The Child of the Moon: The Fi...

By MightyChance

8.7K 226 96

In time and millennia across the multiverse, The Fierce Deity and Majora has been at war for what it seems li... More

The Child of the Moon
The Blood of the Wrathful God
The Secrets of the Fierce Deity | Wrathful God Vs. One Winged Angel
The Renegade Team 6
A Keyblade Heart & The Phantom Thieves
Down Under to a Cursed Park
Dancing with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
City Raid
A Wrathful God and Demon Hunter Walk Into a Bar
Sinister News at a Pop Star's Concert
The Seven Heavenly Virtues | Fall of the Warmonger
Pain of the Past
The Ruler of Hell comes to Earth
Peace Meeting | Heartless, Demon, and Exterminator Attack
Witch's Wrath | Rival's Team Up | Wrathful God Vs. White Dragon Emperor
Moonchild meets Outlaw | Beasts from the Ground
A Mother's Inner Darkness
The Trip to the Underworld
White Sound | A Phenex's Rehab
Owl's Dragon | Sister's Facing the Darkness | The God of Thunder and War
Battle of the Gods | China's Heroine Spirit | An Unbreakable Bond
Wisdom of the World Serpent | Maleficent's Counter and New Plans
Seviathan | The Arachnid's Ballad
The Obsessive Doll Demon | Double Date
The Crystal of Kthanid | The Infinite Dragon God | Setting Sail
The Captain of the Black Pearl | Infant Island & the King of the Jungle
The Titanic Battle of the Bermuda Triangle
The Black Pearl Vs. Bowser's Armada
The Castle of Darkness | Downfall of the Villains | Farewell, Phantom Thieves
The Battle for Balance | Light Vs. Darkness
The Light of Notre Dame
The Final Battle | Fierce Deity's Freedom {MAIN STORY FINALE}

The Staff from Below

362 8 2
By MightyChance

With a few months of recovering from the battle against Sephiroth, possessed Bowser, and Odolwa, everyone was at rest. Vara was in the basement, working his sword techniques and the others were doing their everyday moments. Cloud was even given a room in the middle floor thanks to Peach. While training, Vara was using the stance that the Fierce Deity told him to be in. 

Fierce Deity: Good, keep at it. 

Vara: *nods*

As he keeps on swinging, he then almost hits Melony, but ending up clashing with her blade out of defense. 

Melony: *shaking*

Vara: Oh, Mel.. I- I- I'm so sorry, I didn't hear your footsteps.

Melony: It's alright. I was actually going to see you.

Vara: Me? .. Why?

Melony: Well.. It's a bit hard to explain. But.. can you show me where you used to live? 

Vara: Hell? .. I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, it's really not human infested. It's literally full of demons and all that satanic stuff. 

Melony: Okay.. Sorry I asked.

Vara: It's okay. I mean, I was going to crash here for a few days, but... I guess I found my calling. *blushing* Uh, not like- Well uh- You- and I- Ugh, I'm such a pain. 

Fierce Deity: Smooth. 

Melony: .. *shaking* 

Vara: What?

Melony: Behind you.

Vara: Hm.. Oh, the Fierce Deity? You can see him?

Melony: You know he's there?

Vara: Yeah, he's been around ever since I first wore the mask. 

Melony: But... how can I see him?

Vara: .. Good question. Do you know, spirit?

Fierce Deity: If I had to guess it would probably be that her mask comes from a parallel world. 

Vara: Termina?

Fierce Deity: So to speak. And given that you have me in this world, it wouldn't be a shock for her to see me. 

Melony: ... 

Vara: Hm... Now that I think about it, I can possibly call forth some people from Hell that I know, thanks to being in the Goetia Family. I actually heard that there was a hotel that redeems sinners and get them up to heaven to avoid another extermination day. 

Melony: .. What?

Vara: It's a mouthful. Let's go grab everyone who is willing to go. 

The two then went over and gathered everyone that was in the room.

Vara: Okay, so if I remember how to do this correctly, all I have to do is open the portal and hope they'll go through it. 

SMG4: And it's possible to the magic book thingamajig? Are we going or are we bringing?

Vara: Uh...

SMG4: Oh, let me do it.

Vara: Hey! Get off me!

Meggy: Hey, come on, guys! Quit it!

Mario: Yeah, you're causing a ruckus!

Tari: Uh... guys?

Luigi: .. Mama mia...

Melony: Uh... 

Vara: Stop!

SMG4: Let me do it!

They both then toss the Grimoire in the air as it then shot a magic light in the middle of the room. Vara then catches the book and looks through the pages. 

Vara: Phew... not damaged. Next time, let me do it!

SMG4: I'll have you know, that I too know how to use magic. 

Mario: Hm.. WHOA!

Cloud: Guys? Company.

SMG4: What? .. Oh shit!

Vara: Oh... my God. 

All looked at each other as it was an awkward silence.

Vara: ... *slowly raises hand and waves* Hi Charlie.

Charlie then looks at Vara for a moment, then becomes giddy and starts squealing in excitement, rushing over to him and hugging him. 

Charlie: Vara! It's so good to see you again! You're all grown up! Hahahahahaaa!

Vara: *squeezed* Okay.. Okay... Good to see you too.... let me go, I can't breathe... 

Charlie: Oh.. sorry.

She then lets go as Vara got on the ground, gasping for air. He then gets back up as he was suddenly up close to a spear, but was pushed away lightly. 


Vara: Well, uh... you see, Vaggie.. it's actually.. well.. how do I say it? *points at SMG4* He almost tore my book to get you here or the other.

Mario: Mhm.

Luigi: Yep.

Meggy: Definitely him.

Melony: Him.

Tari: It was him.

Cloud: ...

SMG4: *inhales and spazes* WHAT?????!!!!!!

Vaggie then threw her spear at SMG4 as he was running away as he was then flying over everyone, while being poked by the spear.

Angel: He got alot of air. 

Alastor: I suppose this was somewhat accidental. Let's approached this like passive demons.

Angel: Says smiles. 

Charlie: Right, well, let's introduce ourselves.

The entire room then introduces themselves to the Hazbin Hotel Staff as they did as well. The Princess of Hell and daughter of Lucifer, Charlie Magne. Vaggie, the princess's overprotective girlfriend. Angel Dust, the turf war spider demon and pornstar. Alastor, the Radio Demon. And Cherri Bomb, Anarchist Cyclops in turf wars and bestie to Angel. Right as they were about to explain how the staff got here, they heard rumbling from outside. 

Cherri: What's that rumbling?

Everyone then goes outside as they saw blimp in the sky. 

Meggy: A blimp? I've never seen that before.

Angel: I know that blimp, thats-


Cherri: Edgelord?!

SMG4: ... wut?

Sir Pentious: I don't even know how I got here, but it took my blimp so I'll take whatever I can get for my revenge!

Vara: *raises hand* Exactly what revenge, might I ask? 

Sir Pentious: The Revenge I'm about to induce on the Radio Demon behind you, as well as those two whored freaks!

Vara: ... Eh?

Cherri: He's talking about me and Angie. 

Angel: We deal with this guy every time we go on turf wars.. Welp *pulls out Tommy Gun* Here we go again. 

Vaggie: No! NO! NO! No guns! You are not fighting, Angel!

Angel: Oh come on, we're not in Hell at the moment!

Alastor: May I propose to step in?

Vara: No, I think we got it. 

SMG4: Right, now then. Mario, Luigi! Super Fire 1000!

Mario & Luigi: Let's-a-go!

Both Mario Bros then run over to the blimp as the held up their hands, revealing a fire flower. Both outfits begin to change as their were now in their fire forms. 

They both then high jumped from the ground and to the top of the blimp. 

Sir Pentious: HEY! Get off my blimp!

Upon landing on the blimp, both Mario and Luigi then start to use their fireballs on the rutters of the blimp, while rushing towards them and hitting them with their hammers. The blimp then starts to crash on the fields far away from the castle. Everyone then rushes towards the field as both Mario and Luigi stood their ground and waited as the egg bois started to come out into a horde, along with Sir Pentious getting out of the blimp up top. 

Sir Pentious: My blimp! Again?! *growls* YOU LITTLE- GET THEM!

As the egg horde was charging, Mario and Luigi resorted to their usual combat styles, hammers, and stomps. Both Mario and Luigi stylishly jumped on each egg and smashing them with hammers. They both then started to spin around together, hitting every egg onto a pile, until stopping in front of the pile.

Mario: Fire! *fireball*

Luigi: Thunder! *snaps fingers* 

Fire then started to burn the eggs as lightning strikes the eggs, turning them into omelets. 


