Two Different Souls Collide (...

By bscamper

70.3K 3.8K 209

You will definitely need to read this series in order. Read the first two books first. The story of Buster... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 15

1.9K 104 1
By bscamper

Screw's POV

Hearing her whimpers and cries coming from that shop did something to my soul. I knew once I stepped foot into that building nothing would ever be the same for me again. Hawk, Blade, Gage, Axel, and all the guys with old ladies have talked about how when they first saw their old lady they just knew, and their protective instincts kicked into overdrive. They would do whatever it took to keep their women safe, no cost was too high for them. For me, it old took hearing her at the hands of that monster. I didn't even need to see her for me to know I would walk through fire for her, hell even die for her. Then when I saw her face. She took my breath away. Even bruised and broken, my Red was beautiful. Her freckles, pale skin, green eyes, and red hair I took her all in. I'll never be able to get the sight of her on that hook out of my head. I instantly had to put down the threat and I would have beat him to death had they not pulled me off. When I got to Red though and peered down at her on the stained concrete floor the thoughts have that monster faded and all I could think about was whisking her away from that place.

Looking down at Red's face and seeing her relaxed brought me a little bit of calm. She looked so relaxed. Doc had given her a sedative because he felt the ride would cause her too much pain to be awake for. Her injuries were severe and the jostling from the road would not be kind to her. I gently run my hand over her black and blue face. No one was going to hurt her again. She looks like a small breeze would knock her over, she's only skin and bones. They must have hardly fed her. I can only imagine the torture she has endured at their hands. We've got a long road ahead of us. Yes, we. I'm going to help her figure it all out. She's broken, but I'm going to help her pieces together all those broken pieces no matter how long it takes. She's a fighter. There's a warrior waiting to be let out in there. She drugged those men, she got the Bird, she got bird safely away and managed to stall them long enough for her to escape and get to us. All to protect anyone else from living in the nightmare she had to go through. Yes, there's a warrior in there and we're going to break her free from her chains.

Hawk's POV

We're only about 20 minutes from the Ranch. It took a little longer than we would have liked to get Cleo ready for transport due to her injuries, but she was our number one priority coming to Oklahoma. Plus, we have our prize catch in the back of the truck. The rage fueling through my veins is barely contained. One of the men that her my Little Flame was only a mere 6 feet away from me, waiting for me to rain down my vengeance. Not having my Little Flame with me to help calm my storm is proving difficult. I feel close to the edge again, since she's come into my life, she's helped me to learn how to control the storm instead of letting it control me. She even surprised me after our engagement celebration and had the same tattoo she has inked on me so that I could carry the reminder around with me. Only I insisted that around the bottle was a blazing fire. To help remind me that she is my greatest reason to control that storm and her strength to keep fighting only helps me to keep fighting as well.

As soon as Screw told us Drake was most likely in Texas and had possibly followed Bird to the Ranch, I told all the men to get to work while I called to ensure everything was secure and to warn them. Ember was terrified someone had been hurt when she answered the call. When I told her Drake might be near, I heard her gasp but then I knew my Little Flame had come ablaze when with determination she asked what they needed to do. She's the perfect woman to be the Prez's old lady. Always thinking of others, fierce, strong, a leader, and able to push aside her feelings and do what needs to be done. Hell, if she was a man, she'd be President material herself, thank God she wasn't though and she was all mine.

Finally, I saw the gates to the ranch up ahead and saw the 2 prospects with loaded guns begin to open the gate up for us. I would love to play with our catch but, we're going to have to call Church first. We don't know where Drake could be. We need to talk out a plan of gathering some information first, then we'll ask the Father of the Year nicely on how we might go about finding Drake, and then we'll come back together again to go over what we've gained so far. It's going to a be a long night. It's already 2am and the men with me all need sleep but I know like me none of us will be sleeping anytime soon. Not with that monster still on the loose. My Little Flame is in danger the longer he is on the loose and nothing like him will touch her again. He may be a monster but so are we and there are more of us than him.

"Hawk!" I here shouted as I close the truck door behind me. Little Flame comes waddling up to me and I show mercy by closing the distance between us quickly. She's found it harder getting around the last couple of weeks, she's 8 months along with Phoenix and I cannot wait to meet him. Though I wish he would stop making his momma so uncomfortable.

