The Hunted • Teen Wolf

By BlackPhyre

80.7K 3.3K 2.5K

BOOK 2 to 'True Survival - Teen Wolf' The riddles have been solved, the truths have been revealed and the sto... More

Time for Introductions
3B - One
3B - Two
3B - Three
3B - Four
3B - Five
3B - Six
3B - Seven
3B - Eight
3B - Nine
3B - Ten
3B - Eleven
3B - Twelve
4 - Thirteen
4 - Fourteen
4 - Fifteen
4 - Sixteen
4 - Seventeen
4 - Eighteen
4 - Nineteen
4 - Twenty
4 - Twenty-one
4 - Twenty-two
4 - Twenty-three
4 - Twenty-four
5 - Twenty-five
5 - Twenty-seven
5 - Twenty-eight
5 - Twenty-nine
5 - Thirty
5 - Thirty-one
5 - Thirty-two
5 - Thirty-three
5 - Thirty-four
5 - Thirty-five
5 - Thirty-six
5 - Thirty-seven
5 - Thirty-eight
5 - Thirty-nine
5 - Forty
5 - Forty-one
5 - Forty-two
5 - Forty-three
5 - Forty-four
6 ~ Forty-five
6 ~ Forty-six
6 ~ Forty-seven
6 ~ Forty-eight
6 ~ Forty-nine
6 ~ Fifty
6 ~ Fifty-one
6 ~ Fifty-two
6 ~ Fifty-three
6 ~ Fifty-four
Final (1) ~ Fifty-five
Final (2) ~ Fifty-six

5 - Twenty-six

1.2K 56 53
By BlackPhyre

5 x 02 ~ Parasomnia

Leo's POV

Imagined to get to school, without much hassle from the 'Leo protection squad', which was the self-imposed name from Dean, himself. I managed to hear that Sam was on guard duty for me today, so he would shadow me for most of the day, until I got back home.

Sam Winchester, was nothing like Dean. I mean yes, he had his moment where he'd made a dumb joke, or snort at something ridiculous Dean would say or do, but for the most part, he was on the other side of the spectrum. He was kinder, he'd knock before coming into my room, he'd offer me food... even though I refused to eat that vegan crap he cooked for himself, and he was well read, like last night I saw him reading the physical edition of 'The Handmaid's Tale', and his reason for it was 'I wanted to read the book before I watched the show'. Like, that along told me all I needed to know about him.

So, here I was walking into the school, with knowledge that a... whatever the hell, he is, was somewhere guarding, and it was actually comforting to know.

What wasn't comforting was the stares I got as I entered the doors. Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and even the Seniors were all watching me as I walked down the hall, I tend to tone down my hearing to avoid unwanted gossip, but this was creeping me out.

"Last first day ever," I muttered to myself as begun my walk down to my locker, and I spotted Lydia leaning against it with the biggest smile on her face, and I got suspicious,

"Good morning," She chimed at me, and I scowled at her,

"What did you do?" I asked and she took an offended look,

"Why would you assume I did something," She asked back, but her fake look couldn't find that cunning glimmer in her eyes,

"Because I've known you since forever, and I know your 'I'm up to something' face, and that," I said as I pointed an accusing finger at her, "Is your, 'I'm up to something face', so Lydia Lorraine Martin, what did you do?"

She paused before a smirk grew on her face.

"Well, since you're bound to her about it eventually, I might as well be the first to show you," She begun to say as she pulled out her phone and begun tapping away, "Congratulations Leo, you're back in the game,"

"Excuse me?" I asked, but before I could speak again she pushed the phone in my face,

Attention all readers,

Beacon Hills High School, most eligible bachelor, as landed him back in dating pool. After a long, and now surely finished relationship, the one and only Leo Prince has found himself to be single, and most definitely ready to mingle. Unfortunately, he swings for the other team, sorry ladies, which means this is an all boys party.

But for the gentlemen don't think he's an easy conquest, his last beau was the big and bad, strong enough to huff, puff and blow the competition away, but now he's gone, and Leo's out to play.

Do you have what it takes to woo him?

Take our shot and find out, or get shot down in the process.


Slowly, my eyes moved up from the phone to Lydia's face, to see her grinning at me.