Tari: Way to go, you two!

Meggy: Nice one, red!

Mario & Luigi: *thumbs up*

Alastor: Hahaha! How very entertaining! Wonderful performance!

Charlie: That was actually cool. 

Angel: Yeah, props to them! They cleaned house!

Cherri: I mean.. we could've just done what we usually do. Blow shit up. 

Vaggie: No!

Cherri: .. Hmph. 

Sir Pentious: This isn't over, you hear me! It's not over! 

SMG4: You and what army?! Clearly.. you never made an omelet. 

Vara: *snickers* He beat me by one second. 

Melony: *giggles* 

Vara: May I cut in? .. How long were you trying to get back at these three?

Sir Pentious: Every since I died!

The entire field went quiet as SMG4 went into an uncontrollable laughter and starts spazing out. 

Sir Pentious: *growls* 

Vara: Oh, he's mad. 

Just now, he was then knocked out by a shadow, as it was Alastor who finished the job. 

Alastor: Normally I would kill him, but he was not our time. Hahaha.

Vara & Charlie: Right.... 

As everyone was back at the castle, they had Pentious tied up to the celling by rope. 


Angel: Ah, shut up!

Vara: ... Well, the book is still not charged. I'd say that it might take a day. *closes book* So, as long as you all don't leave the castle and let no one see you, then we can get you all back to the hotel down below. 

Charlie: Well, I think it won't be bad, right?

Vaggie: What?! You serious, Charlie?! What about our other staff members?

Alastor: I'm sure Husker and Niffty will be fine. If anything, they won't even know where we're at for the day. 

Vara: Then again, you're all here thanks to SMG4.

SMG4: Are we still back to that?!

Vara: OKAY, look, just don't let anyone outside see you, alright? 

They all nod as Vara falls back on the ground, sighing out of relief. 

Vara: I really need a break... Better yet, I'll just head back down to train.

Vara then gets back up and heads back down to the basement, working on his sword fighting skills and with the Fierce Deity leaning on the wall, watching him forming his strikes and attacks. While training, he didn't notice that Melony was watching him, very shocked and surprised as to how much Vara has in him to keep going. 

Melony: Whoa...

Vara: Hm? .. Melony.. Watching me again?

Melony: What? I-

Vara: It's fine. I get it... In assumption to being called shocked in awe?

Melony: Yeah.

Vara: Hehe... While training, I was figuring out away to have our visitors come over from time to time if they wanted. But the true problem is that they can't get to Earth, and only I can traverse into both here and Hell. 

Melony: Hm... *lightbulb* Follow me. 

Vara: Huh? 

Vara then begins to follow Melony deep into the basement as they come across tunnels of water seeping in. 

Vara: This basement has a water system? It looks fresh.

Melony: That's not all. Look.

Vara: Hm... Okay, that's... pretty creepy. 

Vara then walks over to the painting as it says "Lethal Lava Land". 

Vara: Does anyone ever go to Lethal Lava Land?

Melony: Well, Mario has already gotten all the stars here from what he told us back in his past adventures, so I think he wouldn't mind. 

Vara: Well, I guess I can make a change. Once my book is charged back up, I'll start the changes. Thanks for helping me out, Mel. 

Melony: *giggles* No problem.

Vara: *looks away and blushes* 'Why? Why does she have to be this precious?! Get it together, me!' 

Melony: Uh.. Vara, why is your face red?

Vara: It's nothing. 

Just behind Vara and Melony, a shadow appears next to them and taps their shoulders, revealing to be Alastor. 

Vara: Ah! Al!

Alastor: How wonderful for you be here. I was strolling around in this quite marvelous castle, seeing the paintings and murals everywhere. Now for this one... Really catches my eye.

Vara: Uh... the painting? 

Melony: It's actually phase through. Watch this. 

She then puts her hand through the painting, surprising Vara and leaving Alastor with a smile like always. 

Vara: Wow... Wonder what's inside.

Melony: Wait, don't-

Vara then sticks his head through the painting and sees a bunch of fire and lava everywhere. As he pulled his head out of the painting, his head was all black in smoke. 

Vara: Yep, this is getting a change. *coughs* 

Vara then heads towards the shower area and dips his entire head in the water, washing out all of the smoke. As he was about to leave the area without looking, he walks face first into fluff. 

