The Child of the Moon: The Fi...

By MightyChance

8.7K 226 96

In time and millennia across the multiverse, The Fierce Deity and Majora has been at war for what it seems li... More

The Child of the Moon
The Blood of the Wrathful God
The Secrets of the Fierce Deity | Wrathful God Vs. One Winged Angel
The Staff from Below
The Renegade Team 6
A Keyblade Heart & The Phantom Thieves
Down Under to a Cursed Park
Dancing with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
City Raid
Sinister News at a Pop Star's Concert
The Seven Heavenly Virtues | Fall of the Warmonger
Pain of the Past
The Ruler of Hell comes to Earth
Peace Meeting | Heartless, Demon, and Exterminator Attack
Witch's Wrath | Rival's Team Up | Wrathful God Vs. White Dragon Emperor
Moonchild meets Outlaw | Beasts from the Ground
A Mother's Inner Darkness
The Trip to the Underworld
White Sound | A Phenex's Rehab
Owl's Dragon | Sister's Facing the Darkness | The God of Thunder and War
Battle of the Gods | China's Heroine Spirit | An Unbreakable Bond
Wisdom of the World Serpent | Maleficent's Counter and New Plans
Seviathan | The Arachnid's Ballad
The Obsessive Doll Demon | Double Date
The Crystal of Kthanid | The Infinite Dragon God | Setting Sail
The Captain of the Black Pearl | Infant Island & the King of the Jungle
The Titanic Battle of the Bermuda Triangle
The Black Pearl Vs. Bowser's Armada
The Castle of Darkness | Downfall of the Villains | Farewell, Phantom Thieves
The Battle for Balance | Light Vs. Darkness
The Light of Notre Dame
The Final Battle | Fierce Deity's Freedom {MAIN STORY FINALE}

A Wrathful God and Demon Hunter Walk Into a Bar

243 8 3
By MightyChance

A few days have passed since the Battle at the City, and everyone at the castle had a little breather. Sora, Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Riku were on another world, looking for Maleficent and the Phantom Thieves now own a Café that resembles LeBlanc back in their world. Octavia was visiting alot at Peach's Castle, dueling with Vara and mostly hanging out with him. Octavia and Melony have gotten along pretty well as they two became dueling partners. At the other side of the city, a shop called Devil May Cry had it's share of Heartless, but was completely cleaned out by the demon hunter, Dante Sparda. 

As Dante sat down on his chair, his phone starts ringing as he then answers it. 

Dante: Devil May Cry.

???: Hello, Dante.

Dante: *facepalm* .. How's it going, Luci? What do you want?

Lucifer: Well, I have been hearing that my daughter has been taking visits to Earth. Somehow, she must have a way there. And not to mention that I have been getting little news of some.... boy with the Goetia Sword. 

Dante: What are you talking about? Speak English, old man. 

Lucifer: Ugh, bugger... Fine, I was hoping if you would like to check on the castle that is near you. I heard that Stolas's daughter goes there. There, happy now?

Dante: That's one way to say it. Octavia, huh? Been awhile since me and Stolas talked. Perhaps I should pay him a visit one day. 

Lucifer: Well, listen. If you go see where and how my daughter is getting to Earth, I want you to inform me about it as well as my dear wife. And with that, I'll have you paid rewardingly. Knowing you and your money problems. 

Dante: Got yourself a deal, Luci.

Lucifer: Hold on... Before you go.. I want you to watch out for the Child of the Moon. He may not be as powerful as I am, but he is quite formidable. 

Dante: I do like a challenge. See you around.

He then hangs up as he walks over to grab his Rebellion Sword, Ebony and Ivory, and all of his Devil Arms. 

Dante: The Child of the Moon, eh? This should be an interesting job.

He then kicks his doors open as he got on his Cavaliere and drives away from the shop and towards Peach's Castle. Inside Peach's Castle, everyone was having a pizza and sweets party. 

All: Cheers!

Every started drinking the punch as they all celebrated their long awaited victory at the city. 

Meggy: I must say, this is what we all needed. 

Tari: I agree. Though.. I do feel bad that Sora and the others aren't here to celebrate with us. 

Melony: Same with the Phantom Thieves. 

SMG4: But hey, we got our other friends. 

