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Thunder clashed outside the school while Kai explained everything.
'I didn't tell my parents what you three were, they got it out of my head and through my thoughts. They used this machine while I slept to get the information from me. I had no intention of telling them about the three of you. I just needed a few days to clear my head. When I called you guy's monsters and said you didn't deserve to be here and that your kind needed to die, I was just so confused and angry that I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry for everything I said. I knew what you were, I just couldn't come to terms with it but that night we were attacked by those vampires, I accepted the fact that you were vampires.' I looked at Kai and sighed. He already knew I was a vampire, might as well tell him what I really am.
'I'm a half breed Kai.' Kai stared at me, eyes wide.
'I'm half vampire, half breather.'
'Oh. So you don't feed off humans?' I shook my head.
'Mark, Jackson and I all feed off animals.' Kai nodded.
'Do your grandparents know what you are?' I shook my head and bit my lip.
'Their memories got wiped by a member of the vampire high council. If they find out what I am again then I won't be able to stay here anymore.'
'Where would you go?'
'I'd be killed.' Kai's eyes widened and he stared at me, mouth open in shock.
'Killed?! That's insane!' The two of us sat in silence, Mark and Jackson had left a while ago now. The rain outside slashed against the windows. I heard strange footsteps and stood up from the bed. Kai stood behind me as a tall figure appeared in the doorway and my eyes narrowed. My father sauntered into the room, his eyes blood red.
'Hello daughter.' I glared, bearing my fangs.
'You have no business here father. Leave.' My father laughed and stepped towards me and Kai.
'I'm not going anywhere until I kill you.' My eyes widened and I was thrown across the room. I hit the wall and fell to the ground for the second time that night. I got back onto my feet, seeing my father go to Kai.
'Hello little breather boy, you shall be my dinner.' My eyes went red and I launched myself at my father, knocking him to the ground. I clawed at his face and neck, digging my fangs into him. He screamed and slashed at my stomach, neck and face. I took my fangs out, coughing up blood as he clawed at me throat. I grabbed a hold of his neck and hit his head against the ground multiple times. I stopped after a bit and grabbed one of the blades that was in my stomach off the floor. I slashed it across my father's throat, slitting it open. His eyes went white and I dug the blade into his chest, into his heart. I stood up, panting and covered head to toe in blood. Kai stared at me, eyes wide.
'Kora...?' I looked at my reflection in the mirror on the back of the infirmary door. My hair was red, blood dripped down my face and from my mouth. My neck was covered in scratch marks that had begun to bleed. My clothes were stained red, the blood dripping down my legs and onto the ground. I turned to Kai, my eyes still red.
'GO! Go home!' Kai stepped forwards towards me, arm reaching for me.
'GO HOME KAI! Before I hurt you...' He looked down before nodding and leaving. I turned back to my father's lifeless body and looked for a lighter. I found one in the very top cabinet and I flicked it on. Kneeling down next to my father, I bought the lighter over to his body and watched as he lit up in flames. Eventually all that was left was a pile of ashes. I cleaned them up and threw them out the window. I decided to go home and wash all the blood off of my skin. I got home twenty minutes after I left the school and climbed in through my window. I headed into the bathroom and got into the shower. I washed all the blood off of my skin. I got out, got changed and headed into bed. I woke up the next day and went to school.

