A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The...

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Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family. A sailor moon fanfic with a special twist in it. I do not... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160

Chapter 14

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Dragomaster312 tarafından

In the Dark Kingdom, the entire court was in attendance as Jadeite stood in front of Queen Beryl once again, awaiting his fate and punishment.

"Jadeite, while it's true that you've collected a great deal of energy on Earth for our Great Ruler," said Queen Beryl. "But it's also true that you've failed me several times. Perhaps the greatest and most disappointing failure of all is that you've been unable to defeat those infuriating nuisances of Guardians, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Solaris. I've even heard that you went behind my back to try and gather energy, only to have Solaris thwart your plans all by himself."

"Please, Queen Beryl, in my defense, I-" Jadeite began to protest.

"I do not want to hear your excuses!" snapped Queen Beryl, glaring at him with evil and angry intent. "Defeat Sailor Moon and the other guardians before they cause any more trouble! Or else you shall receive the 'Sentence of Eternal Sleep.' "

The entire court was now abuzz with fearful murmurs and whispers. Jadeite especially was so terrified; his hands were clenched at his sides, trembling.

"As I'm sure you're well aware, Jadeite," continued Queen Beryl. "Those who receive this punishment are plunged into the deepest depths of darkness, never to awaken again, so this will be your last chance to redeem yourself. For your sake, I hope you succeed."

Jadeite ground his teeth and didn't say anything more as he set off on what may be his final mission.


It was late at night at the Tsukino's house. Usagi and Luna were staring up in the sky, looking at the stars and finding constellations.

"Wow... what a beautiful night," sighed Usagi. "I can even see some constellations up there. Cygnus, Sagittarius, Libra, and even the constellations of Motoki and Tuxedo Mask." She then giggled madly, covering her face in embarrassment. "What am I saying? How could I have fallen in love with two different guys?! What a flirt I've become!"

Luna sighed as she let out a small yawn. "I wouldn't worry about that. Your crushes are usually one-sided," she said. "Not only that, but they're also like bubbles in the ocean. They only last for a moment."

"You just don't understand how tough it is to be in love, Luna," said Usagi. "But... it does make me wonder... what if Motoki and Tuxedo Mask are the same person?"

She then began to imagine Motoki wearing Tuxedo Mask's outfit, but then her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the sound of evil laughter. Then, a large projection of Jadeite appeared in the sky.

"Hear me now! I am Jadeite!" he said, his voice echoing throughout the city. "Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and even Solaris! I hereby challenge you! Come to the Haneda Airport at one AM tomorrow night at Runway F. Or else..."

He took a deep breath and unleashed a fireball from his mouth, setting the entire city ablaze. Usagi's eyes widened in horror while Luna hissed in anger. Jadeite then snapped his fingers, and the flames instantly disappeared.

"That fire was nothing more but an illusion," he said. "But if you're late or don't even bother to show up, I'll turn Tokyo into a sea of flames for real and burn it to the ground. Count on it."

The projection of Jadeite then vanished.


At the Hikawa Shrine, Usagi, Luna, Harusuke, Rei, and Ami met up just on top of the steps.

"Jadeite no doubt is going to make good on his threat," said Luna grimly. "If we don't show up, he'll set the whole city fire, hurting millions of innocent lives!"

"You don't have to tell us that," said Harusuke. "One thing's for sure; Jadeite's got a massive bone to pick with us. So what are 'gonna do?"

"We go!" said Rei immediately. "Whenever evil issues a challenge, we must rise to confront it!"

"But we'd be walking right into a trap," pointed out Ami.

"Maybe you're right, Ami, but even so, we have to!" said Rei.

"What do you think, Usagi?" asked Luna.

"We should go and fight the bad guys, right?" Rei asked Usagi.

"No, wait, we should come with a plan first," interjected Ami.

Usagi pondered and thought until she finally spoke. "Well, I say... I'm too scared, and I honestly don't want to go at all."

Harusuke, Rei, Ami, and even Harusuke all fell over in surprise.

"What kind of response is that, you chicken?!" snapped Rei indignantly.

"Now, now. Take it easy, Rei," soothed Harusuke calming her down. "To be perfectly honest, I have no idea how we should act on this either. On the one hand, you're right; we can't just stand by and do nothing. But, on the other hand, Ami's right too. There's a strong possibility that Jadeite's got a trap waiting for us. So no matter what we do, Jadeite's got something planned, which means that there's only one thing we can do right now."

