SemiShira oneshots

Bởi cantsoell

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Yes It's what the title says- I'm taking request just to keep this book alivish so I can at least attempt to... Xem Thêm

Yandree Semi is kinda hot
Better (aka fuck Semi)
Short sad thing :)
Lol stupid short fluff cause im posting a really long angst tmr-
You Broke Our Promise
Spooky Dreams :(
Okay better expect fuck Shirabu this time 😩
You're you and I'm just me...
Gay panic
Vent cause i cant talk to people
I'll hump you
Shirabu gay panic this time
I love you
Literally the best fkuff ive ever writen
Hanahaki is so fun
Are you sure your smarter Shirabu?
I'm Tired
Lol sorry bave this
We love a drunk Shirabu
Theyre literally this vine
Piss kink
This is shitty
Christmas Mistletoe
Two Birds
Whats your type
21 hours
I'm really sorry Semi
Semishria make everyone feel pathetic
Semishira being cute and giving each other hickeys
Brutus inspired
Valentines Special
He's fine as fuck
Semi dies for a day lmao
HE IS FINE ASF but pt 2
Hes fine asf part 3
Guys i crave this
Seggs (note)
He is fine asf part 4
He isnt fine but flattering
I thought this qas crazy
7 mintues in heaven but its wholesome

Not Him

450 17 21
Bởi cantsoell












I also wanna take a moment to prove that their is PLENTY room for improvement

I get comments like "your writing is so good I could never" "this is awesome I wish I could do this" and I really appreciate them. I do <3

But y'all my first ever book, it's the Kiribaku one, ITS SO BAD


Person A: Your so cute person B
Personé B: *bkueshes* IM NOT


I'm telling you, with time you find your writing style and learn more things. LIKE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THERE THEIR AND THEYRE



This was a lot I know but I just wanted to talk to you guys

So yep









I opened my eyes and when I realized it was Semi wearing the stupid mask I felt...somewhat bad.

Maybe he shouldn't have scared me.

"Oh shit. Are you okay Semi?!" I asked kneeling down next to him as he took off the mask, a small bruise now on his cheek.

"Oh my god. Remind me not to break your heart."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have scared me!"

"It's okay, your face was worth it." Semi said kissing my forehead and standing back up, going to his locker to grab something.

"Asshole. I didn't punch you too hard did I?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. Are you worried about me~"

"Yea I am." I said hugging him from behind before heading to me own, grabbing shoes and such.

"Are you sure Semi's not actually a zombie??" Goshiki asked looking at the mask as Tendou grabbed it and put it on.
"No wait, I don't want Tendou to become one!"

"What are you talking about?"

"It was on the news last night! They were saying people were randomly attacking and eating people in the streets. They could kinda talk, but not really...the police got them, but more keep showing up."

"What the fuck kind of news are you watching?"

"No hes right. I saw that too..." For once, I sided with Goshiki, even if he an idiot.

"I doubt it's zombies though...could just be some cult or something. A zombie apocalypse is-"

"Impossible." I finished for him closing my locker and looking at the floor.

I've read stuff like that sense I was like 9. That kind of stuff always seemed interesting to me, black wholes swallowing the world whole, or everyone becoming a zombie and the world turning into a wasteland.

I still read that kind of stuff, and I think the reason why I always loved those types of books and comics is cause it couldn't possibly happen. Stuff that could end the world couldn't possibly happen.


"Hey Ken."

"Hm? What?"

"Don't worry. Okay?"


Semi always knew how to make me feel better.

"Can you stop doing that. You both drive me insane why can't I be in relationship." Tendou said sticking his tongue out at us. I rolled my eyes at him before hearing the door to the locker room slam open. Kawanishi held his arm obviously in pain while Yamagata closed the door to the locker room and locked it.

"Please tell me we have a first aid kit in here." Yamagata quickly said looking over at us, while Kawanishi shook his head.

"I'm fine dude-"

"No your not I don't know who the fuck that was but they're crazy. Sit down, I'll look."

"What happened? That's really bloody."Goshiki asked as Kawanishi sat down, Yamagata looking around and Semi helping too since he didn't like blood.

"Some random ass guy scratched the hell out of me. He was mumbling some shit like, im hungry. Fucking dick."

"That...sounds like.." I stared, not really wanting to finish.

Everyone looked at me questionly but I didn't want to say anything just yet. It could've been some crazy guy right? Surely.

"He followed us at first, I don't know if we ended up losing him though. He was or at you fucking slow." Kawanishi said instead just as Yamagata returned with the kit and unlocked.

He cleaned the wound.

It was deep and bleeding quite a bit.

"Hey is it like gone? No offense Kawanishi but I hate that shit."

"Yea it's all wrapped up...this hurts like hell.."

"I knew you were lying earlier when you said it was nothing. Is it bad?"

"Just hurts like hell, I don't even really wanna move it."

" least todays a Friday!" Goshiki said trying to lighten the mood.


I don't wanna think that this whole zombie thing is true, but maybe it's important I pay attention to Kawanishi.

"I'm gonna start warming up, you coming too or no?" Semi asked me, and nodded flowing after him.

As we walked to the gym I couldn't help but think about the whole zombie thing.

I read all those books and comics cause I knew it would never actually happen, but here we fucking are.

What the hell are we gonna do? What if we get trapped and die or something? What if Eita dies and leaves me?
What if-

"You know I'll always be with you right?"


"I know what your thinking Ken."

"...I'm just worried. What if something happens to you like Kawanishi?"

"I promise I won't let that happen. I'll be make sure of it okay?"

"Heh...yea. I love you Eita."

"I love you too, my place tonight?"

"Sure." I said giving him a quick peck before opening the doors to the gym, and getting read to warm up.


"Hey guys."

"What's...what's wrong with Kawanishi?"

He looked pretty pale, and he was just sitting on the bench leaning over on Yamagata, staring at the floor.

"He doesn't really feel well. But he insisted on coming."

"Maybe this, isn't the best time to bring it up, but have you hit been keeping up with the news?" Goshiki asked standing close to Tendou.

"I have."

There's more reports, a lot more. I remember just watching some famous guy live stream and he got bit by some random person. He was bleeding, and then his movements became much slower.

Until eventually his sister came and found him and ended the live.

Why is this happening? Can't this just be a dream.

"I'm gonna, go take a breath outside.."

"Me too." Semi added walking behind me. I smiled at him and nodded as we walked ourtsife the locker room.

He held out his hand and I instantly took it and held it tight.

"It's happening Eita. It's actually happening."

" is."

I don't know why, but I felt like crying.

I'm so fucking scared.

"Since, since we can't really do anything...can you just promise, that me and you will be okay."

"Yea. I promise. I won't leave you. Now you promise me. I don't wanna lose you Ken." He said pulling me to closer and hugging me.

I hugged him back and nodded quickly.
"Yea I promise." I said taking a deep breath and pulling away.
"S-Sorry if I'm...I don't know."

"Don't worry Ken. You know I love you no matter what."

"I love you too Eita. Seriously you always know how to calm me down."

He laughed and just as we were about to head back we heard a loud scream.

"That sounded like Ushijima."

"You don't think..."

Semi ran following where the scream came from, and I followed right behind him. He stopped and when I saw the scene I really, couldn't believe it.

Some girl with pieces bitten off of her was tearing pieces of Ushijima's skin and eating it.

"Oh my god..."

Semi held him stomach and looked away and I took a few steps back. The girl eating him looked up at the two of us, and instantly abandoned Ushijima for us. She stood up and in that moment every possibility there is flashed through my head. I knew which one I wanted to happen, so I grabbed Demi's hand and started running back to the locker room.

I could hear small sobs coming from him and tears started falling from my eyes too.

When we made it to the locker room I instantly locked the door and Semi ran to the toilets, throwing up from all the blood he had saw.

All the blood. There was so much.

I could see his guys and bones. Was he still alive? He had only screamed a few moments before that.

"What the hell happened?! Are you two okay?" Tendou questioned as I caught my breath.

"Ushijima. H-He..."  I couldn't finsih my sentence. I just cried more falling to the floor.
"I think he's...h-he's dead." I finally finished and I could tell they were all shocked without looking at them.


"Someone...someone attacked him. And was eating him. And there was blood and guts and bones. It was Ushijima..."

"You're...Youre kidding right?! Ushi isn't dead. He's not!" Tendou started telling but I stopped paying attention.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up at him, tears welling up in his own eyes.

"Then um. I-Is this real?!" Goshiki asked frantically moving his leg up and down.

I could only nodded my head. I could hear Tendou and Goshiki start sobbing but I looked passed them. I could see Semi scooting back from the stall holding his head.

I walked to him and hugged him. He was sobbing and I felt him hold on to me right.

"This isn't fair." He mumbled and I couldn't agree more.

"Yea. It really isn't."

"S-Should we...I-I don't know try and help?!"

"I don't think...I don't know." Yamagata said Goshiki sighing in return.

"Are you...gonna be okay Tendou?"

Tendou just stared back at Kawanishi shrugging his shoulders.

Why is this happening?

I'm pretty sure we all jumped when there was a bang on the door.



Tendou looked up at the door, and I knew what he was about to do.

"Tendou don't-"

He opened it, and I covered Semi's eyes for him. I knew if he saw what I was he would be right back to the toilet.

Ushijima looked just the way he had before, but blood was dripping off his body and his teeth looked...sharper?

"Oh my god. U-Ushijima. W-We need to get-"

"Too....late..." he said before he hugged Tendou. Tendou cried more and hugged him back.

"No Ushi...I don't wanna. I don't wanna lose you."

Ushijima slowly nodded before he blinked a couple times. Gone. His eye color was fine, it was just grey. And then his mouth opened.

"TENDOU!!" Goshiki yelled pulling Tendou away from Ushijima.

"Goshiki why would you-"

"H-He tried to bite you!! A-And he still is.." Ushijima who must've stumbled back a bit started walking closer to Tendou again.

"W-What do we do?!" Yamagata asked.

if this thing that's happening now is anything like the comics and books I've read then...

I stood up not really thinking too much, and just pushed Ushima to the floor. I looked around for anything and quickly picked up a small trash can and threw it on him as well.

"I don't think there's a way to get him back, so if we either need to figure out how to get him out away from us...or..."

"We're getting him out of here, no way are we...killing him."

I nodded and tried to think of something we could to get him out. I thought of a few things we could try and they were all pretty risky.

If anyone could pull it off though, it was probably me.

"Make sure he stays down." I said quickly before I unlocked my locker and started pulling on it. If I pulled it off I could try and use it as sheiks too push him back outside. It was little small but I couldn't think of anything else.

I pulled trying to rip the locker door off. I wasn't the strongest person for this, but I wasn't gonna stop. I kept pulling and pulling.

"Shirabu! He's up!"

"I-I've almost got it." I said pulling more.

Yamagata and Kawanishi backed away to the bathroom stalls, and Goshiki followed behind them. Tendou came and helped me pull.


Pull pull pull.

Yes! The door came off and I turned to where Ushijima was standing. And I froze. He was right in front of me, reaching for me, and his mouth open ready to tear my skin off and eat it.

"Stop it!!" Despite bis huge discomfort of gore, Semi pulled him back and threw his back pack at him.

"Eita!" He attempted to smile, but I could tell he was about to puke again, so I nodded and he just went right back to the toliet.

Ushijima slowly stood up and as Tendou opened the door I pushed him back using the locker door to keep me safe. As soon as we were outside I shoved the locker door into him and quickly ran back into the locker room and closed the door.

I let out a breath of relief and looked up at Tendou who just stared at the door.

I didn't really know what to say, so I just patted his back and left him alone. I think that's what he needs.

Semi was still puking his guts out when I came to him so I kneeled down next to him and rubbed his back. When he finally stopped he held his head in his hands.


"No way you're ever doing something like that again. Don't even think about it."

"It worked in the end?"

Semi rolled his eyes before sighing.

"Attention!! The government has officially stated the attacks an emergency!! Cases have gotten so out of hand that is it highly suggested you stay at home and lock up!! In this state of emergency we seem to be in, there's a question in all of our minds. What will we do?"

I helped Semi up and I wasn't very surprised to see them all lock up at me, besides Tendou, who stared at the door still.

"U-Uh...w-what should we do..?"

