Azur Lane: The Abnormality

By MatthiasWrites

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Mental Cubes: The very material that Ship-girls began to appear after alien-like creatures called Sirens had... More

Chapter Prologue: "The Disclosure of the Unnatural"
Chapter One: "The Attack on the Alliance - Part 1"
Chapter Two: "The Attack on the Alliance - Part 2"
Chapter Three: "The Injured Hornet and the Downed Pandora"
Chapter Four: "The Premonition of Enterprise's Humanity"
Chapter Five: "The Genesis of Remodeling Psyches"
Chapter Six: "The Flight from the Truth"
Chapter Seven: "Retrofitium Elcos, et Mutatio Chronologiae"
Chapter Extra One: "Bios 1"
Chapter Eight: "The Dimmed Star of Pandora, and Enterprise's Revelation"
Chapter 7.5: "To Test Our Limits!"
Chapter Nine: "Profunda Cordis"
Chapter Ten: "To Adjust to the New Era!"
Chapter Eleven: "The Pieces in the Board"
Chapter Twelve: "The Battle Against the Orochi - Part One"
Chapter Thirteen: "The Battle Against the Orochi - Part Two"
Chapter Fifteen: "The Peaceful Reunion"

Chapter Fourteen: "A Weakened, Achieved Dream"

125 3 14
By MatthiasWrites

When the Orochi is finally destroyed, everyone had returned back to Pearl Harbor after re-establishing their alliance. However, they never expected to find their factions' other commanders, standing before them.

Alongside a few other Humans who were originally weren't there in the first place, but now, they were there. They were somehow there, the moment that all of them have returned to Pearl Harbor, after the battle.

Zack Palmer, the Eagle Union's 20-year old commander, is currently looking at the fleet that was before him. He seemed stunned at the advancements that were happening while he was gone, and he was a little bothered by Enterprise's recklessness that was growing within her because of Yorktown's near sinking, and hospitalization. Mostly because of the times he had to tend to her injuries when he was around.

Zack Palmer: "Honestly... I never thought that all of this, would be happening while I was gone with the others..."

Enterprise can only look down on the ground as she carried Pandora's body, her idolizing peer being unconscious from the injuries she took from the Nuclear Missile of the Orochi. While Tyler can only scratch the back of his in an embarrassed manner, and some of the others were feeling a little awkward about the situation.

Oxford 'Leighton' Richard, the 21-year old Commander of the Royal Navy, along with his 12-year old adopted daughter, Willow Rosemary, were looking at the other British Naval Ship-people. He said that although he would congratulate their abilities to stop the Battle-Carrier Orochi, he never expected that Akagi and Kaga would work against the Sakura Empire's commands.

Oxford L. Richard: "While I commemorate your abilities to stop the Orochi, I never expected that all of this, came from the Sakura Empire's comrades, working against them to revive someone deceased."

W. Rosemary: "If you were wondering about how we knew, the Omni-cron Operatives were telling us everything that has occurred. And, boy was it a lot to take in... The Mental Cubes having this... abnormality that allowed Ship-boys to appear, it can affect SIREN Ships, and it can create new entities that didn't exist in our history."

Murano Tarasaburo and Amaya Tarasaburo, the 18-year old twin Commanders of the Sakura Empire, were scolding Akagi and Kaga for working with the SIRENS, and betraying their trust with the Faction itself.

M. Tarasaburo: "Seriously! What were you two thinking about working with the SIRENS to get your elder sister Amagi back?! They were using you for Izanagi's sake!"

A. Tarasaburo: "You have to be put into a hard lesson about this. Do you think, Amagi would accept the fact, that you were THAT desperate to get her back into your life?!"

And finally, Artur Baum, the diligent 19-year old Commander of Ironblood is speaking with Prinz Eugen, Magnus and Admiral Hipper, regarding what he, and the other commanders were talking about. Eugen seemed to be a little embarrassed to know about what was happening before they managed to destroy the Orochi, Hipper is trying to deny her secret affections towards Artur before his disappearance, and Magnus telling his Kommandant that he should be looking at the situation from their point of view.

Artur Baum: "Listen. This, I wouldn't exactly agree with the fact that you were basically led to attack the Azur Lane Alliance with the fear of being attacked first. Aren't the two alliances similar to the two sides of a coin?"

Magnus Rosen: "Commander... I know that it's hard to take in... But, at least see this from their point of view?"

