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*Peter pov*
We sat in the meeting room, discussing what we were going to do. I was worried about y/n but I couldn't show it.
Essentially, I was at the big kids table now, and I needed to start acting like one, and not cry. Hypothetically. I wouldn't cry anyway.
Stark had tried to tell me not to come again but I refused to stay this time.
"I know Hydra." Steve said. "They're going to be expecting us. We need to find a way to sneak in to give more time to find y/n without alerting anyone."
"It's an underground base, how are we going to do that?" Banner asked.
"We're going to need a distraction, and then some people can sneak in."
We split into teams. Banner, Thor, Wanda and Stark were one team. They were to cause a distraction at the entrance, as the rest of us found a different way in.
"Everyone clear with the plan?" Stark looked around the room to see everyone nodding.
"Um question." He said "Where is Bucky?"
I looked to where Bucky usually sat next to Steve, but the chair was empty.
"Someone made sure he was here before the meeting started, right?" Stark sighed.
No one said anything.
"Where is he then?"
"I, uh. I think he went to Miami." I said.
"Oh no. Shit." Stark groaned.
"What? We'll just go after him? He's fine right? He's got the metal arm and everything." Everyone else around me looked really worried.
"Kid, we got the phone call over an hour ago. He's long gone." Stark said.
"And knowing Bucky, he went in without a plan." Steve sighed.
"Meaning it's a one vs hundred fight and he has about a 1% chance of winning." Nat confirmed.
"Oh. Right. We better go then."
"Woooooh. Family holiday to Florida!" Clint clapped. I laughed but stopped when no one else was.
We all walked out and I whispered to Clint "woooh!". We high-fived and he walked over to talk to Nat.

*Bucky pov*
I sat on a roof top opposite the Hydra building. Above ground, there were only two floors. I threw grenades into all the windows I could see from where I was.
I waited a minute after they exploded, and used my gun to shoot anyone I could see still standing. I jumped down and smashed through one of the ground level windows.
I stormed down the nearest stair case.
People came at me with guns,  but I shot one person after another before there bullets came near me.
The layout of this Hydra base seemed to be the same as the one I was held in years before. I heard screams coming from down a hallway that I recognised as having a torture room at the end. 
I ran towards it and thrust open the door. The chair in the middle of the room was facing the other way and I ran around to face it. Only, there was no one in the chair.
A scream rang out in the room again, and I looked up to see speakers on the walls. The door behind me locked. I ran over and pulled the handle. It wouldn't budge. I tried to rip the door of its hinges, but it was fixed to the wall. I picked the chair off the floor, and through it at the double sided mirror. It didn't break, the chair just fell to the floor in front of me.
Smoke started seeping out of the ceiling above me. The room filled with gas and I was forced to inhale it.
I fell to my knees, then onto my side, lying on the floor. I closed my eyes and slowly passed out.

*y/n pov*
Finally, the torture stopped. The machine pulled away as the man walked in. Now that your screams had stopped and the door was open, you could hear gunshots in the distance.
Your eyes widened as you knew what this meant.
"Our guest of honour is here." The man wiped the tears off your face. His hands were like blocks of ice on your burning face.
He started to unbuckle the restraints, the one on your forehead last. You fell forward as your head felt heavier than the rest of your body. The man picked you up and fastened you into a wheelchair. 
"Let's go get a better seat to watch the show." He wheeled you out but you didn't go very far. He pushed you into the next room, the one on the other side of the double sided mirror.
The man pressed a button, and your prerecorded screams were played over speakers in the other room.
"What are you going to do?" you ask.
"You'll see." He smiled and continued looking through the window.
A few minutes later and Bucky ran into the room.
"Bucky! No Bucky run!" You screamed.
"Hush now. He can't hear you."
"No. Bucky." You sobbed. You flinched as he threw a chair at you, but the glass didn't break. You watched as gas set down over him and he passed out. You watched as the fog cleared and some people went in to drag him out the room. You watched as he was dragged past the door of the room you were in.
"Don't worry. You'll see him soon. You just might not know who he is."
You groan as he forced liquid down your throat, and you blacked out.

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