"I'm never watching another Gossip girl episode with you again," I said in a low voice and she laughed before she pulled her phone back to her,

"I think I'd make a pretty good, Dan Humphrey," Lydia said her voice full of pride,

"You're about to make a pretty good corpse," I said as I turned and opened my lockers, "Why? Did you send that to teenager in the school?"

"County," Lydia corrected, I looked over at her with a frown,

"I sent it to every teenager in the county," she said and my eyes grew at the statement, "Every high schooler, in every high school, now knows that you're single,"

My eye twitched a little at that.

"If I didn't love you-" I begun to say,

"I know," She said cutting me off,

"And you weren't my best friend-"

"I know,"

"And we weren't going to college together-"

"I know,"

"The sheriff would find bits and pieces of you all over town," I said in a lower voice, and she smirked back,

"Love you too," She said as she leaned forward and pecked me on the cheek, "Now come on, we got class in like 5 minutes,"

I grabbed my text book and slammed my locker shut. I turned to follow her and as I did, I watched this boy walked up to me, he smelled of anxiety and fear, and I scoffed in my head.

"Don't!" I said raising a hand up to him, Lydia chuckled as the boy froze and we walked pass him, and made our way to class,

We got in the class, and found Kira and Sydney in the sitting in the front two desks, Lydia sat by Sydney, and opted for sitting in the row behind them since I wasn't in the mood for questions from either girl.

As I sat down, and got myself ready, I watched as Scott walked in and sat beside Kira. That raised many eyebrows.

"Scott?" Kira said and he looked over at her, "Are you in the right class?"

"AP Biology," he answered,

"Do you know what AP stands for?" Lydia asked him,

"Advanced Placement," He answered, I looked over his shoulder and I saw when he opened his textbook, it was filled with highlighted sessions and he was ready for class,

"Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake," Mrs. Finch said right as she walked in, "Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?"

"Circular, self-replicating DNA molecules often used in cloning proteins," Lydia answered,

"Nicely stated, Lydia," She said to her, "Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?"

"Uh..." Lydia froze up at the answer, I racked my brain quickly and I knew the answer,

"B-12," I called out and Mrs. Finch looked at me and nodded,

"Correct Mr. Prince," She nodded, then she looked, "Mr. McCall, did you know the answer?"

"Um, no," Scott stuttered out,

"It's a common test question. What's your number one college pick?" She asked him, she was tactile with her questions,

"Um..." Scott begun to say,

"Stop saying, "Um." She snapped at him, and I bit back a chuckle,

"Sorry. UC Davis," Scott answered,

"Good choice. It's the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences," She said to him with a nod, "You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for. Who else thinks they're in the right class?"

She looked down in the class and I turned to look, and in the row behind me, Theo Raeken was there with his hand up, and smile on his face, he turned and looked at me, and I saw his eyes turn dark for a moment, like there was something in them, but he looked away. Then slowly we all begun to put up our hands.

"Good. Then you should all be prepared for the test tomorrow," She said to us and we all groaned at her, "Don't be so disappointed. This test is specifically to help you determine whether you should actually be in AP Biology,"

"Really? You wanna harvest our souls while you're at it?" I asked her and she threw me a glare before she continued to talk,

"You have two weeks to drop. Tomorrow's test will just weed out the ones who shouldn't be here. And that could be any of you," She said to us before she turned her gaze on Scott,

After a grueling introductory class, we made our way out, Lydia and I were heading down the hall when she turned, I followed her gaze and my eyes landed on a girl, Tracy, I think her was.

She was breathing hard, like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Her heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Tracy?" Lydia called out as she walked up to her, I followed her and she started to calm down, "Are you all right? How about we go outside?"

She nodded along, Lydia took her arm and begun to guide her outside, and I stepped back to let them pass, but as I did Tracy's arm brushed mine. Her skin felt course, tough, almost like she had scales...

A familiar and uninvited cold shiver ran up my spine, and I shook away the thought. I turned and watched as Lydia let her away, and saw her shivering frame, tousled hair, and sluggish movements. There was nothing about her that was anything like him, it was just a odd sensation, and muscles memory.

"She's not him," I said to myself, reassuring myself, "He's not here,"

After getting her some fresh air and some water, Tracey told us about the conversation she had with Lydia's mom. So, we went to talk to her, and she told us about Tracey's night terrors.