"And what's that Harusuke?" asked Luna.

"Go home, get some sleep, and prepare ourselves," said Harusuke. "That way, we'll have some time to think, and we'll be at full strength. At least that's what I think anyway."

The girls stared at Harusuke, then Luna sighed. "I hate to say this, but Harusuke's right," she said. "We should all go home and try to rest up."

"Yeah. I agree," said Ami. "We should all try to rest up and prepare. Good call Harusuke."

"Unlike a certain meatball-head we all know," mumbled Rei.

"What'd you say?!" growled Usagi.

"Enough, you two," sighed Luna. "Let's go home and get some sleep. Make sure you're all ready for the battle."

Everyone nodded, and then they all went to their respective homes to get some sleep.


The next day, Usagi and Harusuke went to school just as they always have. However, when they entered the classroom, they found that their classmates were all huddled around a radio listening in on a news broadcast talking about Jadeite's challenge last night.

"Last night, a mysterious figure had suddenly appeared in the sky," the radio said. "Authorities believe the strange image was projected into the atmosphere as a part of malicious prank to frighten the public. However, the police plan to station officers over at Hanada Airport tomorrow night, so they will be ready to protect Tokyo from any dangers that might arise."

The whole classroom became abuzz with excitement.

"Whoa... that sounds awesome!" said a boy.

"We should go to Hanada Airport too!" said another.

"Yeah! Let's check it out!" said a third. "I wanna see some action!"

"Oh great, just when you think things couldn't get any more complicated," muttered Harusuke.

"This is going to be a problem," said Luna from the windowsill and hiding behind Usagi and Harusuke. "If these kids come to the airport, they could get caught in the crossfire."

"Yeah. You're right. Maybe this is a sign that we shouldn't go after all," said Usagi brightly.

"Usagi, you can't be serious," said Harusuke looking at his sister.

"I wasn't Harusuke, relax!" said Usagi. "I was just kidding!"

Then Umino, Naru, and Yumi came up to the two Tsukino siblings.

"So, what do you two think about this?" asked Naru.

"Do you think it's some kind of prank?" asked Yumi.

"No way! It can't be!" interjected Umino. "I'm certain that it was an alien from outer space who's come to this planet to give humanity a warning about its corrupt ways before it's too late!"

"Oh, come on, Umino! You must have read way too many science-fiction mangas," sighed Naru.

"But whatever's going on, it sounds exciting!" smiled Yumi. "Let's get a put together a big group and go to Haneda Airport tonight to see what happens!"

Then Ms. Haruna came storming in, having to have heard everything. "Now, just a minute!" she said sternly. "You middle-schoolers have no business being out so late at night! Especially with what's going on over there!"

"Ms. Haruna's right," agreed Harusuke. "We really shouldn't go."

"But why not?" asked Naru indignantly.

"Because it's dangerous!" replied Harusuke.

"But how can you be so sure about that Harusuke?" asked Yumi.

"Do you know something that we don't?" questioned Umino.

Harusuke wasn't sure how to respond, but then Usagi cut in.

"Harusuke doesn't know anything!" she snapped. "But if you have time to go out and play all night, wouldn't it be better to spend the time studying instead?!"

Everyone stared at Usagi with blank stares, including Harusuke, completely baffled at what she just said. Ms. Haruna then placed a hand on Usagi's head, checking her temperature.

"No fever... but she's speaking so sensibly," she murmured. "Miss Tsukino, are you sure you're feeling OK? Maybe you should lie down at the nurse's office."

"Hey! Is it really out of the ordinary that I'm starting to make sense for once?!" said Usagi indignantly as her eyes began to fill with tears. "Why is everyone being so mean to me?!"

She then began to sob and wail, much to Harusuke's chagrin, but he was relieved that Usagi managed to take the heat off of him.


After they left the school, Harusuke took Usagi to the Game Center to see Motoki as a means of cheering her up. Usagi then explained to Motoki what had happened in class, and Motkoi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hey! You don't need to laugh," grumped Usagi. "Besides, don't you think that was mean of them?"

"I hate to be the one telling you this, Usagi," said Motoki. "But I agree with your teacher. It's part of your charm to having a unique view of things. I like girls that have unique personalities like that."

"Really?! You think so?!" gasped Usagi with her eyes sparkling like gems.


Harusuke and Usagi were on their way home. Usagi was now skipping feeling very happy about what Motoki said to her.

