A Swan Necklace

By neverland_dreamer28

10.8K 709 27

Emma Swan lives out her days doing chores for her step mother, Cora and step sisters Ariana and Regina. Kill... More

Chapter 1: Everyday life
Chapter 2: Kingdom hastles
Chapter 3: friendships & hardships
Chapter 4: stressful days
Chapter 5: masks and dances
Chapter 6: swans, slippers and the sea
Chapter 8: happily ever afters dont end after midnight
Chapter 9: its a better place now
Chapter 10: party crashed
Chapter 11: fight for it
Chapter 12: magic
Chapter 13: rain falls
Chapter 14:magic always comes with a price
Chapter 15: drain
Chapter 16: prepare for battle
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: not suppose to happen
Chapter 19:

Chapter 7: if the shoe fits..

577 43 0
By neverland_dreamer28

It's been three days of searching and no luck is to be found. It's like that Swan and Red disappeared.
Wait Swan... Swan... He furrows his brow then looks over at Liam.
"Remember Emma?" He asks.
"Aye. She hasn't been working in the castle lately and I didn't see her at the ball."
"Aye. Or was she?" Killian grins and then orders his men to take them to the Mill's residence. They are going to find a Swan.
"EMMA!!!!!" Regina screams and Emma comes rushing into the den.
"Yes Regina?"
She smirks at Cora and Cora grabs her hand yanking Emma up the stairs.
"Hey!!" Emma screams and tries resisting as much as possible to her stepmother's death grip. She drags her up the stairs to the attic.
Cora throws her in her room.
"I know you were at that ball dancing with Killian!! Now you have to let Regina marry him!! Understand me!!" She screams. Emma's eyes widen and her heart beats faster.
"How-how did you know?" She croaks.
"Don't play all innocent Swan," she spits. "Regina went through your closet and found..."
She walks up to her closet and pulls out her dress, mask and one slipper.
"Look at all of these!" She snaps throwing them on the ground.
"Now I just need this and I'll be off." She laughs taking the slipper, walking out and locking the door.
She screams and hits on the door as much as possible.
He has to remember me!! He has too!!
She falls on her knees, Hitting the door once more.
A cry escapes her and she falls.
"Your highness, we have arrived." A soldier says and he nods.
"You ready Kill?" Liam asks.
"Aye. Let's go."
They all climb out of the carriage, looking at the yard and manor carefully.
"So Robin you are sure Emma Swan lives here?" Liam asks Robin.
"Yeah. Mill's residence." Robin supplies.
They climb the front steps and Liam knocks.
"Hello! What can I do for you?" A women with brown hair and hazel eyes. "I'm Ariana Mills."
Oh. "'Ello we are looking for Emma Swan--" Killian says and an older women widens the door even more.
"Welcome! We here you are looking for a young women." She says. "Cora Mills. Owner of this residence."
"Ah. Then you must know Emma Swan." Liam says loudly nodding his head.
"Yes I do. Emma!!" She yells and a women with black hair and hazel eyes come out.
Neither of which look like Emma.
"This is Emma." Cora says.
Killian sighs and shakes his head.
"Killian? You must have my other shoe." 'Emma' says holding up a shoe. The pair to the one he has.
"Kill that's the slipper." Liam whispers.
"I know but that's not Emma." He whispers back.
Cora grins. "I guess you found your Swan."
"I don't kno--" Killian says confused.
"Well she has the other shoe what else do you expect?" Cora cuts in and he shakes his head.
"Swan, has green eyes and blonde hair." Killian says walking up to 'Emma.'
"Bad lighting." 'Emma' laughs.
Not the same laugh either.
"Kill!" Liam says patting his shoulder.
"Wait stop!" Killian's eyes grow big. "Swan, has a necklace with a pendant shaped as a swan with a red Ruby as the eye!"
"Your point?" Ariana asks.
"My point is do you have it?"
She hits the door harder louder. Someone must here her.
Somehow, someway.
Wait Emma!! How could she be so stupid! WINDOW!!
She races to the window and opens it wide.
She climbs out of the window and down the vines, carefully.
