Beauty & The Beast

Por drippynae

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THIS IS AN INTERSEX STORY ABOUT ARI & YOUNG MA! Ari is a hardworking hairstylist. She's loving and looking fo... Más

Q & A
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2


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Por drippynae

In the last chapter I was putting Micah instead of D. I fixed it but some of you had already read it so to clear it up last chapter D died not Micah!

Essence Pov

I picked the phone up "Ari, where are you" I'm so tired. I just arrived to New York to look after her and the kids.

"I'm in Atlanta, why isn't Katorah answering the phone" I could hear the frustration in her voice

Why the fuck is she in Atlanta? "Why are you in Atlanta? Where are the kids"

"Jada called me" I never have liked Jada. It's always bad news with her "my kids are with Kenya"

At least she doesn't have her kids "Jada got Young set up" i walk through the airport. I was only telling Ari so she could avoid anything that bitch would do. How you gone get your babymama set up like that? What the fuck are you going to tell your son?

"Where the fuck is she" Ari ask "is she okay"

Honestly I did not want to tell Ari anything right now. For one she's there and I'm here, for two I don't even know what to tell her, and for three I don't need her touching Jada. I want to beat her ass my damn self.

This is her wife though "I'm waiting on a word now"

"You left her" she raise her voice

"I came to get you! Young wanted to make sure you and the kids were okay" she's not as selfish as I thought she was. I mean she was dying and she only cared about Ari. That's some real nigga ass shit.

"If she wanted to make sure we were okay then she should do it herself. She just got you doing this because she got a baby on the way, she trynna get a reaction out of me? What the fuck she got going" this girl is in straight denial. I just told her I was waiting on a word but this is Young we're talking about. The bitch that got shot in the stomach and went to a baby shower and hospital for her maybe baby in the same day. She's built different. One of the strongest people I know.

"She was shot Ari" I let out "multiple times"

"Alright, what hospital" before we went in Young made it known not to take her to a damn hospital. I wanted to disregard her wishes but Levi wasn't budging

"She's not at a hospital" I mumble. If Ari was here, I'm New York, then I could just lie and say a hospital in Chicago but that's not the case here.

"She's not what" Ari ask

"She didn't want to go to a hospital" Ari started laughing "she's being taking care of"

"Essence I'm hungry, pissed, sleepy, confused, and frustrated" she start "and I don't want to take it out on you, I really don't. Take Katorah to the fucking hospital! I don't give a damn what she got to say. Matter of fact I'll take her my damn self, where is she"

This is her wife. The person that legally makes the decisions while she's unconscious "I'll send you the location. Do not take Jada there"

"Oh you don't have to worry about Jada. Send me the location" and she hung up

I ordered me an Uber. I need to get to them kids. Young would kill me if something happens to them. I'm sure Kenya would die protecting them but after that then what?

Once I got to Kenya's house after about a hour because I didn't have the damn address. I just knew how to get there but Uber really don't work like that.

"Essence" Kenya question

"Hey Kenya, how are you" I smile

"I'm good" she start winking making me look at her up and down

"You babysitting" I ask

"Yeah but they are down for the night. Well I have to get going" she wink again.

Oh somebody in this bitch "Ight bet. I'll see you tomorrow" and I walked off. I walked around the house and jumped the gate damn near falling on my face.

I walked to the back door pulling my gun out. I have one clip but it's full. My shot is amazing so hopefully I handle this right. "One, two, three" I start counting the guys. "He's standing over Yosohn" I twist my lips looking around for Bryce. "Where the fuck this nigga at" I went to another window. There he is. Eating fucking tacos. He looks so unbothered by the unknown men that's standing around.

First thing first I closed my eyes and sent a prayer up above. If he don't have my back then I'm not making it out of here alive.

I opened my eyes and went for the door handle. It's locked. I had to do this smart. I can't shoot the lock cause that's wasting a bullet. I can't break the glass cause then I'll catch attention before I'm in.

