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'Kora! This place is so boring!' I laughed into the phone. Kai had called me earlier that morning, complaining how boring and dull the house they were staying in was.
'You just miss me.'
'Yeah. I do.'
'When are you coming home?'
'In another few days.' I bit my bottom lip as I sat on my window sill, looking out at the woods.
'Can't you come home sooner?'
'I wish I could but I have my assessment tomorrow.'
'What is this assessment you speak of?' Kai laughed.
'This assessment I speak of, is a hunters test. I just have to go into a simulation room and take a virtual test.'
'You have to kill vampires don't you?'
'Do you know what vampires you have to kill?'
'Not until the test begins.'
'Oh.' We both went silent for a little while, thinking.
'What's it like being a vampire...well half vampire?' My eyes widened in shock before I calmed down.
'Why the question all of a sudden?'
'I'm just curious, plus I want to hear your voice.' I rolled my eyes but answered his question.
'It's...amazing. Having all of your senses heightened, the speed, everything. Being able to hear things that are a fair way away is really cool. Hearing someone's heartbeat, the blood pulsing through their veins, it's nothing like you could imagine. Being able to run faster than anything, even a cheetah, feels great. And once we get to twenty-one, we stop aging.'
'But what about Jackson's mother? Your father?'
'They were turned when they were that age. If you're over twenty-one and get changed, you stay that way for eternity.'
'What's it like...drinking blood?'
'Well depending on what kind of vampire you are, the blood you feed off is different. If you're like me, Mark and Jackson and drink animal blood, you're tame. If you're like those vampires that attacked us in the woods, you're feral and feed off breather blood. Animal blood tastes better than breather blood in my opinion. Breather blood is so bitter and tastes like metal. Animal blood is way different. But it depends on what animal you feed off, like I've said before deer blood tastes sweet. Not bitter like a bear's or sour like a mountain lion's.'
'How do you know if you're tame or feral?'
'If you get changed by another vampire, you start off as a feral. You go crazy over the smell of breather blood. If you're lucky though and have a vampire friend who feeds off animals, they can help you. I had a bit of trouble though when I began to drink blood. Both my brother and father fed off of breathers. I tried it but I just couldn't swallow it, I refused to drink it. I found a small rabbit outside and bit into it, since then I've been feeding off of animals.' Kai fell silent before speaking up again, his voice quieter than before. The pouring rain outside made it hard to hear him so I turned up my volume.
'So not all vampires are bad?' I laughed softly.
'No Kai, they're not.' I heard his mother on the other end of the line, telling him to hang up.
'I gotta go...I'll call you tomorrow after my assessment. Promise.'
'Okay, goodnight. I love you.'
'Goodnight angel, I love you too.' I smiled as I put my phone down. I looked out my window again, noticing a figure hiding beneath a tree in my backyard in the heavy rain.

I opened up my window and jumped out, slipping on the wet ground and landing heavily on my left ankle.
'Dammit.' Hissing in pain, I headed towards the figure ignoring the pain as it slowly disappeared. I got to the tree, flinching in surprise at who was under the tree.
'Mark?!' Mark lifted his head, his hair, face and whole body soaked from the rain. His body shook from the rain but also his sobs.
'Mark? Mark what's wrong?!' I sat down next to my friend, pulling him into my arms in hopes of warming him up a bit.
'J-Jackson...he...he...' Mark kept sobbing, placing his head on my shoulder.
'Jackson what? What happened to Jackson?'
'He's g-gone.' Mark let out in a croaked voice. I hugged him closer.
'When did he leave?'
'About an h-hour ago...'
'He had a fight with h-is m-mother and she k-kicked him out...I wanted to f-follow him b-but he told me to s-stay away.' I stood up, holding a hand out to Mark.
'Come on. Let's go find him. He's probably cold and afraid.' Mark nodded, taking my hand as I pulled him to his feet.
'Do you know where he could be?' Mark wiped his eyes before closing them and taking in a breath. His eyes opened again and he pointed to the woods at our left.
'He's that way.' I ran after Mark, being careful not to slip on the wet and damp ground beneath my feet.