"Well umm...I..." It wasn't like I had anything ready to say, but I was interrupted by my phone ringing, and I realized it was my mom.

"Mom?" I asked, and in that moment everyone else seems to find their own phones, call their families.

"Oh Ken dear. Your safe?!"

"Yea mom...I'm uh...right now I'm safe. I think."

"Oh my thank goodness. Look you need to get home right now! You understand me?!"

"Yea I do...just um..." I paused and I wasn't suprised to see Semi unsuccessful at calling his parents.

I felt so bad for him, they were always so neglectful to him.

He tossed his phone to the side and held his head in his hands.

"What about Eita?"

"Are you crazy?! He has his own family he can ho too!"

"Mom yoh know his parents. Why would you say something like that?"

"I don't care. Let him die. I just need you alive."

"Mom! Are you fucking crazy?! Don't you ever say that!!!" I yelled which must've been suprisjng to the others since they jumped a bit.

"Kenjirou you listen to me right now. You come home, and let him die. He's not important. You are."

I felt tears start to fall and I just stayed silent.

"I love you mom, but your acting crazy. I'm not leaving him."

"Kenjirou. I never approved of you being gay in the first place, let alone him. You will come home."

"Fuck you." That was all I could say before I hung up.

I can't believe her. She didn't really ever say she accepted it, but still. She knows how much I love him, and for her to say, let him die?

There was no way I was gonna leave Semi alone.

I looked over at him and he was looking right back at me, with a hopeless face. Just looking at it made me wanna burst out in tears. I walked to him, and hugged him close to me.

"We're doing this together." I told him wiping away his tears and he smiled back me. 

"No. No no. L-Listen to me, y-your at home yes? you know where you come to watch me play games. Yes. Do...fuck do you think you could...carefully. You hear me? Carefully, make it over here. Stay on the phone with me okay?"

Yamagata bit his finger nails and stood up, away from Kawanishi for once. He looked at the door standing next to Tendou who seemed to finally snapped out of it, running his hands through his hair.

Yamagata has a younger sister, and that must be who he was talking to.

While he stood tapping his foot on the floor over and over I tried to listen to Goshiki.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I don't want you to get hurt. Fine. Okay...Just I guess call me when your here..I love you." He put down his phone, and took a breath of relief.

"My parents say they're  driving over here."

"That's good."

"Um..Yea. guys be okay?"

I nodded and he smiled back giving a thumbs up.

Kawanishi looked back down at the floor after ending the call. He then looked at his arm where how wound was, and cursed at it.

"Kawanishi?" Goshiki asked an she sighed.

"Parents think I'm gonna...kill them. Because of this." He said holding his arm up with the wound. I think it's okay for them to be worried, but to push him away? That's fucked.
"Even if I did...turn into that...I'm too fucking weak to do anything. I feel like shit. And they...sure helped make me feel better." He mumbled to himself.

"No offense, I never really liked your parents. They were pretty strict on you too."

"Yep. I didn't like 'em much either..."

Kawanishi just rolled his eyes at Semi and I before looking back at Yamagata. He seems to stare at him before taking a deep breath and looking up.

Yamagata was always trying to help out, and it makes sense that because Of Kawanishi state, he was probably staying with him and helping him. Sticking by him.

And I wouldn't be suprused if he expected Yamagata to stay with him now. Even if it was a bit much to ask.

" see the gym..? Okay...make sure no one is in there, then go inside. And lock it. I'll...Ill come get you and do our little special knock. Don't open it for anyone else you understand? Give me a minute and I'll head over there." Yamagata finally took a breath and looked over at me.

"I'm going out there and you're not stopping me. I'll come back alright, I just...need her to be with me."

"Yea...but uh...just. Take this with you just in case." I said giving him the locker door I had used before.

He nodded and left.

Goshiki got his call a few minutes later, and unfortunately had to leave without anything to protect himself. We just had to pray he made it safely to his parents.

Me, Semi, and Kawanishi all knew it was for sure us 3 together, and I thought Yamagata and his sister were probably gonna tag along as well.

So it just left Tendou.

He had yet to call somebody but he was finally thinking straight and moving around somewhat.

"Tendou?" Semi asked sitting next to him. He just chuckled nervously before he broke down crying. It was the first time I had ever seen him cry before. It was terrible.

It hasn't even been a week of this shit, and it's already ruining our lives. And it's just going to get worse isn't it? Their gonna be more days like this.


Why now? Why this?


He gave a call to his grandparents, and talked with them for a bit, his conversation going pretty well. It seemed like his case was the same as Goshiki's.

"I really- you're already outside?! Go back grandma, I promise you I can- grandma? Grandma?! No! NO!"

Tendou stood up with tears in his eyes and ran. He ran out the locker room so fast leaving the three of us worried. He had nothing with him, he obviously wasn't trying to be stealthy.

Something obviously happened to his grandma. And I couldn't help but feel terrible.

I just prayed they were both okay.

"So we can go ahead and....assume what just happened right?" Kawanishi mumbled slowly standing up.

"This whole thing is bullshit."


"At least you two lovebirds have each other."

I did feel a little bad for Kawanishi, but he was right. Me and Semi are sticking together through this. I'm not losing him, and he is not losing me.

"Actually...what if I stole him from you Semi?"

"Excuse me?"

"He...used to have a crush on me." Kawanishi said winking at me and I rolled my eyes back at him.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No hes right. I did."

Semi looked back at me with a face of shock and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Actually, I think I still do." I teased and Kawanishi blew a kiss my way.

"Hell no you don't." Semi said grabbing that kiss and crumbling it to pieces making me and Kawanishi laugh.

I was happy we were having this moment right now. Sure we've got no idea what we're doing, how this will end, what's really even going on. But we've got each other.

The door opened back up which scared us a little at first since we forgot to lock it again when Tendou left, but we eased seeing Yamagata and his little sister.

"Yamagata! Thank god." Kawanishi said hugging him and it was a little odd. Kawanishi usually wouldn't do something like that, even if if were me I don't think he would've done that.

He hugged Kawanishi back and pulled away soon after and crouched down to his sisters level.

"Hana you've seen these guys before. I played volleyball with them. That's Shirabu, Semi, and- where's Tendou and Goshiki?"

"Goshiki left to go with his family. Tendou I think...something happened with his grandma. He called her, and it seemed like she was going to come here and get him, but he started calling her name and just...ran. He left."

"Tendou left?"

"Tendou left.." Semi repeated and it was a little surprising to hear that.

Tendou did leave. We have no idea if he's okay right now. He could be in the same situation Ushijima was in when me and Semi first found him.

"God I hate this."

"HayHay...c-can I please take a nap..?"

"Of course Hana. Come on."

Yamagata dug in his locker and grabbed his jacket and his school clothes. He used his closets as sheet almost and put them on one of the benches. She laid down despite being uncomfortable and Yamagata wrapped his jacket around her. She close her eyes and fell asleep rather quickly.

He sighed before looking back at me, Semi, and Kawanishi.

"So...I called my moms phone, but she answered. She cried explaining how half of moms face was....eaten."

"She saw that..? That poor girl.." Semi said and Yamagata could only nod before tears welled up in his eyes.

Kawanishi stood next to him and sat down with him, letting Yamagat cry on his shoulder.

"Like you told me yesterday, let it all out."

"I just don't understand why- why this is happening. A-And I feel terrible for H-Hana....I hate this. So much.."

He continued on and since there was nothing me and Semi could really do we just walked across over to the showers to leave them two.

"God this whole thing is terrible."

"Yea...i mean fuck a week ago everything was perfect. Now we're stuck in locker room with no idea why to do."

"...5 people are stuck in a locker room and 4 have no clue what to do."

Semi raised an eyebrow at me and I couldn't help but laugh at that stupid face he always makes. It always makes me laugh.

"We'll see yoh gonna tell me or keep laughing?"

"I've got a few ideas that are...maybe good for now."

"Just don't. Please don't do anything to hurt yourself. I cant lose you Shirabu."

"You won't. Trust me."

"You oromise?"

"I promise Eita."


"So we're skipping meal again tonight...?"

I felt bad nodding my head but there really wasn't much we could do. We went out to search but there was nothing. We'll have to try again tomorrow and if we find nothing again...then I don't know what we'll do. We might have to find a new place to stay or something?

We've stayed here quite literally since this whole thing started.

Which makes me wonder how long it's been since all of this has started. At least over 5 months. I refuse to believe it's been any less.

" feel-"



There was silence between all of us, and it was miserable.

I could tell everyone was slowly losing hope.

Especially Kawanishi. Everyday he felt worse and worse, he looked bad too. He had gotten so pale, and even though he slept a lot more then the rest of us, he continued to have bags under his eyes.

All of us figured it had to do with starch he got at the start of all of this. I was almost glad his parents didn't trust him, because I guarantee if they saw him now, or even a few weeks ago, they would've left him on his own.

"Stop being sad is fucking annoying!!"


"Semi says it all the time!!"

"Oh shit- oh fuck- wait damnit."

Yamagata rolled his eyes pulling his sister close to him.

"Don't repeat after him."

All of us had gotten pretty good at watching our language around her, except Semi. I don't understand how it was so hard for him, but it was pretty funny.

"We'll then fine! But stop being saddd!" She yelled and it was a little inspiring how cheerful she could be.

Yamagata smiled and pulled her in for a hug before he started tickling her, and her giggles filled the room. It kinda made us all smile and it really did lighten up the mood.

We started talking about where we should try looking tomorrow and it was really good until we started hearing zombies by the door. We all grew silent and I looked at Semi and held his hand in mine.

Hana held both Yamagata and Kawanishi's hand and closed her eyes. I felt bad for the poor girl.

We waited silently and when the noises grew distant we all relaxed.

"Is it just me or is that happening more often?"

"I've been noticing that too."

It has. Fuck. I really didn't want to have to say this but...

"I think we should find somewhere new to stay guys."

Even Kawanishi looked at me in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"We can't stay here forever. We're running out of resources."

"How do we know other places aren't the same way?"

"We don't. But it doesn't matter, either we stay stuck here and run out of matirals or we do it somewhere else. Or, that somewhere else possibly has more supplies and we survive for longer."

Yamagata didn't have anything left to argue butI knew there was still doubt.

Although everyone else didn't seem to like the idea they seemed to understand why it was the best option. Yamagata however was the only one fighting against it.

"Maybe we aren't looking hard enough! I'll go tomorrow and we'll-"

"Yamagata you know we work hard to look for every single thing we can use. We've tried. Why are you so against the idea?"

Yamagata frowned before he grabbed my hand and took me to the back of the locker room.

"Taichi. I'm worried about Taichi."

"What do you mean?"

"You remember last time we let him leave DONT you. Your fucking boyfriend almost died how could you forget."

"Last time it was just him and Eita. If we all go together there's plenty of us to keep him and your sister safe."

"I don't know Shirabu I...I don't wanna lose him."

He looked at me and I could tell he was struggling with what to say.

I don't blame him though. Kawanishi is really sick, he doesn't move around here that often, so it's likely he's a lot slower then the rest of us. But we're not abandoning him.

Even if it slows us all down, it doesn't matter.

"Shirabu if you really think we need to do this then fine. But you better make sure we all make it out of here together."

"I won't let anything happen to him."


I nodded back at him, and he let out a breath of relief.

Maybe I'm just assuming things, but I feel like Yamagata has got a thing for Kawanishi.

Ever since this whole thing they've gotten a lot closer, and speak on first names like me and Eita. Sometimes I catch them snuggling up together, and sometimes when Kawanishi is having a good day, him and Yamagata giggle for an hour straight.

If that's why Yamagata is so worried, then I don't blame him.

When Eita told me how that zombie that attack him almost bit him, I was in fucking tears. The fear of losing him and it almost happing just made me burst in to tears.

I held onto him for like 2 hours sobbing.

I cant lose Eita.

I finally returned to everyone and Yamagata was talking with Kawanishi who had a slight smile on his face. Eita looked back at me and flashed a grin to which I walked over to him and leaned on his shoulder.

"So do you plan tk do this."

"I think we should rest today, eat a little bit tomorrow, rest again, and just make our way somewhere. Maybe find a store to stay at each night until we find maybe...fertile soil? And we could grow berry's! Ya know?"

"Hey that's actually a good idea. If we can grow stuff then we have a somewhat reliable resource."

"Yea." I said with pride. Eita looked down at me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you...babe."



"What the hell Eita?! You've never called me babe!"

"You don't like it?"

"I mean...I guess I don't mind." It actually kinda made my heart race.


I never thought of it before but...holy shir it's really cute.

"Your getting red."

"Dude i can't help is really cute."

"Your really cute."

"I love you Eita."

"I love you Ken."



Fuck fuck fuck. We're trapped.

What kind of store doesn't have a back exit?!

"There's seriously no other exit?!"

"There's fucking death in the front, shit shit shit."

"Cant we wait it out??" Hana asked, and for a second it seemed like a good idea. We did it so many times before. The zombies banged on the glass windows for a minute while we stayed hidden. A few left, but some stayed, and the glass started to crack.

"Oh shit..."

Hana gasped out and clinged into her brother.

This can't be the end. We gotten so far. We found so many supplies these past 2 weeks. We made it so far. We had a few scares but this isn't a fucking scares. This is-

"Are we gonna die?"

The sentence seemed to frighten us all, and there was no answer. We just watched silently as more cracks formed in the windows and more zombies crowded around.

"We're not gonna die.." Kawanishi mumbled out and Hana looked up at him.
" of us."


"And it was probably....gonna happen soon. Anyway."

What is he doing.

"Taichi what the hell-"

" as fast as possible. Alright?"

"Taichi what the fuck are you doing?!" Yamagata yelled grabbing his hand.

Kawanishi looked at Yamagata with a small smile as tears welled up.

"Hayato. I...Don't miss me."

"Taichi don't you fucking dare."

"I to live. P-Please."

"I can't live without you.."

"You can. I'm the one who's....dargging us behind. If I have to....die. For you to live...then I'm willing to die." He said before he turned his back to Yamagata and focused his attention on the glass. More cracks. Yamagata slowly loosened his grip and leg Kawanishi go.

He took steps to the glass and all of the zombies focused on him.

"Kawanishi are you-"

"Yes km sure. You guys better....better live."

"Taichi I-"

The glass shattering startled all of us. Kawanishi stumbled back a step, and fell to the floor as the zombies started making their way to him.

"Come on Yamagata we gotta hurry before-"




"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I reached for his hand but I couldn't grasp onto it. He tan to Kawanishi and kneeled down beside him. He hugged him close, and then, I couldn't see anymore. The zombies covered my view.


But their screams gave me a horrfying picture.


"Oh my- come on Hana." I couldn't watch anymore. I couldn't let her see anymore. I picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around me. I could hear her start to sob and I felt tears beginning to form in my own eyes.

Before I could do anything else, Eita grabbed my hand and took off through the glass doors where the zombies once were.

We ran and I turned to look back.

The zombies were still there, and I'm sure...Kawanishi and Yamagata weren't anymore.

We ran until we found the abandoned house we had been staying at. I closed the door and put down Hana. I caught my breath and looked down at her.

She has tears flooding her face and she looked back at me with the most sadden expression I had ever seen.

"Shirabu...w-what- w-w-why did H-Hay-HayHay do. Do that?!" She asked he voice slowly breaking down.

"Oh god Hana..." I pulled her in a hug and let some of my own tears fall.

Just like that. Kawanishi and Yamagata weren't with us. Fuck.

I looked back at Semi and he too was crying. He pulled at his hair before letting out curses.

Why is this all happening.

Kawanishi didn't deserve that.
Yamagata didn't der serve that.

Hana doesn't deserve this.

This is fucking horrible.

"W-Why Shira-Shirabu?!" Her loud cries soon turned into quiet sobs.

"I'm sorry Hana. Um so so sorry."

"I want...I want H-HayHay.....I want HayHay b-back."

I didn't say anything back, I just patted her back and tried my best to calm her. She complained and cried and screamed and yelled. And I don't blame her.

She was just a kid for fucks sake.

Eventually, her loud sobs soothed into quiet sniffles.

"I-I want...t-to nap." She said quietly.

I hummed in response and carried her over to the sofa in the living room. I laid her down and she closed her eyes, a few tears still rolling down her face.

"Rest Hana. Get some rest..." I said quietly grabbing the blanket from the side and covering her with it. I stayed a few minutes longer until I could tell she was asleep and slowly left the room to the kitchen.

Semi stood there leaning against the counters and looking at the floor with his arms crossed. He was thinking, I could tell by the way he stared.


He looked up and his lips formed a small smile.


I slowly walked over to him and reached out my hands for him as tears started falling down my face again. His smile turned back to a frown and he pulled me in for a hug too.

I held onto him right and gripped his clothes in my hands.

"Eita I'm so-so fucking tired of this!"

"Yea. Me too. It's sucks ass. I-It's like n-no matter what we fucking do nothing...changes."

"And w-we try so h-hard. To fucking live. A-and we're rewarded with death?! I-it's so stupid! I hate it I hate it I hate it."

He nodded and I could feel him pull me closer. I moved back slightly, but still held him in my arms so I could look at him. He looked down at me and I pulled him into a kiss. He kiss back, and we stayed like that for a few seconds until he pulled away.

"Y-You're not g-gonna leave. Right?"

"Never..." I told him hugging him again.


"I love you so much Ken."

"Mmmhmm. Me too..." I answered breathlessly. Yet, I still went back to his lips because it's fucking Semi Eita. How could I resist?

"Hey...we were like in high school when this whole shit started."


"How long do you feel like it's been?"

"It's felt like years, but that seems a little impossible."

"Hana's gotten a bit taller? Could be just a growth spurt or something though."

"Why we're you asking?"

"Ehhh I think you know." He said with a small smirk and I just rolled my eyes and laughed at him.

"Nah cause honestly me too, but you know."

"Yea I get it. Plus Hana is sleeping like right next to us, and who knows how thin these walls are."

I laughed gave Semi a forehead kiss instead and laid down next to him.

"One day. Maybe."

"Not maybe. It'll definitely happen."

"You honey fuck."

"Dude you can't blame me."

"Yea i can't."

I turned my head to look at him and he did the same. Again, I pulled him into another kiss and stayed there longer then necessary again.

Only did the loud bang and slam of the front door opening pulled me away.
"What the hell?!" Semi shot up and I did the same, then I remembered Hana.

"Shit Hana."

"You go check on her Ill see what's going on." I slowly nodded and left to the little girl room. She was sat up in her bed clearly woken up due to the noise.


"Are you akright?"

"Mhmm. Y'all....left-"

"No Hana! We would never leave you here by yourself. I don't know. Who. Came in...?"

The loud noise of a gunshot pierced my ears and I covered my head in instinct. After a few moments I looked at Hana and her face was filled with fear.

Her eyes started watering and she let out a few whimpers, but then I realized that we don't have any guns. Me and Semi.

And if we didn't have any, then someone else shot a gun. Fuck, Eita better be okay. He promised.

I covered her mouth and picked her up looking for somewhere to hide.

I couldn't find anywhere though, and as footsteps approached the door I panicked. I put Hana down and told her to stay behind me. Grabbing the knife we let Hana keep, I hid behind the door and waited.

The door opened and just as I was about to attack the intruder I heard Semi instead.


"Eita?" I asked coming out from behind the door and seeing him with a other guy-


"What the-?!"

Then I slowly recognized the red hair and creepy eyes.


"Hell yea! It's me."

"What the hell."

"He almost fucking shot me."

"WHAT?!" I yelled grabbing onto Semi and hugging him. He hugged me back and I had a few tears strolling down my face.

"It's alright...I'm fine." He whispered and pulled back and kissed my forehead.

"Eita...I told you. D-Don't leave."

"I won't. I won't Ken."

"Uhhh, so I guess y'all are still a thing?"

I gave Tendou the middle finger and hugged Semi again.


"Oh Hana." I wiped away some of the tears I had and crouched down to her level.

"It's alright. We're safe. This is one of our friends. He used to play volleyball with us too." I said holding her hand and introducing her to Tendou, who looked...annoyed?

"Isn't that Yamagata's sister? Where is he?"

Semi gave Tendou a look and he seemed to get the idea. Hana looked over at me and I shooed Semi and Tendou away.

"Are you alright Hana?"

"Kinda...I miss HayHay...does Tendou miss him too?"

"Yea...we all do. He was a great guy."

"He was.." Hana yawned and crawled back into her bed and turned onto her side away from me.

"Go back to sleep Hana."

"I will...f-for HayHay."

I almost wanted to cry hearing her words, but I slowly left her alone and closed the door.

I walked to the kitchen where Semi and Tendou were, and by the look of Semi's face I could tell he told Tendou exactly what happened.

Semi looked back at me and smiled, and I sent one back before looking at Tendou. After hearing what happened, I expected shock, sadness, maybe even anger? But he kinda seemed...unbothered.

"So...we've been looking after Hana."

"Why didn't you just leave her?"

"What?!" I interrupted causing Tendou to look down at the floor.

"I mean...she can't do much right? Just an extra mouth to feed."

"Tendou SHES a child."

"Which means she can't do anything but whine."

"Tendou what the hell is wrong with you??" Semi questioned, and that's when he looked up at Semi and shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine whatever. Keep her."

"Speaking of extra mouths to feed, what we're you doing going through all of our food?"

"I was gonna steal it, but since it's you I guess I can leave it alone."

"If it wasn't us you would've taken it?" I asked and he looked back at me and slowly nodded.

What the hell.

First he says to leave Hana on her own, now he's saying he would've stolen our stuff? This isn't Tendou.

"Your joking right?"

"No. I'm doing what I need to do to live."

"Tendou what the fuck."

"You guys steal from stores, it's the same thing."

"It's not Tendou, the stuff we take from stores isn't being used, the stuff we have here is."

"Whatever. I thought maybe our little meet up would be nice. Guess I thought wrong." Tendou said, looking more towards Semi.

"Tendou we're glad your alive but what your doing and saying is just..."

"Just what Eita?"

"Eita?" I asked questioning the use of his first name. Back in highschool they were close but not that close.

I'm the only person who uses his first name.

"Tendou are"

"I am."

"Hm." Semi hummed back and walked over next to me.

Tendou glared over at me and honestly I wanted him gone. I don't know what happened to him ever since he left, but I don't like it.

Tendou loved children when I knew him.
And he was always playing with them.

He cares about others, especially since he was always bullied as a kid.

Now he's saying, to leave Hana alone and steal from others.

It's not Tendou.

"Can we talk outside Semi?"

"About what?"

"You'll find out."

"Why can't Ken come?"

"Why should he?"

"We we're all friends WERENT we? Surely you can talk to both of us."

Tendou rolled his eyes at Semi and looked at the door.

He started making his way over to the door and opened it.
"I'll be back later. Maybe you'll be in right mind set Eita."

"Why are you calling me Eita??"

Tendou shrugged his shoulders and slammed the door shut. Eita looked at me with a slightly concerned look.

"Somethings not right."

"You think? And was it just me, but he didn't look very upset at about Kawanishi and Yamagata. Like he didn't care."

"Yea, god what the hell do you think happened?"

"I'm not sure I wanna know." I said as Semi wrapped his arm around me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Love you Eita."

"Love you too Ken." He said kissing my forehead and peeking out the blinds.
"It looks like it's starting to get dark. You think we should have dinner tonight?"

"How about breakfast tomorrow, go searching, and then dinner."

"Sounds good to me."


"Tendou is here."


"He's here. Hiding. And watching us." I whispered to Semi as he put down Hana so she could mess around with some old toy machine.

"Where?" I turned in Tendou's direction and glanced at the store he was watching us from.

He wasn't visible right now, but I know I saw him.

"Trust me he's there."

"Hana you wanna come check this store?" Hana pulled her attention away from the machine and poked her head out the store looking for any zombies.

"All good!" She said before running across to the other store Tendou hid in.

"We're confronting him?"

"I want to know what's his problem. I'll say I saw him." Semi took my hand in his and started following Hana.

"AH!" Her loud scream startled both of us, and we quickly ran after her. When we got to the store we told her to go, a loud gunshot rand im our ears. We both covered our head, and Eita pulled me close to him.

"You guys listening?" Tendou stepped infront of, holding Hana in one hand, a gun pointing at her head in the other one.

"T-Tendou...w-what the hell?"

"All I wanted was to talk Eita."

"Why are you using my first name?!"

