Vampires are just trouble

By litteraturegirly

27.8K 429 148

One concert.. That's all it took to change my life. My name is Clarrisa Walker and I know something you don't... More

Me...Clarissa Walker
The Meeting
The Surprise
Harry and Liam?
The Full Moon
Niall and Roxy
The Date
Where am I?
Love him. Love her
The Escape and The Fight
New Born Vampire
Vampire Power
New Member
Mind Blowing
Mood Swings
Rose As a Vampire
Full of Surprises
Everything At Once
Prank Day!!!
Two Other Kidnappers?
Miss You So Much That I Would Kill For You
One More
He Returns
Death (OMGG!!)
I Think I Saw A Vampire Ghost
I'll Come After You
Goodbye Sweetie *The End*


1.1K 16 7
By litteraturegirly

*****Picture of Lorrie -------->*******

Clarissa's P.O.V

I am not sure but I think Liam and Harry likes me... No! They couldn't! They are vampires and I'm a human!

If I had to chose one of th.. NO! STOP!

Niall laughed. Omg!! He is still reading my minds.

"Can't you stop that?"

"Sorry, it is just so hard to stop. I am used to hear other thoughts" Niall said while he laughed on every word he said.

"Well, I luuuuuve that you do that! You are so HOT!" I said.. WHAT???! Why did I say that!! I did't like Niall, he was Roxy's buuuyfriend.

And why did everybody laughing? GOOOOOD!! CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!! Niall I know you hear me TELL ME!!

Niall laughed even harder! Roxy was a little shocked and I think she didn't know what was happening either.

" is Harry!! Ahhahaha! He can...can..OH! Harry tell her I'm dieing heeeeeeereee" Niall said laughing his ass of...again...

"Yeah.. Well, I can conrol what humans says if I want too..So yeah."

"Omg! Harry! That is not funny!" I said tring not to laugh but of course I always laugh of everything and nothing..

We all stoped laughing when the door opened.

It was...Omg! It was Lorrie! How? What? How???

"LORRIE!" Roxy and I yelled as we ran towards Lorrie.

We had a little 'friend ship hug thing..thing'

"How? What? HOOOW?!?!" I said trying actually to be funny. Like always, everybody laughed.

"I didn't tell you every thing about my self.. So let me start!" Lorrie said as she starting her long story.

"Am a vampire. Am 234 years old and i'm with, belive it or not, Louis. Louis William Tomlinson"

Louis walked up to Lorrie and hold around her waist

Okey.. It wasen't a long story. Wait..What?

"What?" Me and Roxy said in the same time.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys but I had my reasons!"

Oh My Gosh! My best friend is a vampire aaaand my best friend is with Louis William Tomlinson, the superman, the tom the tomlinson?????? OH MY GOSH!

"Why didn't you tell us you was with Louis? I understand why you didn't tell us about the vampire thing but why not about Louis?"

Roxy asked Lorrie. I think she was really shocked too.

"Because I wanted to be a normal girl so I and Louis decided to have a secret relationship"

Oh...That why...

"yeah.. that's why."

Oh shit! I just said that out loud again. I need to stop with that!

"Sorry, that was meant to be a thought. Wow, I suck at thinking"

Everybody laughed again. YEY! I'm funny!

"Finally it feels like we are a family" Roxy said. We all nodded and at the same time we still laughed.

"Yeah! Now what are we going to do?" I asked as I looked at everybody.

"I know! We can play 'tickle Clarissa' game" Harry yelled as he ran up to me and so did everybody else.

"NOOO" I said and laughed so hard! It was ticklish. Ha, that isn't even a word. I'm weird! Right Niall?

"Yes, Clarissa you are weird!"

Gosh.. We all laughed and they got of me and stopped tickle me. FINALLY! I hate to be tickle! It is so ticklish. Ha, I did it again!

"Oh. I almost forgot to tell you, Clarissa that it is a full moon tonight so me and the boys and I guess Lorrie are going hunt on the animals and you and Roxy is staying here."

Harry said and I nodded. Oh.. It is very weird that my best friend is going to hunt on animals to kill them and feed on their blood. Uuj, so disgusting!

"Errm.. I..emm..." Roxy said not finishing her sentence or actually not a word.

"Can I talk to you out side for a minute, Roxy?" Niall said taking her hand and followed her out the door.

Niall's P.O.V

"What are we going to do? huh? I can't change in front of Clarissa! She would be scare as hell if she founds out that am a freaking WOLF!!"

Oh.. She was so scared of being busted. I know how she feels right now.

"Relax. When we goes out of the room you can just go down stairs and hide there. It is no window there!"

I said trying to calm her down.

"Ok...Ok" She took a deep breath.

I heard she think.. She said 'what if she finds out? Oh my god she will hate me'

"She WON'T hate you! She loves you! She will maybe be a little scared at first but I promise you she won't hate you!" I said to her very loud at the word 'won't'

She ignored that I read her minds and just nodded.

Wow.. These girls get used to me reading their minds. YEAH! GO NIALLER AND FOOD! :)

We went back in and smiled like nothing had happen....

Harry's P.O.V

Niall and Roxy came back in. They looked a little weird smiling like that. Something that they talked about...It was something imported, and I will found out soon.

I looked back at Clarissa. God! She looks so beautiful when she smiles.

I think it's something about her and Liam. I need to found out! I walked up to Liam. He was in the kitchen trying to find some food.

"Hey Liam" I said waving my hand to him. He waved back to me. When I think about waving I think about Clarissa's beautiful wavy hair. God... Help me lord!

"Whats up?" Liam asked me

"I just wonder whats up with you and Clarissa?"

"Oh.. Nothing or I don't know. I think I like her a little but I know you like her so I will take my distance"

Liam said. Thank you lord!!! I really liked Clarissa so I didn't wanna go in any fight with Liam since his my mate. I love him but I love Clarissa more! You know what love can do to you.

"Yeah! I really like her. I actually think I love her. Just look at her. She is so beautiful and nice and perfect"

I was not lying at all. She was perfect for me.. And believe it or not I would kill for her.

"Yeah, she is beautiful.............and yours!" Liam said

Liam's P.O.V

God. Clarissa is so god damn beautiful! But I need to stop with that! Harry said that he liked her first so I need to respect that! I have to!

I just wish she was mine for one day..........


OMG!!! I wrote three parts on one day!! I'm actually proud of my self! Hope you liked it! And I hope the next part will come out tomorrow but I need to sleep now!

OMGOOOSH!! 72 readerssss?? LOVE YOU GUUUYS SOO MUCH!! <3 *'***huge hug****

question time!!!

1. What do you thiiiink????

2 Do you want Roxy to show her wolf to the other boys, Clarissa and Lorrie?

Okey.. I don't know what more I can ask you so... yeah, just two question today! See ya'll <3

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