The Love of a Crow - Wesper/C...

By ameteurgamercom

114K 3K 4.5K

Welcome back to Ketterdam; it is still the same greasy Barrel Bucket you remember it as, but this time someth... More

1. Introduction
2. Matthias
5. Jesper
7. Jesper
8. Matthias
9. Jesper
10. Kaz
11. Kaz
12. Wylan
13. Matthias
17. Kaz
19. Wylan
20. Kaz
21. Jesper
22. Matthias
23. Wylan
24. Nina
25. Jesper
26. Inej
27. Kaz
28. Wylan
29. Inej
30. Wylan
31. Nina
32. Jesper
33. Jesper
34. Kaz
35. Inej
36. Kaz
37. Nina
38. Jesper
39. Jesper
40. Wylan
41. Kaz


2.5K 73 49
By ameteurgamercom

The streets bowed to the darkness, letting it become its master, letting it form magic and elaborate illusions to trick even the brightest of minds. But for Inej, the darkness was not an enemy. It was merely a small obstacle, something she could use to her advantage when the time came. Now, she couldn't decide whether this was one of those times.

Jesper may usually saunter about with a graceful, yet drunken air, but he was quick when he wanted to be, and right now Inej didn't doubt he could run all the way to Ravka if Van Eck was on a business meeting there.

Her options were these; she could catch up with Jesper, if she managed it, and try and persuade him otherwise, or she could find a shortcut and warn Van Eck. Neither seemed appealing. Convincing Jesper not to commit homicide would be difficult, especially since she felt like resorting to it herself, and sticking a knife deep in Van Eck's abdomen seemed so tempting...

Focus, Wraith. It would be bad enough to lose one investment, but two in the same night? That really is cruel!

Inej sighed, silencing the annoying voice inside of her that sounded very much like Kaz. A little too much, in fact.

The second option was to warn Van Eck, but how was she supposed to do that? They would never let her just waltz in uninvited at the front door. Maybe she could sneak in an open window?

Ah yes, that sounds much better; "Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, and for breaking your window, but you're about to be viciously murdered. Do you have any refreshments?"

Yes. That didn't seem too smart.

Wait! There it was! Breathing... heavy, up ahead. Inej darted forward, slipping into a little alleyway that would cut off from the main road and get there quicker. Now she could see a dark shape moving in the shadows; Jesper.

"Jesper!" She cried, wincing as her voice resounded across the street. Jesper promptly ignored her.

Great, she thought. Now things would get difficult. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Cautiously Inej cut across the road, leaping onto a first-floor balcony railing of a hotel, narrowly avoiding being hit in the face by a potted plant. That wasn't good; only the richer side of Ketterdam could afford or care about such greenery. They were getting closer.

Now she could see Jesper clearly; his clothes were all ruffled, his hair a tangle as he ran, yet he barely seemed out of breath. What was driving him now, she wondered? It was the blessing of life that drove her on, it was the greed and never-ending hunger of Kerch that drew Kaz on, but what about Jesper? What did he live for other than cheap booze and gambling? And what drove him to kill himself now?

What do you think drives Nina and Matthias, Wraith? I thought you were smart enough to figure it out; we don't all need to ride just one path before we reach the end.

The faster she ran, the more the edge of the buildings came into view. The road would soon cut off into a side street, and she couldn't make that jump. Jesper seemed to be considering his options too, as he slowed down. That was when they both saw it; the mansion.

Beyond the cut-off lay a colossal house at the end of the street, marked by its own huddle of trees and bushes, with two lamp posts on either side. The house itself might as well have been a palace, as it held itself tall and proud with its smooth, pale terraces and darkened windows with overhanging balconies. This was the one she remembered from her missions and spying. This was where Wylan had grown up. Her gaze hardened. This was the bloody torture house Van Eck had turned it into. This was a mask.

But even though it pained Inej to go against everything she believed in, and she did thoroughly believe Van Eck should be killed, it shouldn't be Jesper. Her, nor Kaz, would not let another monster emerge from their closest friend. And she would not watch Wylan's heartbreak either.

One chance. One shot to put a stop to this madness. Inej took a deep breath, heard the scuff of Jesper's boots as he ran forward, heard her own light footsteps, which she wasn't bothering to keep quiet anymore. The balcony in front came to an end, and she felt cool metal railing in her hands before she leapt over and pounced.

For a moment all was still and peaceful. A crow chirruped as if welcoming her to the land of the sky. The fire in a lamp flickered. The cobbles cracked and howled as they prepared to cushion her face. Then there was movement, and time resumed.

Jesper collapsed as Inej fell on top of him, but neither stayed dazed for long. Jesper scrambled from underneath her, giving her a 'what-in-the-Saints-name-are-you-doing' look before he tried to get up. Inej yanked on his foot and he growled in frustration, trying and failing to battle Inej's limbs off of him, but she held strong until finally her legs were wrapped around his waist, and he couldn't move.

"Get off of me, Wraith! What are you trying to do?!" He yelled, and she silenced him with a hush.

"I'm trying to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life, you podge!" She whisper-shouted.


"If it stops you from being an idiot, then yes!"

He sighed, becoming more serious. "You can't stop me, Inej. One way or the other, I will do this. I have to do this. He must pay. For everything."

Inej stayed silent. To be honest with herself, she hadn't planned what she would say when she actually caught him. She had learnt from the Crows (mostly Nina) that being spontaneous often worked.

You could always knock him out and drag him by his boots?

No. She most certainly would not be doing that!

Eventually, she found it. "And must Wylan pay more than he already has? Must he always suffer for other people's mistakes? For Van Eck's mistakes? His father has taken enough from him already, and now he will take you to your grave! How do you think Wylan will live with that guilt? With knowing that he caused your death? How can he heal if you are gone?"

"But... I have to..." now Jesper looked more doubtful as he battled with himself, staring at the house in longing.

"Jes," she whispered, forcing him to turn to her. "If this is anyone's kill, it's Wylan's."

That got him. Jesper's gaze hardened again as he nodded, and Inej hopped off, helping him to his feet. She was surprised her pep talk had actually worked. She was also surprised to see tears grace Jesper's usually-cheery face.

"He never told me," he muttered, voice breaking. "Even when I whined and called him soft, even when I called him spoiled and weak, he never said a word. I used to think my father was the worst person in the world for making me hide... something I was born with, so I up and left him, never once regretting it. Saints be damned, I'm the spoiled one. I had the best father in the world and I abandoned him. I have the best shot in Ketterdam and I spend it pining away at a card game. Wylan has been given nothing yet he still continues to live. I've been with the Dregs for years now, and I can't even protect them. He saved them all in one night. And seeing Wy like that was just..."

He broke off, tears free-falling down his face. Inej pulled him close and kneeled down as Jesper fell onto the street, his face hidden in his hands. Inej pulled them away and wrapped her arms around him. It had been so long since she had given someone a hug, and it felt... nice. And she wouldn't want to share it with anybody else at this moment. Even with tears soaking through her jacket she could feel Jesper's breathing calm, his long arms embracing her as well.

Eventually Jesper pulled away, wiping his tears away quickly as if they had never happened. "Well I never thought I would be attacked by a flying motivational speaker, but I guess that's Ketterdam for you!" He grinned.

Inej rolled her eyes, but she was glad to see he was feeling better. "You should just be thankful I wasn't a flying Matthias, or you would be complaining a lot more!" She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Jes... maybe you should write to your father? You know, just to make sure everything's ok?"

Jesper went still for a moment, and Inej was afraid she'd said the wrong thing. Then, he smiled again, his eyes glistening. "Yeah, I think I'll do that. Thanks, Nej. I don't know what I would have done if-"

"I know." She stopped him as they walked back down the deserted street. "Nothing happened anyway. There is nothing wrong with taking a light evening stroll."

Well done, Wraith. A Merchant crisis has officially been diverted, all thanks to me.

Keep telling yourself that, Brekker, and I'll keep telling myself you're actually useful in my head.

Oh please, you know you'd be lost without me to spread my wisdom.

He was right, as usual. She had been lost. And now she was found. 

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