The Deadly Teen Cruise [ The...

By MichelleLama5

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Teen cruise, just for teenagers !! This special cruise will not contain an adult or child but only teenagers... More

Teaser : The Boyz FF - Deadly Teen Cruise
Chapter 1 : " Welcome Aboard "
Chapter 2 : First meeting
Chapter 3 : Mistake
Chapter 4 : " That the instructions begin...!!! "
Chapter 5 : The Rules
Chapter 7 : Get Ready
Chapter 8 : The Party
Chapter 9 : The Island
Chapter 10 : Friday Night
Chapter 11 : Hide and Seek [ First Round ]
Chapter 12 : Hide and Seek [ Second Round ]
Chapter 13 : " Real Game "
Chapter 14 : Hide and Seek [ Round Three ]
Chapter 15 : Game over
Chapter 16 : From 5 to 4
Chapter 17 : Revenge/promise
Chapter 18 : Welcome Aboard The Deadly Teen Cruise
Chapter 19 : Meeting
Chapter 20 : " Unjoy "
Chapter 21 : Truth or Dare ?
Chapter 22 : Rose
Chapter 23 : Where is Juyeon ?
Chapter 24 : New ally
Chapter 25 : The plan
Chapter 26 : D-Day...the End...

Chapter 6 : The Swimming pool

114 7 1
By MichelleLama5

Bella : " What is it ? " also panics.

Rose : " I don't know which swimsuit to put on !!!!! " being dramatic.

Ivy : " seriously ? " facepalm herself.

Rose : " Don't you realize it's a matter of life of DEATH !!!! " Shouts.

Ivy : " And, how exactly is it a matter of life and death tell me ? " raise her eyebrow.

Rose : " Ivy my dear, you see, there may be boys at the pool and i must look amazing !!! Do you understand ? "

Ivy : " Yes but-...arg, whatever go on " leaves to get her swimsuit.

Rose : " Very well "

~ Time Skip ~

[Y/N - P.O.V ]

We arrive at the pool which is outside, compared to the other one, which is a inside pool.
When we saw the pool, we lost it.

Bella : "" jaw drop.

Rose : " It's..."

Y/N : " Beautiful..."

Ivy :  " Is it even possible that this day can become even better and it's just the FIRST DAY !!! " exited like crazy.

There were already people  here.
We will settle on deckchairs, we put down our bags and place our towels on the deckchairs.

Ivy : *she undress herself by taking off her shorts and T-shirt  to reveal the swimsuit she had put underneath* " I'm going for a swim who comes with me !!! ?? " she asked.

Bella : *lies on a deckchair* " Not now i'm just gonna chill here under the sun, maybe later "

Y/N : " Same for meeee !!! " lies down.

She looks at Rose with puppy eyes.

Rose : " I'm not in the mood to swim right now, i have to catch guys attent-..." she didn't have time to finish her sentence, Ivy just pushed her in the water, since we were just near it.

We were laughing.

Rose : *swims back to the surface, and gives a death glare to Ivy* " You really want to die on your first day here, do you ? Well, let me tell you girl that i'm not stuck in here with YOU ! You are stuck in here with ME !!!! " Shouts trying to sound intimidating but doesn't seem to have worked.

Ivy : " Whatever " walks away.

Rose : " Wait !! You literally pushed me into the pool to be with you, and now that i'm there you're just going to leave me there !!!!? like SERIOUSLY !!!! "

Ivy : *Turns around*" Yep " and continued to walk away.

While they were arguing i was just enjoying the sun with Bella beside me.

Y/N : " It's so nice here isn't it ? " i ask Bella, with my eyes closed.

Bella : " Sure is " she answer shortly.

~ Time Skip ~
{ 15 minutes later }

I straighten up from the deckchair, i am slightly thirsty so i will look for something to drink at the bar.

Y/N : " I'm going to get something to drink, you want something ? " I asked Bella before i go.

Bella : " Yes please anything will be fine just take whatever " she smiled but keep her eyes closed.

Y/N : " Okeyyyyy "

And with that i leave to the bar who is inside.
I get inside and head to the bar.

A bartender welcomes me.

Bartender : " Hello Miss * smiles kindly * What would you like to drink ? "

Y/N : " Hummm...i would like two ici tea please sir "

Bartender : " Two ice Tea, Right away !!! " and he leaves to prepare them.

I watch him go, he was a young man surely around his twenties  like the rest of the members of the cruise and quite handsome i have to admit, but hey !!
I'm not here for that, i'm here for my ice tea and Bella's !!

While i was waiting, someone arrives at my side, a young man to be precise.

??? : " An Americano please sir !! " He order.

Bartender : " Right away Sir !! " he shouts from afar.

I wasn't looking at the guy but from i could see him with my eyes on my side.
He was quite tall, wearing casual beach clothes and sunglasses.

He saw me and smiled before saying.

??? : " This place seems unreal, it's amazing " he says not looking at me while smiling.

I think he's talking to me since there's no one else around. So i decided to respond since he looks kind and it's a great way to meet new people.

Y/N : " Yes, this place is wonderful !! "

He finally turns to face me, i could see him more clearly now and wOw.....he is handsome- i mean...whatever. He gives me a smile, and that's when i was sure that this meeting between him and me was perhaps the beginning of a new friendship.

He stretches his arm toward me.

??? : " My name is Ju haknyeon " smiles.

Y/N : * i take and shake his hand * And mine is Y/N *smiles back*

To be continued...

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