Boopkins: Thank you so much for inviting us, SMG4.

Bob: Yeah, this party rocks hard. 

Saiko: I only heard that the city was being raided and you all saved it. Which I'm confused as to why but... Whatever. 

SMG4: It's no problem at all.

Just now, Vara walks up to SMG4. 

Vara: Pizza?

SMG4: Oh, thank you. 

Bob: Holy shit. Hello, Vara.

Vara: Wow.. haven't seen you in a few weeks. Where's my thanks for getting me here?

Bob: I didn't say thanks?

Vara: Nope.

Bob: ... Goddammit. Anyway, Boopkins and Saiko, this is Vara of the Ass Goetia.

Vara: Ars, genius. 

Boopkins: It's so nice to finally meet you. Bob told me little about you. *gasp* Do you watch anime?

Vara: Depends on what. 

Saiko: Do you drink?

Vara: No. I'm underage. 

Saiko: Oh come on, it's not bad. 

Vara: Uh.. 

SMG4: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Vara: Yeah, please?

Saiko: Hmph. 

Vara then walks away as he heads upstairs to find Octavia. He finds her as she was in his room.

Vara: Party's pretty loud, huh?

Octavia: I don't do alot of parties. You know our family don't celebrate alot. 

Vara: Celebrated on your birthdays. Mine too. 

Octavia: That's different.

Vara: Whatever. 

He then sits down next to Octavia as she rests her head on his shoulder. 

Octavia: I think I just need a little rest to clear my head. 

Vara: .. *smiles* That's fine. 

Back at the party downstairs, Mario, Luigi, and Sonic were eating their pizza and chili dogs as two men came into the picture. 

Mario: Hm? Swag? Chris?

Swag: Best party, am I right, Chris?

Chris: Sure, whatever you say, Swag. At least you're not acting like an idiot. 

Swag: You're just jealous of my awesome personality and comedy, Chris. 

Luigi: He really isn't, Swag. He has-a-common sense. 

Chris: At least someone is on my side. 

Swag: Shut up, Chris. 

Sonic: Well, all I can say is that this party is great. I sure wish my buddies would be here to celebrate. 

Mario: Speaking of-a-which. How is everyone?

Sonic: Everyone's going great, Mario. No need to ask. I can just check on them and see how their doing in a jiff. 

Mario: I think I can understand fast. 

They all laughed as everyone kept on partying. Outside the castle, Dante arrives as he looks on inside to see lights blaring from Peach's mural.

Dante: What the hell is this?

He walks up to the front as he hears music going on.

Dante: Huh. Looks everyone's having fun. Hope they got one more ticket. 

He then kicks the door open as the door hits Bob.

Bob: Ow, my ovaries. 

SMG4: Alright, alright, what's going on over her- Oh God!

Mario: Hm? WHAA?!

Everyone looks as they saw Dante walking inside the castle. 

Dante: A party without a fun demon hunter? You know, I did take part in saving the city by beating those creatures. 

Meggy: Uh... We didn't see you though.

Tari: Yeah, I agree with Meggy. You weren't with us. 

SMG4: Hm.. then again you do look like the guy that would clean house. 

Dante: *points at SMG4* This guy gets it. I like his sense of direction. Anyway, the party is great and all, but what I'm really here for is that I've been hearing rumors of a demon living here.

SMG4: ... Oh shit. 

Just now, the door upstairs open as Vara and Octavia show their faces. Vara looks straight at Dante as he did as well.

Vara: You have a lot of nerve showing up to me, Dante. 

Dante: Well, kid.. You know me. I don't forget that easily.

The two then stared at each other as Vara walks down the stairs, both with deadly intent. They were serious for a second, but then Vara was happy and so was Dante.

Vara: Dante!

Dante: Vara!

They two then started to clap hands as it was their first time seeing each other in several years. 

This let everyone very shocked and surprised to see Vara knowing who Dante was, except Octavia who was just keeping her cool. 

Vara: Hahahaha! How have you been? Me and Via haven't seen you in forever!

Dante: Been really busy, kid. But you two seem to hit it off pretty well. I'd knew you pull it off... *looks at Octavia* How's it going, little owl?

Octavia: Uh.. Hi. 

Vara: Hey, Dante. Want a go for old times sake?