"I see that you're feeling a lot better now," chuckled Harusuke.

"Motoki said he likes me, he said he likes me," Usagi merrily sang as she continued to skip along.

"That's not exactly what he said, but whatever," thought Harusuke. "At least she's happy."

Then there was trouble. Perhaps Usagi forgot to tighten her shoes correctly, or maybe Usagi was kicking her legs too high as she skipped. Anyhow, Usagi's show came flying off of her foot. She flew high into the air and then came falling right smack on someone's head, making the person yell in pain. Usagi and Harusuke immediately went over to the person about to apologize, but then they saw who Usagi's shoe landed hit. It was the casually dressed boy with black hair.

"You again?!" Usagi and the boy exclaimed at the same time.

"Oh no," sighed Harusuke, face-palming himself. "Of all people..."

"This is about the second time you've hit me with your shoe!" glared the boy. "Are you trying to hurt me?!"

"Oh please," scoffed Usagi. "It was your fault for standing there like a numbskull."

"Technically, you sent your shoe flying at him," muttered Harusuke.

"Talk about rude! Can't you keep your shoes on and just pretend to be even a little well-behaved?!" snapped the boy.

Usagi stuck out her tongue. "No way I'm doing that because I got an awesome guy out there who likes me for who I am," she said smugly.

"You've got to be kidding me," scoffed the boy. "That guy must be a total loser."

"He's not!" snapped Usagi. "He's way more charming than a jerk like you!"

"Like attracts like," said the boy simply. "Even a cracked pot has its cover, and every bunhead has her loser."

The boy's words pierced Usagi's heart like an arrow. A few seconds passed. Then Usagi's eyes began to well up in tears.

"You're... so mean!" she sobbed. "Insulting me is one thing, but how could you say such a thing to Motoki?!"

The floodgates of Usagi's eyes then opened, and Usagi began to sob her eyes out. She was sobbing so loud that some people heard her and gave the boy disapproving looks. Harusuke especially was cross with the boy.

"What the heck is your problem?!" he demanded. "Making my sister cry is low, even for you!"

The boy began to get flustered, unsure of what to do. Then he decided to make a hasty retreat.

"Sorry, but... something's come up!" he said frantically. "I got to go now!" He then threw Usagi's shoe at Harusuke, making him catch it. "Here's your shoe back! See you! Bye!

And with that, the casually dressed boy raced away, leaving Harusuke appalled and Usagi still crying.

"Hey! Get back here, you!" he yelled. "Come back and apologize to my sister, you insensitive creep!"


At the Hanada Airport, it was already nightfall, but the airport was still very much active. Dozens of police officers were all around the airport, standing guard and on patrol on the lookout for anything suspicious. Jadeite appeared ready to prepare for his showdown with the guardians at the very top of the building.

"I have no use for you humans," he said. "Why don't you all take a nap?"

With a wave of his hands, he unleashed a strange mist that spread throughout the airport, causing all the guards to fall to the ground unconscious.

Jadeite then smirked evilly. "Now... come and get me, guardians."


Meanwhile, Usagi, Harusuke, Ami, Rei, and Luna ran to the monorail as fast as their legs could carry them.

"Come Usagi, hurry up!" called Rei. "Or we'll leave you behind!"

"Stop being so bossy!" Usagi shot back.

"Guys, now's not the time to be arguing!" chided Ami.

"Ami's right! If you got time to argue, then you got time to run!" said Harusuke.

Soon enough, they reached the station, but they found that it was very dark. There wasn't a soul anywhere.

"Oh no, did we miss the last train?" wondered Usagi worriedly.

"Oh well," shrugged Rei. "We'll just have to take a taxi then."

"Do we even have money for one of those?" asked Harusuke.

Just then, the door to the monorail suddenly opened by itself, surprising everyone.

"The door... it opened!" gasped Ami.

"Looks like we can scratch the taxi," said Harusuke. "but I don't know if this is a blessing or something else."

"What do you think we should do?" asked Luna.

"Well, since Jadeite's graciously sent us an invitation," said Rei smirking bravely. "I say we accept."

Before anyone could say anything else, Rei stepped inside of the monorail. Then everyone else followed suit, also stepping inside. Then the doors suddenly closed behind them, and the monorail was on the move zipping along on its rail, taking the five passengers to their destination. Soon enough, the monorail's doors opened once again, having arrived at the Hanada Airport.

