Peter Parker + y/n

By amiwastingmytime

15.7K 327 60

In this story, read as y/n's problems start with parties and drama with friends, then become much more seriou... More

meet y/n
the cafe
y/n in danger
Friday night
Payback, sort of
y/n's brother
the party
after the party
next chapter
friends come first
finding y/n
y/n's pov again
next chapter
the chapter after last
next part
going home
the part after the kiss
the next chapter
wtf why you jump?
you realise (finally)
Part 29
Part 30

she's ok, right?

384 7 0
By amiwastingmytime

*3rd person pov*
Gold sparks flew and some sort of portal opened up next to Stark.
"What do you want?" Dr Strange asked as he walked through.
"You know, you could have just answered the phone." Stark said.
"Yeah, but. This was easier." The portal behind Strange closed.
"Ok then. We need your help. But not magic woohoo Dr Strange. We need you to do a surgery."
Dr Strange looked at Bucky and Peter, then over at y/n. "Is she the patient? What's wrong with her?"
"There is something in her head. And it needs to come out." Bucky spoke up.
"And," Stark chimed in "we have something we want to inject into her brain." He addressed to Bucky: "Banner and I, we think we found the solution."
"That's great!" Peter exclaimed. "So she'll get her memory back?"
"We think so." Stark replied.
"Well. What are we waiting for? Let's go." Dr Strange urged.
Minutes later, y/n was unconscious in the lab, and Strange was ready to go.
"You're sure she's going to be ok? This is going to work?" Peter looked nervous as he looked at her.
"Kid, I assure you, she will be fine. I am the best surgeon in the USA."
Stark rolled his eyes.
A couple of hours passed. Finally, Dr Strange had finished. He walked into the room where the others were waiting.
All the avengers were there now, sitting patiently.
"Is this what you were looking for?" He held up a small black box. "It took me a while to find, but I got it. And I injected your vaccine, thing, without causing any harm to the brain functions or nerves."
The avengers let out sighs of relief and exchanged happy glances. They relaxed back in their chairs, comforted knowing their friend was alright.
"When can we see her?" Bucky stood and asked.
"She's still asleep, so I wouldn't have too many people in there. But you can see her now."
Dr Strange stepped aside as Bucky went to enter the room.
He paused before he went in.
"Kid. Come in." He turned back and looked at Peter. "If she wakes up, she'll want to see you."
Peter stood and followed Bucky into the room.
Y/n was asleep on a bed in the middle of the room. Bucky and Peter sat on either side of her, and Bucky held onto her hand. They sat in silence for a while.
"This doesn't mean I like you any more." Bucky said.
"I know." Peter replied.
"But I know how much you mean to her. Even though I hate you, she really likes you. And I want her to be happy."
"So do I"
"But just to be clear. I still don't like you."
"I know."
They sat with her for another hour, before Peter had to leave to go home. Bucky fell asleep, still holding on to y/n's hand. He woke up again in the morning, but she still hadn't woken up. Nat and Steve came in, to see how they were doing.
"No movement." Bucky sighed.
"Yet." Steve interjected. "She's going to wake up."
"And we're all here for you until she does." Nat promised.
Steve and Nat left again shortly, to get some food for themselves and Bucky.
Bucky rested his forehead on y/n's hand.
"Bucky" she groaned.
He looked up and smiled at her, as her eyes were now open and she was looking back at him.
"You're awake" he smiled.
"Yeah. I am."
"Oh. I was so worried about you. I never meant for you to get hurt. I never meant for this to happen. This is all my fault." He rambled on.
"Bucky. This wasn't your fault. Hydra had been planning this for ages. I don't think there was anything else you could have done."
Y/n sat up in her bed. "Where are the others?"
"Most of them are downstairs" he paused as he knew who she wanted to know about. "Peter went home last night, and I don't think he has come back yet."
Y/n paused for a moment.
"God I'm hungry" she moaned.
"Good timing." Nat appeared at the door with a plate of pancakes, and the other avengers were lined up behind her. They all crammed into the small room, and each of them gave y/n a hug.
"Awww. Thanks you guys. Now gimme those pancakes I'm starving."
They laughed as she stuffed her face with food.

*y/n pov*
You were mid mouthful when you recognised his brown curly hair over someone's shoulder.
"Omg! Peter!" You tried to say but your mouth was full of pancake, so your words weren't really words.
You moved the plate off your lap and quickly swallowed the food. You got up and ran through the crowd of people.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Peter and didn't let go. He laughed and hugged you back "I'm so glad your ok."
"Aw were you worried 'bout me dork?"
"Of course I was."
"You two make such a cute couple." Barton laughed, and you turned to see everyone staring at you. You and Peter both rolled your eyes.
"I've told you before and I'll tell you again. We're just friends!" You turn back to Peter "let's go somewhere private so we can talk."
"Not so fast!" Bucky yelled from the middle of the room "last time you two ran off, you got into trouble."
"Right. Forgot about that."
"You can go to the living room, and you have two minutes to talk before we follow." Bucky said.
"Thanks Buck!" You called as you were already pulling Peter down the hallway.

You jumped over the back of the couch, and patted the space next to you. Peter jumped over and sat next to you.
"What did you want to talk about?" he asked.
"Nothing. I ... I just wanted to spend time with my best friend. Someone my age." You snuggle into his arm. "So how much did you visit?"
"Oh all the time."
"Wow. You must be really close with the avengers now, then."
"I, uh" he started.
"Opposite ends of the couch. Now." Bucky came up behind you and put his arm between you and Peter. You rolled his eyes and shuffled over as he and everyone else came to sit down.
"So, what exactly happened?" You ask "I can't really remember anything after I was, um. After I saw Bucky there."
The avengers told you a full detailed story of how they rescued you. You listened intently as they told you that you had been injected with the serum, and you laughed as they mentioned how you had beaten up Spider-Man. They told you how you had lost your memories, but then how they were restored by someone called Dr Strange.
You noticed neither Spider-Man or Dr Strange where in the room now.
"So I'm like super strong now? I have a chance when I arm wrestle someone?" You ask when they finish their story.
"Yes, you are stronger now, but no way could you beat us in arm wrestles." Bucky replied.
"Bring it!" You challenge.
You work your way around the room, beating almost everyone effortlessly. You only struggled against Stark, as he used his Iron man glove, and against Steve, who was a super soldier too. But you still beat them both.
Bucky's turn finally came around.
"You ready?" he asks, holding out his metal arm.
"Hey no fair! I don't have a metal arm!" You protest. He rolled his eyes as he switched arms.
"3,2,1 go!" Tony announced.
You pushed with all your force, and neither hand moved very far.
His hand started pushing down on yours, and you I feel your arm weaken.
"Damn it!" You yell as your hand bangs down on the table.
"Yes!" Bucky yelled, giving everyone high fives.
"No fair! My arm was aching. You had an advantage."
"Stop being a soar loser!" Bucky grinned.
"Right! My turn!" Thor stood up to come sit in front of you.
"Ahaha. No"
"Come on. Are you afraid you're going to lose?" He taunted.
"Precisely." You admit.

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