Dante: Heh. Sure.

The two then held their arms as they started to arm wrestle.

Dante: Ready?

Vara: Go!

The two then started to arm wrestle as Octavia walks down the stairs, smiling and giggling to the irony.

Octavia: All these years and they still haven't changed. 

SMG4: You know this guy?

Octavia: My dad does. Me and Vara met Dante when we were just kids. 

Sonic: That explains their dynamic in friendship. That's sweet, a little reunion for the fun ones. 

Mario: Mhm. 

SMG4: He didn't have to bust down the door like that anyway...

Bob: ... Ow. 

Back over to the arm wrestle, Vara and Dante were still going at it. 

Dante: Wow, you certainly got alot of power.

Vara: Was that sarcasm? You're still holding back your power.

Dante: Okay, you asked for it. 

As Dante used his power, Vara was using all of his strength to keep his stance. The arm wrestle managed to break the floor beneath them. 

Swag: Holy shit, the floor is breaking. What man power they have!

Saiko: Hey, keep the power down! 

Melony: Yeah, you'll break the castle. 

Vara & Dante: ... *chuckles* 

The two then let go of the arm wrestle.

Vara: So, what brings you to the castle, Dante?

Dante: A good friend called. Asked me to see how his kid is coming here. *whispers* I mean Luci's kid*

Vara: *whispers* Charlie? Oh... Well uh... It's a bit of a confusing story.

Dante: I'm willing to hear what you say.

Vara: *deep breath* Okay... Follow me. 

Vara then leads Dante downstairs to the basement with Octavia and Melony following behind them. The rest of the party continued on. As they make their way through the basement, they come across the painting of Hazbin Hotel. 

Dante: .. I don't get it. 

Vara: It's not just a painting. Watch. 

Vara then trails his fingers through the painting as he was forming waves around the frame. 

Vara: The painting is set to Charlie's hotel. And we can come anytime. Matter of fact, she can come too as well as her staff. The only people who know of this painting are the who live here as well as them on the other side. 

Dante: I see.. but that's where I have to deliver the bad news. It just so happens that I gotten a call from Charlie's old man. He knows. 

Vara: ... Wait?

Dante: Don't know what to tell you, kid. But the good news is that I don't have to destroy it. 

Vara: Whew...

Dante: Well, I must get back to my shop...

Right as Dante was about to walk away, passing Octavia and Melony, Vara looks at Dante and speaks.

Vara: Dante.

Dante: ..

Vara: I know that it's been quite some time... but remember the promise from back when me and Octavia were kids. 

Dante smiles as he then turns around. 

Dante: So.. you determined to take me on?

Vara: *nods*

Everyone was now outside as Vara and Dante stared at each other for a long while. 

SMG4: Wait, hold on? This is a duel? I thought it was a party.

Luigi: Well, I guess this is included. 

Meggy: Let's just hope V knows what he's doing. Who am I kidding? He'll know. 

Melony: Be careful!

Vara then drew out his sword as did Dante. 

Dante then taps his foot as he then gestures his hand, signaling Vara to come at him with everything. 

Vara then locked his sword back as he then starts to run at Dante. He then leaped in the air and slashed downwards. Both enter a blade clash as Vara kept his guard and flow up against Dante's. Dante then back flipped back as he fired Ebony, making Vara dodge the bullet and cutting it in half. Dante then pulled out Ivory and started blasting both pistols with Vara cutting each bullet he can as he gets closer. Vara then leaped towards Dante, but he grabbed his face and tossed him to the other side of the field. As Vara skidded across the ground, he saw Dante rushing at him with his Rebellion Sword. They both clashed for a long while as Vara saw his sword getting chipped. He backed off and saw his sword cracked. 

Vara: ... Oh shit. 

Dante then leaped at him again as Vara dodged the slash coming from him. Vara dodged as many slashes and strikes from Dante, as well as the bullets coming at him. Vara lost his footing as he was forced to clash his blade with Dante's. With the clash from Rebellion, the Goetia Sword shattered into pieces, making everyone gasp out of shock. Vara then kipped back and took a stance against Dante. 

SMG4: Oh no! The Sword broke!

Tari: Oh no... What is he going to do?

Octavia: ..'Vara...' 

