Payback, sort of

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- at school the following Monday -

*Peter pov*

"It's so cool dude! It's a 10,000-piece death star it's gonna be huge" Ned was rambling on about his latest Lego Star Wars set, but for once, I didn't seem to care as much. My brain was preoccupied with thoughts about last Friday night. About y/n. I was so stupid. How could I have just left her there. I really hoped she was okay. I should've at least call her to check. I couldn't concentrate with Ned droning on in my ear.

"So do you want to come over tonight to build it."

"Yes sure"

I shut my locker and I jumped as a bruised y/n stood where my locker door once was.

"Hey jerk"

She had a massive purply blue bruise with dried blood streaking across it.

"Oh my god y/n are you ok what happened I'm so sorry" my heart was pounding in my chest "that was such a crappy thing of me to do."

I knew I should stop to let her say something "I should've made sure you were ok and..." I kept rambling on. Why couldn't I shut up. "But why were you there you would've been so much safer at home. You can't defend yourself".

I stopped immediately.

Shit. That was not the thing to say.

Why did I say that? Y/n's expression did not change but I could see some hurt behind her eyes. Some anger.

"y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

I trailed off as she reached into her pocket. I saw her draw something from her pocket. y/n pulled out a make up wipe and rubbed her face with it. I stared confused, and dumbfounded. As she pulled it away from her face, I could just about see some faint smears of red, blue and purple where the bruise had once been.

"you bi- "I started.

"Now you know how it feels, jerk" you replied. You turned and walked off.

I didn't know whether to be mad or, or watch her in awe. It was such a cruel thing for her to do but there was still, still an adorability about it. I opened my mouth to say something as I realized the amount of effort she clearly put in just to make me feel guilty. But I decided to keep quiet. I shut my mouth and smirked. To be fair, I did deserve it.

*y/n pov*

- flashback to last Friday night - 

"Oh crap"

"Are you kidding me y/n! Srsly? I've been looking for you all night. I was just about to call the police for fucks sake."

The figure embraced you in his arms.

"Sorry buck" you hugged him back.

"Where were you?"

"I, I was, I was with this guy." You stuttered, debating whether to tell him or not. "And there was a gunshot"

"a gunshot?!"

"Yes, but not towards us, not near us. But his guy, he, he sprinted. He left me. But I was fine. I mean I am fine."

"Sounds like a douche. Make sure you get back at him. Really good."

"I will. I have some ideas." You smirked.

Peter Parker + y/n Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin