Time Is Life

By Ivyfrost-the-warrior

164K 6.6K 1.2K

It's been about four years since the war against Voldemort ended during Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts. Now... More

coming home
the Burrow
Quidditch final
Hogwarts Express
time flies
the astronomy tower
first task
Room of Requirement
Fairy lights
the chamber of secrets
Skeeter's lesson
second task
familia hereditatem
Dreamers have visions too
June 24
third task
I'm alive!
final goodbye
the end of the beginning
Harry Severus Lupin


7.1K 270 84
By Ivyfrost-the-warrior

It's been a few hours since the Weasleys and Harry arrived at the campsite. It took Harry a while to get rid of Ron and Hermione in the crowd of wizards and witches. He honestly can't go through with the entire ordeal from last time.

He has to resist the urge to sneer at both of them and now he just wants some peace and quiet until later when the final would begin. And he certainly won't be buying Ron those Omnioculars. The redhead had been too obnoxious and loud with them the first time and if he gradually starts distancing himself from his ex-friends they won't ask that many questions, which will be for the better in the long run of events. He smiles softly as he walks closer to the woods around the camping site.

In his reverie, he doesn't realize the other person running his way, at least not until they knock into each other harshly. Harry falls hard on the ground and rubs his aching head. A snappy reply ready on his tongue. But it quickly dies out at the sight in front of him, Cedric Diggory. The older Hufflepuff frowns as he rubs his chest, then he looks down at Harry with that warm smile, causing Harry's heart to do summersaults and flips. He wills the rushing heat to his face away.

"Sorry about that but I was trying to get away from some inconveniences if you know what I mean." He sheepishly rubs the back of his hair. He offers his hand to Harry, who accepts it gratefully. "Don't worry about it it's fine. Where are you headed now, Diggory?"

There is a short pause before Cedric shrugs not knowing how to answer the younger teen. Harry chuckles softly.

He missed this. This lightness, this simplicity. Everything changed after Cedric's death, it felt as though Harry had been ripped apart. Nothing made sense to him afterwards, he increasingly became more reserved and an increasing, agonising numbness overcame him. At the time Harry didn't know that he felt that way because his true mate died. He knows differently now and he will hold onto it this time around.

Harry shakes his head and attempts to smile, but fails. Cedric picks up on it and his look of amusement morphs into something more concerned. "Did I say something wrong? Is this still about the Quidditch match last year?"

Harry quickly shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry, I was just thinking and remembered something I'd rather forget. Anyhow, if you've got nothing else to do, how about you join me for a stroll through the forest?"

"Sure why not, where are Granger and Weasley? I never see you without them."

Harry sighs softly and shakes his head motioning them to move further away. "I've been thinking a lot over the summer and I have come to question my friendship with them."

"How so? They don't seem so bad."

Harry hides the urge to laugh hysterically behind his mask. No need to show just how deranged he is this early on. "You don't know them the way I do. I may not have realized in time but Gr- err... Hermione doesn't like if I or anybody for that matter scores higher on an assignment than her. As an example, last year my potions essay- which was perfect might I add- mysteriously went missing. I found the remains of my parchment in tatters on the common room floor. I had to redo it in less than an hour, I got lucky I still scrabbed by with an acceptable. Another thing about Ron. He's too loud and too much of a temper throwing child, the same goes for Sirius." Harry rolls his eyes as he leads a shocked Cedric deeper into the woods, towards the magic of his brother calling out to him.

"I never would have thought, are you sure it was Granger? It might've been someone else, I'm not trying to say that I don't believe you because I do. I mean you are the-boy-who-lived and all, you probably know more about this situation than I do. But maybe it was someone who holds a grudge against you, which I couldn't possibly understand, you are just you. You are humble, kind, brave and so much more that I could never hope to be... I'm rambling, aren't I? I'm so sorry!"