"You're the only one I have left. Ushijima died and my grandma died. That left you. And I prayed one day we would meet again. Just me and you. And we could live through this together. You were the only hope I had."

Semi swallowed looking over at me. I held his hand tighter, and Tendou seemed to notice since a scowl took over his face.

"But no. You want to go with this idiot, and take care of a useless child. Why don't you come with me? You know how comfortable I'm living during this time."

"How could you be comfortable at a time like this?"

"By doing what I need to do." He said smiling at Hana. I saw his finger play with the trigger, and I knew what was coming. But I couldn't do anything but cover my head again when the bullet Pierced Hana's head. I was almost too scared to open my eyes, but I did.

And god was it terrible. Hana had blood dripping all over her body, and her eyes were slowly closing.

Semi started coughing as he moved away and Tendou dropped Hana's body.

"Your turn." He pointed the gun at me, and I felt my life flash before my eyes.

Eita was most of it.

I didn't want that to end. I moved out of the way and threw myself at Tendou. We both fell, and the gun fell from his hand.

"You little asshole." He shouted trying to push me off, but I didn't budge. I kept him down on the floor and tried to reach for the gun.

"EITA, JUST SHOOT THE DUMBASS!! HE TOOK YOUR DAMN SPOT!! ALL HE DOES IS CAUSE YOU PROBLEMS! I CAN DO SO MUCH MORE FOR YOU!" Tendou shouted at Eita, who was just recovering from the blood show. He avoided looking at Hana and reached for the gun.

He wouldn't shoot me. Kill me. Right?

"Ken get off him, and get behind me." I looked at him and slowly lifted myself diff Tendou.

I knew it. He wouldn't.

Tendou tried to get back up, but Semi pointed the gun at him, shakily while stepping in front of me.

"T-Tendou why?"

"She's not the only person. I told you. I do what I need to do. Everyone is on there own. That kid should've died a long time ago, she DOESNT der serve food she didn't earn. Neither does he." Tendou said glancing at me.

What the hell happened to Tendou.

I looked at Eita, and he seemed to read my mind, because that's what he asked Tendou next.

"I told you. I was alone. And I needed to do what I had to do to live. No one else mattered besides me."

The gun started shaking in Semi's hand and tears welled up in his eyes.

Tendou was a completely different oerson, and clearly Eita didn't like that.

"Tendou. Can you please promise me, t-that you'll try to be a better person. If we l-let you come with us."

Tendou looked down at the floor and stayed silent for a bit.

The old Tendou would probably despise himself for being like this.


It was obvious that this Tendou didn't care anymore. Semi's eyes wissen and he stepped back away from Tendou as tears started to pool in his eyes.

His arms fell to the side, and he covered his face and pulled at his hair. Quiet sobs started being let out and he stumbled back wards to the wall and sunk down into a ball.

"Why..?" Was all he said looking at the floor.

"Eita..." I was about to kneel down with him, but suddenly a tight grip around my throat stopped me.

"YOUR IN THE WAY!!" Tendou yelled wrapping his arm around my throat and pulling at it. I tried to pull him off, and save my breath but I couldn't, until another loud gunshot rang.

I felt his grip loosen and Tendou started laughing.

"I hope you feel, g-guilty. And kill yourself." He whispered before he fell back. I looked back behind me where he fell, and saw a hole through his head and blood falling from it.

"AHH!!" Semi cried out in terror turning to his side and throwing up.

God Eita.

I crawled over to his side and rubbed his back. Tears fell from his eyes like crazy and he held his stomach while puking.

"Oh Eita.."

"I-I feel so sick!!" He cried out before he moved back away from his own mess. He looked at me, and the look in his eyes hurt me so much.

He looked so disgusted, scared, afraid, guilty, hopeless, regretful.

He cried more and pulled me into a hug clutching onto me.

"Eita. I-It's not your fault."

"I don't care!! Ken I...I-I killed him! A-And Hana. W-Why?! What did we d-do to deserve this? Wh-What did I do?!" He cried and cried holding on tight as his tears began to wet my shirt.

"Let it all out." Was all I told him while rubbing his back and holding him in my arms just as tight.

"I hate th-this so much! I-I want....I want it to end!!" He yelled out crying desperately clutching onto me as if his life depended on it.

My own te at a began to fall seeing him so upset.

This is hell.

I couldn't more then ageee with Eita.
I want this to end.


Semi's breathing started to increase, and I rubbed his back and squeezed his hands.
Another nightmare.

I hope these go away soon. I hate seeing Eita so upset. Ever since...that day...he's had nightmares constantly. Some he could sleep through, others he would wake up crying.

They always changed too. Himself covered in Hana and Tendou's blood, Hana mocking him for kettinh her die, Tendou killing me, Hana, and Eita. I've had a few nightmares too, not nearly as much as Eita though.

Eita's eyes shot open, and tears started to fall from his eyes as he searched around for something. Our eyes locked, and he let out a breath in relief it seems.

"Y-You're okay right?"

"Mhmm. I'm okay."

He had a small smile and sat up so he could lean onto my shoulder.

"What was it this time?" I asked and he looked to the side

"It didn't, even have nothing to do with, that day. It was"

"What do you mean."

"You! got attacked. One got to you and was, eating you a-alive. And...and you were screaming and- I couldn't do anything."

I was being eaten alive?

God I can't imagine what Eita would do. What I would do. I don't want to die. I don't want Eita to die either.

"Ken....I-I love you."

"I love you Eita. I love you more then you'll ever know."

"Ken you have no idea how crazy I'll go if I lose you."

"You won't Eita. And you better not go either."

"I would never. I feel like I can't survive without you." He said pulling me into a hug and cradling into my neck. It was a little ticklish and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I love you."

"I love you Ken." He said pulling back and kissing me. 

We stayed their for a while, until I lost my breath and had to pull away. I looked at what we're his trendy tired, sad, angry eyes and saw a happiness growing in them.

"Ken." He said breathlessly and I wanted to
Kiss him again.

So I pulled him to my lips and wrapped my arms around his body and pulled him close.

I just want Eita. I want him to be here with me forever.

I never want him to go. Ever.

I pulled back and stared into his eyes with a smile.

He looked down at me and had a huge drum as well.

"Ken." He said rubbing his hands through my hair while I just hummed back as a response.

