Ashes - Resident Evil 7 [Etha...

By Yuuki241

21.2K 655 38

You were sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate The Connections and gather whatever Intel you could get... More

Character Info: (Y/N) Winters
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

1.4K 48 1
By Yuuki241

Ethan groaned as he slowly began to wake up, he found himself taped to the chair he was seated in and when his vision focused he saw a family sit before him, the table covered with gross and grotesque 'food' as it looked like with one of them eating away at it. Panicking Ethan looked around for you.

'(Y/N)...where are you!? Where did they take you?!' Ethan thought.

"Where am I? What the hell?" Ethan asked.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead. It's time for supper." The woman explained.
"Who are all you people? Where's (Y/N)? Where did you take her?!" Ethan asked wanting answers.
"Eat it. It's good." The woman smiled.

Like hell, he'd eat something like this! For fuck sake it wasn't even food at all!! These people were crazy!

"Dumb son of a bitch wouldn't know good if it hit him!" The younger man said throwing his plate at Ethan's head which he quickly dodged only to have a bit of gross shit touch his hair.
'Gross...' Ethan thought.
"Lucas!" The woman scolded.
"Goddamn, old man, not again!" Lucas shouted as Ethan watched in horror as the older man began cutting Lucas's arm off.
"Get out the way, Marguerite. That boy's gotta eat! He got to have his supper. Come here, boy. Let's do this, come on." The older man spoke as he tried to force the 'food' into Ethan's mouth.

Ethan knew he didn't want to even try such food so he did his best to keep his mouth shut as the older man who would later be identified by Marguerite as Jack. When he spit it out she pretty much had a breakdown that since Ethan wasn't eating it since she made it all for him she was sent away.

Sadly luck wasn't on Ethan's side too much since Jack next took a knife and began cutting away at his face until the phone began to ring that became his saving grace. When both Jack and Lucas left, Ethan finally moved around in the chair and when he landed on his side he got his arms free.

He had to get out of there and fast!

Ethan searched all over the place of where he was for something to act as a weapon for him but nothing...all he did find were some herbs and a single box of handgun bullets but that was about it, along with a locked hatch he could use to escape. He just needed the damn key for it.

'Come on (Y/N) there has to be something you left behind to tell me your okay...or at least alive...I don't know how long I was out so please be okay.' Ethan thought worried for you.

Ethan came across the Garage, there was a box on the switch but it was covered with harsh tape that would need to be cut in order for him to even get inside if that were possible. Not to mention there was a wooden box just up on the steps as well. Sighing Ethan left and tried the door to his left but it was locked.

Turning around Ethan walked down the hall but froze when he saw Jack, though this time for some odd damn reason the older man was now...holding something in his hands that obviously would be used as a weapon. But when he was noticed Ethan knew he was in trouble.

"Thought you'd just slip out before dinner was done?" Jack asked.

With Jack chasing after him Ethan used the large space around the house to avoid the attacks Jack was trying to set upon him. So while Jack was busy whining about the table he just broke Ethan booked it out of there back into the hallway only to be blocked off from Jack once more as the man somehow with great strenght had burst through the wall just near where that key was.

Ethan cursed to himself as he turned around quickly and ran off knowing Jack was behind him, not sure how he did it though but he avoided Jack for the time being as he was later able to swipe the key he needed for that hatch that seemed to be somewhere that would be underground the house but either way if it got him away from Jack for the time being he'd take whichever route.

Now all he had to do was hide from Jack even more in order to get down there in time without being seen, so from there Ethan sneaked his way around the place and had to hide in the very room with that hatch as he waited for Jack to slowly leave. And only given the chance Ethan quickly unlocked the hatch and jumped down inside closing it softly behind him as he pocketed the key and began crawling forwards wherever this place would lead him to.

Jack's footsteps were heard above him as Jack called out for Ethan as his search for the man continued.

'These people are insane...I need to find (Y/N) and get her out of here!' Ethan thought.

Ethan finally crawled up and found himself in some laundry room, inside were a phone along with a paper that looked a bit too fresh to be there for a long time as this place was covered in utter filth. Walking over to the table Ethan picked it up and realized it was a letter from you.

Dear Ethan,

Listen I know you have lots of questions about what's going on but I need you to know that I don't remember much...all I know is small bits of what might be going on up until you found me. I might remember as time passes but I have a feeling we don't have much of that even now.

But either way meet me at the Main Hall, if you are there in time I'll be waiting but I can't stay there long because they'll be searching for me. I've escaped once they know I'll be able to do it again. Please be safe, dear.

Oh! Before I go if you need some medical liquid you can use some chem fluid along with some herbs to mix it together. It'll act as a cleaning source for any wounds you may get, I've left a bit of bandage should anything happen...There's also a lockpick you can use for any locks that have no key...but be careful their not as good as advanced ones are so it'll break with one use.

And don't worry about what happened...I don't blame you, you didn't do anything wrong. Once we get out of here everything will be okay. - (Y/N)

Ethan sighed in relief as he realized this letter must've been left maybe about an hour or so ago which leads him to know you were most definitely alive. Leaning on the metal table Ethan laughed a bit as he took in the fact you were indeed somewhere around here. All he had to do was get the fuck out of this place and reunite with you.

Pocketing the letter Ethan gathered whatever you had left behind for him and for a moment looked at the gun...However when he was about to exit the room the phone began to ring, unsure if Jack was nearby Ethan quickly shut the door as he then went ahead to answer the phone. It was Zoe again, pretty much told him to not lose the codex on his wrist and to quickly meet up with you so you two could work together to get out of there.

"Is she safe there?" Ethan asked.
"She doesn't stay in the same place for long, my family are currently searching for her so she'll be around the house two might not run into each other so quickly," Zoe explained.
"But she's alive," Ethan asked.
"She is, but she's been'll understand when she explains when she can," Zoe tells him then hung up.

'They seem close...' Ethan thought.

Once again Ethan searched the area, thankfully Jack wasn't there but he wasn't gonna let his guard down. The search only lead him to find some medical fluid for his own use and took it along with him, the rest of the search was proven to be worthless until he noticed a cop just outside the broken window who signalled for his attention.

Thinking that this cop would be the key to getting him and his wife out of here he rushed to the window and began telling the cop he needed his help, and he at least wanted to use some sort of weapon to defend himself since there wasn't anything in here and Jack and his family were fucking insane people trying to kill him!

But all he got was a knife and a demand to meet at the Garage. Knowing he didn't have a choice he sighed and took a look at the blade for a moment.

Well, at least this would help him get that tape off in order for him to get there.

With the blade out Ethan broke the wooden box only to find more gun ammo for a gun he didn't even have just as of yet. Using it on the box he pressed the button to the shutters for the garage, there he met the cop once again and the two got into a bit of an argument until Ethan's eyes widen in horror as he saw Jack behind the man, but before he could warn him Jack had killed him brutally.

While Jack was busy kicking the now corpse of the cop Ethan ran behind both of them and grabbed the fallen gun in his hand ready to use to defend himself again, he even managed to grab the car keys and quickly decided to use the car as a weapon first. Getting inside he turned the car on and proceeded to use it by running Jack downtime and time again.

Up until Jack didn't stand up anymore and he couldn't see him, this made Ethan look over the dashboard to search for the man when the roof of the car was torn off by Jack's bare hands, Jack confronted Ethan as he grinned about what would happen next. Metal was before both of them along with metal bars, Jack as crazy as he was had the car drive right into it leaving Ethan to stumble out of the car just in time as it began to catch fire.

Somehow Jack was still alive, Ethan knew from there his battle with Jack was just the beginning of taking out the gun he had now Ethan knew he had to take this man out. This fight however wasn't long for some reason right now as the blast from the car blowing up took Jack out for the time being.

Unsure when he'd get up Ethan tried to escape quickly to get out of here to meet up with his wife he was later stopped from trying as Jack later caught his hand and shoved the gun up into his mouth forcing him to shoot. Ethan shouted as Jack fell to the ground before him, unsure if he was dead Ethan took a moment for himself before he climbed up the ladder and found himself on the upper level.

'What's that...a picture frame?' Ethan thought.

Picking it up he recognized what was in it that could be useful for what he needed to get to the main hall, turning it over he unlocked it and to it with him after he pushed the metal shelf to the side finding himself back at the entrance of the garage.

Taking what he had now he rushed to the double metal doors and gently placed the thing in its slot and waited for a moment as it began to unlock itself, not sure why these people had such a thing for this place Ethan pushed that aside as he opened the doors and found himself finally at the main hall. Looking around however he couldn't find you anywhere.

'Where are you, (Y/N).' Ethan thought.

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