Vara was breathing hard as he saw his blade shattered on the ground. 

Vara: Shit... Stolas is gonna kill me. 

Dante: I must say you became really agile and more will minded. That's an A Plus I have to give you, kid. But you're clearly predictable now. 

Vara: ... *smirks* I'll show you predicable, Dante. 

Vara then takes out his mask as he then wears it, allowing the Fierce Deity to take control over Vara's body and fight. Dante looks at the Fierce Deity and was smirking.

Dante: Now this is what I was looking for. Show me what you got.

The Fierce Deity then drew his Double Helix Sword from his left hand and stares down at Dante. 

Seeing the ferocity on the Fierce Deity's face surprised Dante as he wasn't facing Vara no more.

Dante: Okay, you're serious about this. Time I get serious as well.

Dante then stands back as he transforms into his Devil Trigger Form.

Dante then flies over to the Fierce Deity as he still took his stance. They both clashed blades as they were now equal in power. The match was surprising everyone on how the Fierce Deity fights as for some it was their first time seeing it. 

Sonic: Wow, he's fighting very different and serious. That is cool.

Boopkins: Uh.. he's kinda scary. Both of them are. 

Bob: Very scary, but also badass. 

Saiko: I have to agree with you there. He's very different.

Melony was holding her arm as she felt the Fierce Deity magic flowing at the same time as he was fighting Dante. Octavia notices as she speaks to Melony.

Octavia: Are you alright?

Melony: Oh, I'm okay.. I just feel what he's doing right now. It's weird, but it's like I'm fighting in the same symmetry as the Fierce Deity. I guess it's because of the mask that made me who I am.

Octavia: ... I see. 'This is what Vara had when he was born? No wonder Dad knew not to provoke him... It's honestly scary...'

The Fierce Deity and Dante keep on clashing blades as they were still equal to each other's power. But the fight was letting up from Dante as he was being overwhelmed by the Fierce Deity, even if he was in his Devil Trigger. He then side punch his face as he then starts slashing in a triple attack.

The strikes knock back Dante as he skidded across the field. As he pulled out Ebony and Ivory and started shooting, the Fierce Deity started to shoot his magic beams from his sword and slashed each bullet in six waves. All those beams manage to hit Dante and stagger him to the ground, letting him out of Devil Trigger and back to normal. For the Fierce Deity, he leaped in the air and was about to strike. 

Dante clashed with his blade in the nick of time, making the ground ripple and creating a crater. As the smoke cleared, everyone sees the Fierce Deity locking his blade with Dante's as he then stands back, sheathing his blade and takes off his mask, letting Vara take over once again. 

Vara: ... First time for everything, Dante. 

Dante: *gets up* Yep... Guess so.. But you acted very different, like you weren't you anymore. That mask is possessed, is it?

Vara: Something like that.

Dante: Be careful with that mask, alright? 

He then sheathes his blade and walks pass Vara. Vara looks down as he saw his shattered blade on the ground as he picks up the remains. 

Vara: ... *sigh*... Shit. 

Dante: *turns around* Oh.. right. Sorry about your blade. I think I might have one that you can have. I'll send it your way when I get back.

Vara: Thanks... And.. Dante.

Dante: ..

Vara: It's still good to see you again.

Dante: *smirks* Sure... *turns to others and walks away* Thanks for the pizza, everyone. Later. 

He then takes out his Cavaliere and starts to drive away from the castle. As Vara kept on staring at his now broken blade, Octavia walks up to him.

Octavia: ... Wow... Dad is... really gonna be pissed. 

Vara: I'm not afraid of Stolas. I'm more so worried about Stella yelling at my ear. But then again... I'm in deep shit. 

Octavia: Hey... the blade isn't everything. You might get lectured but it won't be that bad. 

Vara: I hope so. 

Octavia: How about we return to Hell and tell them? So that you don't have to regret everything. 

Vara: Good point. 

Right as Octavia kisses Vara's cheek, he opens a portal to the Goetia Mansion as the both walked through it, carrying the broken sword. Everyone was looking at the damages around the field as Mario spoken.

Mario: So... uh... How are we going to explain-a-this to Peach?

Everyone was now freaking out except Mario and Luigi, who were keeping their cool. 

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