Love, Life, And Lies- Regulus...

By gryffindor_934

38.8K 1.4K 313

¤It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves. The love, life, and lies of Cassiopeia Vulpec... More

.the finding.
.important for your understanding.
.hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
.the stars.
.the letter.
.constant fear.
.the plot begins.
.death toll rising.
.forgiveness and promises.
.a world crashing down.
.the bitter aftermath.
.pine needles. rainstorms. cedarwood.
.to ruin a party.
.truth is pain.
.mutually beneficial arrangement.
.catastrophic longing.
.a soul torn apart.
.fidelite a la mort.
.to love fiercly.
.revealing truths.
.unwinding memories.
.a sluggish party.
.destructive detention.
.from what i've tasted of desire.
.fleeting happiness.
.the commandeering of the manor.
.in her likeness.
.the ministry ball.
.the ghosts that we knew.
.the discovery of alecto carrow.
.divulging to dubmledore.
.a protector.
.it's all very merry.
.wartime wedding.
.drinks dancing and dogs.
.tea and biscuits.
.blood and mud.
.into the void.
.salt and lemon.
.career day.
.books and buttons.
.finding the light.
.stardust and stories.
.return to innocence.
.to true love.
.blood of my blood.
.pomp and ceremony.
.weightless in water.
.an army whom all fear.
.a merciful lord.
.bombarda maxima.
.st. mungo's.
.the offering.
.the house elf's highest law.
.blood and salt.
.darkness claims all.
.there is only power.
.only what is right.
.until you see the light.
.a wounded animal.
.mudblood scum.
.torturous, agonizing, grief.
.white roses.
.the hog's head.
.we all bleed red.
.children of the prophecy.
.ignorance is bliss.
.the things that matter more.
.the fate of us all.
.gray as a stormy sea.

.tumult of words and opinions.

264 17 2
By gryffindor_934

.i met evil when i was only a child.

The air in the chamber was thick and dense. Almost as if there was no oxygen left in the room. These meetings, which had started as small councils with elite families, had turned into war councils with too many people to count.

I took my seat next to my father. Everyone was once again shrouded from head to toe in black. The only color in the room was the glint of silver masks reflecting in the occasional lightning strike that would light the chamber.

I always could identify my family. Masks of silver roses. It didn't take much to put two and two together. I sat quietly, refusing to talk to anyone.

Every meeting started the same way. There had to be a show of power. Today, six people lost their lives. One, Robert McGonagall's face was all too familiar to me. It was the same face I saw in my Transfiguration class every day for six years. A face I would never be able to look at again without feeling intense shame, and guilt.

He didn't even plead for his life. And that I was grateful for. Grateful that they just let him die without playing with their prey.

The remainder of the lives taken were from a muggle family. A man, completely terrified for the lives of his three beautiful girls.

He never pleaded for his own life. Just for theirs. His pleas fell on deaf ears, and they were swiftly executed. They made him watch as each of his daughters lives were ended, and he could do nothing but sob and plead.

Then loud, garish laughter echoed through the chamber as his body hit the ground, his life having been robbed from him.

My breakfast threatened to come back up at the callousness of everyone in the room. There was clapping, and even laughter as an innocent family was slaughtered. They were so beyond feeling, and it was terrifying.

"Muggles." The clear tenor voice of Voldemort rang out across the room. "They're weak, all of them. They have no place, nor any right to exist in this world we will create. In my world."

The applause was as instantaneous as it was deafening. I squeezed my eyes shut, desperate to get the image of the crumpled bodies out of my mind. Desperate to hear anything but the sadistic cheers that resonated through the chamber.

"My friends, our work has progressed. There isn't a man, woman, or child in our world who does not know the name of Lord Voldemort, or quake in fear at the mere mention of his loyal Death Eaters." The Dark Lord bellowed, causing the cheers and clapping to die out.

I wondered how many of them had even seen his face. He wore a dark heavy cloak in every interaction he had with the large group of Death Eaters. I wondered how many would tremble in fear if they saw the face beneath the hood.

"We are not alone in this noble fight. We have friends in high places. And soon we will be joined by the strength of the giant, and werewolf community." His voice crooned, the smooth tenor sound reverberating around the spacious chamber.

"No more my friends, will you be looked down upon by the scum of the wizarding world. Today begins a new era. A new alliance, where the creatures of this world have a place among us. Come forward, Greyback." he gestured to a figure that lurked in the back corner of the chamber.

When the figure stepped into the light, the room broke out into a buzz of whispers. No one was quite sure what to make of a werewolf standing in the honored walls of Rosier Manor.

Greyback growled as he neared the front of the chamber. It was as usual. A massive table extended the length of the room. Only the closest and most valued Death Eaters were given the honor of a seat at the table. The closer to the head of the table- where Voldemort stood- the higher the honor.

Others of lower class and rank were given seats in the benches that lined up like rows surrounding the table. My family, as always was seated right near the head of the table.

"A new day is about to dawn, Greyback. Will you be part of the rebuilding of this world?" The Dark Lord questioned, circling around Greyback in a graceful glide.

"You will have our support, my Lord." Greyback hissed, an ugly grin spreading across his horrid face.

"Yes, I presume we will. But do forgive me for wanting to be certain." The Dark Lord crooned, halting just behind Greyback. "Cassiopeia, do come forward."

I almost froze in fear at the mention of my name. Fear that every person in the meeting could identify me. Fear that I would have to use my power for evil. I flicked my hand, performing a wandless spell to lift my mask. The Dark Lord would ask me to do it anyway. My hair fell behind me in an inky curtain, making me feel more secure.

As I stood before Greyback, I could feel his eyes roaming over my body, taking in every inch of me in a way that made me want to squirm. His eyes were filled with a lust, and a hunger that froze my blood.

"A prize, my Lord?" He growled, baring his teeth at me, as if trying to intimidate me into submission.

I pulled out all the confidence I had left inside me and forced out a laugh at his words.

"Hardly," I chortled.

Greyback hissed, and narrowed his eyes, crouching down in a position that seemed like he was ready to pounce.

"Play nice, Greyback" The Dark Lord warned.

"If this is a test, I can slaughter her in the blink of an eye." He barked out, teeth coming out to back up his claim.

He was terrifying. Terrifying and horrible all at the same time. I easily understood why he was one of the great fears of the wizarding world.

"There are worse things in life, than death." I responded, forcing the fear out of my voice as I stared him down. I made a point of tucking my wand into my robes. I could see the confusion settle in on his face.

Greyback howled in what I could only assume was his form of laughter. "This one is a beauty." He said, looking back at the Dark Lord. "And she is spirited. There is nothing I enjoy more than breaking spirited women."

"Now, now Greyback," the Dark Lord chided. "Ms. Rosier is too valuable to be an offering for the likes of you. Show him why, my dear one."

Something changed inside me, and for once, I wanted to use my power. I wanted Greyback to feel what it was like to be hurt, to feel broken and helpless. Unleashing that rage, I launched myself with full force into his mind.

What I saw in the depths of his mind were the most vile, despicable things that I had ever seen. Not only was Greyback the very definition of a monster, but he gloried in it. He reveled in the fear that he struck into the hearts of others.

I violated his mind as much as I could, ripping at memories, pulling them from deep recesses of his mind.

I could hear him screaming with agony in the background.

But then a memory flashed through that made me freeze completely. It was someone I recognized, someone that I loved.

Remus was only a child when Greyback had hunted him in the forest by his home. It was Greyback who  had attacked Remus, and taken almost everything from him. I saw the aftermath of the attack, the broken child he left in his wake.

A new fire surged within me, and I felt it consume me with a rage that I had never felt before. I wanted to hurt him. To make him pay for what he has done to my friend. I wanted to break his soul, and crush his mind until there was nothing left.

The angrier I got, the louder Greyback's screams became. I could hear them clearly now. I could hear him beg for death as I began to unravel memories, unravel the entire framework of his mind. He would regret ever becoming the monster he was.

Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder, pulling me from the rage I had been in. The Dark Lord. He was telling me that it was enough, Greyback needed to remain alive.

I reluctantly pulled myself from his mind. He had dropped to his knees during the torture. And as I finished, he fell to the ground in an undignified heap.

"Just being thorough, My Lord." I muttered, unable to see his face in the dark shadows of his hood.

"My friends. This is the fate that awaits you if any of you should ever betray my trust, and betray our cause. You have now witnessed on several occasions that the consequence for disloyalty is far worse than death."
The Dark Lord declared, looking out over the stunned audience.

A scraping noise was heard as Greyback attempted to stand. It was a slow pitiful process, and sensing that my work had been finished I started to return to my seat at the table.

"You little bitch. I'll break you!" I heard Greyback scream behind me. I turned back to face him, staring into his vile, hate filled eyes.

Without any warning, he lunged for me. His teeth were bared, and he was ready to kill. My eyes flicked to the Dark Lord, who hadn't moved a muscle. He had no intention of preventing me from getting my throat ripped out.

Knowing I had to protect myself, I shoved my way back into his mind, tearing at his consciousness. He was instantly dropped to his knees, and began clawing at his head as his mind was being unraveled.

The Dark Lord put his hand up, beckoning me to stop. Reluctantly, I released Greyback from my hold. He slumped forward, both hands on the ground, panting frantically.

He looked up at me with fire in his eyes before spitting, "You better sleep with your eyes open." Then it was too much for him, and he passed out, collapsing to the ground.