AUTHOR NOTE: I used to suffer from night terrors, but I haven't had any recently, I still get bad dreams though, so I partially know what Tracey was going through.

"I know what parasomnia is, Mom. But what about the feathers?" Lydia asked her mom, I looked from the two to Tracey's shaking form outside of the doorway,

"People with night terrors have done far stranger things than eating their own pillows," Her mother said to her, and Lydia scoffed at her, "And anyway, I already told her to take the rest of the day off, but she said she didn't want to miss the first day,"

"Let me try," Lydia said to her, and her mom scoffed, and I chuckled at the two of them, "I don't have any more classes. I can take her home and talk to her,"

"Same here, I'm taking AP Biology and Macroeconomics, plus I want to be a Psychology major, and this might be a good place to start," I said to her and her mother scowled at me,

"She is not a test subject, she's a person, and Lydia, she's having trouble sleeping," Her mom said to before she turned to Lydia, "If she needs help beyond that, we'll find her professional help. Got it?"

She asked as she at back on her glasses. I looked over at Lydia and saw the same look on her face from this morning, and I bit back a smirk.

"I couldn't agree more," Lydia told her mother, before she threw me a look and we were both smiling at her,

After one phone call and a drive, we found ourselves in Tracey's room with the Deputy Parrish checking out her windows. Lydia was busy checking out Tracey's art work on her walls, and I was busy... well checking out the deputy.

"Leo, focus," Lydia said from the other side of the room,

"Oh trust me, Lyds," I muttered back, I raised my hand and bit my thumb as I watched Parrish's back muscles and biceps move in his well-fitted uniform, "Leo, is very focused,"

"I thought you were interested?" She asked and I could her the grin on her face,

"I'm not, I'm just..." I started to say as my eyes trailed down to his waist and then his legs, "enjoying the view,"

"I don't see any signs of an attempted forced entry. The latch seems okay. You said something about birds, Tracy?" Parrish asked as he turned to face her, she smelled like anxiety, but given the situation it was normal, but every time she looked at me I got the icky feeling, but I shook it off,

"The bird was at the skylight. The one that woke me up," She told him,

"Can I take a look?" Parrish asked and she nodded,

He moved over a chair and stepped up.

"Tracy, you said the skylight was sealed for weatherproofing," He started to say, I listened to her heart, and it was normal,

"Yeah. Why?" She asked him, Parrish pushed up on the skylight and it swung open, Tracey sighed as she looked away,

"That's not creepy, not creepy at all," I muttered softly to myself, but I figured the others could hear me, as Parrish looked out I caught the scent of something... rotten, like flesh that was decaying,

"Anything?" Lydia asked him,

"No. Nothing," Parrish answered, his heart tick, twice,

After locking the skylight, and reassuring Tracey to get some rest, we left her in her house, and made sure to lock on our way out.

"I can't do anything official right now, but I can come back after my shift tonight and watch the house for a couple of hours," he told us,

"I'll keep you company," Lydia said to him and she turned to face him,

"And I am partially nocturnal," I added on,

"I think I'll be okay," He said to us,

"But this is your own time," Lydia told him,

"I wouldn't do it if I didn't think something strange was going on," he answered honestly, "I also owe you,"

"For what?" Lydia asked,

"Three weeks of digging through every piece of old literature and mythology trying to figure out the something strange going on with me," he said to her, I remember her texting me from the sheriff's station as she worked with him,

Glowing orange eyes, super strength, invulnerability to fire, not to mention absolutely smoking... pun intended. Huh? He shared a lot of similar traits to Sam.

