in realization.
'Y-you're going to turn me?' I nodded and he patted my hand reassuringly.
'Okay, I trust you Kora.' I bent my head down, my fangs digging into his neck. I felt him clench onto my shoulders as I drank his blood. Once I had enough, I pulled away and bit my own wrist, putting in front of his mouth.
'You won't change unless you drink it.' Kai hesitated before he grabbed my arm and bought it to his lips

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