The Dark Lord kicked his body out of the way. I hadn't killed him, but he would be unconscious for quite a while to heal back his mind. All eyes were turned towards me as I took my seat, following my every move. Some eyes were wide with fear, others in complete awe of what they had just witnessed.

But there was a set of eyes that helped more than all the rest. A set that could sense the hurt and sorrow in my own. I stared into his eyes as I took my seat. His strength flowing into me.

"My loyal ones, we have another matter yet to discuss. Before our time is through." The Dark Lord declared, calling all attention back to him. "As strong as we have become, there is a thorn in our sides that needs to be destroyed. I am sure that many of your are aware of an organization that calls themselves 'The Order of the Phoenix'. It is a silly little group that has unified themselves with the intent of stopping us." He continued, pacing before the head of the table. Nagini, his snake slithered from the depths of the chamber beyond, and curled herself around the legs of the table.

Chatter erupted again, everyone desperate to share what they knew about the Order. I prayed with my whole soul that no order members were double agents for the Dark Lord.

"Friends," he uttered, silencing the room with a single word. "They are nothing more than a band of zealots. We will destroy them, but we need to understand who is in their ranks. From here on out, our priority is to eradicate these members. We will destroy them, and any sense of hope they bring to those who oppose us. Does anyone have any useful information they would like to share?" He extended his arms, opening the floor to anyone with information about the Order.

Like rapid fire, people started shouting out the names of known Order members.

"ALASTOR MOODY." Someone in the back yelled.

"The Fortesque Family."

"The Weasley's."

"The Prewett's too."

"Euphemia Potter, and her deadbeat son." Someone closer to me spouted.

I clenched my hand so tightly I could feel my fingernails cut through the skin of my palm.

"Potter's whole gang have joined the Order." Said a voice that I recognized. A voice that made my skin crawl. But Mulciber wasn't done there. "Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Lily Evans."

I snuck a glance at where I knew Snape was seated. His knuckles were so white from the tight grip he had on his wand, I was sure he would split one of his knuckles open. A target would be on her back now. Could he live with that?

"Sirius Back has no claim to the Black family name. He is a degenerate, and should be treated like the traitor he is." Regulus hissed. I could feel the pain in his voice as he denounced his brother. The one who had loved him, stood up for him, and protected him from a young age.

The Dark Lord nodded his head, calculating and assessing the new information.

"These are grand and all. But let's not forget who leads them. Albus Dumbledore." I spoke up, naming the most obvious one of them all. "If Dumbledore is taken out, they will have no leader. And they will have no hope."

"Eliminating these foes is the top priority." The Dark Lord assessed, and for the first time there was a hint of sharpness behind his words. "They represent hope to those who oppose us. Once hope becomes a symbol, you cannot kill it. It will never die. You have to dismantle it and let the world watch on as it crumbles in on itself.

We will dismantle the order, and let the world watch on as it burns." His voice rang out, loud and clear like a rallying call.

The roar of applause that rings out, was once again deafening. People couldn't get to their feet fast enough to salute him. They were tripping over each other to rise to his army. But I couldn't. I remained glued to my seat. Even as everyone started to disapparate. I remained behind. Stuck. Sick with everything in my life. Sick about the complete lack of control.

From that point, everything was a blur. I lost the ability to focus on anything but the ringing thoughts in my mind. Eventually, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room, I tore my gaze away from the table in front of me, and looked up into the stern face of my mother. She led me to my room and left me.

Being alone with my thoughts was the worst part. I laid on my bed, and stared at the wall for hours. Eventually the angry gray of the sky was replaced by an inky dark night. But that night there were no stars. The rain continued to fall, and the wind continued to howl, like the storm inside of me.

Sleep had almost found me, when a scuffling sound outside my door startled me awake.

I immediately reached for my wand, gripping it tightly as I approached the door. My white nightgown flowed around me, the whole room eerily lit up by the occasional crackle of lightning.

My mind had jumped to Greyback's threats. Nothing was stopping him from following through with his promises. He couldn't lay a finger on me. I was too powerful for him. But he still scared me. Everything I had seen in his mind came flowing back to me as I reached out to open the door.

I pulled it open quickly, holding my wand in a position to strike. But instantly my form softened, and I dropped my arm.

I gave Regulus a weary, but knowing look. He was sitting on the floor outside my room, his wand held out before him. Shadows under his eyes told me that sleep hadn't been kind to him.

"I couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting you." He muttered, a light blush creeping its way up his cheeks.

Neither of us needed to say anything more. He was there, and I finally had a protector. No more words were exchanged. I opened the door wider for him to slip through. He followed me to my bed, where I slipped into his strong, warm embrace, and fell into the first peaceful sleep I'd had all summer.

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