"But we never figured it out," Lydia said to him, and I gave her a suspicious look, "I'll bring you coffee,"

"Don't you have school tomorrow?" he asked her,

"Yes, and no," I chimed in, he looked confused from the fact,

"One class," She answered,

"Two in my case," I told him,

"How can you only have one class?" he asked,

"I had enough credits to graduate last year," She told him, "And I will bring you coffee at midnight if I want to,"

"Medium Americano. Black," He said to her with a smile before he walked away, I tore my gaze from him to her to see she was smiling back,

"Okay, now I see it," I muttered, as I walked away from his vehicle,

"See what?" Lydia asked following me,

"So when I stare at the very hot deputy, I get scolded, but you're allowed to flirt with him?" I asked him, and she turned her gaze on me fully, her cheeks turned pink,

"I wasn't flirting," She said in a low voice, her heart ticked,

"You do know I can tell when you're lying right?" I asked her, and she scoffed before rolling her eyes at me, I looked pass her to the young deputy who had his back turned to us, "And I'm just saying, he is a fine piece of man, okay, and if you won't jump on that... someone else will,"

"Someone like you?" Lydia asked full of attitude,

"Have you seen his biceps?" I asked in low voice, Lydia turned to look at him before turning back to me and I saw the denial in her eyes, "He could choke me out with those things and I'd say thank you,"

"Leo!" Lydia said sounding offended, but I just laughed in return,

"What? I'm just saying what's on my mind, okay?" I said to her and she sighed harshly before he turned and headed towards her car, I looked over at Parrish,

"Hey Deputy!" I called out and he turned to face me, "Do you look good out of uniform too? Or is khaki just you're thing?"

"Don't answer that!" Lydia called out from where she was, and his cheeks turned red before he coughed,

"I meant in regular clothes, jeez I'm not that crass," I said to her, Parrish chuckle before nodding,

"Yeah, I guess," he answered with a smile, and I nodded,

"Good, and since I have both night vision and super hearing, I'll see you at midnight," I said to him and he just shook his head as he tried to hold back a laugh,

I turned and begun to walk over to my car and saw Lydia glaring at from hers.

"If you don't want it, I'll gladly take it," I said with a smile, she rolled her eyes at me before she got in,

I got in Baby, and drove off towards home. As I pulled my car into the driveway I spotted Sam walking coming up the road.

"Is it a good thing or bad thing that I didn't see you at all today?" I asked as I grabbed my things from the car,

"A good thing," he answered, I nodded as I walked to the front and we headed inside,

I walked into the living room and saw Castiel sitting in front of the tv, watching static, intently.

"Um... does he-" I began to say,

"Don't question it," Sam said as he came up beside me,

"I'm home!" I called out,

"Kitchen," Aunt Marcie said, I walked in and saw her packing some Tupperware full of food, she saw me looking at the food, then back up to me, "I'm just packing Bobby some food, the stuff they feed him in that rehab clinic is absolutely criminal,"

"It's a rehab clinic," I reiterated to her,

"Your point?" she asked me, I raised my hands in defeat before I walked over towards the kitchen and swiped a cookie from the jar,

"Hey, do you remember Theo?" I asked her, Sam walked pass me and washed in hands in the sink,

"Theo? Theo who?" Aunt Marcie asked,

"Raeken," I answered, and she looked over at me, "He was in the fourth grade with Me, Scott, Stiles and Lydia, his family moved away after his sister..."

"Oh! Oh yes!" She said nodding along, "I remember him, they were so heart broken,"

"And now he's back in town, and he's a werewolf," I told her, she looked up at me, and even Sam turned to face,

"This the kid that Stiles is freaking out over, he said he got bit a year ago, and his alpha was killed by some twin betas," Sam said to me, I turned to him, with narrowed eyes,

"How did you?" I asked,

"I'm really good at my job," Sam said with a shrug, he reached over and started to make himself a sandwich, "So what about him?"

"Stiles doesn't trust him," I told them and Aunt Marcie laughed,

"Does that boy trust anyone?" She asked and I shrugged,

"He trusts himself, Scott, his dad, but he doesn't trust Theo," I told them, Sam finished his sandwich and took a bite out of it,

"Do you?" She asked me, and I just shrugged, "Well before you jump off the deep end, talk to him and find out for yourself, and if he seems like danger we'll sick one of the Winchesters on him,"

I smiled at that, but then I looked around.

"Speaking of Winchester, where's your idiot brother?" I asked Sam, I listened to the house and could only hear four heart beats so I looked at Aunt Marcie, "And where's mom?"

The two shared a look before they looked at me, which was weird.