Artur Baum: "Magnus, listen. I hear you, but it's still hard to accept that it all happened because of an offer by the SIRENS, themselves... Infiltrating the Sakura Empire... And to think that we're ALLOWING, two SIREN Ship-people into Azur Lane, after they rebelled? It's almost unbelievable."

Although it was an earful, coming from each factions' respective Commander, at least peace can be restored after they reunited. Although, they did consider making the Omni-Cron Operatives a center point between the two Alliances, giving them a neutral status.

Soon enough, they started a Council at Pearl Harbor to decide on what to do with the other Ship-girls and the Ship-boys that were with them as they arrived into the building.

[Location: Pearl Harbor Council Building]

Everyone else had been gathering at the council building, while some of them were at the commander's office as they dealt with their paperwork. The news regarding a decision about the end of the War against the Sirens, being officially over, they were deciding on what to do with the other Ship-girls, and the Ship-boys that came with them because of the Mental Cubes' abnormality.

???: "Today, we like to discuss something about our future. We have so many Ship-girls living at Pearl Harbor, but also a bit of Ship-boys as well. If you don't know what you mean... Here's the rundown."

While the voice was toned down to a bunch of 'blahs', the Ship-girl who were representing each of the four factions, along with the four selected Ship-boys were listening to the meeting as it progressed.

???: "Now. As you four are the commanders of the Eagle Union, Sakura Empire, Ironblood, and the Royal Navy... What do you propose to do with the Ship-people, now that the war is over?"

The others can only give off murmurs regarding it. Some were talking about scrapping them, others wanted them to live their own lives, and some were a little concerned about letting them live as their own person. It continued on until they heard Zack Palmer.

Zack Palmer: "Now, I know what you're thinking. You expect me to scrap these very Ships who were alive, thanks to these Mental Cubes? All because the war is over, and there's no use on keeping them? I say no."

It got the Council murmuring about Zack's decision not to scrap the Ship-people, as they asked him the reason.

???: "Why is that, Commander Zack?"

Zack Palmer: "I see them more than just a weapon, or a ship to own. They are their own person. They are alive, and they have as much humanity, as for the people of this very Earth. They deserve to live their own lives, as much as we do. For if we don't grant it, just because they are a living manifestation of a ship's own thoughts, then that means that they are a no more, than a foolish monster with no humanity."

???: "I see... What do the other Commanders think of this?"

M. Tarasaburo: "Yes. I agree with what Commander Zack has said. They are more than just weaponized ships that were made for war. I would admit of this too, even if I find it amusing, it was rather lively with these Ship-people living around Japan, the same way for everyone else."

A. Tarasaburo: "And I even made friends with them! There's no way that I'm going to allow the scrapping of those ships to begin with!"

Artur Baum: "Ja. I even made one as my companion. Magnus Rosen to be precise, even if he might have a hard time to speak out the right words, I find him a rather comforting person if you get to know him well."

Oxford 'Leighton' Richard, and his adopted daughter, Willow Rosemary, were the last to comment.

Oxford L. Richard: "From what they told. It's all true. Say what you want about these very Ship-people, it'll make you less human than the very monsters that trample upon the innocent people who had to take it all in, or as a mindless servant who had no affection. I care for them, the same way for my daughter, even if we weren't related by blood... the affection, love and respect for them is more important than a species' name, nor a bloodline."

Willow pops her head out from behind Oxford, as she nodded in response, before Oxford told her to come out.

Oxford L. Richard: "Willow, you know that you can come out, right...?"

Willow Rosemary: "Right... Sorry, dad."

???: "It seems like you don't want to scrap them... And I can see that they would agree with their choice. But, I have to wonder... What is a SIREN doing here?"

Zack Palmer: "To be honest, sir, that's something that I have to ask myself..."

C. Lambda: "I'll be blunt... Me, along with Hippomenes, had decided to rebel against the SIRENs of our own free will. Basically, because we noticed about how they believed that Humanity doesn't have a future because of the bad people that were living within all of our cities..."

H. Theta: "And knowing that the innocent civilians were there too, destroying the cities would involve those good people, with the bad ones. Thus, it marks the very day that a pair of Mental Cubes were absorbed into our bodies... Is actually the day that we became conscious with what was our original goal..."

That got the crowd to murmur once again, before they were silenced by one leading the meeting, in order to make their decision regarding the subject of the Ship-people's roles.