"Love, come on inside. We have a few things to discuss, and you need to get off your feet." All this stress can't be good for her, but I know she would be more stressed not being in the thick of things and left to worry over what might be happening. On our way in I saw Ink helping Screw and Doc get Cleo on a gurney that Cass had brought out. Buster had already run off into the clubhouse no doubt to head straight for Bird. Tank and Blade were hauling our newest guest out of the back of the truck, it appeared he was still knocked out. Screw really had done a number on him. Blade will be able to get him up and talking though when the time comes. For now he can enjoy his little nap. Instead of heading for the stairs I went for my office. "How's Bird doing?" I asked as soon as she was settled on the couch.

Flame gave a heavy sigh, "she's going to need a lot of time to heal. Not just the physical wounds but also the emotional ones. I went in a spoke with her, not long after y'all left."

I grinned at that, "I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away long."

She gave me a small smile. "I only planned on sitting at her bedside. I hoped she'd be sleeping but she was awake." Her smile fell. "All these years she's been blaming herself for what happened to me. Believing those two monsters when they said it was her fault." My Little Flame began to cry.

I gently lifted her up and sat her on my lap and rocked her as she cried. I know part of this is the pregnancy hormones, but also, she cares for others so deeply. I hate that she is in pain, and I know she is taking on some guilts with this too even though she shouldn't. She might be able to tell others they shouldn't feel guilt for the actions of others but that doesn't stop her from doing the exact same thing. "Baby, you know that you were both children. It's not either of your faults."

"I should have figured it out Hawk! I should have seen something was off! I should have forced her to tell me what was going on!" she cried out. Before burying her head in my chest again.

I gently pulled her face away from me and cradled her head in my hands, "Baby, I know you wish it would have happened that way, but it didn't. You were both helpless children and neither of you should be feeling even an ounce of guilt. It's those two monsters that should feel guilt. It will be them that suffer the consequences. You two need to stop punishing yourselves, when the only ones that deserve punishment is those two. You both now know what the other has been dealing with and can be there for each other and support one another. Buster has declared he's going to help Bird heal her broken wings so she can fly. You can be a part of that and help her to heal like you have Little Flame. Do not allow those two men to have any power over either of you. Cleo is going to need both of you to help her learn how to survive. The three of you and this club are going to get retribution and all the pain will just be a dark memory as you three learn to thrive. They tried to break you, don't let them. Don't give them anymore power Little Flame." I saw the determination take over her face and wiped the tears away.

"You're right, we're going to take back our lives. They didn't break us, but you're going to break them. Right?" She asked me, the small smile returning to her face.

"That's right Little Flame, these fuckers are going to learn you never mess with Blood & Bones Property." I reassured her.

"Well then Mr. President, I do believe you have Church to call. I'll get some food going for you all. You'll need your strength up to track down Drake." She got up off my lap telling me this.

"Little Flame, maybe you should go get some sleep. Our little one needs you to keep your strength up too." I placed my hands on her belly.

She glared down at me, "Are you saying I'm incapable of taking care of our baby Hawk?" Her mood had switched so quickly I felt like I had whip lash. "I am more than capable of whipping up something simple for our family while also making sure Me and our baby are okay. I do not tell you how to be President so do not tell me how to be the President's Old Lady!" The anger coming from her was adorable but the determination of this pregnant sexy as hell woman was making my pants a little tighter. "Now get up and go do your job and I'll do mine."

She turned to storm out of my office, but I quickly got up and wrapped my arms around her pulling her flesh against my body before she could reach the door. "Little Flame, you are so sexy when you give out orders." I growled in her ear, before biting her ear lobe. She moan. "Now go on babe, like you said you do your job and I'll do mine." I whispered to her before slapping her ass and walking out of my office.

I heard her groan in frustration, "No fair Hawk! You know these pregnancy hormones have been driving me wild and now you have me all riled up and we are way too busy for that!" she whined from behind me.

I couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter before I schooled my features and slipped into President mode. This was going to be a long night and we were going to do whatever it took to make our family safe again. 

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