Kai found me in the hallway, trapping between him and the lockers.
'Kora. What was that last night?' I stared at Kai before looking down.
'The devil you saw last night was not me. Actually I don't really remember myself, I think I'm crazy.' Kai's stare softened and he looked into my eyes.
'You're not crazy.'
'I killed my father.'
'If you didn't kill him, he would've killed you.' I stared at the floor and rubbed my neck. Kai grabbed my hand and moved it away from my neck. His fingers lightly traced the scratch marks my father had left on my neck.
'Geez Kora.'
'You're covered in scratch marks.'
'Tell me something I don't know.' Kai smacked my head.
'Don't be a smartass. You almost died last night.'
'But I didn't.'
'You could've.'
'I didn't though.' Kai went to reply but got interrupted.
'Kora! Kai!' We both turned to the left to see Jackson and Mark making their way over, hand in hand. Mark and Jackson stared at me, Jackson gasping
'What happened to you?!' Mark stared at me, his eyes widening.
'Mark.' Mark turned to Jackson who looked at him angrily.
'Sorry...' Jackson sighed and looked at me.
'So he just read your mind.' I rolled my eyes and looked at Mark.
'It's okay. You can read my mind.' Jackson watched as Mark looked at me, eyes scanning my face eventually looking at Jackson.
'Her dad turned up randomly last night and she killed him. But by the looks of it, he put up a fight.' I nodded and Jackson blinked a few times before looking at my neck.
'You're okay though, right?' I smiled and patted Jackson's head.
'I'm fine, honest.' He nodded. Mark let out a small laugh and Jackson turned around to face him, eyes narrowed.
'Mark!' Jackson stomped his foot like a child. Mark smiled and kissed Jackson on the forehead.
'I'm sorry.' Jackson pouted and stomped off, Mark following him begging for forgiveness. Kai laughed and turned to me.
'Ready to perform in front of the whole school soon?' I shook my head as we made our way to dance class. We spent the whole lesson practicing, having short breaks. We barely spoke, too busy focusing on our dance routine.

The bell rang for lunch and we headed out of the studio and to the cafeteria for lunch. Mark and Jackson were already there, Mark feeding Jackson occasionally. I smiled and my two friends and sat down at the table. Kai stayed standing and looked down at me.
'I'll go get some food. What do you want?' I shrugged.
'I don't mind.' Kai nodded and headed over to the queue.
'You like him don't you?' I turned to Jackson, my eyes wide and if I was eating or drinking at that moment, I would've spat it everywhere.
'W-what?!' Jackson smiled.
'You like Kai.' I shook my head.
'I don't!' Mark smirked.
'Your mind says different. I glared at him and used my telekinesis to life up Jackson's hand and hit Mark across the head. Jackson blinked down at his hand in confusion while Mark glared at me.
'Don't use his hand to hit me.' Jackson let out a weird noise and put his head on Mark's shoulder. I rolled my eyes but thought about it. I guess I did like Kai.
'Okay, you win. I like him. But what do I do?' Jackson smiled.
'Tell him!' I shook my head.
'I am NOT doing that!'
'Why not?'
'Because he probably doesn't like me back.' Jackson sighed and Kai came back, placing a tray in front of me. I stared at the food he picked out and smiled.
'Thanks Kai.' Kai smiled back, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
'No problem.' We ate quietly for a while, enjoying each other's company. Caleb and Seth came over half way through lunch, looking at Kai.
'What the hell?! You ditch them then come back to us. And then you go back to them. What's wrong with you Kai?' Kai rolled his eyes and looked up at them.
'Get lost Seth, you too Caleb.' The two boys scowled and left.
'They really hate us don't they?' Kai nodded at Jackson and put his head on my shoulder.
'Kai, what are you doing?'
'I'm sleepy and your shoulder is comfy.' Jackson snickered and I kicked his shin under the table. Kai closed his eyes and I felt my heart beat increase. I really liked Kai. Mark and Jackson knew it. But I was not going to tell him, no way. Kai doesn't like me in that way. And he never will. I sighed, shaking my head to clear it. Kai fell asleep on my shoulder, while Jackson had his hand over his mouth stifling his laughter.
'Jackson, quit it!' Jackson grinned.
'But it's funny. You like him, he has no idea and falls asleep on your shoulder. I think that's pretty funny.' I flicked up Jackson's cap off the table and went to hit him with it but Mark blocked it.
'Kora.' I rolled my eyes and dropped the cap.
'Overprotective moron.' Mark scoffed and put Jackson's cap on his head for him, brushing his hair back as he did. Jackson smiled up at Mark and side hugged him.

The bell rang and I poked Kai's cheek to wake him up. I poked his cheek again and again, finding it fun as his cheeks were squishy.
'Mmm Kora~ quit it.' I giggled and poked his cheek again.
'Kora~ stooooop.' I poked his cheek again and he grabbed my hand.
'Stop it.' I laughed and got up, pulling Kai up with me. Without realizing, I held his hand as we headed to our last class for the day. It wasn't until Jackson grinned, wiggling his eyebrows as he pointed to mine and Kai's hands. I let go of Kai's hand and chased Jackson down the hallway, hearing Mark and Kai's laughter following us.

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