"I don't like this," said Luna. "We might've just stepped right into the enemy's trap."

"Well, there's no turning back now, Luna," said Harusuke. "But, we should proceed with caution. Come on, everyone."

The five of them then got out of the monorail and sneaked into the airport building. They peeked around a corner to find that several cops were standing around everywhere.

"There sure are a lot of police officers here," murmured Usagi.

"It looks like nothing's happened yet," said Rei.

"If nothing's happened yet, then why do I feel so uneasy?" said Harusuke.

"Don't let your guard down," warned Ami. "There's no telling what could happen."

Then suddenly, two police officers sneaked up behind them and raised their batons, preparing to strike them down. Luckily, Rei was able to sense them behind her.

"Look out behind you!" she cried.

Ami and Usagi gasped and looked back in time to see the two officers bringing down their batons. Harusuke immediately got between them and was able to catch their rods, protecting the girls from harm and pushing them back. Rei then gave them a sharp kick knocking them both to the floor, stunning them. Then they were immediately surrounded by the other officers.

"This way! Quickly!" yelled Rei spotting an opening.

She ran ahead with the others following close behind her with the policemen in hot pursuit.

"Why are these police officers attacking us?!" cried Usagi, who was now terrified. "What's wrong with our government, hiring people to attack innocent young girls like this?!"

"Usagi! Less talking, more running!" cried Harusuke. "And don't forget there's a boy here for that matter!"

The five continued to run until they were outside, close to the runway. Then Ami stopped and looked back at the cops still pursuing them.

"Ami, what are you doing?!" yelled Harusuke.

"Something's not right!" said Ami. "There's something strange about these cops!"

Then Ami whipped out her Transformation Pen.



Transformation Sequence: Ami

The symbol on Ami's pen begins to glow in a bright shade of blue as she holds up her transformation pen. It begins to spin around as it shines and envelopes Ami in blue light. Then, she sweeps it over her head while a stream of blue water shoots out, wrapping her body and forming her leotard, boots, and gloves. A sparkling ripple expands over her body, creating a slight mist of water that forms the rest of her uniform the same as Sailor Moon's but the center bow, boots, and rims on the gloves are blue and bright blue. Finally, she turns around and then strikes her signature pose.


Harusuke's jaw dropped seeing Ami transform in front of the charging cops.

"Wait! What the heck are you-?!" he began.

Then Rei joined in, whipping out her Transformation Pen.

"All right! I'm in, too!" she said. "MARS POWER MAKE UP!"


Transformation Sequence: Rei

The symbol on Rei's pen begins to glow in a bright shade of red as she holds up her transformation pen. Then, it begins to spin around as it shines and envelopes Rei in red light. As she held up her pen while turning around, long tongues of flame erupted from it, forming several rings around her body. They tighten around her form, and in a brilliant flash of light, her outfit forms having to look just like Sailor Moon's, but she is wearing red pumps along with a pair of red star-shaped earrings, the center bow is purple, and the rims of her gloves, her skirt, her choker, and collar are red. After that, Mars finishes with her signature pose.


"What in the world are you guys doing?!" exclaimed Harusuke. "Whatever happened to secret identities?!"

"Trust me, Harusuke, you and Usagi just hurry and transform," said Sailor Mercury. "Hurry!"

"Oh man, are we the last ones?" wondered Usagi.

"Oh, to hell with this, our secret identities have flown out the window anyway," sighed Harusuke. "Let's go, Usagi!"

"Um - OK then!" said Usagi as she and Harusuke transformed as well.




Transformation Sequence: Usagi

Usagi's body shone with rainbow-colored light as she seemed to spin around. Then from her brooch, it flashed pink and pink ribbons shot out, wrapping her upper torso and midsection and became a white leotard with a red bow in the center and a collar that was blue with white stripes. Next, Usagi crosses her arms, and more pink ribbons wrap around them, turning into long white gloves. The pink ribbon then wraps around Usagi's legs and turns into a pair of red thigh-high boots. Then a blue skirt appears around Usagi's waist with a red bow in the back. Then a tiny gem starts glowing in the middle of Usagi's forehead, and a gold tiara with a red gem, a pair of dangling crescent moon earrings, a red choker with a moon on it appear along with red circular accents in her hair buns. Usagi then strikes her signature pose as the Moon shines behind her in the background./

Transformation sequence: Harusuke.

Harusuke's bracelet begins to glow as Harusuke holds it into the air. Next, the symbol of the sun starts to shine on Harusuke's head as golden yellow and silver light envelop his body. First, the sun appears above him, shining its light upon him. Then, while Harusuke bathed in its light, a silver jumpsuit with gold lines on his hips materializes around his body. After that, the light shone on his legs, and long golden metal boots that went up to his knees appeared on his legs with silver hexagon knee pads. Next, the light shone on his arms, and then golden gauntlets appeared on his hands going up to wrists. Then a yellow symbol of the sun materializes in front of him, and it crashes into his chest, making a golden chest piece of armor appear with silver shoulder guards. Finally, a silver helmet covers his head, exposing his hair and making it stand up with a mouth guard covering his mouth and nose. Finally, Harusuke's eyes open, and he strikes his signature pose the symbol of the sun appears behind him.


The four guardians, now fully transformed, stood bravely at the stunned cops. Sailor Mercury then pressed a button on her earrings, summoning her blue visor and computer, and quickly scanned the policemen. Then, after a few seconds, she gasped.

"I knew it! These policemen aren't real humans!" she said. "They're nothing more but clay golems!"

"So, that was the reason why you had us transform," said Solaris. "I never would have guessed that."

"If that's the case, then I'm not holding back!" said Sailor Mars as she put her hands together, index fingers pointing, creating a fireball. "MARS FIRE SOUL!"

As Sailor Mercury said, the policemen were clay golems as Sailor Mars's attack turned them into ash.

"Well, what do you know, Sailor Mercury was right!" gasped Luna.

"Sailor Mars, you were pretty awesome!" said Sailor Moon.

"Naturally," said Sailor Mars smugly.

"That was pretty impressive, but try not to let it go to your head," smiled Solaris.

Then they heard the sound of evil laughter coming from above. They all looked up and saw Jadeite on top of the building looking down at them.

"So, you're finally here, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Solaris!" he cackled. "And to add to that, you've shown me your true identities!"

Everyone gasped, including Luna.

"Oh no! We've been outed!" cried Sailor Moon.

"I knew it!" said Solaris. "It was nothing more but a trap, and now Jadeite knows our secret identities!"

"The joys of life are short-lived and its ordeals many," continued Jadeite. "But that won't be a problem for you four since your lives are ending today!"

"Oh no! They say beauty is short-lived," gasped Sailor Moon dramatically. "So, does that mean that he's planning to go after me because I'm so beautiful?!"

"And what exactly about you is beautiful?" Sailor Mars asked flatly.

"Oh, come on, you can't deny that I'm more beautiful than you are," said Sailor Moon innocently.

"Alright then, I'll humor you because you're dumb," smirked Sailor Mars. "In what part of you is beautiful?"

"Well, for one thing, there's my nose," said Sailor Moon, pointing to hers. "Clearly, it's way more beautiful than yours."

Sailor Mars laughed. "Sorry to say, the monkeys over at the Ueno Zoo have you beat!"

"Hey! There's no need to be so mean!" whimpered Sailor Moon.

"I told you two that this isn't the time to be fighting!" chided Sailor Mercury. "We still have an important mission to fulfill! So we can't afford to lose here!"

"Right, sorry," apologized Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars.

"Well, you gotta give them credit, though," said Solaris. "At least they're upbeat."

"Enough chit-chat! I'll send you pathetic kids to depths of hell!" roared Jadeite, who had enough of their banter.

He put his hands together and shut his eyes using his powers. Then, suddenly, from a few feet away from our heroes, a jet turned towards their direction and began coming straight towards them.

"No way! He's controlling the jet!" cried Solaris.

"And it's gonna crush us!" cried Sailor Moon.

"Run, quickly!" cried Luna

The five then took off running with the jet hot on their heels. But, as they ran, another jet turned in their direction and began chasing them, trapping them on both sides.

"There's another one coming!" cried Sailor Moon.

"Man! Jadeite's not pulling his punches, is he?" panted Solaris. "I gotta admit, I'm impressed."

"This isn't the time to be impressed with the enemy Solaris!" cried Sailor Moon. "Someone has to do something!"

"I agree!" said Sailor Mars. "I'll use Fire Soul!"

"No! Don't do that!" cried Luna. "Do you know how much an airplane like that costs?! Even a lifetime of all your allowances put together wouldn't be able to pay for it!"

"Seriously?! It costs that much?" asked Sailor Mars, surprised. "Talk about expensive!"

"Then there's only one thing left to do!" said Sailor Mercury. "We keep running!"

"Say what?!" everyone else exclaimed.

The jets then came at them again, forcing them to start running. To make things worse, they were getting close to the edge of the runway.

"This sucks!" whined Sailor Moon. "It's one thing to get run over by a car, but I'll never be able to live down being run over by an airplane!"

"Damn it, and we're out of runway!" cursed Solaris. "We're dead for if we don't think of something!"

Jadeite laughed with triumph. "Now it's the end for you!" the man crowed.

Then suddenly, a rose shot right by his cheek causing him to inadvertently lose focus, causing the jets to come to a complete stop, much to the surprise of the guardians. Then they all heard a voice.

"Picking on these teenagers is your idea of fun, eh?"

Jadeite then looked behind him and saw Tuxedo Mask with his cape billowing in the wind.

"It's Tuxedo Mask!" cried the sailors happily.

"He sure has a nasty habit of showing up at the last minute," smirked Solaris. "Oh well. Better late than never."

"So it's you once again, Tuxedo Mask," smirked Jadeite. "I'll send you to hell along with those teenagers."

"You'll pay for the crimes of using innocent people to carry out your evil deeds!" said Tuxedo Mask defiantly.

The two squared off, staring at each other, daring for one to make a move. Jadeite then made the first move unleashing strange lightning from his hands.

"Die!" he yelled.

Tuxedo Mask leaped high into the air dodging the attack but knowing he would, Jadeite too jumped into the air and tackled Tuxedo Mask, making the two fall right into the water with a mighty splash.

"Tuxedo Mask!" our heroes cried.

They immediately ran to the edge of the water, hoping to see that their masked comrade was alright, but then Jadeite reemerged from the surface of the water, cackling evilly.

"No way! Jadeite's still alive!" said Sailor Mars.

"So then... what happened to Tuxedo Mask?!" cried Sailor Moon.

Then a single rose floated up on the surface of the water as Jadeite cackled triumphantly.

"Too bad for you! Your last hope, Tuxedo Mask, is now dead!" he spat. "Go on and cry, you pathetic kids! Do you always need a grown man to do everything for you?! Women are always shallow, useless creatures." He turned to Solaris. "As for you, Solaris, you're a man, and yet you're needing women to fight your battles for you?! You're just as pathetic!"

"First of all, that is downright sexist!" snapped Solaris. "Secondly, you're wrong! We don't need Tuxedo Mask to crush a monster like you!"

"Yeah! Only old-fashioned idiots would still believe in nonsense like that!" said Sailor Mars. "Those days are long gone!"

"That's right!" agreed Sailor Mercury. "Denigrating all women is a relic of the feudal age!"

"And don't forget the men too!" added Solaris.

"Yeah! Down with sexism and discrimination!" said Sailor Moon.

The four heroes then put their hands together in a team hand-stack.

"Let's show this arrogant jerk what for!" the four heroes shouted as they stood ready to fight Jadeite.

Jadeite was not impressed. "You stupid brats! Behold my power!" he yelled.

He waved his hands once again, regaining control of the jets, making them head towards our heroes once again. The four heroes took off running once again.

"Listen, you guys!" said Luna. "Don't get distracted by the airplane! Jadeite's the only enemy!"

"That's right! He's the one controlling the planes!" said Sailor Mercury.

"Then let's combine all of our powers and take Jadeite down!" said Sailor Moon determinedly.

"Hear, hear!" agreed Solaris.

"In that case, since we're all in agreement, you can run and be the decoy," said Sailor Mars slyly.

"Wait! Why me?!" exclaimed Sailor Moon.

But before she could protest, Sailor Mercury was already unleashing her attack.


A thick blanket of mist and bubbles spread throughout the area hiding the Guardians and blinding Jadeite. Then Sailor Moon came running from the fog with the jet still chasing her.

"This isn't fair, you guys!" she shrieked. "Why am I the one that's always running?!"

"Damn it!" cursed Jadeite as he tried to see in the mist. "Where'd the other three go?!"

Then he saw Sailor Mercury.

"Come and get me, Jadeite!" she cried. "If you can, that is!"

Jadeite then sent the other jet after Sailor Mercury. But while he was distracted, Sailor Mars snuck up behind him, took out an ofuda, and placed it on Jadeite's back. Then suddenly, the jets turned around, and to Jadeite's surprise, they came after him. He immediately took off running.

"What's going on here?!" he cried. "Why are they coming after me?!"

Then he stopped because he saw our four heroes and Luna standing before him.

"Don't underestimate what we teens can do!" said Sailor Moon.

"Yeah! We don't just stand around and cry when faced with a serious problem!" said Solaris.

"I... I don't understand!" cried Jadeite in disbelief. "Why aren't my mental powers working?!"

"Because your evil will never control us!" said Sailor Mars.

"You've fallen into your trap, just as you deserve!" said Sailor Mercury. "You'll never fool us!"

"Now you're gonna pay for your countless evil deeds!" said Sailor Moon. "In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"

"And in the name of the Sun, with my blinding rays, I'll scorch you!" added Solaris.

Sailor Moon then took off his tiara, turning it into a disc of energy, while Solaris clapped his hands, making a ball of light, and took aim with his fist.



Sailor Moon and Solaris then unleashed both of their attacks. They merged, creating a big golden disc. Jadeite crossed his arms to defend, but the attack struck him, sending him stumbling to the ground. Then he felt the ground below him rumble and heard the sounds of jets whining. He looked up to see the plane he was controlling was right on top of him. For the first time, he let out a scream of terror as the jet's wheel loomed over him, then he saw nothing but darkness.


Queen Beryl sat on her throne in the Dark Kingdom, having seen and heard everything, and she was not happy. Jadeite then appeared before her. He was battered and wounded, but he was still very much alive.

"You fool! You had the nerve to run back here to me?!" growled Queen Beryl hotly.

"Queen Beryl, please listen to me..." said Jadeite. "I've discovered the true identity of the Sailor Guardians!"

"I will hear no more excuses!" snapped Queen Beryl as her eyes began to glow eerily. "You're a disgrace to the Dark Kingdom! Now sleep for all eternity!"

"No! Queen Beryl, please...!" begged Jadeite.

But it was no use. Queen Beryl shot a strange beam from her eyes, and Jadeite was encased in a peculiar crystal completely frozen in it. Everyone present in the throne room was shocked at what had happened. Then a black void opened up, and the frozen Jadeite disappeared inside it.

"Mark my words!" proclaimed Queen Beryl. "All useless failures will be disposed of!" She then turned to who would be her next commander.

"Nephrite! You will be the one to carry out my next plan for now on," she said. "Is that understood?"

Nephrite then stepped into the spotlight and bowed respectively. "Yes, my queen," he replied. "Jadeite always was an incompetent fool, but you can count on me."


At the runway, our four heroes were desperately looking out towards the sea, hoping to find any sign of Tuxedo Mask, who had fallen into the water when he was fighting Jadeite, but they couldn't see him anywhere.

"My poor Tuxedo Mask!" whimpered Sailor Moon, who was just about to cry.

"I know you're sad, but we can't stay here forever," said Luna sadly. "We have to accept that he's gone."

"No way! I won't!" sobbed Sailor Moon.

Solaris then placed a hand on Sailor Moon's shoulder, giving it a loving squeeze.

"It's gonna be OK, Sailor Moon," said Solaris. "Tuxedo Mask was a brave man, and he will forever be in our debt."

"I appreciate the concern and kind words, my friends," said a voice. "But there's no need for that."

Everyone turned around, and they could not believe their eyes. Standing before them was Tuxedo Mask.

"Tuxedo Mask!" cried Sailor Moon joyfully. "You're still alive!"

"You can't get rid of me that easily!" smiled Tuxedo Mask.

"I'm glad you're alright, Tuxedo Mask," said Sailor Mercury. "But I'm curious: why do you always risk your life to come and save us whenever we're in trouble?"

"I know why!" said Sailor Moon giddily. "It's because you love me, right?"

Solaris looked at her disapprovingly. "Yeah. That is not the reason why," he said flatly.

"Just who are you?" asked Sailor Mars. "Tell us who you are!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't reveal my identity just yet," said Tuxedo Mask. "But listen well: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Solaris, cherish the bond that exists between you four, and there will be nothing you all can't do. Until then, farewell!"

With a jump and wave of his hand, Tuxedo Mask took to the air, his cape billowing in the wind. The girls watched him go with wonder, and even Solaris had to admit that Tuxedo Mask looked kind of cool as the man disappeared into the starry moon-filled sky.

Okumaya devam et

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