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The morning after the council visit Sue served me up breakfast before looking at my eyes.
'Your eyes are such a nice brown.'
'Thanks.' Sue smiled and went to do the laundry. I ate my breakfast quickly and grabbed my backpack off the couch. I walked outside and waited on the steps for Mark and Jackson. Sue and John acted normal last night, not even commenting on my fangs whenever I smiled. I was officially relaxed. No one knew what I was except Mark and Jackson. If Kai finds out, that could get me another visit from the council or his family would just slay me. I thought about school and how Kai texted me last night after secretly texting himself from my phone when I wasn't looking. He asked if he could hang out with me, Mark and Jackson. I said yes, but now I regret it. Mark and Jackson aren't going to be happy, Mark especially. I guess we'll just have to be careful.
'Yeah, I'm not happy.' I looked up to see a frowning Mark.
'Uh, hey.' He glared at me until Jackson appeared and jumped onto his back.
'Let's go!' Mark started walking, Jackson on his back smiling happily. We got to school where Kai was waiting for me or rather, us. I felt Mark's eyes on me as I walked over to Kai.
'Hey.' Kai looked up and smiled.
'Hey.' Jackson jumped off Mark's back and walked over.
'Hello Kai.' Kai stared at Jackson, shocked he was talking to him.
'H-hey...' Jackson waved Mark over and turned back to Kai.
'Kora said you were sorry for what you did back in middle school.' Kai nodded and looked at both Jackson and Mark.
'I really am sorry for what I did. Honest.' Mark stood next to Jackson, an arm around his waist. He looked at Kai, his eyes scanning his face. After reading his mind, Mark sighed.
'I'm not forgiving you, not yet.' Kai looked down and I turned to Mark, pleading with my eyes.
'But...' Kai looked up at Mark, waiting for him to continue.
'For Kora's sake, you can hang out with us.' I smiled gratefully at Mark and he nodded. Kai stared at Mark for a moment before he smiled.
'Thanks.' Jackson leaned his head on Mark's shoulder sleepily.
'Can't we just skip school?' Mark switched all of his attention to Jackson and the two started whispering. Kai stared at them for a moment before he turned to me.
'Are they dating or something?' I smiled at Kai's question.
'Yeah, they are.'
'Okay.' The bell rang and the four of us headed over to the hall. For the first time since I moved to this school, they decided to hold an assembly. We walked into the building and headed over to the back rows. Jackson grabbed Mark's hand and started leading him to some seats. Kai and me followed the two and slumped into some seats. The principal stood in front of the mic stand and began a long speech about god knows what. Jackson fell asleep on Mark's shoulder and Mark focused on Jackson, not the principal. Kai leaned over slightly and sighed.
'This is boring. Wanna ditch?' I shook my head.
'Why not?'
'Because I'm not an idiot.'
'Yeah, and I am an idiot.' Kai stated bluntly and I snorted.
'Clearly.' He glared at me and in return I just poked my tongue out.

When the anthem began playing I slouched down in my chair and turned to Mark. His head rested on Jackson's, asleep. Turning my head to my other side, I saw nothing but an empty chair. Kai had left already. What a moronic idiot. The assembly ended and I sat up straighter in my chair, stretching my sore muscles and limbs. I elbowed Mark in the side, waking him up.
'Ow! What the hell?' I shrugged.
'You were asleep.' He chuckled and rubbed his eyes.
'No shit Sherlock.' I grinned.
'Stop being a smartass and wake up your boyfriend.' Mark scoffed.
'I said one thing. Does that automatically make me a smartass?' I nodded and stood up.
'If you don't wake up Jackson, I will.' Mark hissed and turned to Jackson, gently patting his cheek.
'Jackson, you gotta get up.' Jackson whined in response and refused to open his eyes.
'Get up or I'll kick you.' Jackson opened his eyes, pouting at me.
'You're so mean.'
'And you're a child. Get up.' Jackson sulked as he stood up and gladly returned a hug from Mark. We headed into first period and sat down at our tables. Kai wondered in and sat down next to me.
'Where'd you disappear to during assembly?' Kai yawned and rested his head on the table, his cheek getting slightly squished. His chocolate brown eyes stared at me for a moment before they closed.
'I was bored so I left and went to the roof.' I rolled my eyes before the smell of cigarettes hit me.
'You stink like cigarettes Kai.' He opened his eyes and sat up before leaning in close, only a few centimeters away from my face.
'My breath doesn't smell though does it?' I shook my head and he leaned back.
'Seth and Caleb smoke. Not me.' The teacher walked in and began the lesson. Kai fell asleep half way through and I found it fun to poke his side with a pencil every now and again. The lesson ended after an hour and a half of pure torture and our next teacher walked in. We spent another forty five minutes watching as the teacher wrote up boring math equations. When the bell rang for recess I hit Kai across the back of his head, waking him.

We walked out of the classroom side by side behind Mark and Jackson. After we all put our books away we headed outside into the sunlight. Sitting down under the tree, I started eating, just enjoying the suns warmth on my cold skin. Kai sat down beside me while Mark and Jackson sat in front of us. Jackson munched away happily (cutely in Mark's opinion) on an apple while Mark silently ate his own apple. Kai opened up a bottle of water and took a mouthful. I was going to ask him for some when the smell hit me. It was full of vampire hunter potions or whatever.
'Kai, your drink smells funny.' Mark looked at Jackson whose nose was scrunched up from the smell. Kai blinked in confusion.
'Does it? I can't smell anything.' Jackson went to reply but Mark beat him to it.
'It's probably something else he can smell.' I nodded silently, watching as Jackson sighed and rolled over onto his back, right against Mark's side. Kai looked up before mumbling.
'Uh oh.' I looked at him curiously.
'What?' He nodded his head towards his left and I followed his gesture with my eyes. Seth and Caleb were making their way towards us.
'What do they want?' Kai sighed.
'Me probably.' Caleb was the first to speak when he and Seth stood in front of us.
'Kai, why are you hanging around the three freaks?' Seth nodded at Caleb's question and Kai clenched his fists by his side.
'Because I want to, and they're not freaks.' Seth waved his hand in a dismissive matter.
'Yeah, yeah. So you gonna ditch them and come with us?' Kai shook his head.
'Nah, I'm going to stay here.' Seth and Caleb's eyes narrowed and when Caleb spoke, it came out as a growl.
'You're being stupid Kai. You should know by now your social rank isn't compatible with the girls.' With that, the two of them walked away. Kai sighed and leaned against the tree trunk.
'Look out after school, they might go after you.' I nodded. The bell rang and we all headed to our next classes.

Lunch time came quickly and we sat in the cafeteria for a change. The table was near the back by a window. Big enough for the four of us, we sat in silence while we ate. Jackson decided he wanted to start a conversation and stated:
'Mr Jung got caught on campus with drugs last week.' Mark simply blinked while he ate his lunch. Kai on the other hand almost choked and managed to get out a word.
'What?!' Jackson nodded.
'He was behind the main building smoking while everyone was in class. Some other teacher or student - I don't remember which - caught him and reported him to the principal who called the police.' Kai leaned back slightly.
'Damn. He was a good history teacher, even if he smelt like cigarettes and alcohol a lot.' Jackson shrugged and leaned into Mark's side. Mark put an arm around Jackson's waist and pulled him closer.
'So are your friends really planning on getting us after school? They keep looking over at us.' Kai stared at Jackson before turning around. Caleb was glaring daggers while Seth gave off a murderous aura. Kai turned back around and ate another mouthful of his lunch.
'Maybe. They look strong but they can't hold themselves in a fight. Seth lost to a middle schooler a week ago and Caleb got his ass kicked by some ten year old.' Jackson laughed, causing Mark to smile fondly and kiss his cheek. I gagged.
'Ew, do you have to? I don't mind it but can you not do it in front of me? It's hideous.' Jackson stuck out his tongue and Mark rolled his eyes, mumbling loud enough for only me and Jackson to hear.
'Just because you're jealous.' I threw my napkin at him causing Kai to look at us, confused.
'Why'd you throw that at Mark?' Mark smirked and spoke in a mocking tone.
'Yeah Kora, why did you throw that at me?' I rolled my eyes and stood up.
'Where are you going?' I turned to Mark.
'Bathroom. Do I need permission?' Rolling his eyes at my sarcastic tone, Mark shook his head and I left the cafeteria.

I entered the bathroom and stood at the sinks. My hands wrapped around my neck, hunger burning in my throat. Coughing, I splashed my face and stared at my reflection. My eyes were redder than usual. I needed blood and I needed it now. The bathroom door cracked open and I heard Mark's voice.
'You need blood don't you?'
'Damn you and your mind reading. Do you have any?' Mark's hand appeared around the door, a bottle of blood clutched in his hands.
'Hurry up and take it.' I grabbed the bottle and sculled down the blood. Once it was all gone I exited the bathroom, Mark gone. I threw the bottle in a nearby trash can and ran into Caleb in the hall. We both stumbled backwards and Caleb glared at me.
'Watch it.' I brushed my clothes off and went to leave, a hand around my wrist prevented me from doing so.
'Aren't you going to apologize?' I stared at him, processing what he said before scoffing.
'Why should I apologize?' Before Caleb could reply, a warm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards. I slipped out of Caleb's grip and fell into the arms of Kai. He glared at Caleb, venom leaking from his voice.
'Don't even think about touching her Caleb.' Kai grabbed my hand and dragged me away. We turned a corner in the hallway, coming face to face with Mark and Jackson.
'Kora are you okay?' Jackson stared at me, concern and worry on his face.
'I'm fine Jackson.' Kai let go of my hand when Mark glared at him and I turned to Kai.
'Thanks.' Kai smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.
'No worries.' The rest of the day flew by and soon enough I was lying in bed, waiting for sleep to overcome me.

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