"Dean's at the Bunker, said something about getting more guns," Sam said to me, truth,

"And you're mom said she wanted to try shopping by herself, for a change," Aunt Marcie told me, and I nodded, truth,

"Okay, well I'm gonna go get ahead on my studying," I said to them and they nodded,

It was well after dark and I got a text from Lydia saying she was going for Jordan's coffee. I listened downstairs and heard everyone's voice being accounted for, so I eased my window open and climbed onto my roof. I took two steps and leaped across the yard, and landed near the edge of the woods. I looked back at the house and saw that no one noticed my disappearance so I stood up slowly.

"Where are you going?" Someone called out, and I flinched,

"Holy!" I spluttered out as I turned to see Castiel glaring at me, "Cass, don't do that,"

"You didn't answer my question," he said coldly,

"For a walk," I answered,

"At 11:47 p.m.? Into the woods?" he asked and I nodded,

"Look, I'll just be honest, I don't need a baby sitter 24/7, I'm going to meet up with my best friend and I just want to be alone for a while," I told him but his gaze didn't change, "Plus I'm an Alpha werewolf, I can take care of myself,"

"Your life is in danger," Castiel said to me,

"It's Beacon Hills, everyone's life in danger, but I refuse to stay put in my room, so you can either move or you will be moved," I said to him and he tilted his head to the side,

"Are you threatening me? Boy?" Castiel asked, his eyes turned bright white as he looked at me,

"That wasn't a threat it was a promise," I said back to him, making my eyes turn red, in a show of force,

Slowly, he begun to smile at me.

"You are very much like your father," Castiel said to me, his eyes turning back to normal, and I flinched a bit,

I always forget that these guys knew my dad before he died, so I guess comments like that shouldn't be strange. I moved and started to walk pass him, I looked back and saw him staring at me as I left.

Once I was out of sight, I started to run so I could get to the other side of the residential side where Tracey's house was, but something caught my ears. A heart beat. I stopped in my tracks. It was too late for any normal person to be out in the woods, and there weren't any hunters in town. Even though I was out in the Argent's old hunting grounds, Braeden and Chris Argent made sure of that so then who-

"Leo?" The person called out, I turned and stepped around the tree and saw Theo, who was putting back on his shirt for some reason,

"Theo?" I called back, "Why are you in the woods? With your shirt off?"

"Why are you in the woods?" He asked back with a smirk and I crossed my arms,

"I asked you first," I said to him, he nodded his head,

"Went for a jog," He said to me,

"At minutes to midnight, you decided to go for a jog?" I asked him, slowly stating the words,

"What can I say? I'm a creature of the night, just like you," He said and I scoffed,

"You were bitten, I was born, there's a difference," I said to him, as I walked over to him, and he smirked at me, he walked backwards and I

"And what's that?" he asked as I got up to him,

"Werewolves that were turned..." I said to him, his eyes flickered from my eyes to lips then back up, "There's always a bit slow,"

Theo's eyes scrunched up and I smiled at him. I raised both hands and pushed him backwards, he stumbled, and a soft snap sounded off in the arm, followed by a faint wire whirring. Theo looked down then, then at the nearby tree then to me, and I smirked.

Theo yelped as he spun upside down and dangled from the nearby tree.

"Werewolf trap," I said to him as he looked around all dazed, "The Argents used them all the time, Chris cleaned up most of them, but Stiles' dad convinced him to leave a few, just in case they needed to stop a rogue werewolf,"

"He told Stiles, and Stiles told you," Theo said to me, and I smiled with a shrug,

"Stiles told everyone, well except Liam, he's a bit clumsy, but you get the point," I said as I crossed my arms and stepped back,

Theo's shirt had ridded down, and I got a good glimpse at his abs and chest.

"See something you like?" Theo asked,

"You hanging upside down from a tree? Definitely," I said with a smirk and he chuckled,

"You gonna let me down?" He asked,

"You gonna cause problems for me and my friends?" I asked him and he smirked,

"Maybe, but words on the street is you like bad boys," Theo said to me, and that struck a nerve, so I swallowed my remark,

"And since you like nature so much..." I said as I stepped back and begun to walk away, "...maybe you should hang around for awhile,"

Theo let out a laugh as I turned my back on him.

"You still didn't deny it," I heard Theo's voice, I shook my head as I walked off but it was harder to hide the smile he managed to get out of me, but I had places to be, and hopeful Lydia was already with Parrish, so he wasn't there alone,

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