Harry laughs and beams up at Cedric."I don't mind, I rather enjoy listening to you. Kinda a pity that we haven't spoken so often to one another, we might oughta change that." Harry stretches his arm out and smiles at Cedric. "I'm Harry Potter but Harry is perfectly fine with me."

"You mean to say you don't mind my ramblings? Wow, that's a first, dad always tells me to stop as it's unbecoming of an heir to a pureblood family. Also, I'm Cedric Diggory but Cedric is fine with me."

They wind up shaking hands, they turn a corner and end up at a vast clearing. A tall lanky boy is sitting on a fallen tree trunk reading a book. Harry rolls his eyes, of course, Theo would be reading.

Cedric looks closer at the lanky teenager, trying to place a name to the face, it takes him a few seconds to realize that this boy is in fact the heir to the Nott family

"Now tell me, why am I not surprised that Theo is reading while waiting?"

The brunette looks up from his book with a lopsided smirk, he stands up and slanders over to them. Cedric is slightly taken aback at the familiarity between these two, for one he might not have expected Harry to associate with Slytherins, given the bad blood from the previous years.

Theo envelopes Harry in a tight hug while indiscreetly smirking at Cedric with a look that clearly says as much as: "I know how much you wish to be me right now." And Cedric doesn't know why it's affecting him so. There is this unexplainable urge to take Harry away from Nott and into his arms instead. The urge to keep Harry just to himself, but he doesn't like this possessive side of himself. In fact, he hates it, Harry isn't his and never will be. Cedric knows that he will never be good enough for the-boy-who-lived. And that is fine too, if they only share a friendship, then Cedric will just have to accept that.

The Hufflepuff shifts uncomfortably on his feet, looking anywhere but Nott.

"The same way that I'm not surprised you've brought Diggory with you."

Harry laughs softly, looking at Cedric then back at Nott."Touché, Theo. Touché. What do you reckon we do before the finals later?"

Cedric warily eyes heir Nott, still not used to the familiarity between the two younger wizards or about those nasty, smug smirks the Slytherin keeps sending him. There is just something inside of him jumping with intense fury, an inexplicable feeling of bile rising up his throat and burning everything in its way. Cold burning rage.

He shakes his head slightly willing those emotions away.

"Hey Cedric, come over and let me introduce you to Theo." Harry smiles at him and waves him over.

Cedric calms himself and inhales deeply, quickly walking over to the younger teenagers. Nott smirks up at him before his face goes unnervingly blank and expressionless. This is the thing he admires about Slytherins and purebloods. All he ever is to his father is a major disappointment and no matter what he does nothing ever changes that. Not the fact he is top of the year, not the fact that he is a prefect, not the fact that he is the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, all because he is a bloody Hufflepuff.

His father, a proud Gryffindor, expected his son to be a Gryffindor as well if not a Ravenclaw. According to Amos, there is absolutely nothing remarkable about Hufflepuff, the house with all the misfits.

"Theodore Nott. A pleasure to meet you, Diggory."

Cedric curtly nods suppressing a wince at the strength of Nott's grip. "Cedric Diggory, likewise." There is an awkward tension between them and Cedric shuffles closer to Harry.

He eyes Nott through calculating eyes taking note of his every move.

"Will you tell him? Or are you going to be a stubborn idiot, to ruin everything later on?"

Harry stiffens at the clear accusation against his judgment. Cedric feels his temper rising once more, more controlled this time but also more pronounced. A slight glare settles in his eyes. Nott impassively stares at him an eyebrow raised.

"Harry, we need to talk and if you don't want Diggory to know then we'll have to find a later date to discuss things over. It's up to you."

A tense silence descends over them Harry looks at Cedric, an unidentifiable emotion dancing in those beautiful emerald eyes. Cedric has no idea what is going on but he feels like he is intruding into something. Something very private.

After long, tense and awkward minutes Harry finally sighs.

"Cedric, you will probably not believe Theo or myself about the things we are to tell you... But I hope you can at least try and comprehend how serious this situation really is."