Eita rolled his eyes and kissed me again. We shared kisses over and over, until all I could think was Eita.

His name, his personality, his body, everything Eita was in my head. And god I loved it.


"Is it just me, or is something weird."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I'm just...anxious. I feel like something....bad is gonna happen."

"I don't think so. I mean not finding anything is bad, but it's not like that hasn't happened before." I said peeking my head out of the dark alley way.

Looks clear. Grocery store ahead too.
"Let's go there."

He nodded and rubbed his hands. He really is anxious huh? He only ever rubs his hands when he's anxious. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, squeezing it.

He looked up at me and I gave him a reassuraninh nod.

"We're okay Eita."

"No Ken you don't u-understand. I-I know something is gonna happen."

"Look Eita. It's clear see?" I let him look around, and the coast was still clear.

He sighed and looked back at me.

"Okay." He hugged me close to him, and then nodded. I took his hand in mine just so he knows we're okay, and we ran across into the store. It was also somewhat emptied. Empty as I'm there was no zombies, but there was so many supplies left.

"No way. Eita look."

"It's probably old though isn't it?"

"I'm sure we can find some stuff. Come on." I grabbed his hand and we started walking through the isles. Semi was right about it being old, but some stuff we took anyway. There was honey buns, water, noodles, oats and apples.

There was stuff for protection too like knifes and baseball bats. There was lots of things.

"This- This is awesome!" This was the first time in a long time any search had gone this good.

"You're right."

"And you were all worried."

"I'm sorry I-I just-"


He looked at me as I called his name. I gave him a smile and reached up to kiss him.
"I love you. Let's get back and have a nice meal."

He smiled at me and nodded.

"I love you Ken." With both of our bags filled and actually a tad bit heavy for once, we peeked our from the store. Nothing.

I took his hand and we scurried across to the alley way.

"You know Eita, I feel like a kid running across the street when a car was coming."

"Usually k would say me too, but that feeling is lingering just a bit."


"I know. I'm worried for no reason. I-"

"I love you okay? You have every right to be anxious, but I promise you, nothing will happen."

I gave him a quick peck and started walking again after the small nod solidify he was okay.

I took note of how when we went searching Eita started to become more nervous and stressed ever since the Tendou situation. But this is the worst I've seen it despite it being quite some time. At least it feels like it.

I seriously wonder how long we've been living like this.

"What if we started our own calendar? Like is February 14, 2041."

"I think there would be a significant difference in how we look."

"Well, you certainly have grown even more hotter." I said and he smiled.

"You too Ken."

"You know Eita. We're basically married at this point."

His face immediately lit up and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I mean we sleep together, always tell each other everything, like together."

"You're right. And I'm proud of that."

"Me too. We need fo find rings"

Eita and I started looking around on the ground as we made our way back, still looking out for any zombies.

We've only seen 1 so far.

Well, I've only seen 1, but I really wanna find those rings. If me and Eita can't actually get married for a while, then having a pretend marriage is perfectly okay with me.

I'm gonna find some fake rings even if it means dying.

That's a joke.

I can't have a pretend Margie with Eita if I die.

"Hey Ken."  Eita grabbed my attention and pointed to some shop that looked like it was once a nearly store.
"There's our rings."

"No way! Eita we're the luckiest people on earth right now."

"We might be the only people." He joked while I checked for any Zombies.

None. I smiled and ran into the store. Holy shit! There's actually jewelry! Me and Eita are gonna get pretend married. I looked back at him as walked across to where I was. He was smiling, but his face turned to horror in an instant as he ran.



"AHHH!!" Kenjirou shrieked in pain and I froze. His face was filled of pain, shock, fear.

"EITA!" He shouted my name and I ran to the shop as the zombie pulled him down to the floor.


I can't see

I pushed my legs and the scene I saw once I was in the store was my biggest nightmare.

Ken's arm was being torn apart, despite his efforts to get away. His shoulder was already bitten off, and blood fell like a flood.

His face screamed of pain, and dread.

"N-No. NO!" I wasn't thinking, I just shoved the zombie off of Ken and stabbed it with my knife over and over. I stabbed it one final
Time and and left it there before running to Kenjirous horrified face.

"Ken. No no. No this CANT b-be possible I-it's not true. I-I'm dreaming. Again. Again. W-Wale up. Wake up wake up." I felt tears start running down my cheeks, as I I closed and and opened my eyes waiting for me to wake up and next to Ken.

"Eita." His strained, dull voice proved to me this was no dream though.

"N-No.." I crawled to his side, despite all the blood pouring from his body. I held back all I could.

There has to be asome way to save him right?!

I can't lose Ken. I can't. Not after, everything we done.


"H-Hey..." his shaky voice broke my heart, and looking at his weakens face already going pale just hurt me even more.

This isn't happening.

I can't. I can't live without-

"I love you...a-alright? I- ahhh, I r-really loved h-you." His slightly bloodied band caressed my cheek, and my vision was stating to blur from the tears streaming down my face.

"Ken I c-can't. I can't...n-not without you...please.."

"I know, I-I'm sorry." Tears fell down his face as he looked up at me with an expression that made me want to scream and curse at whatever god caused this.


"Eita." He called for me and I looked at his eyes draining of life. Any moment now, he will just be another walking dead body. No more kisses, giggles, teasing, anything.

No more anything.

"Please. L-Live. I don't w-want the same fate f-for you." His voice started cracking, and I don't care what blood is pouring out his body, or if he could end my life in seconds just as that fucking zombie did, I pulled him into a hug.

I clutched onto him and I felt him grip my shirt as sons escaped both our lips.

Loud, painful sobs.

"I love you Ken. S-So much."

"Me too. E-Eita." He said before his grip started loosening. I pulled back and looked at him, desperately praying this was still a dream.

Anything. Anything else but this.

Shirabu's eyes closed and when they opened, I knew it wasn't him anymore. I backed away from him, and that's when he started moving more. Not because he was actually fine, healed, but because he was one of those bastards now. And god even like this I wish o could just hug him until I die.

Why did it have to be him?

"Kenjirou...?" I asked, but only a glance and a grumble came back.

Please. Let me wake up from this nightmare. Please.

He can't be gone.

He can't.

I can't lose him.

Not him.

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