An Eventful Day

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I woke up early and headed to school with Mark and a healthier looking Jackson. Our first few periods were a blur and before I knew it, I was waiting outside the dance studio for the first time. I put on my dancing sneakers and leaned against the wall in the hall, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Someone leaned against the wall beside me, glancing out of the corner of my eye I saw Kai looking down at his shoes. He was wearing a black wife beater singlet, along with a pair of shorts. One thing we needed for dance class, comfortable clothes to dance in.
'You left school early yesterday.' It was more of a statement rather than a question. Kai tilted his head to look at me.
'I wasn't feeling too good.'
'So Mark picked you up on his motorbike?'
'I saw you two ride off from the rooftop.'
'So you were skipping class?' Kai sneered.
'So sue me.' I rolled my eyes and shifted from foot to foot.
'So, why'd you sign up for dancing anyway new girl?' Glaring at Kai, I shrugged.
'Wanted to try it out.' Kai went to reply but the teacher showed up. We all entered the studio and stood in a line. The teacher plugged in his phone into the stereo and selected a song.
'I want you all too follow the music and freestyle. I'll teach you later, this is just a warm up.' The song began playing and my mind shut down. My body took control and started moving on its own. I saw Kai dancing in front of the mirror, making sure everything was going well. The teacher walked around the room, stopping when he reached me. As he paused to watch me, someone slipped on the studio floor. Everyone stopped and stared as the girl held her ankle. The teacher walked over to her, helped her up and headed to the door.
'I'm taking her to the nurse, Kai you're in charge as dance captain I trust you.' Kai nodded.
'Sure Mr Lee.' Mr Lee left and everyone went back to dancing and Kai wondered over towards me.
'Dance captain?' Kai grinned.
'Yep. Captain of the school's Dance Club.' I rolled my eyes at his smug expression and went back to dancing. Mr Lee came back and stood at the front of the class.
'Alright, I hope you're all warmed up. I have an assignment to hand out to you all and you will be doing this in pairs. And before you choose, I've already selected your pairs for you.' A few groans were heard throughout the studio as he handed out sheets of paper to each student. Once everyone had gotten a sheet of paper, Mr Lee stood in front of the mirror.
'Get into your pairs as I call you out and start on your assignment. You will have each class to practice before you present it to the whole school at the end of term.' I shuffled from foot to foot, anxious as I didn't know anyone in this class, except Kai. Mr Lee looked down at a sheet of paper and read off it.
'Leo and Kris, Krystal and Jessica, Amber and Victoria, Kai and Kora....' The names kept going but I didn't hear them, all I could focus on was Kai as he walked over to me, a grin on his face.
'So partner...' I shoved him away and sat down. Reading over the assignment, I glanced up as Kai placed his sheet down.
'Have you got an idea already?' Kai nodded and pulled out his phone. Scrolling through his music, he handed me an earphone and clicked on a song. I listened to the song and immediately recognized it. I had heard in a lot on the radio in Sue's car. Once the song ended, Kai put his phone down.
'Think you can come up with choreography for that?' I nodded and stood up, Kai doing the same.
'Can you play the song through your phone?' Kai nodded and played the music. I listened for a few seconds before I began to try out a few things. Kai watched me for a moment.
'Why don't we do that but maybe change it up a little bit like this.' He copied what I did but changed how the moves flowed together.
'Yeah, that works.' Kai smiled but it wasn't one I'd normally see, it was a smile that reached his eyes and showed his dimple.
'Thanks.' Mr Lee whistled and we all fell silent.
'Class is over for today. You will have every lesson to work on your assignment as well. Dismissed.' I walked out into the hallway only to be tackled from behind to the floor by Jackson. He sat on my back and I could practically hear the grin as he yelled.
'HAPPY SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY KORA!!!' I groaned and went to curse but a chuckle to my right stopped me. I looked to my right and saw Mark grinning as Jackson started singing the birthday song. My eyes narrowed and I glared up at Mark.
'Get him off me!' Mark laughed and pulled Jackson off of my back. I stood up, glaring at Jackson as I dusted myself off.
'Got any plans for after school?' I shook my head at Mark's question. Jackson smiled and put his arms around both mine and Mark's shoulders as we walked down the hallway. Once we all grabbed our bags, we headed out of the building and out the school gates.

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