the cafe

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*y/n pov*

You sit back, sipping your hot chocolate. Liz and Betty were half an hour late, and not answering any texts. You decide to call them, and finally they pick up.

"Finally! Where are you guys? I have been waiting for ages." You exclaimed.

Liz's voiced crackled through the phone "sorry y/n, we got invited to this party and we forgot to tell you. But you should so come join us."

"um ok."

"Nice, see you there!"

They hung up the phone before giving you any details, so decided it was a lost cause and ordered another drink. You decided to try study on your own, so you opened a book and leaned over to study the words.

*Peter pov*

I sat on the fire escape, opposite Mr. Delmar's, eating my sandwich. It was a quiet night. I finished building Lego with Ned and left his house about 7. I was out again at half past. Nothing had alerted my tingle yet, and it was now nearly 9pm. I finished my sandwich and decided to swing around the neighborhood. I remembered y/n talking about a café so I decided to swing by. I looked through the window from a nearby rooftop. I could see her clearly, hunched over an AP chem textbook. Her face looked so confused, and it was ... cute. I smiled, knowing she was ok. I barely knew her, but I did know that I already liked her. At that moment, I felt a tingle, alerting me of nearby danger. I sighed and shot some webs in the direction of the danger.

*y/n pov*

You looked at your phone. Jeez. It was just past nine. No wonder your were tired. Too much studying. You quickly texted your brother to let him know you were  on your way home and started gathering your things. You didn't notice someone come through the door behind you.

"Ok everybody get on the floor now!"

The yell came from a man. It was strong and bellowed through the room. It rang through your head. It had come from right behind you. It shocked through your entire body so that you couldn't move.

"I said get down!"

You heard a gun cock. Your body finally caught up with your brain and you dropped to the floor, scraping your knee on the corner of the table. You were so close to the man you could see his foot from the corner of your eye. Then the foot stepped right in front of you. It was so close to your face, so sudden, you couldn't help letting out a slight gasp. It was hardly loud, but still, it was enough to anger the man somehow.

"Shut up!"

Within seconds you felt a sharp pain on your back, a weight pushing into you, but only for a second, and then again right after. He kicked your back at least 5 more times. You wanted to scream. But you could only lay there, helpless, crying. This was the worst night ever.

Peter Parker + y/n Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt