Half Breed (boyxboy included)

By chels_wolf88

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Abandoned at the age of 15, young half vampire Kora Hyde is left alone by her cold hearted family. Being dis... More

Engulfed By Darkness
The Breather Couple
New Life
Vampire Filled Weekend Part 1
Vampire Filled Weekend Part 2
Day Two At School
An Eventful Day
An Unwelcomed Guest
Vampire High Council
Friends Weekend
No Return
Family Trip

The Hunters

28 0 0
By chels_wolf88

I woke up in a panic. I sat up in my bed, panting. My nightmare was basically telling me what was going to happen at school today. Kai and his parents would catch us after school and kill us. Sue knocked on my door and walked in.
'Are you alright Kora? I heard you scream.'
'I'm okay grandma. I'm going to get ready for school.' I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my hair and went back into my room. I walked over to my closet and got changed. I put on my necklace and watch I got from Jackson and Mark for my birthday, before heading downstairs. I chucked on my shoes, threw my backpack onto my shoulders and went out the front door. Mark and Jackson were waiting out the front on their motorbikes. I grabbed my helmet off the chair outside, put it on and climbed onto the back of Jackson's bike. We headed to school and parked. Climbing off the bikes and taking our helmets off, the three of us headed into the school gates. I heard laughter and looked to my left. Caleb and Seth stood laughing until they saw us. Caleb grinned and Seth snickered.
'Aw no Kai's ditched you.' I glared at them, my hands curling into balls. Mark put a hand on my shoulder.
'Come on, just leave it. Let's go.' I uncurled my hands and followed Mark and Jackson into the building. I headed over to my locker, shoving my helmet and bag into it before slamming the door shut. I heard someone nearby and looked to my left. Kai stood at his locker, staring at me before he closed his locker and walked off. I stared at the ground before walking off to find Mark and Jackson. I found the two of them sitting in the old abandoned hall. I slid down the wall opposite them and sat down.
'Do you think he told his parents?' I stared at Jackson, part of me knowing he wouldn't do that.
'No, I don't think he'd do that even though he knows what we are.' Mark looked at me, his eyes narrowed.
'Kora, we're vampires. He comes from a family of vampire hunters. He will want us gone. I know what he's told you. We both know that he thinks we're beats in human form.' I stood up glaring at Mark.
'Stay the hell out of my head!' I walked off down the hallway. I stared out the windows and looked at the dark sky. The rain poured down heavily, thunder boomed in the distance and lightning crackled, lighting up the sky. The bell had rung for class but I didn't feel like going. I headed up to the rooftop and sat in front of the door that goes outside. I listened to the storm as it got louder. I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the wall. Kai hated me. He would eventually come after us and probably kill us. His parents would find out there's vampires around and hunt us down. Mark, Jackson and I were just sitting ducks, waiting for the hunters to make their move. I stayed at the door to the rooftop until the bell for recess rang. I got up and headed down the stairs. I didn't see Caleb and Seth until it was too late. I tumbled down the stairs and hit my head on the rail at the bottom. I sat up, blood dripping down the side of my face and onto the floor. Caleb smirked and Seth bent down so he was at eye level with me.
'Think of this as our revenge for taking Kai from us.' I got to my feet and dizzily made my way down the hall towards the infirmary. I stumbled and leaned against the wall. Kai walked past, not even giving me a second glance, but I did hear his whisper as he walked off.
'Vampires can heal themselves.' I eventually staggered into the infirmary and sat down on the bed. The nurse gasped as she saw my head and began treating me. After about ten minutes she let me go and I headed out to find Mark and Jackson.

I found Jackson in the cafeteria eating alone, in silence. I headed over and sat down.
'Where's Mark?' Jackson kept his head down, answering my question quietly.
'I don't know.'
'What do you mean you don't know?'
'I mean I don't know. I haven't seen him since you told him to stay out of your head.' My eyes widened in realization.
'You two fought didn't you?' Jackson nodded, still keeping his head down.
'I told him that he should've stayed out of your head. I said that he shouldn't just read people's minds when he wants too. He lost it at me and told me I was being a nuisance and that I should get lost.' Jackson sniffed and wiped his eyes.
'Jackson...' He looked up, eyes red. They went wide and he stared at me.
'What happened to your head?'
'Caleb and Seth shoved me down the stairs earlier.' Jackson growled, glaring at the two that sat on the other side of the cafeteria. I looked around and caught a glimpse of Mark walking past the cafeteria doors. I stood up, grabbed Jackson's arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria. I walked to the abandoned hallway and stared at Jackson.
'You have a blood bond with Mark don't you?' Jackson nodded, confused.
'Yeah, why?'
'Sorry Jackson.' He looked at me, his eyes widening once it was too late. I had already put the blade of the scissors against his arm and cut into the skin. I stopped once there was a small cut. Jackson glared at me.
'What the hell?!' I apologized.
'I'm sorry but I couldn't think of anything else.'
'What do you mean?!' I wiped up the blood from his arm and saw it had already begun to heal, seeing how it was so small.
'I thought it would get Mark here and you two would make up.' Jackson sighed.
'It's not that easy Kora. Come on, the bells about to go.' I followed Jackson to our lockers and headed to class with him. We walked into the room and Jackson froze. Mark sat with Kai, Seth and Caleb. Jackson walked to his seat, his head hung low. I followed him and sat next to him.
'Why is Kai sitting with Mark when he knows what he is?' Jackson ignored my question, staring at the top of our table. I looked to the right, seeing Kai, Seth, Caleb and Mark all laughing about something. The teacher turned up and half way into class I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I didn't hear Mark do the same.

