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I woke up, ate breakfast then got changed for school. Because it was just a local school we didn't have a set uniform. Chucking on jeans and a shirt, I headed into the bathroom and put my hair up. I grabbed my backpack before I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Sue had already left out some snacks and money for lunch. Throwing them into my bag and pocketing the money, I put on my shoes, just finishing when the doorbell rang. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and opened the door. Jackson and Mark stood at the door, smiling. Mark looking a lot better than last night. I looked at Jackson, noticing faint bite marks on his arm.
'Jackson, what happened to your arm?'
'What?' He looked down at his arm before glaring at Mark.
'You said they would be gone by morning!'
'They should be gone...' Mark looked down guiltily.
'Yeah? Well they're still here!' Jackson glared at Mark and Mark rubbed the back of his head.
'Jackson, relax. It'll be gone by the time we get to school.' Jackson groaned and started walking off down the road. Mark stared after him, sighing.
'He's pissed.' I watched as Mark darted from next me to Jackson's side. Shaking my head, I caught up and walked behind them, listening to them argue.

We walked through the woods, along a dirt path. The wind rustled the leaves in the trees above us as we wondered along the path. As Mark and Jackson spoke to each other, my mind drifted away from their conversation and I began thinking about school. The teachers, the students, the cafeteria food if we went there. It was all new to me. I had no idea what I was in for. I didn't know if I would enjoy it or if I would hate it. Jackson made it sound like hell, Mark too. This Kai Jekyll sounded dangerous, for a breather anyway. We headed out of the woods and into town, making our way to the public high school. Lots of kids in large and small groups walked either side of the street, all heading to school. I looked up at Mark and Jackson, my throat burning from hunger. Tugging on Mark's sleeve, I managed to choke out some words.
'I'm hungry. The breather blood scents aren't helping.' Mark nodded, grabbed onto Jackson's and my hand, before dragging us into an empty side street. Letting go of my hand and keeping a hold of Jackson's, Mark dug through his backpack and pulled out a small bottle full of dark red liquid.
'I had a feeling you had forgotten to eat something before today.'
'Or you read my mind at some point this morning and packed it for me.'
'Okay, you got me.' I shook my head and took the small bottle from him. Opening up the lid, I drank it quickly and gave Mark the bottle back. I felt my hunger die down almost instantly.
'Thanks. I should be ok until tonight.' We headed to the school and walked in through the gates. I paused my footsteps and looked around. This place was huge! There was a main building in the middle, with two smaller ones either side. Jackson pointed to the small one on the left.
'That's the gym and the other building on the far right is the hall where we have our assembly's and things. The building in the middle is for every other class. Also, the music room is in the main building over there.' I nodded and followed them to the office. A lady sat behind the desk and looked up when we walked in through the door. She gave a friendly smile and looked me up and down.
'You must be the new student. Here's your timetable and locker number and key.' I walked over to the desk, thanked the lady and took my things. Jackson led me towards the lockers.
'What number are you?' I glanced down at the sheet of paper.
'07.' Jackson nodded and scanned the lockers in the hallway. Mark hit Jackson on the head and pointed to my locker.
'It's three next to mine.' I went over to my locker and opened it up with the key. I stared in surprise as my books were already there.
'Why are my things already here?'
'I think your grandma dropped them in earlier.'
'Mark, you read her grandma's mind last night. I could see it on your face.' Mark scowled at Jackson, who in return pouted and looked at his feet.

I looked down at my timetable and got out my books for the first three periods before recess. Shutting my locker, I saw the locker three next to mine open. Mark got out his books and looked at me.
'You were actually serious when you said it was three next to yours.' Mark laughed and closed his locker. I turned around and saw Jackson on the other side, opening his locker. Mark headed over and leaned against the locker next to Jackson while he waited. I stood beside him.
'Show me your timetable.' I handed Jackson my timetable and he grinned.
'Mark she has all classes with us! Oh, except for Dance.' Mark chuckled. 'Yeah, we don't dance.' Jackson agreed and Mark looked down the hallway, before he stood up straighter, as if to put his guard up. Three boys made their way towards us.
'Well, well, well, look who we have here.' Jackson froze and kept his gaze on his feet. Mark glanced at Jackson before looking at the guy who spoke.
'What do you want Kai?' My eyes widened as I stared at the boy in front of me. He was taller than Mark and Jackson by a bit. His dark brown hair hung messily in his face and his chocolate brown eyes stared coldly at Mark.
'Not much Mark. Just hoping you still know your place in this school.' Jackson turned around, closing his locker and facing Kai.
'Get lost Kai.' Kai turned his icy gaze to Jackson.
'Why should I?' Mark stepped forward but I grabbed onto his and Jackson's sleeves.
'Let's just go.' Kai turned to me, a smirk on his lips.
'So you're the new student. How rude of you not to introduce us Mark.' Mark gritted his teeth and stared at Kai.
'I wasn't aware you actually cared who new kids were.'
'Well I normally don't, but this one seems interesting.' Jackson stood behind Mark, glaring at Kai.
'Stay away from her Kai. Mark let's go.' Mark nodded and walked past Kai, bumping his shoulder as he passed. Jackson hurried to catch up with him and I followed, ignoring the stares on my back.

We walked down the hallway, Mark glaring at the ground and Jackson kept looking at him, worry written all over his face. Eventually Mark stopped walking and opened a classroom door. I looked up and saw the class number. 1-F. Entering the classroom, I followed Mark and Jackson to the back and we sat down at the double tables, Mark and Jackson at the table in front of me. Glancing around, I saw everyone talking to their friends, some sitting on the tables, others on chairs or standing up. Looking out the window on my left, I watched as the trees swayed from the light wind. The sun shone brightly in the sky, reflecting off the window sills and casting shadows throughout the courtyard outside.

The classroom door opened and an old man who looked like he was in his sixties walked in.
'Sit down.' His voice was raspy and came out croaky. Everyone scattered around the room to their seats. I noticed the seat on my right was empty. The teacher looked up from a stack of papers and stared right at me. The corner of his mouth lifted into a crooked smile.
'You must be Miss Hyde. Come up the front and introduce yourself to everyone.' I got up and made my way to the front. As I stood facing everyone, the door opened and in strolled Kai Jekyll. He stood in front of me, a smirk forming on his lips.
'How fortunate, you're in my class.' I cursed my luck as he made his way to the table I had put my stuff on and sat on the chair besides mine. He pointed to my seat and raised an eyebrow, as if asking if I sat there. I gave him a small nod and the smirk got larger. I sighed and looked at my classmates.
'Um, hi. I'm Kora Hyde.' The teacher shuffled besides me and smiled.
'Ok, thank you Kora. I'm Mr Park. Everyone get out your text books and open them up to page seventy nine.' I went back to my seat and pulled out my maths book. Looking up at the board, I listened as Mr Park began his lesson. Kai started to annoy me, occasionally poking me or nudging my legs. The bell rang after two periods of maths. Leaning back in my chair, I looked out the window. We had five minutes until our next teacher would come and start the lesson. Mark and Jackson had their heads huddled close together, engrossed in a music video on Jackson's phone. They each had an earphone in one of their ears as the music played. Kai turned his head to face me, resting it on the palm of his hand. He stared at me for a while before speaking.
'How long have you been living here?'
'I moved in with my grandparents last Friday.'
'The Henry's?' I nodded.
'Wasn't aware they had any grandchildren.'
'My mother died and my father moved away, I went with him.'
'My family knows the Henry's pretty well. Your mum was friends with my mum. They went to school together. She was really funny, your mum.' I looked down at the desk.
'I never knew her.' Kai frowned.
'The accident was pretty terrible.'
'Sue hasn't told me about it.'
'Your grandma? Not surprised she didn't want to talk to anyone about it, she never brought it up. And when it was mentioned she left the room.' I looked up at Kai.
'What happened to her?' Why I was asking Kai was beyond me, I guess I just wanted to know more about my mother.
'Animal attack the police said. Really bad one. They found bite marks all over her body. Her head was found half attached to her body. Her heart was gone too. Pretty bloody death.' My eyes widened and I thought about my father. He always took the heart of his victims as a trophy then ate it later. He's the only person no, animal that would do that. But to his wife, that's beyond cruel.
'Sue said it was a car accident...' Kai nodded.
'A cover story, she didn't want many people to know the truth.' I nodded and thought about how it was an animal attack.
'Do you know what kind of animal it was?'
'Well the police examined the body and said it was probably a bear.' A bear, ridiculous. Kai continued on.
'But, I know what really did it. It was a vampire.' I could see Mark and Jackson's faces turn paler then our normal skin tone as I stared at Kai, my eyes wide.
'A vampire? That's insane.' Kai shook his head and leaned in closer.
'It's not insane. My family are vampire hunters. My parents know how to tell if someone's a blood sucking monster.' With that he turned to the front and watched as the teacher made her way into the classroom.

The whole English lesson I couldn't concentrate fully. Kai Jekyll knew about vampires. His family were vampire hunters. Now I know why Mark said Kai was trouble. He knew about us, but did he know that the three of us were vampires? Mark's head shook slightly and I knew he read my mind. But, Kai doesn't know about us. I plan on keeping it that way. I need to stay away from him as much as I can in school during breaks. The day flew by and before I knew it I was walking back home with Mark and Jackson.
'His parents are vampire hunters.' Mark explained the obvious. Jackson nodded and kept walking.
'Just stay away from him.' I hesitated at my front door.
'I'll try, kind of hard since he's my seat partner. I'll see you guys tomorrow.' They both nodded and left.

Half Breed (boyxboy included)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang