An Unwelcomed Guest

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The day after my birthday - which happened to be a Saturday - Jackson took me and Mark to a small music studio. With a key, Jackson unlocked the door and let us in. Going straight into the recording booth, Jackson put on a pair of headphones and looked at Mark and me through the glass. Mark sat down on a chair in front of the control panel, putting on a set of headphones and I sat beside him. Mark pushed a few buttons and nodded at Jackson. Once Mark nodded, Jackson started rapping into the mic. Mark nodded his head along with Jackson's rapping. Once he finished and Mark took off his headphones I looked at Mark.
'He's so good!' Mark smiled as Jackson came out of the booth.
'He's a natural. But, his parents won't let him sign up for a competition.' Jackson stood next to Mark, frowning.
'Yeah, mum thinks I'm wasting my time.' Mark stood up and looked at Jackson and me.
'Come on, let's go. I'm hungry.' Jackson grinned and I followed them out the door. We headed into the woods and stopped once we were far enough out of town.
'Been a while since I've hunted.' I looked at Jackson and deadpanned.
'I've never been hunting.' Mark laughed at me.
'You probably wouldn't be able to handle anything bigger than a fawn.' I glared at Mark and Jackson sneered.
'Say's the guy who wrestled a bear.' Both Jackson and I laughed as Mark narrowed his eyes and snarled.
'Whatever.' Jackson stopped laughing and his head turned to the left. Mark's did the same. My ears twitched and I focused on listening to what was merely six or so meters away from us. It was a herd of deer munching on some grass, not suspecting a thing. The three of us dashed towards the deer and I let my instincts take over, pouncing on a doe. She kicked as my fangs dug into her jugular vein. She stopped kicking and went limp, letting me feed off her blood. Once I had finished her off, I looked up to see Mark watching Jackson as he fed off a buck. I wiped the blood off of my mouth and walked over. Jackson finished off the buck and wiped away the blood from his face.
'I think we'll be right for a while now.' Mark and I agreed with Jackson and the three of us headed back into town. We made our way towards the small park at the edge of town. No one went there anymore.

As we passed an alleyway, I heard footsteps coming from it. I ignored them at first, but then they spoke.
'Kora.' I stopped walking. I swear I knew that voice from somewhere, but where? Mark turned around and stared at me, his eyes burning through my skull. He was reading my thoughts. Jackson stood with half of his body visible and the other half hidden behind Mark. As I turned around, the person stepped out of the shadows and my eyes widened. It's been a whole year and a bit since I was abandoned. My father now stood in front of me, his eyes glowing crimson as his piercing gaze swept over me.
'D-Dad?' My father stepped closer.
'Hello daughter. I see you've gotten out of the basement.' His voice was annoyed and his gaze switched to Mark and Jackson. Mark stood in front of Jackson with one arm out to make sure Jackson stayed behind him. Jackson had one hand clutched onto Mark's shirt in terror as my father stalked towards them.
'You two are vampires. Why are you hanging around the half breed?!' Mark glared at my father.
'There's nothing wrong with her!' My father snarled and shoved Mark backwards.
'Stupid boy! She is a disgrace to all of vampire kind.' Jackson stood, trembling as my father turned on him.
'And you, you're okay with the half breed too are you?' Jackson nodded. My father's eyes narrowed and Jackson was suddenly thrown of his feet and into the alleyway. Both Mark and I rushed to him as he hit the brick wall. I heard my father coming after us and faced him.
'Leave them alone!'
'They're full blooded vampires who are wasting their time around you. They must be punished.' He pushed me out of the way and I hit the brick wall. I slumped down onto the ground in pain as my father attacked Mark and Jackson. My head throbbed in pain but a yell from Mark got my attention.
'JACKSON!' I looked up, slightly disorientated and saw Jackson lying on the ground, blood pooling around his abdomen. Mark ran over to Jackson and lifted his head up into his lap.
'Come on Jackson, you're okay. You have to be okay.' Jackson lay still with his eyes closed, barely breathing. Mark clenched his eyes shut as a few tears fell down his face. My father watched with a sneer. Anger ran through my body as I stood up. My fists clenched together and a few old trash cans beside me started to shake and rattle. I watched them and touched them to steady them. As soon as my hand made contact with them, they started levitating in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I stepped back and recoiled my hand and they dropped to the ground like nothing had ever happened.
'Impossible.' My father stared at me, disbelief in his voice. I looked down at my hands. What was that? Magic? Surely not. Mark spoke up, his voice shaky as Jackson was still unconscious.
'You have telekinesis Kora. All vampires are gifted, even if you're not a full blooded vampire.' My father hissed angrily.
'That's impossible! Half breeds can't have gifts! It doesn't work like that!' I raised my hands over the trash cans and they lifted up into the air. I turned my head towards my father.
'You'll pay for all the damage you've caused.' I flung my hand towards him and the trash cans went flying. He managed to dodge a couple but was still hit by some. My father fell to his knees as I raised a piece of broken concrete and threw it at him. It hit his head straight on, knocking him out. I walked over to Mark and kneeled down beside him. Jackson began to stir, his eyes slowly opening up. Mark let out a shaky breath. Jackson groaned in pain as Mark helped him sit up.
'So did you kill him?' I broke into a small, glad to see he was okay, Mark on the other hand, hugged Jackson.
'You idiot!' Jackson hugged Mark back, his face scrunching up in pain. I looked over at my father and stood up. Walking over to him, I lifted him up onto his feet and dragged him over to the other two.
'Let's dump him then go to the park.' Mark agreed and helped Jackson stand up. We headed off, Mark helping Jackson with one arm around his waist and Jackson's arm around Mark's shoulders.
'I'll meet you two at the park.' Mark nodded and went off with Jackson.

I headed over to the docks and dumped my father amongst a bunch of old, ruined boats. I ran back to the park and found Mark and Jackson under a tree. Jackson sat beside Mark asleep with his head on Mark's shoulder. I smiled and looked at Mark, noticing him holding his abdomen.
'Did you get hurt too?' Mark shook his head.
'No. I have a blood bond with Jackson so, if he gets hurt I get the pain but no injury and vice versa.' I nodded and noticed bite marks on his neck.
'You gave him blood.' Mark smiled fondly at Jackson and brushed some hair out of his face.
'Yeah, he needed it.' I smiled at my two friends.
'You need to tell him how you feel.' Mark's head whipped towards me, his face shocked.
'Mark, I know you love him more than a brother, or a friend. Just tell him.' Mark sighed.
'What if he doesn't like me back?' I rolled my eyes.
'Just tell him.' Mark opened his mouth to reply but Jackson woke up.
'Mm what did I miss?' I stood up.
'Nothing. I'm just going to call Sue and tell her I'll be home in a bit.' Jackson nodded and rubbed his eyes. I looked at Mark and winked before walking away. I kept my ears alert and listened to my friends.
'Uh, Jackson.'
'What is it Mark?' Mark took in a deep breath and let it out.
'Mark are you okay?'
'I'm fine...I just don't know how to say this.'
'Just say it.'
'Jackson I like you. More than I should, and I'm sorry...I know you don't feel that way about me and-'
'I'm so sorry.'
'Mark I like you too.'
'Y-you do?' Jackson nodded.
'Yes.' I smiled and watched as my two friends stared at each other before getting up and leaving.

I walked over to an old swing set and sat down.
'Hey Kora.' I looked up and saw Kai.
'What are you doing here?'
'I was gonna ask you the same thing. I come here sometimes to get away from everything. What about you? Why are you here?'
' think.' Kai sat down on the swing besides me, tilting his head to look at me.
'I don't know much about you Miss Hyde.' I smiled slightly.
'I could say the same thing about you Mr Jekyll.' Kai smiled and looked up at the sky.
'Well you do know my family are vampire hunters.' I looked down and clenched my hands around the swing.
'It's not like vampires exist.' Kai scuffed his feet in the old bark and focused his eyes on me.
'They do exist. I've seen my parents kill one before.'
'You sound crazy.'
'I know, but it's true. Why do you keep saying they don't exist? It's not like you've ever seen one.' I held back a scoff, trying to act as if I knew nothing about vampires.
'Because it's impossible.' Kai rolled his eyes and stood up.
'Come on.' I looked up at him.
'Where are we going?' Kai grinned.
'Just get up.' I obeyed and we started walking. Eventually I realized Kai was going towards my house instead of his.
'What are you doing?'
'Walking you home of course. Can't let a girl wonder around alone at night when vampires lurk around.' I rolled my eyes and turned down the drive way. We got to my front door and Kai smiled.
'See you tomorrow.' I nodded and waited till he was out of sight before going inside.

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