I was halfway down the hall when I heard footsteps behind me. I recognized who it was and stopped.
'What do you want?' Mark appeared in front of me, startling me.
'I'm not friends with Kai.' I scoffed.
'Then why haven't you made up with your boyfriend yet? He's hurt Mark. He really thinks you hate him.' Mark glared at me.
'I know that! His head is the only one I can't stay out of. I'm hanging around Kai to see if he's planning anything with his parents. I'm seeing if he wants to attack us.' Staring at Mark, I sighed and crossed my arms.
'Then make up with your boyfriend already.' Mark nodded and headed back to class. He paused at the door and glared at me.
'Oh and Kora, if you ever hurt Jackson again..I'll kill you.' With that he walked back inside and I headed to the bathroom. I went back to class to see Mark and Jackson sitting next to each other, holding hands under the table. The rest of class and lunch flew by and before I knew it, I was in dance class sitting awkwardly with Kai away from everyone else. We had a sub today, so we didn't do any work. Kai sat, glaring at me the whole lesson. I tried to ignore it, finding the floor much more interesting. The bell rang, indicating it was the end of the day. I got up and headed to my locker. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the front of the school. My head started hurting and I put a hand over the patch that was on the cut. Mark and Jackson were standing under cover, waiting for me. I walked over and stared at the rain as it bucketed down.
'I'm guessing you guys want to wait until it settles down a bit.' Mark and Jackson both nodded and the three of us sat down, waiting for the rain to calm down.

Half an hour after we had started waiting, I heard footsteps coming towards us. It wasn't just one set either, it was two. I jumped to my feet as the figures came into the light. Mark got up, pulling Jackson up with him. I studied the two people. They both wore long black cargo pants with black combat boots. They wore black t-shirts with black jackets. On the jackets sat a badge. It read; VHA. Vampire Hunters Association. I stepped backwards and my back hit the wall. These were Kai's parents. His father had black hair whereas his mother had dark brown hair like him. Both his parents had blue eyes, not the chocolate brown Kai had. His father was rather tall where his mother stood a bit on the short side. The two of them stepped forwards, so we could see them even more clearly. They both had belts strapped around their waists. Clipped to the straps were wooden stakes, a gun, some bottles of potions and rope. They each held small blades in their hands as they stared at us.
'So you're the three vampires our dear son told us about.' Mark stepped in front of Jackson wearily, watching the hunters in case they made a move. Kai's mother watched as her husband opened his mouth to say more.
'I must say, you're exactly how Kai described you. Beasts in human form that have really dark red eyes that look brown to practically everyone unless they know about vampires. You, girl look exactly like what he told us. The same with you two boys. I'm quite surprised Kai didn't say anything about you before he saw you turn into the beasts you are.' His wife nodded beside him and spoke up, her voice soft.
'He isn't stupid enough to let your pale skin, dark red eyes, fangs and actions go unnoticed. I'm surprised he didn't confront you about it himself. Perhaps he just wanted to earn your trust before he got his dear parents to kill you.' They stalked towards us, forcing Mark and Jackson to also press their backs against the wall. We were screwed. We were going to die right here and now. We had no escape. Kai's mother threw a few blades at me and they all hit me in the stomach. I cried out in pain and dropped to the ground, falling onto my knees. I coughed and coughed, blood eventually making its way out of my mouth. My shirt was now stained red. I pulled out the blades and looked up. Kai's father raised his arm, ready to throw the blades at Mark and Jackson. I raised my hand and used my telekinesis to knock the blades out of his hands.

Just as Kai's mother went to shoot at me with her gun, a figure appeared in front of me, blocking me from the gun.
'Leave them alone. Mother, father.' My eyes widened and I stared up at Kai. His mother and father chuckled.
'You want to finish the job yourself do you?' Kai nodded and his parents shrugged.
'Alright then. We'll see you at home.' Kai watched as his parents left the building and disappeared. He helped me to my feet before I shoved him away.
'What the hell?!' Kai stared at my stomach as more blood seeped onto my shirt.
'I'll explain everything, but first we need to get you cleaned up.' I nodded and let him help me to the infirmary. Lightning lit up the halls as we made our way into the infirmary. Kai sat me on the bed and lifted up my shirt, just enough to clean the wounds left by the blades. Once he bandaged my stomach he stared up at me.
'I'm sorry.'

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