???: "I see... That is abundantly clear. Now, as for the decision on whether or not we shall scrap them, or not. I declare that a treaty should be made, to confirm the decision."

???(2): "May I propose of a treaty, known as the 'Post SIREN Azur Ship Protocol'?"

???: "And what would the contents of that treaty would be?"

???(2): "Listen, sir. This treaty would have to make sure that the constructed Ship-people would not be scrapped under any circumstances. Along with the responsibility of allowing them to live their lives, for however they wanted. And as for the SIREN People who had rebelled against their own kind, then I would suggest making the 'SIREN Rebel Integration Act', which will allow the integration of the SIREN-people, whom according to these documents, that we have received, are called Courageux Lambda, and Hippomenes Theta, to be accepted into the base as their own person."

???: "That is a large amount that we have to deal with, but I can see the point behind these Treaties of yours. And for those who have caught the latest news, we are allowing the Omni-cron Operatives to become a center-point for the other Factions. Now, do any of you still have something to say?"

???: "But, Sir. Are you sure you want to go with this?"

???: "If they are willing to accept the forming of these treaties, then I can't change their minds... And from the looks of things, they are agreeing with the offers, so let's grant them what they need."

And so, they were agreeing to a treaty that can disallow them, and their established council to scrap the other Ship-people so they can live their lives to the fullest, and be their own person. Thus, it establishes the "Post SIREN Azur Ship Protocol Treaty", which doesn't allow anyone with authority to scrap the Ship-people so they can live their lives to the fullest, and to call them again if the SIRENs were to dare themselves to return back to Earth, if they changed their minds.

Along with the formation of the "SIREN Rebel Integration Act", which would legally allow SIREN Rebels to live as their own person, and to live with the other people, Human or KANSEN. So, this will establish the day that Peace, shall finally return.

[This is the part that was inspired by the WattPad Story "Azur Lane: A Bunny's Brother" by ShadowGamer254.]

[Timeskip brought to you by the Twin S. E. Commanders reprimanding Akagi and Kaga about their secret activities with the SIRENs]

[Location: Eagle Union, Pearl Harbor, Azur Lane Dormitories]

When the meeting was over, and they received the news about the new Treaties, they were glad to allow them to live their lives to the fullest. Even if KANSENs can, or cannot age, they wanted to make some memorable moments with the people that they are the closest to.

As for Hornet and Hammann, they decided to bring Neosho, Pandorus, and Menestheus to go seek Yorktown. However, when they got to her room, and went inside, she wasn't there on her bed.

Neosho: "...?"

Menestheus: "Do you think she recovered by now?"

Hearing that suggestion made the five to go outside, and that was when they finally found Yorktown, who's standing under a tree as she looked at the ocean before turning around to greet the five Ship-people.

Menestheus: "So, you recovered..."

[At the Sakura Empire, Japan]

Nagato was explaining to Murano and Amaya Tarasaburo regarding about what has occurred, and that putting all responsibility upon Akagi wouldn't suffice to do so either.

Nagato: "No punishment whatsoever... That would not be acceptable."

M. Tarasaburo: "I see... Nagato, was it entirely the Sakura Empire's fault for all of this?"

Nagato: "Yes, it is." She said it as she turned around.

Shoukaku and Zuikaku, along with Kumo and Hikari were seen in front of them, waiting for them to continue.

Nagato: "For this is a mistake, made by the whole entirety of the Sakura Empire. Forcing all responsibility on Akagi alone, would not be acceptable either."

A. Tarasaburo: "I don't blame her, if Murano was gone, I'd be that desperate to get him back as well..."

M. Tarasaburo: "You're lucky that you're my twin sibling... And I won't lie, I'm glad that we're still here..."

Zuikaku and Shoukaku: "Yes!"

Kumo and Hikari: "Sure!"

[Somewhere else...]

Somewhere at the Sakura Empire, Akagi is seen walking alongside her half-sister ship, Kaga, and the Umikaze Siblings, Monowai and Mizuki, while the cherry petals begin to fall.

Akagi: "You still have the hair-clip, do you?"

Hearing the comment made Kaga nod as she pulled out the blue hairpin. When that happened, Akagi grabbed it as she clips it on Kaga's hair, with Monowai and Mizuki smiling at the sight.

Akagi: "I knew it. That color does look good on you."

Monowai: "Just reminds me of when we first got it, right?"

Akagi: "Yes... But that was an earful, coming from our Commanders.."

Mizuki: "That's Murano and Amaya for you..."

The Fox Sisters, and the Umikaze Siblings continued, walking down the path.

[At the Ironblood Faction, Germany]

Prinz Eugen: "This whole fiasco gives us a huge leverage over the Sakura Empire. All in the name of Ironblood's true ideals."

Prinz Eugen and Magnus Rosen were facing the Pride of the German Navy herself, KMS Bismarck. The leader of the Bismarck-class Battleships, and the sister of KMS Tirpitz. They were informing her about the re-arrival of their fellow commanders, and the offer about living together at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.

Bismarck: "Loyalty is honor. Only those with power can save humanity."

Magnus Rosen: "Only for those who use it without a hint of malicious desires... For there is another reason, why we are here."

Prinz Eugen: "Yes... By the way, Azur Lane had gave an interesting proposal."

Magnus Rosen: "That the alliances should live together, back at Pearl Harbor... For the commanders of our own faction have returned."

Bismarck: "I see. I'm glad to see that our Kommandant, Artur Baum, has returned at last. Although, it was a long time ever since we last saw each other."

[At the Azur Lane Academy, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii]

The flags of each faction were seen, flying and waving across the wind as Z23(Nimi) had began to walk around the Academy Courtyard. She saw her former enemies, who are now together as allies.

At one point, she saw her little brother, Leon Kersting, looking at Z1(Verena) as she was seen with Hatsuharu, being pinned to a Cherry Blossom tree, before blushing as she tried to explain to the young Destroyer, with Z23(Nimi) sweat-dropping at the sight, because he may have seen what wasn't supposed to be seen.

[In Akashi's Store]

Long Island, Edinburgh and Sheffield were watching Akashi going around, carrying boxes as she seemed troubled by Shiranui, along with PT-72(Lavern), PT-486(Spring), and Mihara helping her out with the stocking of items.

The reason why, is because Akashi had trouble managing the situation with Shiranui ordering her around, so she had to call in PT-72(Lavern), her little sister Mihara, and PT-486(Spring), to help her out, and to at least try and alleviate the stress of managing the store, while Momotori had to check on the prices.

Even if the high prices were somewhat given a discount of 25 percent on the gem cost to make this a little fair, to both the Kansens, and the humans who had arrived, and starting going into the store, Akashi still thinks that it's a little punishing for her greedy self.

Akashi: "I appreciate the help you two- ack!" She said as she went to grab another box to stock up.

Shiranui: "Get to work, you."

Mihara: "--Now I know why Shiranui is being mean to Big Sis Akashi!"

Akashi: "Now you know, Nui-Nui is a harsh cat master-nya!"

Soon enough, as they were trying to manage it, Universal Bulin and Prototype Bulin of the Bulin-class Destroyer Limit Breakers were passing by with their personal drills and their trusty wrench.

P. Bulin: "--Purin!"

U. Bulin: "--Purin, purin!"

[At the Beaches]

Over at the Baozi Store, Hammann is currently trying again at helping Ping Hai and Ning Hai on the baozi orders, as Polacca seemed a little more braver as Edward Dyson is help out as well, but mostly at organizing because of one accident at making the baozi.

The orders came from the Mutsuki-class Destroyers, as Ark Royal, although being a lustful Lolicon, had decided to run away in a panic when she saw the young Destroyers, with a nosebleed, knowing that Polacca can basically KILL her if she wanted. But knowing Polacca, she was just trying to make sure that she can control her lolicon urges, but she had to use force to protect Glowworm, and that basically scarred the lustful Aircraft Carrier as she tried to control it.

[In the Academy]

Several other girls were walking as they followed Ranger, and Koln, to somewhere that they were going to. Outside of the Academy, Hood is briefly seen looking at Hiryuu, who might be suffering from a foot strain as she's in pain. And with her, were Helena, Souryuu, and Oklahoma.

[Royal Navy Meeting Room/Commander's Office]

Soon enough, Commander Zack is seen with the other Ship-people who were commenting about today's events.

Illustrious: "Azur Lane and the Crimson Axis sharing a base together..."

Q. Elizabeth: "That was quite a bold move."

Zack Palmer: "Yeah, but considering that Pearl Harbor needs a leader, and I might disappear in the near future, we need to search for new candidates that can fulfill the role."

P. Wales: "Yes, as soon as you are gone, the base would need a new leader. Someone who is symbolic, who can bridge the two alliances together."

