That Heart Of Gold | Levi X R...

By _icygray

47.2K 1.3K 684

Those Eyes Of Steel, Book 2 ¤¤¤¤ Four years have passed. And war was... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
author's note

chapter seven

1.8K 50 16
By _icygray

As soon as you entered the main area of your home, you were struck with an extreme sense of nostalgia.

Everyone was laughing, talking, Sasha was talking about what she wanted for dinner...

Everything seemed normal. Just like how you wanted it to be.

Today, you wanted a nice meal with your friends. You wanted to talk and laugh and joke with them, just like you used to.

With a smile on your face, you walked closer to them, stopping when you were right behind Hange.

"What would everyone like for dinner?" you asked, effectively shutting everyone up.

Sasha immediately smiled and perked up, her gaze now locked on you.

"What do you have?"

You thought about it for a second. Truth be told, you didn't really know; Levi had stocked up the kitchen and the pantry.

"Hmm. Well... I'll make it a surprise."

Sasha groaned and fell back against the couch, dramatically holding her hand over her forehead.

Levi huffed from beside you. "All you brats are too damn rowdy. Go sit outside or something while we make dinner."

Hange turned around and looked between you and Levi, a grin painting her face once she realised that Levi wanted to be alone with you.

"That sounds great!" she chimed, clapping her hands together and standing from the couch. "Let's all go sit outside. We can have a sparring competition, just like old times."

Everyone got up from their seats, murmuring between themselves while they all filed out the door.

"Hey, Jean, I bet I can beat you in a fight!" Was the last thing you heard Sasha say, before the door shut.

As soon as it closed, you found yourself wrapped in Levi's arms, his lips desperately hitting yours. Your eyes widened, but you still kissed him back. You didn't know why he was so eager to kiss you, but you were still willing to satisfy his urge.

You carried on until your lack of air forced you to pull away. But, even as you pulled back, Levi chased after you, sneaking in a few more kisses until he pulled away for good.

You smiled up at him, your chest heaving. "What was that for?"

Levi pressed his forehead to yours, his lips turning up at the corners. "I haven't kissed you in so long. Had to do something about it."

Your brows furrowed as you stared at him, your hands coming down to rest against his chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly.

"Levi," you chuckled. "We kissed not even five minutes ago."

His eyes flicked down to your lips, lingering for a while until he met your eyes again.

"Too long."

Your smile turned into a grin and your lips found his again, even though you were still out of breath. Levi kept the kiss short, pulling away after a few moments, knowing you still needed air.

He kept you there for a few more minutes, letting you catch your breath while he settled with kissing all over your neck and face. The tip of your nose, eyelids, between your brows, the corners of your mouth. Then, when he knew that your breathing had gone back to normal, he pressed his lips to yours for one last kiss.

Silently, he stared at you, basking in the presence of the one person he loved more than anything.

After he was satisfied, he took your hand and led you into the kitchen, kissing your forehead one last time before going over to the icebox and taking out your ingredients.

You took one last glance at him before rummaging around in the cabinets, looking for the utensils and tools you would need.

After a few minutes, a fire was lit on the stove, a pan was left to heat up, water was boiling. The preparation continued until you were ready to start with the food.

You turned around, seeing Levi standing in front of one of the counters, already starting to cut some potatoes and prepare the vegetables. Something next to him caught your eye, and you had to do a double-take to check that your eyes weren't messing with you.

Levi had bought... meat?

"Levi?" you breathed, walking over to him and placing a hand on his lower back while you stared down at the precious food. "Where did you get this much meat? It's so expensive."

Levi looked at the meat, then at you, then continued with what he was doing with a shrug.

"It's not really a big deal..."

With a soft smile, you leaned into him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Levi. You didn't have to spend so much money, but... thank you."

Levi turned his head slightly and captured your lips in his, almost forgetting about his current task of cutting potatoes. You pulled away before he got too invested in the kiss, and you started preparing the meat.