Cedric slowly nods. What could possibly need so much secrecy and intensity?

He does not understand, clearly he doesn't but he might. If he really focuses he might get the gist.

"What this bloke's trying to say is that we are from the future and are trying to change everything from the very point it started to turn. And that very turning point was the end of our fourth year."

"Theo! You can't always be so blunt! Think of Cedric. He may be off age right now but he's still so very sheltered. He knows not about the sacrifices of war and the face of death every day!"

Nott glowers at Harry and sneers. "And you can't always beat around the bush. Look where that got us last time."

Cedric's head spins. This is absolute madness and it makes zero sense. Harry was right, how can he believe them like this! From the future?! Time travel? He is very much sure that the time turners can only bring you back in time for so long.

Cedric looks between the two younger wizards, how could they be talking of war as though they know? Future or not it could not be that bad... Right? Whether he is trying to assure himself or not he doesn't know. Just how terrible could the future be if these two are telling the truth?

Harry takes a sharp breath in. "Are you accusing me of being responsible for Draco's death? We talked about this... Wait you are referring to yourself, aren't you, Theo! I know I have not had time to properly apologize, but you must know that I never meant for you to die!"

"Even so, you could not have died! Without you, there would not be a chance to have changed the events. I had to protect you!"

Harry looks at Cedric. Another sigh escapes his lips and suddenly Cedric feels so much younger than both Nott and Harry. He gulps slightly.

"Just from what year are you? If I say I would believe you?"

He can't leave the suspicion out of his voice. This is too much to process at once. He didn't expect to be thrown into the middle of something he has no idea, or for that matter isn't sure if it includes him.

"2002. We are from 2002. A lot of things have happened since now. Too many things that need to be changed. I'm responsible for most of the mishaps in the future."

"Now that's an understatement, you are a fucking walking danger magnet!"

Harry glares at Nott and hits the back of his neck.

Their interactions are entirely unintelligible to Cedric, from the rumours he has heard about Harry Potter it's his genuine dislike of Slytherins. And yet he was talking about Malfoy on a first name basis. How that makes sense... But then again if given the fact that they are from the future as they claim to be it would make a lot more sense.

"How can I know you are telling me the truth?" He eyes them carefully, calculated. He does not show what he thinks.

"He's cautious, that's a great quality to have in these times." Nott sounds amused. Harry rolls his eyes.

"Don't even start there Nott!"

"Of course not Potter." Nott turns to Cedric with a blank expression and continues, "Your suspicions are justified and there is no way we could prove to you that we are telling naught but the truth. You will have to be the judge of that."

He slowly nods. That is naturally a given. He thinks of Harry, of fifth year and the Quidditch match. He wants to trust and believe Potter and so he will take the risk.

"Very well I'll believe you, for now. I don't know the truth but I'm willing to trust you both." But mainly Harry. He adds in his mind.

Both boys in front of him visibly relax.

"It's best if you sit down for this. We can't discuss the specifics with you, but we are willing to include you in our plans. Only if you wish to be part of the entire ordeal."

Cedric looks deeply into those sincere green eyes, he can't help but agree, unexplainably, yes, but it's just the way it is. Feelings and emotions are a thing of mystery, so very hard to explain and understand.

It takes the brunette a while before he finally gives a verbal response. "I would like to help you the best way I can, but I can't promise anything."

Nott inclines his head. "Indeed. For the time being just listen and if you have any questions then feel free to ask. This does not mean that Harry or I will answer them."

"Yes I understand that."

Harry then turns to Nott and takes out a quill. "Alright, I'm ready for this year from my side. The twins are trusting me mostly and I've kept my promise to Percy, he will be of great help for us inside the ministry. So that would cover up fifth year with Umbridge and I highly doubt I'll make the DA. Probably something else. I'll have to see. What else?"

"The connection, what will you do to get rid of it when the time is ready?"