Vestal: "That sounds wonderful!"

Cleveland: "Yeah, she may not like it that much, but we need someone who could take over. And Zack still has to manage the place around here."

Hornet: "It really is tough to have a magnificent older sister."

Zack Palmer: "If I did adopt a young girl as my daughter right now, she'd probably say the same thing... Hehe!"

Cleveland and Vestal also join in with the laughter before calming down.

Tyler: "Yeah... And the new replacements have to be made into order by the other factions. So they won't go into chaos."

Belfast: After she finished pouring a cup of tea for Queen Elizabeth, she reminded them that someone would be there to take care of their needs. "In that case... They would need a maid to take care of their daily issues."

[Outside the Base]

Z23(Nimi), and Leon Kersting were walking around until they heard someone calling out to them. It was Javelin's voice that rang out as she called them over.

Javelin: "Z23(Nimi)! Leon!"

When Z23(Nimi) and Leon looked up, they saw Javelin, Laffey, Ayanami, Monowai, Mizuki and Unicorn having a picnic. And with them being called over, they rushed towards them so they can join.

And over by the cliff, were the other Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers and Battleships staying at the seas close to Pearl Harbor, due to the lack of space that's in the docks.

[Meanwhile, with Enterprise..]

On the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, the platinum-blonde girl is thinking about her idolating peer as she looked out, into the ocean, as Code G, along with Conformi, were walking past her.

Alterprise/Code G: "Nothing has changed. One day, there will be conflict, and you will hurt each other as a result. War never changes, no matter the era..."

Enterprise: "Yes. That's why we must change instead. You can say that Pandora was right in her own words. While warfare will remain the same, as it knows no-one to save, the people leading it can change, too."

Conformi: "I see... You better hope that your peer, Pandora, will live on to experience peace."

Enterprise turns around, and saw that Conformi and Code G, had disappeared from the flight deck as the winds begin to blow gently through her hair.

Enterprise: "May the Azure Lanes, bless you..."

And so, everything is brought to a close, as the scene fades to black....

But, something seemed... missing...

Ah, right... The missing piece was Pandora...!

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Zack putting up hiring posters]

[Location: Azur Lane Academy, Medical Ward]

While lying on her bed, Pandora can only look outside the window of where the other ships were positioned at. She seemed to be tearing up from the loss of her dreams of becoming the best Ship-girl that would follow Enterprise's legacy in her own name...

Pandora: "It's a shame... I don't even know if I still have a dream to follow... But at least, I'm glad to protect you, my idol..."

Neosho, Tithonus and Vestal came into the medical ward as they checked on Pandora, with an electro-cardiogram hooked up to see her status. It was giving off some beeps as the music begins to slow down in a... somber tone.


Tithonus: "Hey, Dory... You feeling okay? Mom said that in a few weeks, or 14 days, you can recover and get back up...!"

Pandora: "Oh... I see..."

Neosho: "?"

Vestal: "I know that you lost the will to follow your dreams, but we're here for you... Enterprise is worried about you, she knows that you still have a chance to live out your whole being."

Pandora: "I know... I just, I wasn't sure if I can reach up to Enterprise's level of skill. I was such a huge fan-girl of her whole history...! I just wanted to be like her, so I can put my efforts into something that's impressive... I even made my last gun as a short-bow for that matter..."


Neosho: She started to write on a piece of paper before showing her message to Pandora. 'At least make it through? You still have a whole life left, and your idol doesn't want you to waste it!'

Pandora: "Neosho... thanks for telling me that my idol is concerned for me... I guess I can still live for as long as I can..."
Mind: "Hopefully before things go wrong..."

And for that note, the screen fades to black as we enter peacetime.

[So, how was the epilogue? I didn't got the mood down thanks to that, right? Hopefully it wasn't too down, regarding Pandora's dreams of being the best of her class. And, I was planning on a 'Chapter Zero' regarding the appearance of Menestheus, and how did they found out about it.]

[Thanks for reading through the whole story, fellow readers. Did I do well? If so, thanks!] - MatthiasWrites

Created on January 11th, 2022
Time: 8:34am

Finished on January 22nd, 2022
Time: 9:48am

Published on January 22nd, 2022
Time: 9:50am

[Total Word Count: 3,981 Words]

Modification Date 1 on January 24th, 2022
Time: 9:11am

[Total Word Count: 3,993 Words]

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