Chapter 21

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Blade's POV

Before he sent the text

I've been down here since Bird left with Buster. I've seen a lot of darkness and evil in the world, but this man takes the cake. Hawk wants me to continue working him over but not to kill him. He's hoping the bastard will give something else up.

I'm pulling off another one of his finger nails when I hear him grunt, he hasn't been making much noise for a while so I'm surprised to hear anything. "What, got any complaints to make regarding your stay here?"

He chuckles, "No, just wondering. I saw your face after I spoke about my niece, is she fucking you too or just her husband?"

I sliced his arm at that, causing him to hiss. "You do not talk about Flame that way!" I shouted in his face.

"I wanted to know if you knew who the daddy was?" He asked me casually.

"I already said you don't," I began but then froze. "How in the hell did you know Flame was pregnant?" Normally I'm great at schooling my emotions but there was no hiding the shock on my face.

The fucker smiles wide at that, "You all thought the game only just began? I'm done talking, you may as well kill me now."

I grabbed him around the throat, "No, you fucking tell me how you knew?" I growled at him. He only laughed.

Fuck! This is worse than we thought. Quickly, I sent a text out to my brothers demanding an emergency church. We'll have to regroup and come up with a new plan.

Later in Church

"Alright, you've got us all here Blade. What did you learn?" Prez asked me after calling the meeting to start.

"I was downstairs with Bird's dad continuing to work him over trying to get information out of him. He hadn't said anything since Buster and Bird had left him. Then suddenly he made a noise. He asked if I was with Flame too." I noticed Hawk grip has fists at that. "I sliced him for that one, but then he said the reason he wanted to know was he wanted to know who the father of the baby was." Everyone froze at that.

"How the fuck would he know Flame was pregnant?!" Hawk growled.

"I think they already knew before we went up to get them, there's no way he could have found out since being here. You only told him you were her husband." I reasoned.

"You think we have another rat?" Tank asked.

"I don't know anything for sure, when I asked him how he knew he said 'You all thought the game only just began? I'm done talking, you may as well kill me now.' I think he was serious. Every piece of information he's given us has been deliberate. He's given all he's going to give us." I was frustrated I couldn't break him, but when you are that level of crazy there is no reasoning. It's all just a game for him.

"He might have found out where the Ranch is from the wedding invitation Flame sent her parents. It was Flame's mom that called to tell Bird about her mom, who was her sister. Could be he found out from the sisters talking about it all." Ink suggested.

"Yea, but still doesn't explain how he would know about the pregnancy." Gage reasoned.

"No, but it does mean this might not be Drake's first time down around here. Maybe since the wedding or sooner he's spent some time down here scouting the place out." Hawk spoke.

"It did sound like he knew where Little Bird was when she fled after turning 18. He just wasn't as interested in her anymore since he felt she was getting too old anyways. He probably kept an eye on her to be sure she stayed in line. He had control of her when she was in that town and had the townspeople fooled. No one believed her when she tried to get help, but people who didn't know him might have. They couldn't risk it if she started making a stir." Buster explained.

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