Chapter 32

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Buster's POV

2 weeks later

We're in Church talking about the Drake situation. Tech did a thorough search looking for any listening devices and came up empty, so we still do not know how Drake got some of the information he has. So far, he's been silent. Some of the guys want to back off on some of the restrictions we have in place. They think he's moved on. I know he hasn't. That asshole looks at all of this as a game. Walking away would be losing to him, and I don't think he could take that. Tank and Ink turned up empty handed with the Devil's Son's MC. The locals said they cleared out a few days' prior. Meaning Drake might have tipped them off that we could come looking for them. We're stuck here with enemies in the wind for now.

"I'm not saying completed pull back all the extra security measures but let up some. If he is still around, he's not going to make a move the way things stand now." Axel pointed out.

Hawk looked exhausted. With Flame pregnant, his sister out there with no leads to find her, and Drake looming over our heads would cause and lesser man to crumble. "I hear you Axel. How about we make it to where the women can go out with just one brother? I still want brothers on the kids though. We can't risk them."

Gage gave him a nod of appreciation. "Trixie is chomping at the bit. She's made some new friends at school and wants to spend time with them. I guess this the first time she's really made friends."

"Okay, we're all in agreement there." Hawk stated before turning to Tech, "Any signs of the Devil's Sons?"

"Not yet, it's like that vanished into thin air. They'll have to pop back up eventually though and when they do, we'll be ready to make a move." Hawk wasn't happy with the answer, but I could tell he knew Tech was doing all he could. Hawk felt like he was letting Rebel down by not finding her faster.

"Trip, you're over watching the high school with Trixie. Tank you take the younger ones today." Gage informed them.

"Let's get things back to some semblance of normal today but remain vigilant. Screw and Buster stick around." Hawk dismissed the meeting.

Screw and I stay seated and waited for everyone to leave. Hawk turned to Screw, "How's Red?"

Screw smiled, "Great, she's really adapting well. She's not as jumpy as she was, and we've been looking into her getting her GED. She's been videoing with Felicia for therapy, and she seems happy with it so far. Doc says she's healing up nicely."

"Good, glad to hear it," Hawk then turned to me, "and Bird?"

"Better than she was. The therapist Felicia hooked her up with is great. Felicia failed to mention that the woman had been trying to get her to move back and become her partner in her practice, but Felicia continues to shoot her down about it." I divulge.

"Interesting. Her moving back, would be a big help." Hawk thought out loud.

"Yea, it would make Tank happy thinking he might have a chance with her again." Screw said.

Hawk only hummed, "Anything else with Bird?"

"Same as Red, not as jumpy. She's started back at work. She worked remotely already so it wasn't a big deal for her to start doing it here. We'd like to make plans soon to go and get her stuff from her house and get it back on the market." I explained.

"So, she's going to be moving here?" Hawk asked.

"She's my old lady." I said like it was obvious.

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