We ran for a while, suddenly halting to a stop as we spotted Jackson curled up in a ball at the base of a tree. Mark slowly walked over to him. Jackson looked up, his eyes full of tears. The three of us were all soaked to the brim but that didn't matter at the moment. Once Mark was close enough to him, Jackson jumped up and threw his arms around Mark.
'I'm sorry!' Mark hugged him back, his arms tightly wound around Jackson's waist.
'Why are you sorry?'
'B-because I told y-you to s-stay away.' Mark pulled back slightly, looking down into Jackson's eyes.
'I'm not mad. I was just worried as hell. I had no idea where you could've gone. I was just so scared.' Jackson clutched onto Mark's shirt tighter as Mark dipped his head down, capturing Jackson's lips with his own. I smiled and turned away, letting the two of them enjoy their moment together. I looked up at the sky as thunder clashed above our heads. Bending my head back to look at my two friends I pointed to the sky.
'Sorry to interrupt you two, but we should really be getting home. There's a massive storm coming and I don't want to be caught in it.' Mark nodded, grabbing hold of Jackson's hand as the three of us started running back.

Half way home, I slipped in the mud halfway home, landing on my wrist badly. Jackson helped me up and we continued running. I got home and jumped back in through my window, heading straight for the bathroom. Once I had a shower and got all the mud off, I got dressed and looked at my wrist. It was slightly swollen and bruised but that was it. I heard knocking on my door and opened it. Sue and John both stood on the other side of the door, arms crossed.
Don't what me missy! Where have you been? I came up here half an hour ago to ask you something but you were nowhere to be found. Your window was opened and you never left through the front door. Why did you go through your window Kora?' I stepped back slightly at Sue's tone. John stood beside her, a hard stare on me as I tried to come up with a believable excuse.
'Mark needed to talk to me urgently and the window was the quickest way out of my room.' Sue raised an eyebrow, not fully convinced.
'Really?' I nodded and John spoke up.
'Then what happened to your wrist?' I looked down at my wrist, my eyes almost popping out of my head. My wrist was way more swollen than earlier and had darker bruises.
'I slipped over on my way home.' Well it wasn't a lie and they seemed to buy my excuse from before as they just left it at that.
'Kora.' I looked up at Sue.
'Have you heard from Kai yet? I was going to ask you earlier but you weren't here.' I nodded.
'He called me earlier.' She nodded and left.

I went to bed and woke up the next day around noon. I got a phone call an hour later from Kai. I grinned and picked it up, happy I could talk to him.
'Hey Kai.'
'Hey angel.'
'How was your assessment?'
'Easy~' I smiled at Kai's relieved tone.
'That's good. What kind of vampire did you kill?'
'Some feral.' I chuckled and sat down on my bed.
'When are you going to be home?'
'You'll be happy to know that I am actually in the car now and on my way.' I couldn't contain my excitement as I cheered.
'Yay! I really missed you.' Kai laughed, making me smile. His laugh really was something I missed hearing.
'I was only gone for a few days.'
'It felt like forever!'
'I know, I'm sorry. But, I'm going to come home. Just like I promised you.'
'I know. I wouldn't be able to stand it if you left me here.'
'I'm never going to leave you Kora, I promise.' Just then I heard a car horn and Kai's scream.
'MUM LOOK OUT!' The phone went quiet and I heard it all. I heard my boyfriend's scream, the cars colliding, everything.
'KAI?!' I screamed into my phone, hoping, praying I'd get a reply.
'' Kai fell silent and I panicked. Jumping to my feet, I quickly texted Mark and ran downstairs.
'Hospital!' Sue stared at me weirdly.
'The hospital! We need to go there now! Kai was in an accident!' Sue jumped up and grabbed her car keys, Mark and Jackson were waiting out the front and we all hopped into the car, speeding off to the only hospital in town.

Half Breed (boyxboy included)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang