i dare you [hajeongwoo]

By zzhngbobo

27.4K 1K 178

-short story- "i dare you to make out with me." in which jeongwoo has feelings for the distant boy in their f... More

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2.2K 86 25
By zzhngbobo

"i have an idea!" mashiho said, grabbing the empty bottle from beside him and putting it in the middle of the circle. "lets play truth or dare!"

everyone quickly agreed, jaehyuk making sure that the bottle was placed properly on its side in the middle before asking who wanted to spin first.

"me! can i?" junghwan asked. "sure. you spin it." jaehyuk said, sitting back in his seat.

junghwan spun it, the bottle going slightly crooked, and it landed on doyoung, who was seated next to him holding his phone with the camera app open.

"doyoung, truth or dare?" doyoung looked at him for a second, hesitant, but replied confidently with "dare!"

junghwan smiled and took doyoung's phone from his hands. "i dare you not to take any photos of us for the next ten minutes."

doyoung's mouth opened in shock as he processed what had just happened. "what?!" he exclaimed, making everyone burst into laughter. he looked around i'm shock at everyone. "that's not fair!"

"the rules are that you have to do the dare dobby- sorry!" asahi said between laughs, clutching his stomach and accidentally falling onto yedam who was beside him, his head falling onto the younger's shoulder. yedam immediately felt himself burning up and put his face in his hands to hide the blush and embarrassment.

"oh- sorry-" asahi said quickly, sitting up and looking at the embarrassed boy. "are you ok?" he gently grabbed yedam's wrists and pulled his hands away from his face, making yedam's bright red face visible to everyone.

"aww he's embarrassed!" jihoon said, shaking hyunsuk's shoulder happily. "cute~" hyunsuk cooed from beside him.

yedam immediately put his face in his hands again, giggling slightly from embarrassment.

"yah! shut up-!" he said, shaking his head.

"ok i'm spinning now and i'm out for revenge so watch out." doyoung said, diverting the attention from yedam and asahi to the bottle.

'thank you' yedam mouthed at doyoung who smiled and mouthed back 'no problem.'

"i'm spinning!" he said, as the bottle spun and landed on asahi.

"truth or dare?" he asked. "truth. i don't want you to take out your revenge on me." asahi replied, brushing his hair backwards.

"ok, do you have a crush on anyone here?" doyoung asked, earning a quiet gasp from nearly everyone in the room.

asahi had begun to go slightly red in the darkness of the room, and shook his head slightly. "isn't that too personal?" he asked, clearly wishing that he wouldn't have to answer the question.

"come on, we're all best friends. we won't tell anyone~" doyoung said, pouting slightly.

asahi hesitated slightly before sighing in defeat. "well, what if i do like someone here?" he said, shutting his eyes tightly and lifting his head.

"you like someone here?" yedam said quietly from beside him, asahi nodding shyly. "oh... i- i didn't expect that-" yedam replied, looking away.

"i'm spinning now!" asahi said suddenly, making everyone look back at the bottle and take their attention away from him.

the bottle landed crookedly on yoshi, who was beginning to get tipsy and wasn't thinking properly.

"yoshi truth or dare?" asahi asked carefully. "truth! go!" yoshi said, excited.

"who's your favourite one of us that's younger than you?" asahi said, happy that hyunsuk and jihoon were excluded so that jihoon wouldn't get angry.

"junghwannie of course~" yoshi cooed with no hesitation, scrunching up his nose and pouting as junghwan smiled. "my favourite child~"

yoshi reached out his arms as if to hug junghwan from across the circle, but quickly brought them back and spun the bottle, with it landing immediately in between yedam and asahi.

"who?" jaehyuk said, squinting in the darkness to see who it was pointing at, but junkyu pushed him backwards. "leave it. yoshi will make them do something together so leave it." he said, jaehyuk giggling slightly in response.

"rock paper scissors to see who's getting asked." jihoon pointed at the two of them as he said it. "but i just went!" asahi exclaimed, annoyed. "no buts. rock paper scissors." jihoon said.

"fine." asahi slumped slightly as he turned to face yedam. "you'll do rock right?" he whispered to yedam, who nodded in response.

"ok, rock... paper... scissors... shoot!" yedam said, playing scissors as asahi played paper to beat his 'rock'.

"hey-! you said you would play rock!" he shouted, whacking yedam's shoulder who was now giggling uncontrollably. "you're so sneaky what the fuck?!"

"language!" hyunsuk called out before turning to yoshi. "go on, ask him."

"truth or dare asahi," he said, his words coming out slightly slurred.

asahi huffed out, clearly very annoyed. "i did truth last time so dare."

"i dare you to kiss the person you like."

asahi stared at yoshi, surprised and scared.

"what? kiss?" yoshi hummed in confirmation, smirking as asahi looked around the room nervously. "i- i can't-"

"sorry asahi, it's the rules- you have to!" doyoung said, smirking playfully as the older sent him a glare.

asahi exhaled nervously before looking around the room again, eyeing each person before his eyes landed on yedam, who was seated next to him with a quiet look on his face.

"yedam..." he started, the younger looking up in slight surprise. "i-is it ok if i kiss you?"

a small gasp was heard from yedam in the silence of the room as everyone held their breath to watch what was happening.

"y- you like me?" he said almost in a whisper. asahi nodded slightly, looking away.

"really? you like me back?" yedam whispered, not thinking about his words and just saying them. "like you back? you like me?" asahi said quietly, leaning closer to the boy beside him.

yedam quickly clasped a hand to his mouth, but nodded slightly, attempting to not make eye-contact but failing.

"so... can i kiss you?" asahi said, a bit louder this time.

yedam nodded hastily, and before asahi could do anything, he had leaned in and pecked his lips, kissing him for a short second before pulling away and putting his face in his hands.

the room was in silence for a few seconds, asahi in shock, yedam too embarrassed to do anything and the whole room too surprised to speak, before junkyu shouted out, "that wasn't the dare! asahi had to kiss you, not you kiss him, yedam!"

asahi looked at him in shock. "didn't that count? that's not fair!" he looked at him angrily while junkyu shrugged and leaned back.

"i don't make the rules. and yoshi said kiss not peck. so kiss for like 5 seconds." he said while looking between yedam and asahi. "don't look so awkward~ you already kissed it won't be so different."

"how do you know that? have you kissed someone before?" yoshi asked teasingly, junkyu immediately going red and denying it.

"don't turn the attention to me! yedam and asahi not me!" he pouted, pointing at the two.

jeongwoo looked at yedam, who quickly looked at him pleadingly, asking for help.

he nodded his head slightly, before reaching out to the middle of the circle to grab a bottle from the pile, before his hand was quickly pulled away.

"no drinking!" hyunsuk said, holding jeongwoo's hand away from the pile. "i told you not to!"

jeongwoo huffed out, half from not being able to fully transfer the attention from yedam to him and half from frustration that he couldn't drink.

he then remembered what haruto had whispered to him earlier, and turned to him happily.

"can i have a bit of yours?" he asked, eyeing the older's nearly empty bottle.

haruto looked at him blankly for a second, before drinking the rest and putting the empty bottle in the pile of rubbish they had. jeongwoo looked at him with a sad and slightly betrayed look, and before he could think about anything else, he reached into the plastic bag and grabbed a bottle, opening it quickly and taking a drink from it.

"jeongwoo-!" hyunsuk shouted out, reaching his hand to stop him but was slightly too late. jeongwoo had taken a big sip from the bottle, drinking a lot of its contents, and had his eyes shut tightly as the burning taste went down his throat.

"why did you do that-?" hyunsuk said, moving to sit behind jeongwoo as the younger fell backwards into his lap.

he felt himself becoming dizzy and felt a light and unfocused feeling rising inside him instantly. jeongwoo let out a soft giggle and sighed as he got more comfortable with his head resting on hyunsuk's lap.

"h-hyung~" he muttered, hiccuping slightly. "he must be starting to get drunk. this must be the first time he's drinking. he's got a really low tolerance- jihoon come help me get him on his mattress." hyunsuk said while picking up jeongwoo's arms.

"no!" jeongwoo whined, struggling against the older's grip. "i want to stay! let me stay!"

jihoon looked at jeongwoo and then at hyunsuk, hesitating slightly but then looking at hyunsuk with a look as if to say 'let him stay. he'll be fine.'

the older thought about it for a second before letting go of jeongwoo's arms and moving him to sit next to haruto and junkyu again. "you two. be careful with him, don't let him drink anymore it's clear he's got really low tolerance and isn't used to it."


cutting it again bc it's too long heh

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