You moved to the stove, putting the first steak on the pan and hearing the satisfying sizzle as it hit the hot oil. You waited a little while, letting it sear before flipping it over, letting it cook on the other side.

The sound of a floorboard creaking caught your attention, but you didn't have enough time to turn around before you felt a set of strong arms around your waist, Levi's chin resting on your shoulder.

You leaned back into him, liking the feeling of his hands moving up and down the sides of your body. The feeling of being alone with Levi was like nothing else and you were extremely grateful to Hange for dragging everyone else outside.

You continued with the steaks, searing each one, then setting them on a pan to the side. But, soon, you ran out of steaks and you internally frowned at the thought of Levi having to let you go so you could keep working.

He saw that you were done and kissed your neck before leaning back against the counter to watch you work. You shot him a small smile as you put the steaks into the oven and started working on the potatoes. You put the potatoes into the boiling water and seasoned the vegetables.

As if remembering something, you turned to look at Levi over your shoulder.


"Hm?" he asked, tearing his gaze from the window to look at you.

"Can you get me out a few ingredients, please?"

"Sure," he muttered, turning around and opening the cabinets. "What do you need?"

You thought for a second. "Sugar, butter, eggs, flour, milk..." You watched from the corner of your eye as he took out each ingredient, as if he had done it a thousand times before. "Oh, and chocolate, please."

His brow furrowed as he looked over all the ingredients.

"What are you making?"

You smiled as you placed the vegetables in alongside the steak.

"Chocolate cake."

Levi hummed as you walked over to all the ingredients and started strategically placing them in a large bowl. He was completely mesmerised, not even focusing on what you were doing, but how you looked so graceful doing it. Every movement you made was effortless and he found it harder and harder to not just kiss you right then and there.

After a while, he snapped out of his daze as he watched you place the cake into the oven. You placed your hands on your hips as you looked around the kitchen and, when you saw that all you had to do now was wait for the food to cook, you immediately looked at Levi, who was already reaching for you.

Levi's lips pressed against your forehead and, to your surprise, he started swaying. Instantly, your lips curled into a smile and you pulled your head away from his chest to look at him. He had a smile of his own and he was looking at you with an expression that made you wonder how long he was staring. But, you were certain he hadn't taken his eyes off you since you had been alone.

Your smile grew a tiny bit wider and you pulled on his neck so his forehead could meet yours. You gazed at him for a moment longer and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of Levi's arms around you.

For a few minutes, you both just stood there, swaying, enjoying every second. It wasn't often Levi danced with you. If anyone besides you could call it dancing. But you did. Somehow, the instinctive grace that Levi had made swaying look like the most elegant movement.

Levi couldn't fathom how any of this was real. How he ended up with someone so beautiful, so kind, so loving, so perfect. He couldn't fathom how someone on this cruel earth would accept him for who he was. Levi had done so many things in his life that mad him feel like he was unworthy and incapable of love, but... he had you. Someone he was grateful for. Someone who he would never stop trying to deserve.

Levi moved you in such a way that made him notice the light catch something that sat in the hollow if your throat. His hand glided up your side until his fingers tugged on the chain around your neck, revealing a small, diamond pendant. You opened your eyes to look at him now, letting him continue.

He obviously remembered this necklace, but... seeing that you kept it on after all these years mad his heart swell with happiness.

This was the necklace he gave you in the forest, just outside of Trost, right before your run in with Kenny's Squad and the MP's.

"You still wear this," he whispered, more of a statement than a question.

You nodded with a small smile.

"Of course... You gave it to me. I never take it off."

Levi looked at the pendant for just a beat longer, before looking into your eyes again. You were smiling and you instantly leaned forward to kiss him. It seemed that he had the same idea, because he met you halfway, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck as he pulled you against him. Your lips hit again and again and you hooked your arms around his neck as you held him tightly. Your hands went to his hair and you smiled against his lips when you felt him shiver, happy that your touch still excited him.

