Friday night

638 13 5

*y/n pov*

A few days later and it was Friday. As you were walking out of school, the topic of your meeting with Spiderman was brought up again.

"Ugh. I'm so jealous. I wish I could've been there." Liz cried in annoyance, and without thinking you replied "Well you could've been if you hadn't bailed and gone to that stupid party. You know, you never stick to our plans anymore. It's kind of bitchy." You walked off in anger but felt some regret as you realised you had just called the most popular girl in school a bitch.

You don't want to go home in your current mood, so you decided to find a place to eat.

It wasn't too late when you finished and started to walk home, but on your way, you heard a noise in a nearby alleyway. Now, given the events of the evening a few nights before, you obviously don't think it best to investigate. You did have to pass the alleyway, though, to get home.

As you did so, you sped up slightly. You noticed someone, a man, but as you looked more closely it seemed to be a boy.

*Peter pov*

"Bye!" I yelled out the door to Ned. We hadjust finished the Star Wars movie: empire strikes back.

I rushed to my room, ready to start the evenings activities. I grabbed a bag and tossed it out the window.

Ifollowed, landing heavily on my feet. I was ready for my Spiderman duties, I thoughtas I started to get changed into my suit.

I had just taken my shirt off when ...


I looked up and my heart skipped a beat.

"y/n, w, what are you err doing here?" I spluttered quickly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I errr, I asked first"

"I'm not half naked"

I suddenly became aware of my surroundings. My clothing, or, well, lack of. I bent down to pick my shirt off the floor and when I stood again, I met the eyes of y/n. Her beautiful, sparkling y/e/c eyes, much closer now than before. My hands tightened around my shirt.

*y/n pov*

You were wondering why peter was here in this alleyway half naked, but the thought was pushed away as, wow, peter was half naked.

You had never noticed his physique before, how strong and muscular it seemed. How could this possibly be the same peter you knew from school. The nerdy, dorky kid who sat behind you in calculus.

Peter suddenly bent over, picking up his now dirty shirt of the grimy floor. You snapped back to reality for a split second, before finding yourself creeping closer to him. You smelt a strong whiff of his hair, a sweet shampoo, as he stood back up. Your eyes met again. There was something about those eyes. Dark and brown. Sparkling. Like a sea of color you could so easily get lost in. Out of the corner of your eye you saw his hands tighten around his shirt.

"y/n" his voice so calm, nothing out of the ordinary, but the sound of your name coming from his soft lips...

"You didn't answer my question" you whispered.

*Peter pov*

She was so close to me now I felt her breath on my skin as she spoke.

*y/n pov*

You were so close to him now. You could hear his heart beating in his chest. You didn't know what it was but something about him seemed new. Something seemed different. Yet, something seemed familiar about your closeness. Like you had been here before. The feeling was unnerving, but almost, exciting. Peter opened his mouth to speak, your eyes still focused on each other, you felt yourself getting closer still.


The noise was just enough to steal your attention away from each other. A gun shot. Peter stepped back and hurriedly put his shirt on. He picked his bag up off the floor and started to sprint down the alleyway, away from you.

"PETER WHAT THE HELL" you screamed, disregarding anyone else that may have been able to hear you. . You stopped thinking about your moment just now. You focused on the fact that this bitch just bailed. He didn't say anything, no quick look back. He ran.


You took off in the opposite direction from which the shot had come from. You ran for about 3 blocks before your pace began to slow.

You were sure you would be fine walking from here. You took a quick break, leaning against a wall for support. 'God I am so tired', you thought.

You took a few deep breaths before sitting down completely. You opened your bag and started to snack on some left-over crisps from lunch.  After a minute or so you began walking again.

You were so close to home, and gave a sigh of relief as you turned the corner onto your street before...

"Oh crap"

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