Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

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Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Towa Tower

1.8K 43 16
By Kakirihazuri

Y/n's pov

In the center of the island city, a large tower could be seen from anywhere on the island. Primarily made of steel and glass, this tower was the heart of the city. Even now, despite the destruction of the city, the tower stood with no damages to it. At the top of this tower, Monaca is being held captive. Here at the bottom of the tower, I am standing with 4 children carrying weapons as if they are a part of a fantasy game's hero party. Kotoko had her claw gauntlets, Jataro had his claw staff, Masaru had a sword and shield with claws added to them, And Nagisa had a pair of stun batons. I looked at each of them to make sure they were ready before opening the doors and entering the tower. 

The lobby had a feeling of discomfort. It was perfectly clean; floors polished, windows clear, reception desk spotless. Yet despite its clean look, it was empty and completely silent. Our footsteps echoed around the room, breaking the silence only for moments before the suffocating silence continued. It felt alone and sad in here. 

We approached the stairs, finding them to be just as clean and empty. We had to travel up the stairs since the elevator wouldn't work without a key card. The children seemed to be on edge as we walked up. Eventually, we made it to a large set of double doors that lead into the meeting room. I opened the doors slowly and looked inside. The meeting room was different than when I came here years ago. The large table was gone, instead, it was a ring of chairs around the walls of the room. There was a single large chair at the head of the room, in that chair sat Haiji. He looked up and stared at us, as we entered the room. After a while of silence, he finally spoke up "Kamukura. You're finally here..." He stood up and approached slowly, stopping a few feet away from us before continuing to speak "Let's just get straight to business here." The children lifted their weapons slightly, getting ready for a fight. The tension in the room was almost tangible. The silence only added to the tension, and after a long wait, Haiji started moving. Haiji lifted his arms up slowly before taking in a deep breath and dropping into a dogeza position "You have to get me away from that crazy bastard! Please, I'll do anything you want me to, just get me away from here!" I stared at him blankly for a moment before responding "What?" 

He lifted his head slightly, a pained expression on his face "That white-haired freak. At first what he was saying sounded enticing. Ruling the city, being the boss, doing whatever I want to anyone. But now... I can't stand him! Every day, every single fucking day! He just won't shut up about hope and despair. Do you know how awful it is to sit through 18 hours of nothing but rambling? Hope this, ultimate that, Hope hope hope hope. I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!" He grabbed onto my shoes and stared up at me, tears going down his face now "I'll tell you where Monaca is, I'll show you how to shut down the Monokuma, I'll give you anything I have. Just please! SAVE ME!" I stared down at him for a while before sighing and tapping him lightly with my bat. "Take me to Monaca, and I'll take care of your Nagito problem." He let go of my shoes slowly and stared up at me for a while before nodding and standing up quickly. "She's this way." he started walking down the hall, going to a hall that wasn't here the last time I visited. 

He stopped when we got to the large doors at the end of the hall, looking back at me. "She's in there, but he might be in there with her." I nodded and put my hand on his shoulder. "You go turn off the monokuma while I deal with this." he nodded slowly before speaking "If I shut them off now, then people will realize that Towa group was responsible for this mess in the first place" I sighed and shook my head "OR, you tell them that Towa group developed a large range hacking device that shut off all of the monokuma." He stared at me for a moment before nodding "yeah... that might work. why didn't I think of that." Kotoko immediately responded "Because you're an idiot" He stared at her for a moment before hanging his head down and walking away "Yeah... you might be right." After he was out of sight, I looked at the doors and sighed, pushing them open. 

The room the doors lead into was a large room that was designed like a throne room of a castle. At the far end of the room, on a golden and red throne, Monaca was sitting with a dead look in her eyes. Her eyes locked onto us as we walked down the room to her, but she didn't move. The other children stopped moving to stare at her as I kept walking, standing in front of the throne. I stared down at her as she was staring up at me. Tears went down her face as she muttered "It's not real... Monaca's mind is playing tricks on her again" I frowned and knelt down, reaching towards her. She stared at my hand as it reached towards her before flinching backward before I could touch her. She started crying more before screaming out "Stop playing tricks on Monaca!" She swung her arm, slapping me in the face. The slap was loud, making the silence that followed after it even more obvious. I stared at her as she was tucked back against the throne, staring at me in shock "I-It didn't disappear. M-Monaca's visions always disappear when she touches them." I grabbed onto her hand quickly and stared into her eyes for a moment before pulling her into a hug. "I'm here Monaca. I'm really here for you" 

Slowly, her arms wrapped around me before gripping tightly. She pressed her face tightly against my chest before crying out loudly. She didn't say anything as she cried, only sobbing and wailing. I lifted her up as I hugged her tight in return, sliding my hand up and down her back around her shoulder blades. "It's okay Monaca, let it all out. Things are going to be okay from now on." Her crying slowly became quieter as she calmed down, but she never let go of me. After a while, a single sound rang out in the room. A clap, followed by more. Monaca held onto me tighter as I looked up and saw Nagito, standing next to the throne and clapping. I frowned and held onto Monaca, staring at him. He stopped clapping and spoke "Such a wonderful display of hope. Truly beautiful, magnificent. I'm so glad I stuck around to witness this event. Tell me, who are you, knight of hope?" I stared at him, realizing that my mask was still on. I sighed a bit and responded "Nagito, can you shut up for a bit. I'm having a moment here." he took a step back "Ah! forgive me, I should know my place. Trash like me shouldn't be interrupting beacons of hope" I frowned and carried Monaca over to the other children, setting her down gently "Monaca, let go for a bit, I have to deal with something" She looked up at me for a bit. before slowly letting go of me and looking over at the other 4. 

While they went into a group hug, I turned to Nagito and walked over to him. "Ah, Are you going to tell me your name now?" I stood in front of him before replying "Once thing first." He tilted his head a bit before I lifted my hand and slapped him hard. He took steps away from me and held his hand up to the red spot forming on his face. I took off my mask, moving it into my pocket. "The names Y/n Kamukura, and you had that coming for a long time." his eyes widened as he dropped to his knees, staring at me "ah... such hope appearing in front of me. I truly am... lucky" I sighed and hit him with the handle of my bat, knocking him out. Once he was out, I took ropes out of my bag and tied him up. Putting him on my shoulder before turning to the 5 children and speaking "Alright, It's time for us to get out of here." 

Things wrapped up rather quickly after that. Haiji did as he was told and shut off the monokuma, the captives had been taken into future foundation custody (with the exception of Komaru, a cat, and a stick bug which I collected before going to the helicopter that I arrived in), the survivors in the city were given aid by the future foundation and a rebuilding effort began. The number of people I took back to the old Hopes Peak building was much larger than expected. Monaca, Nagisa, Masaru, Jataro, Kotoko, Toko, Komaru, a tied up Nagito, and the two pets. A brief report was given to Tengan about my experience at Towa City, excluding a few details of course. 

H?j?m?'s location,  3rd person pov

A plain-looking male stood looking out a window of a ruined skyscraper, speaking into a phone."So, Nagito got captured huh? That's a minor inconvenience, for now. I can always replace him if needed. were the 2 devices collected? ... Good, I'll need a bit of time to finish setting the rest of the plan up, so tell the others to distract the future foundation for now... Mhm... a few days at most... got it. Make sure to provide Chiaki will a new toy, you know how she gets when we leave her alone for too long... What? You've already lost her? Damn it, This better not complicate the plan or else... Fine, I'll leave it to you... what? Repeat that right now... A 3rd party huh... Perfect, leak some information to them and lead them around, it'll be easier for us if they could capture us... good, that'll be all for now... Hmm? Your sister huh. Don't worry, Natsumi is safe from Future foundation... yeah, with the other important ones. Don't worry, my plan will work as long as you do your part. I've got important business to deal with now. Bye" Hanging up the phone and putting it in his pocket, the male turned and looked at the bodies of soldiers from the future foundation. "NEO world program. That will be the perfect thing for this to take place. Junko might not be around to command us anymore, but that's fine. With her gone, I can take her place and lead us to the Future we had in mind. Soon, we will all be free from her influence." 



Whew, finally done with that. Pretty hard to come up with the drive to write chapters, but I finally got myself a bit of inspiration. Now that Towa City is left behind, It's time to reunite with some old characters and set the stage for Super Danganronpa 2. Thanks for reading, and for the patience it must take to wait for this lazy guy to update. 

As usual, Until next chapter.

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