Eventually, you had to break away, your need for air becoming increasingly more noticable.

You both stood in the kitchen, continuing to hold each other while your breathing returned back to normal. After a while, you felt Levi's lips press to your forehead before he leaned down to whisper in your ear.

"I love you."

You melted into him, savouring each moment that his arms were around you. He started swaying you back and forth again as you answered.

"I love you, too."

So much.

His lips hit your hair, and you both fell silent as you spent the rest of the time you had, simply swaying.

Eventually, you knew that you had to move, had to get the food ready, even though it physically hurt you to move form the comfort of your husband's arms. Levi seemed to notice your predicament, so he held you the tiniest bit tighter before pressing his lips to yours again one last time. You kissed him back eagerly before breaking away and moving to the oven.

You worked quickly, grabbing the food and the cake and leaving them on the side to cool. Then, you went rummaging through the cabinets and took out the plates. You laid them out on the counter before turning to Levi and speaking to him softly.

"Can you set the table, please?"

You were confused when he didn't respond and just stared wailing towards you. Then, he kissed your forehead and reached behind you to take out the silverware.

"Of course."

You smiled at him and he returned the gesture before walking over to the table. You watched him for a moment, a small smile on your lips when you saw him arranging everything into neat lines, not one fork out of place. You resisted the urge to laugh at his antics and instead turned back to the plates.

A few moments later, you had everything ready, and Levi helped you carry all the plates over to the table. After that was done, he turned to you and grabbed you by the waist. He knew you would call everyone inside soon, so he was savouring every last second.

His hand found the back of your neck and he pulled you in for one last kiss. It was soft and gentle and tender and everything that you needed.

He didn't kiss you for too long; he didn't want you to be breathless when everyone walked in. So he pulled away, kissing you on the cheek.

The second he stepped away, you giggled and headed for the door.

When you opened it, you were met with a truly... odd sight.

Sasha was on Jean's back, Connie was trying to pry her off. Hange, Mikasa and Armin were sitting at the bottom of the tree, staring at them like they were the bane of their existence. Jodi had August in a headlock, her loud laughing spreading throughout the whole space. August was a blushing mess, and you watched as Hunter and Isabella made some small conversation. You cast your eyes back to Jodi and August. They were both blushing, but Jodi's blush was more of an out-of-breath kind of blush. But, August... he was blushing, not from embarrassment, but something you had seen many times before.

You decided to just talk about with him later.

"Food is ready." You folded your arms and leaned against the doorframe, completely oblivious to what was about to happen.

Sasha came barreling through the door, Levi pulling you out of the way at the last second before she came completely barreling into you. She went straight to the dining table, looking over the food with a huge smile on her face.

"Meat!" she yelled dreamily.

An exasperated Jean came hurtling through the door next, heading straight for Sasha.

"I won that fight, you moron!" he yelled.

Sasha turned around and put her palms up in a placating gesture.

"Whatever you say, horsey."

You started to giggle, placing your arms over Levi's that were around your waist.

Everyone else came through the door next. Jodi still had August in a headlock, and he was still blushing profusely.

"Say it! Say I'm a better fighter than you!" she yelled in his ear.

You could tell that he could easily get out of the headlock she had him in, but you could also tell that he really didn't want to.

As everyone else calmly sat at the table, you couldn't take your eyes off the scene in front of you. It overwhelmed you so much. Everyone was acting normal. Everyone was happy. Everyone was... safe.

You started to giggle uncontrollably, because everything was just so happy. It was the best entertainment you had gotten in years.

Everyone turned to look at you with wide eyes. You couldn't hold in your giggles anymore; you busted out laughing, doubling over with your hands on your knees for support.

Your laughing didn't stop until Levi wrapped his arm around your waist, lifting you up and raising an eyebrow when he looked at you.

When you met his eyes, you giggled a little more, pushing your face into his chest to try and muffle the sound.

Levi just kept staring at you. It wasn't often that you laughed like his but it never failed to amuse him. The sound of you laughing, even if was excessive and overly loud, always sent a feeling of warmth through him.

Everyone else just stared at you, a little shocked, but happy to see you smiling.

Levi turned to them.

"Oi, brats. You broke my wife."

Levi's blunt tone seemed to bring you back down to earth. You looked up at him, a warm smile on your face as you stared at your beautiful man.

Then, you looked back at everyone else, letting out another giggle once you made eye contact with a drooling Sasha.

"Come on. Let's eat."

Everyone sat down once you finished speaking, but they waited for you and Levi to sit before they started eating. You placed yourself between Levi and Mikasa. She was just poking at her food with her fork, a distant expression on her face.

As everyone else began to fall into conversation, you reached under the table and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly. Her eyes widened slightly but, when she looked at you, her whole demeanour softened, and she started to eat her food with a small smile on her face.

"Are we having dessert?" Sasha asked.

You looked over the table at her. "Yes, actually. I made chocolate cake."

The whole table erupted in cheers and laughs, and you found yourself laughing again, happy that you were surrounded by all your favourite people.


It was quite late now. Time had flown by. Everyone had eaten their dinner and dessert, now you and August were cleaning the kitchen, while everyone else was sitting in the living area, talking about something or the other.

You looked at August from the corner of your eye while you wiped the countertop.

"August, can I ask you something?"

He looked a little taken aback, but, eventually, he nodded and continued with drying a plate.

You looked back to everyone else, lowering your voice a little so your conversation could be private.

"How long have you liked Jodi?"

As soon as the words left your lips, August's head snapped to your direction, his eyes wide when they met yours.

"C-Captain...? I... I don't-" he stammered.

"It's alright," you whispered with a small smile. "Your secret is safe with me. I promise."

Your words seemed to calm him down, and he looked down at the ground with defeated eyes, making you frown.

"Is it that obvious?" he mumbled.

You shook your head. "It's not obvious. I just... noticed the way you look at her."

August looked up at you, and you could see confusion, sadness and anxiety in his bright blue eyes.

"I don't know what to do, Captain." He looked down at his hands. "I... I know that our jobs are dangerous, and... I know that I can't promise her anything, but..." He looked up at Jodi form under his brows. "This feeling is too strong for me to ignore."

You listened intently, a small smile coming to your face when you realised that you and Levi had been in this situation many times in the past.

"I understand," you whispered comfortingly. "But," you continued, "if something happened to either one of you on our next mission..." You paused to get the wording right in your head. "Would you regret not telling her how you feel."

A look of recognition flashed in his eyes, and you knew that he's been feeling this was for a long time.

"I guess..." he murmured.

You stood in silence for a while, letting him get his thoguhts together. A few minutes had passed before he finally spoke up again.

"I think... I'm going to tell her," he whispered, so quietly that you could barely hear it. "But... I don't... I don't know how. I've never done this before."

You thought for a moment. "Well... Jodi is secretly a hopeless romantic," you said while bumping his shoulder with yours. "Do with that information what you will."

August chuckled a little and looked over at you, a grateful smile on his lips.

"Thank you, Captain."

You smiled and patted his shoulder before walking over to Levi on the other side of the room and sitting next to him. He looked over at you, his eyes soft and comforting, and you couldn't help but lean over and kiss him, even though there were so many other people in the room.

When you pulled back, you placed your hand on his chest and leaned your head on his shoulder, laughing when Hange wiggled her eyebrows at you. Levi's arms rested on the back of the couch, allowing you to lean your whole body on him, cherishing in his warmth.

You looked around at all your friends, their smiling faces contagious as you found yourself smiling too. They were safe. Happy. They were here.

And, just for a moment, they were all here to stay.

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