I looked down at my shoes. Fuck it. I brought my foot up and kicked the door in and raised my gun. "Baby girl put the gun down"

I looked at the stairs "daddy" I frown "what the hell is this"

"You know this Ari character is shady" I looked between him and Kenya

"He's getting Jada and Ari confused I'm sure! Katorahs first babymama is not Ari" Kenya clarify

"That's her son" he point to Bryce "I have pictures. He's been living with her for the longest now"

How is he going to tell us? "I think I would know the parents to my grandkids"

"And I do too" well obviously not

"So holding them hostage is getting you where" I ask

"I need Ari here so I can kill her. I know she was in the Bahamas but she's on the way" she's in Georgia! Glad Jada did call her. "She's holding Katorah back"

I groaned "daddy that girl is the reason she's still alive"

"No I'm the fucking reason! I go down there and clean up y'all fucking mess. Katorah just kill and fucking kill. Then the fucking idiot gone take the blame for killing Trent and I know she didn't! I had to go through hell and hot water to get that shit thrown out! Y'all enable her" don't we all! It's not even enabling she's just a genuine fucking idiot. It takes a team and km gone stand behind her

"You made her like that! You turned your back when she needed you the most" Kenya stand her ground "you will not just bad mouth my child. Only I have that right"

"You doing all that like these people won't blow your head off. I always liked that fiery mouth of yours" daddy smile

"Michael you can shit bricks" Kenya roll her eyes "you're not causing any problems on Ari end. You being here is only causing friction with Katorah. You know she doesn't want you around me or her kids"

"Exactly daddy, how do you expect to mend a relationship with her and you acting like this" I ask

He raised his gun pointing it at the car seat. I didn't think twice before I put my gun up to him "Essence do not piss me off. Put the gun down or take the shot"

"Daddy he's a child" I say "your grandkid"

"Michael do not" Kenya raise her voice "the girl already lost a child. Please"

Ever wondered why Katorah is the way she is? Michael was with Kenya up until he met my mom. He lived the perfect double life. The only thing is my daddy was always there for me. Every basketball game, target practice, and me coming out. My daddy always had my back and I've always had his. We always had each other's best interest

"He's a baby" I say

"Essence you shoot me and you die" who's more heartless between us three?

"You put the gun down" it's Michael! He'll kill you. Blood or not. "He's a baby. Can't even hold his big head up"

"Are you disobeying me Essence" he start down the stairs. He lowered his gun and stood in front of me and slapped me "you better watch your tongue before I knock your teeth down your throat"

"We not suppose to fight" Bryce say

"You fight until you die" Michael say

"Michael you are a piece of shit" as soon as Kenya said it he put his hand up and his men raised their gun

Bryce still didn't flinch "my mama is coming" I wish! This bitch would walk in telling jokes

"Daddy it's kids in here" my dad has always been perfect to me. Even when I had to miss school to go and set niggas up I still never saw wrong in him but this is just crazy as hell.

"They'll be in hell soon. Call Ari and see her ETA" I picked my phone up. I scrolled on my phone before opening my camera. I looked at the man with the gun to Kenya's head and took the shot.

Bryce started crying as the man fell over "it's okay" Kenya went to comfort him

"He was a good man. He has a family" I rolled my eyes

"Family obviously means nothing to you" I raise my voice.

"Essence the next time it's not gone be a slap" I rolled my eyes again

"Tell them to stand down. If you want Ari go and get her. Leave the kids out of it" and that's how I really feel. Ari is a grown ass woman but I would have her back but these kids can't protect themselves!

"Who are you to give me orders" he raise his eyebrow

I knew I wasn't gone win this one. My dad has always demanded respect and will do any damn thing to get it. I looked around "get out that girls face" Kenya was really holding her own. I admire her for that

It was two men left plus my dad. They would only do what he told them to do. It's two of them and four of us. The only way they could kill us all is if they kill me first.

"Yosohn or Bryce" Daddy raise his eyebrow "who dies" I looked between my two nephews.

"Bryce" I start "close your eyes and keep the close"

"But why" he wipe his face

"Close your eyes" I raise my voice and he did as told

"Jon" daddy instruct "watch her she's sneaky"

"You want them dead then you take the shot" I say

"I'm not. Carlos take the shot" before he could I shot him and Jon right in the forehead. I didn't miss prom, graduation, and every major event for nothing.

"Stand down daddy" at this point Yosohn and Bryce were crying

My dad put a gun to my forehead "you choosing them over me"

He hit me with the butt of the gun and I groaned holding my forehead. "They are kids! Why would you want to kill kids" I'll kill a grandma, a sickly adult, but kids are always off limits.

He pointed his gun at Yosohn and we started fighting. My dad is a lot stronger than I am so he had the upper hand but I still held my own.

The kids in the background was the only reason I continued to fight. All this for them so, why would I lose?

I fell down once my father sent a blow my face. Like the coward he is he stood over me. He raised his foot and I had to do what I had to do.

I shot him and closed my eyes feeling his blood on my face. The tears started and didn't stop. I killed my father. The man that took care of me when my mom first started getting sick.

"It's okay baby" Kenya say helping me up "it was either you or him" I knew that but that didn't help with the pain in my chest. "Let me just calm the boys and I'll get you cleaned up"

I looked to my right and closed my eyes. When I first started handling guns that's how I was taught. You shoot to kill not to injure

"Essence tell your father to give you time to go shopping for your birthday" my mom say

"Mommy you already know how daddy is. If I disobey then it'll be some type of punishment and I'm not in the mood" my father never had a problem with slapping me, not giving money, or just lashing out

"So, what are you going to wear" my mom ask "you know I'll talk to him" it was no secret that my father had two families. We aren't suppose to know about each other but the signs are there. My mom also knows where he'll be tonight if she pisses him off

"Don't worry about it mom" I smile and walked out the door and to my fathers car

Once I got it in he water no time "don't keep me waiting like that Essence"

"Sorry. Mommy wanted to talk about my birthday. You coming to my dinner right" I ask

"Princess the block is hot" I smacked my lips "do it again, I dare you" 

"Daddy it's just that you promised" I say

"Well how about this, you cancel the dinner and we all go to Spain" Um hell yeah!

"Really" my eyes light up

"Yeah" he nod

We got to the trap and I looked at him. I've been here plenty times but today was feeling a little weird. I followed him out the car and into the abandoned house.

We went down hella steps and he pointed at a chair and I sat without thinking twice. "Matthew" he yell

A fine ass light skin came from the stairs "yes"

"Tie her up" excuse me say what?

"What" I raise my eyebrow

"Essence shut the hell up" the man tied the ropes so damn tight.

A man brought another man in who was crying and bloody. "What is going on"

"Essence remember you never shoot to injure nobody. You always shoot to kill" I've been to target practice for years but I've never actually shot someone "Matthew light the fire"

I watched Matthew pour lighter fluid on the walls before flicking a lighter "save yourself baby girl and kill him" he point to the bloody man "or you won't make it out"

"Daddy" I cry and him and all his workers had left out "untie me" I demand looking at the bloody man

"I can't" he cry

I started moving around. I couldn't think because I was about to die. He left his child in a burning building! I continued squirming around. The fire was spreading and it was hot as hell.

I stood up and ran backwards into the wall. I groaned at the impact. I went for the stairs and the man pushed me down "what are you doing? We have to go"

"You have to kill me" who wants to die?

"I'm not" I went for the stairs and he pushed me again "come on"

"No" he sent a punch to my face

We got to fighting and then once he had the upper hand: I picked the gun up and shot him in the stomach. He groaned before he started walking backwards "no" his body had already caught fire, have you ever smelled burning flesh?

I stood there bawling my eyes out. The fire was only getting bigger and nobody was coming for me so I climbed what was left of the stairs.

I walked out crying and couching. Not a very good mix "good girl" I looked at the smile on my dads face "always remember either you take their life or they take yours. One day I'll be to old and I'll need you to be my trigger. Now let's go get pancakes"

That was the day I took my first life and I haven't been able to stop. I didn't choose this life it was chosen for me.

Madison POV

"Are you stupid" Kayleigh ask

Maybe "no"

"Let me just call my sister. She'll be able to help you" she went to pull her phone out and I grabbed it

"Micah would kill her" she smacked her lips "I just have to talk to Micah. Ari is truly happy with your sister and I don't need him killing her"

"What" Kayleigh ask "who is Micah"

"Um Ari's old friend" I shrug

Kayleigh shook her head "hell no. I don't do the street life. We need to just tell Katorah and she'll handle it"

Why do they talk about this girl like she's a God or something? "Micah would chew her up and spit her out"

"Not Katorah" Kayleigh laugh "she would never give anybody in the streets the satisfaction of taking her life"

"I guess" I shrug "call her"

She dialed her number and I watched "it's going straight to voicemail"

"Why you sound so worried? She might be sleep" she looked at me

"It went straight to voicemail" She scratch her head "let me call Ari" I nodded my head and watched her press a few buttons "hello"

"Put it on speaker" I wasn't going to say anything because Ari is not feeling me right now

"Where's Katorah" I didn't think Ari was on the phone because she wasn't talking "Ari"

"Yeah I'm here" Ari mumble "I don't know where your sister is. I'm trying to find out now"

"What are you not back in New York" I ask

"Neither of us are in New York. Something came up and your sister is somewhere in Georgia but don't worry I'm going to get it taken care of" I raised my eyebrow

"What do you mean don't worry? She's not answering the phone" Kayleigh was really worried

"I have her phone" Ari inform "it's dead"

Ari is a lie. There timeline doesn't add up. According to her Facebook she was just hardly in the Bahamas and now she here. Young has been in Illinois for some time now. I saw the dumb ass bitch at the corner store.

"So y'all are back together" oh?

"We're married Kayleigh" what?

"Yeah but you just beat her ass last week" huh?

This was all news to me. I didn't know they got married and what are they fighting for?

Ari started laughing "you know your sister knows how to work someone's nerves"

"Yeah you're right. Please Ari have her call me" Kayleigh plead

"Yeah I will. You don't worry Kayleigh just give me some time and I'll make sure she calls you" Ari assure

"Okay thank you" Kayleigh say

"It's nothing babe, how are the kids" Ari ask

"I'm in Georgia" Kayleigh twist her lips

She was already here when I called her. Meeting up with some Nigga name Quan. Bitch ain't nothing but sixteen and booking flights to see a nigga.

"Oh?" Ari is hella shady.

"Just to see a friend" Kayleigh say

"You went to see that boy" Ari ask

"Don't tell" Kayleigh should've fucking lied. Obviously from the sound in Ari's voice this boy was trouble

"I honestly thought he was dead" yeah he must be trouble. Maybe somebody Young was suppose to kill? That's how I know she can't handle Micah. He would fold her and not think twice "how did that go"

"It went okay. I just met up with him because, well, um, he, I don't know Ari I know I shouldn't but I still feel a little something for him" love is such an ugly thing

"Kayleigh don't beat yourself up. Trust me every woman has liked it love someone they know damn well they don't need" Yeah she should know. "I don't expect you to stop feeling the way you feel immediately"

"Yeah but Katorah would kill me" she frown

"Well, how about she doesn't find out" ain't marriage like no secrets and shit? They just starting off wrong.  Fighting and lies

"And you know what she'll do to the both of us if she finds out" Kayleigh ask

"Goodnight Kayleigh and be careful" with that she hung up

"They got married" I ask

"Yeah they went to a courthouse" Kayleigh say "only them and their kids so don't feel bad. Nobody got an invite"

"Sounds impulsive" I say "okay come on"

Kayleigh is definitely the weakest link. I know she's the youngest of the Michaels daughters and it shows. She just have no survival traits the bitch is so dependent on her sister. If the bitch dies then what?

She'll be sold to the next dope boy getting her ass beat.

We walked inside the house and it was a little loud. We walked to the living room and his boys looked up at me "princess of the hood"

"Chiraqs princess" I smile

"I thought that was Ari" Kayleigh whisper

I ignored her "where's Micah"

"Um he's" he was cut off by Micah coming downstairs with some broad

"Micah we need to talk" I speak up

"Excuse you bitch" I looked at Micah

"Aye ma this my sis chill out" Micah defend

"You're an only child" She look at him

"How you know that" Micah laugh

"He's laughing in your face" I point out

"Bitch" she went to attack me and Micah put one in her head

"What the fuck" Kayleigh scream tears coming down her face

Micah doesn't tolerate disrespect when it comes to him and the ones he love. He just doesn't play that shit. Never have and obviously never will

"Damn sis she had good throat" Micah laugh "who's this and why she look familiar"

"This is Kayleigh" I say

"Young's sister" she say proudly

"Oh you brought the bait that I need" Micah smile

"What" Kayleigh ask "you don't need bait for my sister. You just gotta call her and she coming. Ain't nothing pussy about her"

"Go hard for your gang then" Micah laugh

"She's not bait. More like collateral" I was ready to explain my plan "Ari isn't fucking with either of us and as long as the feud continues then she's out of our life forever. If we have Kayleigh here let her know we squashed it then we can continue our relationship with Ari" I miss my sister like crazy.

"And who's to say Ari would trust anything this bitch say" Micah ask

"You the only bitch" Kayleigh say making him laugh

"If Young knew she was in your presence and made it out that says a lot right there" it made sense to me

"You think Young squash beef? She's not like that. You a disrespectful ass nigga and she wouldn't allow Ari near you" Kayleigh think she know something?

"Allow" Micah laugh "Ari my bitch"

"Oh Young borrowing her? Last I checked she's sporting Young's wedding ring, raising her kids, and riding her dick at the end of the night" Micah's head shot up to me

"They got married" listen I just found out myself

"Yeah and I think she pregnant again. She's been throwing up like crazy" Kayleigh knew she was tapping on nerves and didn't care "I'm hoping for a pretty little girl"

"Kayleigh hush" I warn

"I'm not scared of him! Whatever he wants to do I hope he knows my sister is going to do shit way worse" Kayleigh say "so if your Ari wannabe ass set me up that's fine. I'm not afraid to die but either way you're dead because I'm telling Young"

"No this is not what I want! Micah apologize" he looked at her

"Tell your sister not to miss. Madison show this hoe the door" I rolled my eyes. This probably only made thing worse.

We started walking out and as soon as we did Kayleigh started fighting me. No hair pulling she was striking my ass "I told you I don't get involved in shit like that! Katorahs street business doesn't have shit to do with me" she grabbed my purse and left me there

This bitch took my car

Ari pov

Arriving at the address Essence sent me with a text 'Ari do not act a fool' had me scared. I didn't know what I was about to walk into.

I had to suck it up and walk in though. "Oh fuck no" I instantly caught the attention I was looking for "this shit is dirty and why the fuck is she unconscious"

"And you are" I put my hand up

"Her fucking wife. Either take her to the hospital or I'm calling a paramedic up here" I pull my phone up. Barely glancing at Kay. The only time I want to see her beat up is if I do it.

"To a trap" the guy raise his voice at me

"Bitch I gave you two options" I say

"And I choose neither. I got her" did I ask him that? I pulled my phone out and dialed 911. It's only one way for things to go. My way.

"Bitches just don't know their place" I looked up at him and he snatched my phone "no fucking body comes here" and he walked off

No lie he'll throw my small ass across this room. What do I have? No gun and an unconscious ass wife "she has to go the hospital or I swear to God I'll blow this whole damn house up"

"Are you really her wife" I rolled my eyes "fine"

He unhooked her from a few things and I looked over her body. Who the fuck did this?

I followed him out to a Tahoe and he laid her in the back. I put my hand up to her face and then to her chest. Her heartbeat wasn't steady at all. You can just feel the fight she's having.

I brought my lips to her ear "if you die I'm going to kill you"

Now I was regretting all the times I wished death on her.

I hope you die

Just die

Just do us all a favor and die

I hate you

Wish I never met you

Not to mention the times I thought if I would've picked Trent over her? How simple my life would be

It's just Kay knows how to get under my skin and piss me off. At the moment I mean it but I really don't. I don't want anything to ever happen to her. I don't want her behind bars and I definitely don't want to see her fighting for her life like this.

Once we got to the hospital I went alone to get help. The unknown man just left us. I'm definitely telling Kay he yelled at me, took my phone, and left her for dead!

Bitch you ain't no nurse so why are you trying to nurse her back to her regular self?

They got her into surgery and I was stuck filling out the forms.

I was waiting on Kay to get up. I mean she has to get up. What me and her kids gone do without her? Her heart monitor kept going off and I just pray she wins this fight.

Then the loud beeping caught my attention. It was going off before it stopped and the line was flat and it was no more beeping. "No. No. Katorah" I let out a bloody scream.There's no way. She can be gone "baby wake up. Please we can work through everything I promise" I was all in the bed looking a damn fool I'm sure "please"

"I'm sorry ma'am" the nurse rub my back

Sorry? Sorry doesn't mean a bitch ass thing to me.

THE END👏🏾❤️!

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