Once down he runs as fast as she can, clutching the swan necklace.
Once at the front yard she runs inside.
"Wait!!!!!" Emma yells and everyone turns around staring at her in confusion.
Cora's eyes grow big and Regina glares.
Ariana's smile shines bright.
I've always liked her, Emma thinks To herself.
Her eyes connect with Killian's and a grin grows on her face.
"Emma Swan!!" She yells proudly and strongly.
"Emma Swan!!" The women yells and a grin appears on her face.
"She's lying!!" 'Emma' spits and Liam's eyes roll.
"Nice try." Liam says taking the slipper from her.
He walks up to her eyes wide.
"Emma?" He asks carefully.
She nods with her usual smile on her face. She let's go of a charm she is holding around her neck.
The swan.
She unclips the back then hands it to him. "Names don't matter tonight."
His face goes slack and he wraps his arms around her.
"I knew you would find me." She whispers into his neck.
"I know." He whispers.
"Hey hey hey!!" Liam yells and they all look at him.
"What?" Killian asks.
"What about Red?" Liam asks. Emma's giggle fills the room and she walks outside.
He follows her out with Liam high on his heels.
All they could hear is 'Emma's' sobbing and Cora's cursing. Ariana following them out.
"Follow me." Emma says and they do.
He runs ahead so he is next to her. He curls his fingers with hers and she looks up.
They walk hand in hand to Red's cottage. Thankfully the walk is short.
When there, Granny runs outside glaring at them with her shot gun in hand.
Oh no!
"Wait!!" Liam yells holding his hands up everyone one follow but Emma runs up to her.
"Granny!!" Emma says taking the gun from her. "They aren't going to hurt red.
She stares at Emma than nods.
"Then what is it you want?" She spits.
"Tough old lady aye?" Liam mutters and Killian glares at him. Which Emma can't help but laugh.
Granny is pretty tough.
"Hello. I'm Prince Liam Jones and I would love to meet your daughter--" Liam begins bowing.
"Granddaughter stupid." She spits making Emma glare at her.
"Seriously Granny?" Emma says lightly tapping her shoulder.
"Sorry. Go on." Granny says.
"Granddaughter again." Liam whispers.
Granny sighs and walks back inside. Seconds later Red comes out grinning like a dork.
"Liam?" She asks smiling.
"Aye!" He says running up to her hugging her tightly.
"I-I didn't think you would want to see me.." She stutters.
"I would go to the ends of the earth for you, Ruby." He says taking her hand and grazing the knuckles with his lips.
"But Liam.." She whispers shaking her head.
"What what is it?" He asks confused.
"You can't love me." Red says and takes off her hood.
Granny's eyes widen and he pushes everyone back. Emma looks up at the moon which is full. Oh no!
Ruby transforms into her wolf form and everyone jumps back. She clings to Killian's arm and he looks at her worriedly.
"It's okay. She won't hurt us. She got it under control." She whispers and he nods, staring intensively at Ruby.
Liam looks stunned and Ruby lays down closing her big wolf eyes.
Emma runs close to her and hugs her tight.
"It's alright Red." Emma whispers into her furring ear. She groans and her head falls to the ground.
Liam walks up to her, sinking to one knee.
"Ruby.." He whispers. "I'll always love you, no matter form."
A smile appears on Emma's lip and red looks at her.
She gestures her head and Emma gets her hood. She places it on her and a light appears brightly.
Then Ruby is back to her human form. Liam slips one hand under her head and one hand under the crook of her legs. He lifts her up, kissing we forehead. Granny smiles brightly, tears filling her eyes.
"Go! Liam I'll catch up." Granny says and he nods.
They all walk back to the carriage and Emma won't stop smiling.
"Hey!" Killian says.
"Hi." She whispers looking up into his crystal eyes.
"Your beautiful, my swan." He whispers. A smile appears on her face.
She leans her head on his shoulder and they walk the rest of the way.

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