Chapter 12

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A/N In Oklahoma visiting family for the holidays but I was able to get some time to write a little. The content of this chapter may be triggering for those who have suffered from physical or sexual abuse. Read with caution. 

Indigo's POV

Pain. All my brain could register was pain. As I became more aware the next thing I noticed was I was on something cold and hard. Someone was shaking my shoulder.

"Wake up!" I heard someone's plea break through my fog and my eyes popped open.

Standing there was Cleo only in a bra and panties with a look of concern and urgency on her face.

"You have to get up!" She cried. "They've passed out from the drugs I crushed up and put in their drinks while they were out here with you. They moved your car to the back of the woods so it wouldn't be seen from the road. I was able to grab your keys. I'll try and delay them if they wake up and start to come after you but other than that you're on your own, but you must promise you'll come back for me." She pleaded with me through her eyes.

'Why are you helping me? I croaked out.

"You're my last shot at freedom and they have said they've already started the process to get another girl because I am too old now." Her voice cracked at the end of her statement.

I struggled to get up and noticed they had taken my shoes from me so I was barefoot now. Cleo had to help me stand, she helped me to the shed door and then urged me to hurry. I took off into the woods going as fast as I could trying to ignore the aches in my body, thankfully adrenaline began to take over my body.

After making it about 100 yards I began to hear yelling behind me and pushed my body to go faster. Finally, I made it to my car, climbed in. and started it up. I drove off down the old dirt road and heard a shot ring out behind me, I didn't dare look back or slow down.

I needed help now and the cops in this town were worthless. My father ran the bank and was seen as an upstanding man in the community. No one ever believed me. I must get back to Ember. They're Cleo's only hope.

Back in the medic room at B&B MC Ranch

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; this will be the first time I ever tell anyone the whole story. Hopefully they will still be willing to help after they learn everything.

"Things were always rough, but it escalated soon after I turned 8. My brother was 5 years older than me and was always rough with me and my father was always strict. My brother seemed he could do no wrong in his eyes, but I always needed what he would call correction. My brother began touching where I was always taught others shouldn't touch me. So when I told my father I thought he would help me, he called my brother in and asked him about my claims. Drake admitted to it as if it was nothing. My father took on a proud look on his face. My father informed him he was going to teach him how to better treat me. They didn't rape me until I was 10." I was looking at my hands on my lap while I spoke not wanting to see the look of disgust on their faces.

A crash had me whipping my head up and my body beginning to shake. "FUCK!" screamed Buster, he had thrown a tray of medical instruments into the wall and was reaching for a chair. Blade and Gage latched onto him quickly though. Buster began trying to fight them off, "LET ME GO!". I knew this would change everything. I used up goods.

"Brother, calm down. You're scaring Indi." Gage spoke quickly to Buster.

Buster's head swiveled to me and seeing my shaking form and look of panic he looked instantly regretful for his outburst. Blade and Gage let him go and Buster made his way closer to me. He reached out for my hand but I pulled away from him in fear of what he might do. His face took on a look of sadness at my pulling away from him. He put his hands up in a motion of surrender. "Little Bird, I would never hurt you. I'm not mad at you I'm made for you."

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