Vara: *back ups and shakes head* 

Angel: At least let me know if you enjoyed that~

Vara: Ugh.. Angel, you know I don't swing that way. And pretty much everyone in the castle doesn't as well.

Angel: Well, so much for asking then. I honestly thought that you would, considering that you look like the type to be in a bed with me~

Vara: Uh.... Actually... I'm mostly straight... but... *deep breath* I'm also bi-curious. 

Angel: Wait, really? 

Vara: *nods* 

Angel: .. *smirks* Well, my chances with you just got upped~

Vara: You're welcome. Don't ask already, because I'm not ready yet. 

Angel: *thumbs up* Sure. Won't ask again and wait. 

Vara: Good, we're clear on that. 

Vara then walks away from Angel and heads upstairs to the higher levels. While heading to the top, he heads outside of the top of the castle and finds Charlie looking over the horizon by herself. He notices that Charlie was wide eyes and lost for words as it was her first time on Earth, besides the staff members. 

Vara: First time seeing Earth?

Charlie: Huh? Oh, it's you... Honestly, yes. I never thought that it would be this beautiful. 

Vara: .. I said the same when I first came here too.

Charlie: I don't understand why the others though that it was very horrible.

Vara: I guess their past life was not that easy to experience. Judging by looks, I'd say both Angel and Cherri had very rough lives. But seeming as Alastor was the first one out of all... I'd say he takes the cake. 

Charlie: ...

Vara: You did tell me when me and Octavia were kids that you wanted to run a hotel that can redeem sinners and have them go to heaven... to avoid another extermination. 

Charlie: Yeah..

Vara: *smiles* I'm happy for you, Charlie. 

Charlie: Really?

Vara: I mean, you have a hotel that can redeem sinners. I'm sure your dream will be fully recognized. 

Charlie: *giggles* ... It's funny and ironic.. since you're the only human that was living down in Hell, and believed my purpose even if you weren't Hellborn. 

Vara: In fair honesty, it's called Hell for a reason. For what people did up here, being unforgivable sins and all, their sent down to Hell to suffer for eternity... Take Cain for example, the first serial killer. 

Charlie: I guess you're right about that. 

Vara: But there are some that were sent to Hell innocent. Right before regretting what they did up here, it was too late. I guess the idea of redemption comes to play when it comes to those who didn't deserved to go to Hell. 

Charlie: ... *smiles* 

Vara: That's all I have to say.

The two then looked at the starry night in the sky as some shooting stars were seen. With the next day passing, Vara's Grimoire was all charged as he then started to make changes to portrait down in the basement. All of the Hazbin Staff were watching as Vara made the change in the Lethal Lava Land painting, turning into a portrait of the hotel's key.

Vara: Okay, that should do it. This painting will take you straight back to the hotel. And if you want to head back, just walk through the same painting. It should have the same effect. 

Vaggie: You mean we can come back anytime? No restrictions?

Vara: Nope. I don't see why sinners have to be restricted by laws. Although... I think the blimp at the field will have to stay unfortunately. Sorry. 

Sir Pentious: *muffles in disappointment* 

Cherri: Oh, quit whining, Edgelord. 

Angel: Weird for me to say it, but I'm actually gonna miss that blimp for awhile. I mean, he'll just build another one, he always does. 

Vara: Hm... Well, at least this painting is here for whenever we or you want to go through. 

Charlie: Well, it's time that we all head back them. 

Charlie then hugs Vara again, making Vaggie slightly jealous.

Vara: ... 

Charlie: I'll see you around. 

She then breaks the hug as she then grabs Vaggie's hand and goes through the painting. 

Angel: Well, back to my room. See you around, V~

He then walks through the painting. 

Cherri: What he said. Though I do want to get a bit close, and maybe cause a little mayhem?~

Vara: Well... there is a certain giant spiked turtle that you can pull pranks on. 

Cherri: Perfect. See ya, baby~

Vara blushes at what she said as she taps his shoulder and leaps through the painting. 

Alastor: Well, I must take my leave as well. I will definitely be coming back from time to time, as I found you all quite entertaining. 

Vara: We'll try to visit as well.

Alastor: We'll be waiting for that day then. Ciao for now, young sir. 

He then gave a creepy smile to Vara, then back to a cheery smile once again as he enters the painting. With all of the staff returned to the hotel, Vara then wrote the painting, changing it's name to the "Hazbin Hotel" painting before leaving the room.

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