Harry moves a hand towards his chin in thought. Cedric just stares at them. He knows who Umbridge is and he can freely say that he doesn't like her. But what does that woman have to do with his seventh year?

Could it really be that Nott and Harry travelled back in time? But why? Just how terrible could the future be?

Harry shoots Cedric a conflicted look. He bites his lip then looks at Nott and shakes his head. "Not here, not yet."

"Very well, just don't wait too long. You know I'm just worried that you will ruin yourself again. I don't want to see you like that ever again."

Cedric feels again like he is intruding an intimate moment. Nott gently caresses Harry's face with his hands. The green eyed teen leans into the touch with closed eyes.

"And I understand that, Theo. I really do, but I am not ready yet. One day, one day for sure."

The brunette bites his lips and looks away uncomfortably, this just further proves that he stands no chance with Potter, none whatsoever. Nott is so much more fitting for Harry and they clearly share a lot of memories. Cedric can't just expect to barge in and take that away. No, that would be too selfish.

"We have to find a way to get Tonks and Charlie together, so that Remus can reclaim his memories without many issues."

"And we have to play matchmaker? Really Harry?! Get your priorities straight. There is already a lot we have to do as is."

Harry glares at Nott and slaps his head. "I do have my priorities straight. Perhaps you don't. Brother, you know how I feel about this. This isn't as easy for me as I make it out to be. I hated fourth year for all the misconceptions people made of me. To know how shallow most are, the only thing that was worth remembering was.... You know."

Nott rolls his eyes and eyes Cedric from the corner of his peripheral. Then snorts. "Oh brother, you are so deep in, its frankly quite amusing."

Harry blushes deeply and glares at Nott.

Cedric on the other hand has no idea of the innuendo given by Harry. Oblivious of Harry's flighty looks in his direction.

"So matchmaker it is, anything else?"

Harry quickly nods. "You-know-who has a son, apparently. Have you heard anything about such a thing?"

Nott gapes and Cedric splutters. The younger boys look at him then Nott stares at Harry.

"Blimey, I don't know how you still manage to surprise me even after all these years. First your knowledge of the brother bond we made then the fact that you are the master of death. What else is there?"

Harry rolls his eyes then looks over at Cedric with slight concern. "I'm the-sodding-boy-who-won't-die. What did you expect. And as you put it I'm a walking chaos disaster. I attract the weirdest types of magic and creatures and not to forget danger."

"Fair enough." Nott turns to Cedric with a small frown. "Just to get one thing straight, Harry and I share a platonic relationship of brotherhood. Harry is like a little brother to me and as such I advise you against hurting him in any form or way."

"I wouldn't dream of hurting him in any way. But are you certain you don't like each other?"

With that Harry looks away with a blush. "I mean...we were in a non platonic relationship before. But it was more lust rather than genuine love."

"We rather not talk about that time. I was grieving and so was Harry. We were trying to console eachother. Let's leave it at that."

"Of course." Cedric dryly says. Relieved to some extend but also disappointed. He knows that he would do anything just to keep the raven head happy. But he is also calmed by the fact that these two are sharing so much with him. So many secrets that not everyone will get to hear.

Cedric won't pry as much as he wants to and as much as he is curious about the future, he will refrain himself.

Harry looks up at the darkening skies. "We should get going back, the finals should be starting soon. I'll see you around, Theo?"

Nott nods. "Of course, always. Now don't cause too much trouble!"

Nott stands up and kisses Harry on the cheek, then inconspicuously shoots Cedric a sly grin.

Cedric glares right back and looks away into the distance of the forest. That Nott is such a brat. And so cheeky too and handsome. Yes, Cedric does admit that as much as he doesn't want to. Yet Nott does not come close to the beauty that is Harry Potter.

Speaking of, the boy looks expectantly at Cedric. "I hope I will see you later at the Quidditch final? And err...maybe even after that?"

Cedric blushes a little but nods. "Sure I have nothing to do. So I'll see you around."

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